First Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 84: Son of Xu Chu

As for why Tiger Guard would be able to strike out in time at this time, Fang Linyan's previous guess was only half correct.

   The tiger guards who attacked at the time were very strong, but Youdao was muscular but flexible in mind. As a result, they told the person above how to deal with the matter, and they were immediately scolded!

   It's not that they shouldn't be doing this. The Huwei group's first requirement is loyalty, and then they have to have a wild, beastly nature!

   arrogant soldiers and heroes, definitely a bit scornful.

   One by one is a good baby, how can it be possible that the **** battle will not retreat at the critical moment, and the death will be like home?

   was scolded because their methods of handling this matter were too clumsy.

And the best way to deal with this is to directly blame Liu Beijun’s people. There is no need to do any complicated things. Drop Liu Beijun’s armor on the scene, military flags and the like. No matter how suspicion the other party is. Nothing comes out.

   If I go back to remedy it now, I will be a little bit overwhelmed.


  While running, Fang Linyan also suppressed his strong impulse by the way---that is to use the dragon cough flash to give the **** Moah a vent of anger!

   However, Fang Linyan has been in the space for so many years at this time, and it is no longer the stunned look of the past.

   At this time, it might be cool to give Dian Moah a shot, but the boy has already hit an arrow, and after another shot, the chasing soldier will make another knife and it will be dead.

   Although things like this are very pleasing and exasperating, the group of Cao Jun who came to set up ambush and kill them must be all good players in the army.

  Moa is alive, and at any rate, he can help them share one or two chasing soldiers.

   And once this guy dies, these chasing soldiers can concentrate on dealing with the five of them, which is not good news.

   After a man rushed out twenty or thirty meters, he heard a scream from behind, it should be Moah who got the trick.

   At this time, Max and Crespo made a subtle cooperation. Max stayed and slugged to pursue the soldiers, but in just two or three seconds, his health was halved.

   At this time, Crespo took the opportunity to release a slowing blood marsh technique to the chaser, and then Max made a heroic jump directly aimed at the friendly army and jumped over.

   Fang Linyan took advantage of the situation and blocked Max's arrow cluster. In this way, he finally managed to gain a few seconds of precious time.

   At this time, the five people got the first chance and succeeded in opening a distance of forty to fifty meters from the enemy. These tiger guards were also frightened and hurried to catch up!

   However, from the beginning of its establishment, the Tiger Guard was given the responsibility of guarding and breaking out.

Needless to say, the meaning of    guarding is to protect the safety of Boss Cao!

As for the outbreak, it’s easy to understand. The establishment of Tiger Guard was originally set up by Boss Cao after Dianwei died in battle. The hope is that this army can break out like Dianwei in a desperate situation, and make a **** way to let the lord leave. .

   Therefore, what Tiger Guard is good at is positional warfare and breakout warfare, which is fundamentally different from the white horse righteous who comes and goes like the wind, which is thousands of miles away.

   In this case, it was a mountainous terrain, so after Fang Linyan and the others escaped, Tiger Guards could only roar and chase them, but they couldn't shorten the distance between the two sides. They could only bite.

But in this case, the group of tiger guards must have panicked in their hearts, because as long as they encounter an army at that time, the group in front of them directly screamed and shouted: Tiger guard killed Liang Hu's brother. ......

   Then Tiger Guard can only kill this army, or he can only stop in anguish, because killing his mouth has lost its meaning.

   At this moment, a figure flashed out of the oblique thorn! Holding a large iron sword in hand, leaping high and then directly raising the weapon over your head, and then slashing straight down!

   The knife slashed straight down, and its blade shone with a sharp light in the dark night, with a murderous look.

   Not only that, when the knife fell, the surrounding air seemed to be drawn away, and a black hole-like effect was formed near the blade, which sent a huge attraction, making the target unavoidable and could only be hard-wired.

   At the same time as the knife was released, there was a vague roar of a tiger in the air, full of bloodthirsty, and an illusion of a tiger's claws appeared behind the knife, which cut straight down.

   The target of this knife was actually Max!

   There is still an ambush! ! !

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   You should know that Max is the only one who holds a shield among the five. At first glance, he is the kind of guardian! This person actually launched an attack on it directly, showing how confident he has in the knife he slashed out?

   That is to treat Fang Linyan and the others as chickens and dogs! Even the most defensive person can be killed with a single blow! !

   Seeing the sword's momentum, Fang Linyan immediately developed Mingwu in his heart. This person was afraid that a well-known general in Cao Ying would immediately stern in the team channel:

   "Come with me, don't forget the experience taught by Li Damu!"

   Then, Fang Linyan, Crespo, and Vulture snatched out at the same time, sharing the damage of the knife with Max.

   Max roared first, and took the initiative to greet the giant shield. The rest of the people also stretched out their hands and supported the back of the giant shield to help.

   Just listen to the loud noise of "Dang Cang"!

   The strong vigor whirled around, and the four of them spurted blood and flew out at the same time. After landing, they were as embarrassed as a ground gourd, but at any rate they retreated all over.

The most pitiful thing is the two-handed tower shield of Max. There is a deep knife mark on the shield. The shield itself is also distorted, and it will be destroyed by sight. The quality of this thing is still a little worse. This golden main-line difficulty world is a little under-sighted.

   After the knife fell, everyone finally knew the name of the general who shot it:

   Xu Yi!

   The name of this guy looks unremarkable, but his identity is beginning to come in.

   Because his father created the guard with one hand, he won the trust of Cao Cao, the general Xu Chu! It is a second-generation general!

  It is said that there is also a three-point nail in the broken ship. This guy has been taught by his father. The previous slash is also a five-point power with Xu Chu's full blow! That's why he was so confident that he could cut Max directly to the sword.

   Fortunately, Fang Linyan and the others are very experienced now, and there are also the experienced old fritters Li Damu in the yellow turban who taught some skills to help share the damage, so Max was spared.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Linyan took advantage of the opportunity to make a dragon cough at Xu Yi, then pulled Max and turned around and fled!

   A group of people stumbled and escaped dozens of meters, and suddenly they heard a scream from the goat. Everyone's heart was tight and they saw that this guy had an arrow in his vest!

   Fortunately, the arrow head is a bit crooked, and the strength is not too big. By this way, the goat has almost lost half of its health. People who want to come to archery are not very proficient in this.

   But this is also normal. Archery also depends on talent, and it takes a lot of time to practice this, otherwise the army will not specially set up arms such as archers.

In the era of cold weapons, spearmen are the cheapest. They can catch a group of Zhuang Ding and throw away a few sharpened bamboo poles. But a good bow is very valuable. It must be prepared with certain conditions at home. The archer is also very popular.

   The tiger guards who came up can shoot arrows in the chase, and they can hit the target within tens of meters in the dark, which is already very good.

   At this time, a man had the scruples to deal with the arrow clusters flying from behind, obviously unable to escape with all his strength, and was getting closer and closer.

   At that time, the number of Tiger Guards chasing had increased to a dozen, and Xu Yi also took the opportunity to approach again, and slashed over again, still the terrifying sword technique full of endless suction! ! !

   In desperation, only four people can come out together, and once again insist on a note, this time it is even more unbearable, Max's huge shield is directly in a damaged state, I am afraid that it can only be repaired by returning to the space.

   The key is that as soon as everyone is chasing and fleeing, they are back to the previous state. The tiger guards behind are entangled like brown candy, and when Xu Yi seizes the opportunity, he will probably slash him again! !

   This is obviously an unsolvable dead end, because after blocking Xu Yi's two swords in a row, everyone is half dead, and in the current situation, even if the firepower is full, they can at most support another sword! Then just wait for the group to die.

   Fang Linyan and others will of course not honestly allow the situation to deteriorate and wait for death! The goat has said:

   "Boss, if the enemy is pushed up again, or else summon the Golden Armor General? We have almost no cards."

   Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"it is good."

   At this time, Fang Linyan also released the embers of Ao, who was barely able to fly, and watched the surroundings condescendingly.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   At this time, according to Fang Linyan’s estimation, Ao’s embers can only fly for ten minutes at most. This is the sequelae of Zhao Yun’s shot. I just hope In a short time, it can find a way out for itself and others.

   However, after the embers of Ao took off, Fang Linyan suddenly discovered that behind a hill hundreds of meters away, there were a dozen sneaky Cao Jun lurking!

   When he first realized this, Fang Linyan's heart suddenly felt cold, thinking that the group of Huwei had predicted their whereabouts and laid an ambush ahead of time.

   But when I look closely, this is not the case. The group of people seems to be bending their bows and shooting arrows, aiming at the road ahead and waiting in a serious line, seeming to be ambushing someone.

And the embers that control the Austrian fly up and you can see it, and there is a group of cavalry on the torch in the distance, and they are quickly coming towards the Mercedes-Benz here. After witnessing this scene, the situation is very clear. This group of Cao Jun and the tiger The guards have nothing to do with each other. They wanted to ambush, but it was this cavalry from a long way.

  As soon as he thought of this, Fang Linyan's eyes suddenly lit up, remembering one thing, and directly took the lead and rushed to the hill, and at the same time explained a few words in the team channel!

   Then they breathed a sigh of relief on the ridge, and rushed directly at the Cao Jun below. At the same time, they controlled Ao's Embers and fired the standard flash bombs and incendiary bombs at the ambushing Cao Jun below.

   The flash bomb suddenly lights up in the dark, the effect is especially good! Suddenly, this group of Cao Jun flashed around like flies without a head.

   Not only that, the incendiary bombs also ignited a large number of trees in the dense forest, and the fire was blazing, lighting up the road.

   An emergency like this really caught the ambush Cao Jun off guard!

At this time, Huwei's weakness finally appeared. In the mountainous situation, because he was a heavy infantry, the pursuit speed dropped sharply. When they reached the top of the hill out of breath, they heard the sound below. The chaotic voice came from time to time:

   "Be careful, general!"

   "Xu Yi took Huwei's men and killed Liang Hu's brother!"

   "There are traps on the road here!"


   Hearing the fragmentary shouts, Xu Yi, who took the lead, almost didn't spit out a spit of old blood, but saw that the few rangers he was chasing had directly rushed into the Cao army below and started to kill.

   The ambush Cao Jun is no better than Tiger Guard. They belonged to the Hebei Army, not Cao Cao’s lineage, and tended to be soldiers, digging traps and the like, and they were beaten by flash bombs.

Therefore, in the face of Fang Linyan and others' intrusion, this group of Cao Jun simply failed to organize enough resistance, and they hadn't recovered the leader and were knocked to the ground, and their morale dropped to the extreme~www.mtlnovel .com~Turn around and ran on the spot.

At this time, the cavalry rushed to this side. With the shining fire in the forest, he saw the numerous sinkholes on the ground and the stumbling horses arranged in the forest. It was also chilling. I knew that if there were no people in front of them If you warn, then I am afraid that the damage will be severe.

At this time, Xu Yi led Tiger Guards to rush down. As the Yulin Army next to Cao Cao, all Tiger Guards had a very high spirit. They really belonged to the kind of clamoring "Labor and capital must fight ten. "This!

   Replaced with the rest of the infantry and saw the same number of cavalry, I was afraid that they would turn around without saying a word, but the tiger guard would only see the hunter happily greet him, in their eyes, the ordinary cavalry is the prey! The only cavalry in the world who is qualified to let them retreat is the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!

   Fang Linyan and the others were obedient after seeing this momentum. Fang Linyan greeted him first and yelled:

   "Brothers help me cover the rear."

   Then he rushed up without saying anything, as if he was stunned, but when he rushed up, he cautiously avoided Xu Yi's front arrow, and instead confronted another tiger guard!

   As a result, Fang Linyan didn't seem to be this guy's opponent at all. As soon as he confronted him, he was chopped and spurted out of blood. He screamed and fell several meters away in embarrassment.

  The other members of the legendary team hurriedly staged a scene of brotherly love, and rushed to rescue them.

   At this time, this cavalry had already been brazenly intruded by Xu Yi. This guy was indeed Xu Chu's son, and killed two knights as soon as he met each other!

   is not only that, but even more triumphant, he took a step forward and threw his ring first knife violently.

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