Soi Ying is still very insightful, knowing that he has already reported the matter, and if he continues to be an electric light bulb, he can't justify it, and he bowed his hand to bid farewell.

Mu Fengzhao didn't keep him either. Now it is the crucial moment of the plan. You can't lose the chain. Wu Renyao and the others might be suspicious of how the shadows have been out for a long time.

Nodding slightly, he put the black shadow out of the private room.

The black shadow came out of the private room, and glanced at the same state as when he just came out. The private room where Wu Renyao was in was confined, and it seemed that no one came out.

The black shadow was just a moment, the expression on his face changed, and he slightly shook the fan that he had just taken out of his waist, and suddenly became that enchanting and cynical dude.

Pushing the door gently, a smile flashed and walked in.

"You've been in the water for long enough, did you have any affair?" Evergreen tree was holding the beauty in his arms and kissed secretly. Seeing the black shadow walk in, he couldn't help but speak with pride in the spring breeze on his face. Joking.

"Yes, I'm afraid this release is fake, this affair is real!" The carrot man drank the wine that the beauty in his arms handed to his lips, and followed the evergreen man to tease the shadows.

The black shadow pretended to be a spotted expression, with some embarrassment, and then resumed his cynical look, and raised his eyebrows: "That's not it, I met a hot little lady, but there is a master. of."

There is a trace of pity in the dark shadow's tone.

Seeing this, Wu Renyao sneered disdainfully, and cast a white dark shadow. He touched the beauty in his arms irregularly with his hand, and said with a singularity: "If you encounter the one you like, you can take it away, whether he has it or not. Lord's."

"Haha, Renyao is still as direct as always, but I like it." The carrot man laughed after hearing Wu Renyao's words, and seemed to agree with Wu Renyao's words very much.

The shadow immediately shook his hand and looked at Wu Renyao with a dare not: "You think that everyone has a dad who has the same ability as you. If I cause my life, you just wait to go to the jail together. Look at me!"

"That's right, you still have to be cautious." Evergreen still agrees with Sombra's point of view. The situation of their two families is very similar, and it is okay to play with them normally. If something happens, they But I can't eat it and walk around.

"Cut it, it's up to you. If you are afraid of causing things and don't want to hug the beauty, I don't bother to mix it up. The hot beauty is gentle and considerate. You say it, beauty, come, let the Lord A kiss."

Wu Renyao turned the shadow off with disdain, and seemed to dislike him for being timid, but he knew the situation in his family, and did not continue to sarcasm, put his arms around the beauty in his arms, touched a lubricated face, and hurriedly panicked. Go up to go to the family girl.

But it is the girl in the brothel who knows how to refuse and welcome. Winning Wu Renyao's love seems to be rejecting, but in fact she is flirting with Wu Renyao, babbling her throat, holding Wu Renyao's neck, and refusing: "Master, so much What about people, the slaves don't depend on it!"

Saying that is not a real refusal, while refusing, but getting closer and closer to Wu Renyao, she kept throwing her charming eyes away, winning the other three people into laughter.

"Little fairy, don’t think that you don’t know what you think. If it’s normal, he will satisfy you, but today I want to get the new oiran in your building, so today you can play with him for a while. Don’t be too greedy. Up."

After all, Wu Renyao is a master who often wanders around the flowers, how can he not know that the woman in front of him is only thinking about getting that stunning beauty now, so naturally he will not deal with her as usual.

Although the beauty in his arms is also beautiful, but in the end is not as good as the oiran, he just clicked it all, just hoping that the woman in front of him was smart enough.

"Oh, what did the Lord say, the Nujia is just playing with you, how can you take it seriously? It's a waste of the Nujia's thoughts!"

The beauty pretended to be coquettish and beat Wu Renyao's heart. Seeing that Wu Renyao's expression improved a lot because of her own words, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she knew how to advance and retreat, and would act according to people's faces, otherwise they might suffer today. Up.

If this is because the girl in Wanhualou hopes to be favored by Wu Renyao, hopefully he will not notice herself.

It's just because, from the moment Wu Renyao came to Wanhualou, there were not ten girls who died in his hands but eight.

If Wu Renyao wants to pet that woman, he can hold her high, let that woman enjoy all the glory and wealth, and be envied and hated by everyone.

At the same time, Wu Renyao is also an uncertain person. If you don't know how the girl's sentence offends him, he will immediately change his face. In the first second you are still high, and the next second you will have fallen into the cloud and mud.

If Wu Renyao is unhappy, it will be over. It is very likely that his life will be gone.

The dead girl in the building was not a favorite of Wu Renyao who used to be hand-operated, but in the end, it was not the death of Xiang Xiaoyu, and finally ended in death Huangquan.

But even so, the mother in Wanhualou is not good to say anything, because Wu Renyao will ransom the woman with direct money as soon as she killed her, that is to say, the woman who has died is already his own. , In that case, the old bust's lady in Wanhualou is not good to say anything.

Adhering to the thought that more is worse than less, Hua Niang's heart strength should be held in her heart even if she is too dissatisfied, and her face happily accepts the banknote in Wu Renyao's hand, serving delicious and delicious food.

Even the girls in Wanhualou know that Wu Renyao is not easy to provoke, but for the eye-catching glory and wealth, for the glory that attracts all people's envy and hatred, there are always people who are not afraid of death to provoke Wu Renyao. I pray that I will be different in Wu Renyao's eyes, and that he will like it.

Some people like it, and naturally others are afraid, hoping that Wu Renyao will not cast his eyes on them.

At this time, the beauty in Wu Renyao's arms was a thoughtful person. He knew how many catties he had, so after Wu Renyao gave such a vague warning, he immediately reacted and stopped making trouble.

Perhaps only such a person can survive in such a complicated environment.

The matter between Wu Renyao and the woman in the brothel was just a small episode, and no one took it to heart. The other three people were naturally happy to watch the show. They didn’t intervene, so what should they do? After all, they would be so sneaky next time. It is not easy to slip out without being noticed.

As time passed bit by bit, no one cared, because everyone knew in their hearts that Wu Renyao could not let him rest his thoughts except for Oiran at this time.

The atmosphere that followed seemed extraordinarily harmonious, everyone was enjoying it, but no one saw the black shadow that was constricting the eyes, and a dark shadow flashed in their eyes.

This woman almost broke their plan. Fortunately, Wu Renyao didn't faint because of the sudden rise, otherwise he would have to smash the woman who broke their plan.

With the increasing number of customers in Wanhualou, the first night of the Oiran auction was held as expected.

Said it was the first night of the Oiran auction, but it was the first night of the Oiran auction. Naturally, there were other auction items. This sentence is an obscure rule in this industry.

Therefore, apart from the more noble identities of the private rooms upstairs, the people who did not want to see their faces were already crowded with all the private rooms, not one left, and all were rented out.

All this time Hua Niang held this event to slaughter everyone. She was exhausted and served them, and naturally she would slowly get it back before everyone knew it.

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