"Yes, that's him." He remembered that figure from behind. It was this beautiful figure that made him chase him, and then he had that stunning glance and knew the identity of this woman.

"It seems that you are going to win." Carrot looked at Wu Renyao's loss of consciousness, knowing that he was right.

"Hey, do you need to talk about it? You can tell by looking at him. I'm afraid that the soul has already let people go." The Evergreen man smiled.

Several people said something joking about Wu Renyao, and then fell silent and listened carefully to what Hua Niang said downstairs.

"Okay, the song is over, what do you think?" Hua Niang asked with a smile.




The people below responded with great enthusiasm.

"It's enough to make everyone satisfied. Our Oiran will have more than that, so let's start bidding. The low price is one million yuan. The old rules, the higher the price."

"One and a half million two!"

"Two million taels!"

"Two and five million two!"

As soon as Hua Niang's voice fell, the people underneath began to hold up signs, shouting prices one after another.

"Ren Yao, it's your turn, hurry up!" Seeing Wu Ren Yao hadn't acted yet, Evergreen began to urge.

"No hurry, they can't compete with me." Wu Renyao looked at the people downstairs desperately screaming, with a look of disdain.

He has to wait till the end to rescue the beauties from the hands of those fat-headed men. In this way, the beauties will be grateful to him.

"Yes, anyway, you think it's inevitable to win. It's okay to make a bid in the end." The carrot man shook his fan and nodded, thinking that Wu Renyao's temperament would surely be a blockbuster in the end.

"I just don't know how much silver is left in your pocket after tonight?" Sombra glanced at Wu Renyao's pocket. Now it looks bulging. After today, it is estimated that he will be in debt.

"What's this afraid of? Anyway, Ren Yao has money in his family."

"That is, the little master can still have less money. Today, this oiran is destined to be mine, and no one can rob me."

Wu Renyao was already obsessed with watching that amazing dance. Thinking of the woman's face, Wu Renyao couldn't wait. He wanted to see that woman now.

"That's, who would dare to steal a woman from you unless you don't want to live anymore." Evergreen still agrees very much with Wu Renyao's cruel remarks, after all, this is not the first time this has happened.

There was once when the son of a wealthy businessman and Wu Renyao fell in love with the same girl. In the end, Wu Renyao didn't beat people all over the floor to find teeth.

But the people didn't fight with the officials. After knowing Wu Renyao's identity, even if he didn't dare now, he could only swallow it in his stomach, daring to be angry but not speaking.

So if there is no accident this time, Wu Renyao will still be the one who embraced the beauty.

Several people here are talking and laughing, but the private room over there is much quieter than here.

Ye Yan didn't have much interest in these things. If it weren't for plans, and to take Mu Fengzhao to relax, he would have already left, and he would still be doing it here.

Compared with Ye Yan, who is not in a hurry, Mu Fengzhao is much more excited. It is very interesting to look at auctions in this world, especially when he sees everyone fighting for the oiran in the first night, Mu Fengzhao suddenly There was an idea.

"Would you like to slaughter the one that nobody wants more." The one who didn't want Mu Fengzhao's mouth was naturally Wu Renyao in the private room next door.

Seeing that Wu Renyao had not raised the sign for a long time, she probably guessed it in his heart, thinking that she had planned to cheat him before the plan was completed. It would be better to cheat him a little bit and wait for them so long. make up.

So Mu Fengzhao looked at Ye Yan with a smirk and asked.

"Do you have any good attention?" Seeing Mu Fengzhao's cunning face, Ye Yan knew that Wu Renyao was going to be unlucky, but compared to Wu Renyao who was just a stepping stone, he naturally liked seeing Mu Fengzhao having fun.

"Come here a little bit, I'll tell you." Mu Fengzhao mysteriously made two moves towards Ye Yan. Ye Yan didn't hesitate, and immediately leaned in his ears: "Say it!"

Mu Fengzhao chuckled, muttering in Ye Yan's ear.

"Are you sure?" Ye Yan accompany her to the end with a face.

"Of course, this is the only way to arouse his eagerness. When he finally increases the price by a large margin, we will stop. The decision to make this money pit is happy."

When Mu Fengzhao thought that Wu Renyao would bleed heavily after a while, he couldn't bear it. I really hope that the auction below can be faster.

"Okay, just listen to you." Ye Yan shouted to the outside, and came in with a little servant-like figure.

"Master!" The young man saluted respectfully.

"Wait a minute, every time the next door Master Wu raises the sign, you will add one or two more silver. I will keep adding it without stopping, and compete with him to the end."

Ye Yan commanded with a faint expression on his face, and he didn't feel that Mu Fengzhao's method seemed to be a little bit detrimental.

After listening to Xiao Si, he was immediately confused. Although he didn't know what the purpose of the master was, but he didn't ask because of his own identity. He nodded and said yes.

After the young man went out, he saw Mu Fengzhao's tricky face, Ye Yan shook his head helplessly, his eyes full of tenderness and pampering.

It turned out that Mu Fengzhao had deliberately punished Wu Renyao. After knowing that he had done so many bad things, he didn't deliberately cause him to bleed all at once, and he felt sorry for being kind.

Her attention is that when Wu Renyao raises the price later, they will add an extra pinch of silver. With Wu Renyao's incredible temperament, they will definitely increase the weight very fiercely in the end.

And this is Mu Fengzhao's purpose. As long as the fire is big, the mind will not be sober, and the weight will naturally be big. If Wu Renyao's tens of millions of dollars is not earned, it can't explain much.

And this is not the most important thing. When their plan is successful and Wu Renyao has given out so much money, it should be an accident for him.

At this time, Ye Yan can come forward to investigate Wu Shangshu in an open and honest manner, a Shangshu who has been a Shangshu for several years, and a well-known Shangshu with two sleeves, how could he spend so much money all at once? In this way, anyway, Wu Shangshu was also charged with corruption and bribery.

In this way, not only did Wu Shangshu's tens of millions of dollars of silver be pitted, but it also completely hit him, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Mu Fengzhao could even imagine Wu Shangshu's ugly face. It would be unlucky for him to have such a cheating son. He probably didn't expect that when his son went to a brothel, he would put himself in prison.

Mu Fengzhao held a cup and imagined Wu Shangshu about to be **** off by his son. He couldn't stop happily. While watching the picture that was already in full swing downstairs, he not only felt enthusiastic.

"Hey, this oiran is really popular. I can't imagine that you can sell so much money in one early night. It's good to open a brothel. Do you think you can be rich and invincible."

Just one auction, Mu Fengzhao estimates that all people in this country can eat for a year, plus Ye Yan has many other businesses, how much money should it have after this day? what!

When Mu Fengzhao thought of the huge number, he couldn't help feeling tremble.

Damn, it's so scary.

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