First Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 57: Someone starts first

Yes, the surplus water veil is just such a use, and its use threshold is very low, ordinary people can also use it.

If Fang Linyan is willing to produce three hundred taels of gold, then you can customize the taste of the water mist, with jasmine scent, lily scent, and the fresh taste of the sea...

Of course, Fang Linyan was definitely not happy for this kind of thing to appear in the trading column.

However, this thing is a key product of Juzhenguan, and it has been scheduled to be in short supply until June next year. If Fang Linyan is an aboriginal, then he must be taken decisively! Then he can make a lot of money, but what he lacks now is time.

And is there anything Fang Linyan wants in this list? That's really there!

And I like it very much, and I can't put it down.

The name of this thing is called the centering rope, which can increase the movement speed of the wearer by 15%, and in any state, but there will be a negative effect, that is, when using the potion, there is a certain chance of the potion’s cooling time Increase by 50%.

Not only that, it needs to be recharged on a regular basis --- In the view, it is called the essence of gathering the sun and the moon. To put it simply, it is thrown outside to dry it when there is the sun or the moon. However, the space can be paid to support this type of service, which only costs three thousand general points.

The key is that the centering rope is also very unique. It can be tied to any part of the body, yes, any part.

Jingzhenguru on the spot demonstrated the art of binding to Fang Linyan-she used the centering rope as a shoelace and tied it to the shoe, then tied it to the ankle, or used it to tie Hair, or tied to the wrist.

So Fang Linyan made a decision on the spot, and when he recovers from Xiuzou in the future, he will tie it directly to make shoelaces. Isn't this a match made in heaven?

Regrettably, no matter what he said or not, the little sister Guanzhu insisted on three words: You have to add money.

This was really so angry that Fang Linyan wanted to smash the sinker from the bad luck again on the spot several times. At last, he realized that this little girl was just to give the breath, and that the money must be added, but the amount of money is added. Do whatever he wants.

In this situation, Fang Linyan simply gave a penny, and then grabbed the centering rope under the expression of a woman with big eyes and small eyes, and said directly:

"Very well, pay with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand. Goodbye everyone."

Then Fang Linyan glanced at the little sister of the master watcher again, and couldn't help but say:

"Jingzhengzhuo, you should rest well. You are a pregnant person. Why should you come out and quarrel with others? If you move your fetal gas and give birth to the boy in your belly prematurely, wouldn't it be my sin? "

The reason why Fang Linyan said this was because he suddenly remembered what Gu Fei said before after seeing the little red spots under the veil of this master:

Women in the daughter country have a special physique. Once they are pregnant with a male fetus, they will be swollen and develop a lot of red rashes after three months.

Obviously, this observer is mostly pregnant and still a male fetus.

Unexpectedly, after he said these words, Jingyi said angrily before the little sister Guanzhu spoke:

"Why are you talking nonsense? My family is sixteen years old. I usually keep self-defense and never go out. How can I get pregnant and have a male child?"

Fang Linyan raised up to the sky and said haha:

"Then why is she wearing this veil? Isn't it to hide the erythema on the skin? Although I am an outsider, I also know that your daughter has a special body structure. Why? Don’t you dare to admit it if you dare to do such a thing?"

When Jingzhen heard Fang Linyan's words, her lips trembled with anger and said:

"How innocent you are!"

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Yes, yes, I'm talking nonsense, and say goodbye."

Jingzhen stared at him with a pair of black and white eyes, but she was still in the world and she didn't know that the human heart was sinister and abnormal. Only when Fang Linyan really knew what was wrong, she said in anger:

"Knowing that I'm talking nonsense, then leave quickly. I feel very upset when I see you."

Fang Linyan gave a haha, turned around and left, but Jing was really ignorant, but Jingyi could see that Fang Linyan's mouth was unwilling, and hurriedly said:

"Hey! Can't you go that Xie Wen?"

However, not afraid of God's opponents, but also of pig teammates. Jingyi said so, but Jingzhen jumped out first to stop him:

"Senior Sister let him go. Since this person has admitted wrong, I don't like seeing him. Let's stop here."

Jingyi couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it, and thought to you that the way this person spoke before was really ridiculous. The phrase "nonsense" may be ironic. Obviously, Xie Wen has a small heart. When he was bargaining. Just hold a grudge.

People nowadays have to think about bad things. If you let him go like this now, I'm afraid that we don't wait for tomorrow, and the matter of self-respect and self-pregnancy will be spread all over the country!

For the people in the world, this kind of thing must be more believable than untrustworthy. After a few people’s mouths, there is a **** mole under the adulterer’s crotch. It is estimated that such details can be given to you. Made it up.

It's just that there is really physical inconvenience in watching the subject right now, and it can't stand to refute rumors. This is difficult.

A Taoist temple dominated by women, if it has a bad reputation, it will be ruined.

Faced with such a dilemma, Jingyi could only take the initiative with a wry smile and directly called Fang Linyan back:

"Thanks to the donor! Please stay, please stay!"

After her repeated invitations, Fang Linyan still came back. In fact, he was quite curious, but he didn't think that this little girl was pregnant at an early age. In the age he experienced, he was fifteen-year-old in the third year. It’s not unusual for a student to become pregnant---but I want to know what the aunt in front of me can tell.

As a result, she heard a lot of crackling talk, nothing more than saying that the exercises in Vipassana are very special. At this time, Vipassana is truly talented, and she has cultivated to the stage of concluding her womb at a young age.

And the formed Dao Titus will condense the essence of life under its body, so that after Dao Titus is formed, the vitality will be restrained, and the woman's words will be directly cut off from the moon, so it was given a name called Zhan Chilong.

And this sign of Slashing the Red Dragon is also very similar to that of a woman when she was pregnant. For example, it is the essence of life that is bred in the body, and for example, it will also cut off menstrual affairs...

But she just said it, and Fang Linyan just listened to it. The point is that this very sensible Taoist Jingyi gave Fang Linyan a gift: three soul fire talismans! This means that guests are invited to try out Benguan’s new products.

Fang Linyan resigned very sincerely for a long time, and finally reluctantly accepted it. In this way, his soul fire talisman inventory was replenished.

Of course, in return, Fang Linyan promised that he hadn't seen anything before... and there would be no rumors unfavorable to his view.

But after Fang Linyan left, he always felt that there was something else hidden in the smiles of these aunts, but he never found a flaw. At this time, he was in a hurry, and there was no time to stay here any longer, so he hurried towards Yingyang Station. Zhaotaiquan rushed over.

On the way to Zhaotaiquan, Fang Linyan finally understood the tricky tricks of these Taoist aunts while on the way!

sack! These girls are really insidious, bullying themselves don’t know much about refining, the three soul fire charms they took out are impending products!

Yes, just like those products with a 20% discount and a 30% discount in the supermarket, they are close to the expiration date.

In this world, once the talisman is drawn, the spiritual energy on it will continue to flow away, usually after three months, it is invalidated, and two months after it is drawn, the power of the talisman will be at least 30% off.

Therefore, Fang Linyan's three new soul fire charms are all nearly three months old. Once used, it is estimated that only one or two are still valid, and the power is estimated to be discounted.

But now it's impossible for Fang Linyan to go back and ask for trouble, his time is running out! Isn't it embarrassing to go to those ladies for three expired talisman?

But at this time, Fang Linyan, who was on the official road, raised his brows sharply, and then he felt like a catastrophe, an indescribable, panic-stricken premonition that immediately struck.

Without saying anything, he immediately dodged sideways behind a big rock next to him and pressed his body firmly.

Immediately after five or six seconds, Fang Linyan saw an extremely violent light flash in the sky. Although he was facing the direction of the flash, his eyes felt extremely painful at this moment. There was a vast expanse of whiteness, and my vision was instantly lost.

Even with his strong physique, it took more than ten seconds to regain his vision. At this time, the whole earth seemed to be trembling slightly, and a clear rumbling sound came from below, and it took a while to subside. Away.

Facing such a scene as if the world was collapsing, Fang Linyan inhaled a cold breath:

"With such power, I am afraid that someone has used a strategic weapon of the Star Destroyer level, right?"

"By the way, in that direction, is it the Yingyang Station I'm going to go to?"

Fang Linyan is very knowledgeable, and such a powerful weapon has only been heard in the rumors. It is extremely powerful, the release conditions are extremely harsh, and the preparation time is extremely long!

The Mark of Mobius had reminded Fang Linyan before that the milestone he had achieved: the threshold of Dragon's Nobility was actually not high, so the rest of the people could also fight for it. Unexpectedly, someone really took the lead.

Not only that, Fang Linyan thought about it at this time. At the Luotai Spring, he successfully obtained almost 300 grams of the top-level version of the Luotaiquan Essence Spring Water: Yinlong Essence Blood.

Then, it can be inferred that although the spring water of Zhaotaiquan is also one of the three divine waters of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom, there should also be a corresponding top-level version! Therefore, if the other party uses such a big handwriting, the plan is bound to be very big, maybe it is for this thing.

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan immediately ran towards Yingyang Station at full speed. At this time, he was only five or six miles away from there, and it took only a few minutes to run at full speed.

Not only that, Fang Linyan had tasted the sweetness of summoning a **** servant before, and once again used an enhanced version of the speech spirit technique to summon a **** servant out.

The servant who came out this time looked a bit older than the previous one. It seemed to be about fifty years old. His name was Vanidin. At this time, he bowed deeply to Fang Linyan:

"Salute to you, Lord Knight! After the return of Catalina, I have roughly described the circumstances of your arrival in the different world. So after everyone's discussion, I was selected to respond to your call. I should be your most effective one. helper."

Fang Linyan said that foreigners are not modest at all when they speak, but they smiled and said:

"Okay, Mr. Vanidine, can you tell me about your abilities?"

Vanidine nodded and said politely:

"When I was alive, I was the deputy commander of Commander Miyateid. I was also a gladiator. In addition to assisting the knight commander, my specialty is to calmly collect all the information around me, and then I think it’s important to you."

Myated was a famous Athens general in the city-state era. He was good at commanding spearmen. His masterpiece on the battlefield was to lead spearmen to break through the dense arrows of the Persians. In the language of gamification, it was the specialization of spearmen.

Of course, Fang Linyan didn't know this in detail, but since the goddess chose the characters sent to him, it must be better than the random selection.

At this time, Fang Linyan will rush to the front with Vanidin and hurried over, and there is already thick smoke rising from the Yingyang Station. Obviously, this station has been shrouded in flames at this time. among.

After spending 1,000 general points to dress up Vanidin, the two hurried over, and then realized that the vicinity of Yingyang Station was also extremely prosperous, and it could be said that it was not lost to the county seat.

But it's easy to think of how many people come to Yingyang Station and Zhaotai? It must be even greater than the number of Laotai Springs.

Luotaiquan is already a prosperous market. Of course, there are unlimited business opportunities and great demands on food, clothing, housing and transportation.

At this time, the two quickly came to a hillside hundreds of meters away from Yingyang Station. The hillside was very gentle, probably only a dozen meters high, but it was enough to overlook the entire market town.

I didn't feel anything because my sight was blocked by obstacles before. At this moment, I climbed up and looked at the whole situation, and immediately realized that there could only be described as catastrophe.

Because there are so many people who come to Zhaotai, Zhaotai Spring is said to be spring water, but strictly speaking, it should be a lake the size of two or three acres.

Its spring eye is right in the middle of the lake. The spring water is spit out from the mouth of a stone carving Kuilong looking up to the sky. It looks no different from other spring water. It breathes day and night, as if it never stops.

Those who want to take photos of the spring water don’t need to pay any money. It’s easy to take a photo by lying on the fence by the lake. Relaxed.

As for the reputation of Yingyang Station, it is really hidden by the famous name of But the station area is also very large, there are about five houses, and there are four next to it. A small courtyard, which is exclusively for the nobles of the past, has six postmasters (one officer and five associates) in the post, under the jurisdiction of 28 couriers and 163 officers.

The Yingyang Post has such a scale, it can be called the first post in the daughter country. It is a large post of water and land merger, equipped with 67 posthorses, ready to provide services for six post boats at any time.

Fang Linyan took a look at this moment, and immediately realized that he had made a mistake in his previous judgment. The opponent's previous shocking blow was actually aimed at Yingyang Station!

At this time, it can be seen that most of the post houses have collapsed for the first time, completely collapsed, like a thunderous invisible giant fist aimed at the sky above the sky and smashed down, as cruel as God’s will. Mighty, vast and ruthless!

It can be seen that the destroyed area is at least five or six thousand square meters, and there are still smoke in many places, and the corpses of people and livestock are everywhere.

However, among the many collapsed houses, there was a small two-story building that was scarred, but it still stood upright. Even at this time, there is still a layer of hazy light on the periphery of the small building. , The indescribable feeling of stubbornness is really amazing.

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