And only the black shadow did not photograph anything, not only got a few people's ridicule, but several people usually played together, and knew that the black shadow was always the one with no hairs, and there was no doubt about it.

"This is reasonable. You should report your own name, otherwise you will just come out to find death." Although Wu Renyao has just been scorned by Wu Renyao, he didn't take it seriously. So I joined the persuasion once again.

Wu Renyao just wanted to wait until this time and waited for them to persuade himself. In this way, even if he used the name of that little bully, no one would dare to talk about it. After all, they were persuading him?

"Okay, okay!" Wu Renyao pretended to be embarrassed and agreed.

"That's right, let's start bidding now!" As he said, the Evergreen Man picked up the sign on the table, held it out of the window, and shouted a price.

The flower lady downstairs finally saw Wu Renyao's bid for the private room downstairs, and felt that the fish had taken the bait. She was overjoyed, and her shouting voice became a lot louder: "The son of Shangshu Mansion upstairs bid two hundred million!"


The people in the hall downstairs boiled all of a sudden, not the high price, and the people who made the bid.

Who does not know the son of Shang Shufu, who does not know, the originally very low-key Shang Shu, but because of the son of a little overlord, immediately let everyone know everything, they know everything, they have naturally heard this Xiaobawang is famous.

"I thought Xiaobawang didn't come this time!"

"No, I haven't seen him bidding, so I'm waiting here!"

"Oh, it's all right now, this oiran seems to fall into the hands of Xiaobawang."

"Who says no, unless you don't want to die, you want to compete with the little overlord."

"Hey, you pay someone else. I really want to see if anyone dares to compete with the little overlord. If there is, then there will be a good show."

"Yes, that must be a big drama!"

The people downstairs discussed in succession. Some were gloating, some were complacent, some wanted to watch a good show, some were envious, and some were unfortunately the oiran fell into the hands of Wu Renyao.

Anyway, there are all kinds of things, but without exception, one thing is that I hope that the last person will come out to compete with Wu Renyao and see who this oiran falls into.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, when Hua Niang said Wu Renyao's name, the few people who had little competition suddenly muffled the sound, and Wanhua Tower fell into silence all of a sudden.

Some people couldn't help being disappointed. It seemed that they couldn't see the good show. This oiran was destined to fall into the hands of Wu Renyao.

"Is there any higher price? The highest bidder is Young Master Wu of Shang Shufu!" Hua Niang asked again with her small hammer.

Just when everyone thought that this little hammer was about to fall, everyone heard a very small sound piercing everyone's ears, and everyone turned their heads to see that it was a small servant.

"Two hundred million and one tael of silver!" Xiao Si's words seemed very unassuming, and his voice was very low. He lowered his head and seemed embarrassed to let everyone see his face.

In fact, Xiao Si is embarrassed to let everyone see his face, but is afraid that the smile on his face will be seen by everyone. Just a few seconds before he shouted the price, the master in the private room behind him instructed him, The time has come to increase the fare.

Although he already knew what the master meant, he couldn't help but smile.

The price increase of others is one hundred two hundred taels, and the master of my own family has to increase one two by one. Is it not funny that the difference is so much?

No, when everyone heard the price, they were startled for a while, and then all of them were in an uproar again, and then they all laughed.

"Haha, who is this? I can't help but dare to fight with the little overlord, and deliberately give me a couple of silver."

"Yeah, I'm afraid it's from outside, and I don't know the name of this little overlord of the capital yet."

"However, this man is quite courageous. There is a good show to watch at this time."

"That is, this time the Wanhualou auction is really not in vain."


After the people underneath reacted, they immediately began to discuss them, not to mention them, but Hua Niang could not help but be taken aback when she heard the voice of the young man.

I took a look at that little servant. Isn't he the person from Wanhualou? Others may not know her. Can she still know her as an old bustard?

Seeing the private room standing behind the young man, I probably guessed that this was probably because the master deliberately embarrassed Wu Renyao, but she didn't need to point it out, after all, she wanted to see what the master meant.

And she felt that such a detrimental move was probably not invented by the master, and it looked more like a female master's handwriting.

Hua Niang couldn't help but have a better impression of Mu Fengzhao.

"Who is this, dare to compete with me for women." Compared to the people who watched the show outside, the atmosphere in the private room of Wu Renyao and others was not so good.

Wu Renyao patted the table angrily, and in the end he kept shaking his hand sorely, his face turned green for a while, then white, even more exciting than the change of Sichuan face.

Several other people had some thoughts about the sudden appearance of a person, the second monk, and they were all dumbfounded. Of course, the black shadow pretended to be deliberate.

"This person is really desperate. He even dared to deliberately fight Ren Yao like this. Don't you know Ren Yao's name?" The Evergreen man looked inexplicable, and there was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

In fact, there are still some gloats in my heart, usually because of Wu Renyao's identity and under his lewd power, even if he has dissatisfaction, he dare not express it, and he has to keep in fawning.

But this time, someone dared to challenge Wu Renyao. I couldn't help feeling that there was a good show to watch, but I was afraid of offending him at this critical moment in Wu Renyao's anger, so I still deliberately tried to understand and pretend to be confused.

"Yeah, it seems that there is someone who is not slapped to death." Although the carrots don't have so many twists and turns, there is also a hint of happiness in my heart.

"Hmph, no matter who he is, he will not end well if he offends me." Wu Renyao has some delicate faces, some of them are cold, and they look very scary.

The few people in the private room who saw this appearance of Wu Renyao knew that someone was going to suffer, because every time Wu Renyao wanted to torture someone, he would show such an expression, which is why they dared not speak.

The Evergreen man was afraid that Wu Renyao's anger would be transferred to him, so he immediately changed the subject and looked downstairs and noticed.

With a startled face and an anxious face, he said to Wu Renyao: "Is Renyao still bidding? I think Hua Niang has repeated it a second time, so I'm going to have a hammer."

"What?" Wu Renyao was anxious, and the cold expression on his face disappeared immediately. He strode to the window and looked at it. As expected, he held up the sign and shouted: "Two Five hundred million!"

As soon as Wu Renyao's voice came out, the people downstairs boiled again. After seeing them, they guessed right, this little bully must compete to the end.

The light in Hua Niang's eyes flashed, she cleared her throat, and continued: "Master Wu offered two hundred and five thousand taels, is there any higher?"

After Hua Niang finished speaking, she unconsciously glanced at the private room behind the young man, she felt that the matter should not be over yet.

Sure enough, her thoughts hadn't fallen yet, and the young man at the door of the private room over there whispered a price again.

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