First Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 5: Spider spirit

Chapter 5 Spider Spirit

Bonfire is raging,

The Katyusha team sat together and began to distribute the spoils.

Their mode of distributing the spoils is first according to class, and then according to the degree of contribution.

Intuitively speaking, what determines the main income of the personnel in the team is the salary obtained by the individual's position in the team.

Then rely on the contribution in the battle, distribute and get relevant rewards.

Fang Linyan and a few other people sat next to them, watching them make their assignments--their group of people are mercenary in nature, and it is customary in the arena to not take the spoils of dividends.

After converging with the rest of the team members, Fang Linyan warned himself that he must make different personal settings, and make sure that his demon knife and that wrench look completely different at this time.

Therefore, in his spare time, he put a headset into his left ear, tilted his head and shook nervously with the rhythm of the music, looking a little crazy. For details, please refer to angle head 2 white hair

At this time, a man with a scar on his face and using a one-handed axe approached Fang Linyan directly and handed him a wine bag:

"Monster Dao? You did a great job today. My brothers and I have to accept your love. I am a hyena!"

Fang Linyan looked at the wine bag made of horse skin, and then thought about how to respond to his personal settings, so he squinted at the hyena and said with a snort:

"Take this thing full of your saliva away from me!"

The hyena suddenly stiffened, and then said nothing, laughed at himself, turned around and walked away.

But a big bald man next to him stood up suddenly, looking very unhappy that the hyena was humiliated, but was stopped by the hyena's eyes.

The disputes caused by the mercenaries were of course noticed by the members of the Katyusha team. Red Scorpion and others are also happy to see it. As long as they don’t fight inwardly, after all, if these mercenaries hold a group, it will not be good for them. Management.

The old **** Fang Linyan sat next to him, and then clicked on the soul orb list. He was surprised to find that the Noah Space S actually ranked third!

Cough cough, and it's still the countdown.

"It's a bit weak, or is it being suppressed again by the team?"

Fang Linyan couldn't help frowning.

Soon, a tall and thin man who looked like a bamboo pole walked over in the distance, with an unusually long neck, and then slowly said:

"You are the Katyusha team? Is the night here?"

He was lying next to him, and he raised his head when he heard the words and suddenly roared:


He jumped up all of a sudden, although this action directly caused the wound on his back to burst and blood flowed, but the night was suddenly unconscious, the Katyusha team also stood up one after another, and instantly entered a state of combat readiness.

However, the locust shook his head disdainfully, stretched out his finger and shook it:

"Did you not receive a warning when you entered this world? Did you dare to act on me and figure out how to face the punishment of space?"

Obviously, the words of the locust calmed down the Katyusha team, but after five seconds of silence, the night pointed to the side and roared:

"You are not welcome here, get out!!"

Listening to the words of the dark night, Fang Linyan immediately sighed in his heart.

As the saying goes, one hundred causes will have results! The locust obviously had a holiday with Katyusha's team. Of course, he suddenly visited here with premeditated plan not to be scolded, although he knew clearly that he would be scolded when he came.

Therefore, the locust actually counted the irritable character of the night, and maybe the two words "get out" are waiting!

Sure enough, the locust turned around and left without saying a word.

Fang Linyan saw this scene, if his original character should have been silent or euphemistically prompted, but now thinking of his arrogance plus his harsh personality, he immediately sneered deliberately:

"What a guy with only muscles in his head, so easily fooled!"

Fang Linyan deliberately spoke very loudly, so it attracted the attention of many people for a while. Of course, more than half of them were angry. Fang Linyan looked at him as if nothing, and lay directly behind, raising his legs and looking towards The stars are up.

However, there were also several people who felt that something was wrong, and they woke up all at once, including the Red Scorpion! He hurriedly stood up, aimed at the locust and chased after him, and then did not return until half an hour later.

At this time, a talented person knew that there were actually three teams following this army.

It was the Katyusha team that mixed into the navy.

Following the actions of the cavalry were the Seventh Sense team where the locusts were and another team called Dawn.

Among the three teams, the Liming team is the strongest. There are three team leaders. One of them is Fang Linyan's acquaintance: the Arctic Circle!

And the dawn team has as many as four hunters, so they obviously have the most right to speak.

At this time, the Liming team decided to integrate their current strengths and went to ask people from Katyusha's team to come to the meeting. At this time, the locust volunteered to say that they were familiar with Katyusha and came to call for people.

At this point, the idea of ​​the locust is obvious. Maybe there is also the scene that called the dark night screaming "get out". At that time, it will be added and added to the Katyusha team. His first impression must be very bad.

Of course, the Katyusha team can accuse the locusts of conspiracy and conspiracy, but in Noah space, conspiracy against the enemy is not wrong at all, and the unlucky ones who are easily fooled will be looked down upon.

The interpersonal relationship in the space is actually similar to the way of communication between countries. It is completely based on strength, and food is the original sin.

The United States, Pearl Harbor, was disgraced by the bombing. Did they accuse Japan of playing a sneaky attack? No! Because it was just the sad cry of the negative dog, the best response is three words:

call back!

Later, of course the United States came back, and by the way, it also presented two large mushrooms, leaving Japan with the highest temperature on the urban ground since human records have been recorded so far: 85 million degrees!

At this time, slowly protesting and accusing, Japan can only nodded and bowed, confessing its mistakes and paying compensation.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan reminded him quickly this time, so Red Scorpion rushed over in time and directly participated in the meeting. The latest situation brought back is this:

Now the army is frustrated, morale is greatly reduced, and the coach is now in a dilemma. If they continue to advance, they will be greatly damaged by the strength of the navy, and they have been unable to achieve the strategic goal of removing the water monster water village built by Wanzishan by the river.

But if he returned to China in such a panic as if he were a bereaved dog, the coach Li Chi might have to abandon his office and be demoted to a servant. How could this make him reconciled? Especially when the cavalry under his command is still intact.

Of course, the three major teams don't want Li Chi to retreat at this time! The friendly forces with their backs on the local world will not mention the other benefits of mixing with them. The probability of being attacked by the soldiers of the rest of Noah's space has been reduced by more than half.

Therefore, the Liming team first unified their thinking to prevent Li Chi from withdrawing his troops. Li Chi's best plan now is to commit crimes and make meritorious service! If the monsters on Wanzishan are not good, they can be found elsewhere.

Fang Linyan suffered group annihilation here, and he must have done relatively little preparatory work before the battle. However, these three teams did a lot of homework in advance. In addition, there are many capable people and strangers in the space fighters, many of them. This is the second time I have visited this place.

Therefore, during the meeting, the Liming team directly took out a map, which roughly marked the nearby key areas, and then they proposed two major plans.

The first plan: Although the monsters in Boyue Cave of Wanzi Mountain are a major threat to the Kingdom of Sacrifice, there is a place called Qiansi Cave in a place two hundred miles to the north. It is said that there are also big monsters entrenched. However, the strength of this group of monsters is definitely not as strong as Wanzishan Boyuedong.

Li Chi can claim to have intercepted the fish monster’s messenger, and found that the yellow robe monster in Boyuedong of Wanzi Mountain was colluding with the monsters in Qiansi Cave, intending to use the trick of triumph on the monarch, and is about to succeed, for the sake of the monarch. In danger, he ran away desperately.

Not only that, the monsters on the Qiansi Cave have repeatedly intercepted and killed the traders who passed by, and even caused heavy losses to the caravan of Maggie, the minister of the court. After breaking through the Qiansi Cave, he will definitely be able to help him.

The second plan is that the enemies on the side of the sacrificial nation are not only monsters, but there are also conflicts between nations!

More importantly, it is impossible for the monster to destroy the sacrificial nation under normal circumstances, but the surrounding countries can. From this point of view, weakening the enemy country is definitely more important than weakening the monster.

It's like a person who has a heart attack and broke his leg. The doctor's treatment is definitely on the heart disease. After all, this thing is terrible. Let's talk about the leg.

Therefore, the alternative plan for the Liming team is to raid Lishan Pass!

Lishan Pass is the junction between Jisai Country and Daughter Country. Thirteen years ago, this pass belonged to Duowen Country, but when Duowen Country was directly destroyed and occupied by Daughter Country, it became a Jisai Country. Country’s nightmare.

Lishan Pass can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. It can accommodate more than a thousand people for defense, but the dangerous terrain before it can only allow up to three hundred people to attack.

The enemy must first bypass a mountain stream before coming to the outside of the barrier wall that is more than ten meters high and attempting to attack the enemy. This is a terrible nightmare for the attacking party.

Outside Lishan Pass is the Qi'en Plain, the main grain-producing area of ​​the Kingdom of Sacrifice. The mighty Luosu River winds through here. Therefore, the land here is suitable for planting and very fertile, but it also lacks defense forces.

There have been many times when the sacrificial nation refused to trade with the daughter nation, so when the autumn harvest of that year, the special arms of the daughter nation’s yak cavalry easily broke through the line of defense arranged at Lishan Pass and rushed directly into the plain of Qien to burn and destroy it. Said that Lingji Saiguo hated it!

If Li Chi can lead his cavalry to take down the Lishan Pass, then there is no doubt that this is not to redeem merits, but to be appointed as a nobleman.

Of course, the difficulty of this option lies in how to convince Li Chi to believe that their group can assist the army and successfully capture Lishan Pass. After all, this raid does not seem to have anything other than being caught off guard against the daughter country. The advantages can be said.

After listening to these two plans, Fang Linyan felt a little lack of interest. If it were him, maybe he would encourage Li Chi to do something bigger.

That is to kill back to the capital of the Saiguo, and directly seek to usurp the throne!

This seems incredible, but if with the help of space fighters, Li Chi can overcome the precipitous Lishan Pass, then it is not impossible to conquer the country.

Fortunately, he is just a mercenary now, and he just needs to wait silently for the rest of the people to make a decision.

Soon, Li Chi made a decision: rush to Qiansi Cave overnight!

This man's ambitions are actually bigger than Fang Linyan thought. He actually made an adult's decision, that is, I want both.

Go to Qiansi Cave first, and then go to Lishan Pass.

Although Li Chi did not make it clear, his intention was very obvious. Qiansi Cave is here to test their group of "big talkers", if they really show the ability to win the Lishan Pass in the battle. , So why not go again?

And Li Chi himself is still 60 to 70% sure about leading the iron cavalry to break through the Qiansi Cave.

Although this time he had to face such a complicated situation after entering the world, Fang Linyan felt an unprecedented ease for the first time. After all, he is now a bachelor and has no worries. It is really just an emergency that happened and just ran away. .

So soon, Li Chi asked the navy army to issue his military order, asking them to retreat to the Xiaguang Beach thirty miles away, where there was a naval camp, so this order was reasonable.

Next, Li Chi called all his staff and showed them the so-called letter, saying that the Huangpao monster was in collusion with the monsters of Qiansi Cave, and wanted to use cursing and detesting to murder the monarch. Time was running out, so he decided to go to Qian. In addition to the demon in the silk cave.

Fang Linyan originally thought that someone would stand up without a long eye, and then Li Chi directly killed the person to stand up with the order of the foreign monarch. As a result, all the people present were smart people, and immediately said nothing. The honorable order.

It is estimated that they are also very clear that Li Chi could not accept the fate of returning at this time, and the whole family was relegated to slavery, so why bother to stand up and get a stab in vain? Wouldn’t it be enough if the sky is falling and Li Chi is holding on to it?

After galloping all night, Fang Linyan and others arrived at Zhaojiadu, which was only forty miles away from Qiansi Cave, and it was also a place where the official road must pass.

Many caravans that had been hijacked before, the place where the accident happened was the place where Zhaojiadu was three miles past Laoyugou.

This time, Li Chi also paid his blood, and took out almost four hundred magic talisman at one time. After these talisman were attached to the mount, he could ensure that he could still maintain his combat effectiveness after he ran for two hundred miles.

These four hundred magical charms were spent on the elite cavalry under Li Chi's command, and they had directly raided the town of Heishan here.

According to the information provided by the Liming team, the monsters of Qiansi Cave are quite special. Now I understand that the prototype is a group of female spiders, who like to transform into women and use beauty to confuse passers-by. After harvesting its Yuanyang, it will show its original shape again, eating meat and sucking blood.

However, because spider spirits like to incarnate women, there is also a great demand for women's favorite silk, gold hairpin pearls, and fragrance powder, not to mention fine wine and food. Of course these things can't be changed with one finger.

Therefore, spider spirits are actually under the control of human beings, in the town of Heishan, and there is more than one.

Li Chi led a disguise as a horse thief, and first raided the Huo family in Heishan Town. He didn't expect that this blow would be quite rewarding.

It was found in the cellar that the Huo family had specially cast four large silver **** to prevent thieves, each weighing a thousand catties, and they also obtained several hundred taels of gold, and rescued the in-laws from the cellar.

Such gains can be said to be almost enough to pay off.

At this time, Li Chi deliberately surrounded the "auspicious gambling house" in Heishan Town, and then acted as if it could not be beaten down, besieged and attacked without breaking. He inquired very clearly that the boss of the gambling house was called Aji. On the surface, this guy was a casino operator, but he was actually doing human trafficking behind his back.

The three spider spirits of Qiansi Cave are no longer satisfied with ordinary One of them likes to absorb the blood of men born in the same year, and the other has requirements for girls under three years old. The taste is great.

Aji this guy only told the parents of the poor family that he sold his children to the big family in Jinping Mansion, and worked as a maid to do a handyman to "enjoy good luck". In fact, most of them have been made blood for monsters.

Not only that, but Aji just happened to gather a batch of "new goods" here, so Li Chi felt that the spider spirit was very likely to come to rescue.

When Fang Linyan waited for the arrival, the sky was just bright.

After running through the night, everyone was quite exhausted, so he rested in the Huo's house, which was still exuding fresh blood, wiped off his sweat, and had a bite to eat.

The Huo family is a large local household with hundreds of servants. Although the bulk of the wealth in the cellar of the family has been taken away, there are still floating wealth scattered in hastily.

At this time Fang Linyan was still collecting the world's currency, copper coins, silver coins, because the rest of the people didn't care too much about this, so Fang Linyan got almost a hundred silver coins here again.

After resting for less than twenty minutes, Li Chi's soldiers called out to indicate that they could set off. Because according to what the Liming team and Li Chi had discussed before, it was time to go to ambush and prove the strength of their group.

Soon, they came to a mountain col under the guidance of Yigan. If the spider spirits from Qiansi Cave came to help, then this was the only way to go.

Needless to say, traps, bombs, and the like are all set up. Not only that, the guy in the Arctic Circle actually took out a very special thing called the Prussian Infantry Array.

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