First Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 20: Qiao family shares

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In Qiao Sanye's opinion, Fang Linyan's ability to purchase goods so accurately this time must be due to Laurent's credit. He continued:

"To be honest, after you left last night, I felt that there was something strange in this matter, and after communicating with my brother, Qiao's warehouse decided to take out tens of thousands of taels of spare money (deliberately omitted) and followed the two to buy up. , eat foreign goods on a large scale.”

"So by noon today, the price of foreign goods on the market has risen by 40% because of our food intake, so this time the Qiao family also got a share of the pie."

Hearing this, Fang Linyan realized that it was no wonder that after he came to Qiao's house this time, he was actually treated as a guest. It turned out that such a thing happened behind his back!

As for the third master Qiao who said that he only followed up with tens of thousands of taels, Fang Linyan only thought that he was a fart, and a wealthy businessman who could pay himself 280,000 taels without frowning, would only take tens of thousands of taels to follow?

Under such circumstances, Fang Linyan felt heartfelt admiration.

The Qiao family's ability to capture business opportunities and instant decision-making ability is really amazing, and it is indeed the top three powerful giants in China at this time.

Fang Linyan opened up ahead of time, knowing that China and Japan were going to go to war, so he looked very powerful to outsiders. But the Qiao family relied on some clues and decisively smashed a lot of money. This is called courage.

Moreover, the Qiao family's network is so vast, this money is invested as a deposit, and the amount of foreign goods that can be eaten is huge, I am afraid that it will be described by several ships!

The third master of the Qiao family said that he had a share of the pie, Fang Linyan felt that it was more than a piece of the pie, it was estimated that it was a vast ocean...

At this time, the third master of the Qiao family continued to say:

"My brother means that although the money on our cabinet is tight now, since you have opened your mouth, you have to give your full support, but my brother is a little curious. I am afraid that the 500,000 taels of silver will be too much to hand over to Lord Song."

"If the younger brother wants to be an official, we can also talk to Father-in-law Li (Lian Ying) here. The lack of a governor (equivalent to a high-ranking official) in a northwestern province is safe. Why go far away?"

Fang Linyan heard what Qiao Sanye said, and actually understood the meaning of non-competition in his words. Before, the Qiao family followed him to buy foreign goods and made a lot of money. Now they think there should be some inside story for the 500,000 silver. news, so come for a piece of the pie.

However, in business and business, this is also human nature. There is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason. The Qiao family are not parents, so it is normal to seek to maximize their own interests.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Fang Linyan pondered:

"Qiao Sanye, the request you made is not too much. It is human nature to want to know what it is, but this matter is indeed very important, and it is related to the prosperity of China's luck, so it is up to Master Song to deal with you. Say, and third master Qiao, you can't go outside."

The third master of the Qiao family said:

"Okay! This matter is out of your mouth and into my ears, but this matter was ordered by my elder brother. I will definitely tell him what you said."

Fang Linyan nodded and went to invite Wang Wu and Song Yuren to come in. This time the protagonist was Lord Song.


After twenty minutes,

Third Master Qiao looked at Song Yuren in a stunned manner. He never expected that the official in front of him had such a big game in his heart! The key is that every step of his plan seems bizarre, but it is reasonable.

"How could we miss such a genius before?" Qiao Sanye thought to himself.

Then he couldn't help but look at Fang Linyan again:

"Could it be that the Hu family really has the legendary technique of juxtaposing beads? The former Zuo Zongtang Zuo was also attracted by Hu Xueyan's wisdom, but now this seemingly playful Hu Zhiyun can actually find such a great talent!"

After pondering for a while in his heart, Master Qiao said with admiration:

"It turned out that Master Song judged that there was a war between China and Japan. I thought it was Mr. Laurent who got some confidential information."

Song Yuren said sternly:

"When I heard many years ago that the emperor of Japan was working hard to rule, and even donated money from his private treasury to buy armaments, he knew that there would be a war between China and Japan, and the difference was only a matter of time."

"As a result, in the thirteenth year of Tongzhi (1874), the Japanese invaded our own country, Ryukyu, and annexed it, set up Okinawa Prefecture, and extorted 500,000 taels of silver from me! Even more, they coveted Taiwan."

"In May of this year, the situation in North Korea deteriorated. Although newspapers published many times that the governor of Zhili, Ye Zhichao fought bravely and severely defeated the Japanese invaders, he did not mention the number of enemies captured and killed. I knew that the battle ahead was unfavorable, so I suffered Ways to think about the day."

"I met Mr. Hu Daozuo a few days ago, and only then did I realize that I was not alone in worrying about the sky. Even Mr. Hu had already seen the seriousness of the future. As the saying goes, consider defeat before winning! The Japanese defeat, I am afraid it will be the darkest moment for me and China!"

Listening to Song Yuren's analysis and words, the third master of the Qiao family became more and more serious, and then stood up and said deeply to Song Yuren and Fang Linyan:

"I really didn't expect that the two of you are actually doing such a big thing to defend the country! Compared with the two of my previous thoughts, it really makes people laugh out loud!"

"Master Song is a person who wants to do great things this trip. For the first 500,000 yuan, the Qiao family can pay another 300,000 yuan! The follow-up payment in the future will be discussed with my brother, but Hu Liugong will never be the only beauty. ahead!"

"In the end, our brothers are even older than you, and your younger generation can be light on money and goods and focus on family and country. Can our old guys still be suppressed by you?"

When talking about the excitement later, the third master of the Qiao family also became louder, his face flushed red, and he looked quite excited.

What else is there to say at this time? Song Yuren's face was serious, and he pressed down deeply to the ground!

"Thank you for your trust in me. Song will definitely not dare to sacrifice his life when he goes to the ocean. As long as he can protect me and protect China from foreign insults, Song will do his best, even if he is shattered! "

Fang Linyan looked at Wang Wu at this time, and found that the hero of the late Qing Dynasty was also trembling slightly, breathing heavily, and his face flushed, obviously infected by the desolation and chill that is unique to this kind of man!

For Wang Wu, the principle of behavior in this life is brotherly loyalty, being a chivalrous person, a promise of money, a righteousness and righteousness. Every time a lot of dogs are slaughtered, Wang Wu is the standard such person.

But now, when he saw the big men like the third master of the Qiao family and Song Yuren bowing to each other in awe, and saying in a few words, the millions of silver were so unrewarded and smashed into it without any requirements, Wang Wu only felt inside his head. The sound of "Om" was blank, and the whole scalp was numb.

This scene had a huge impact on him, and even subverted his outlook on life, making this rough and tyrannical man from Hebei, who had no culture, feel the most primitive and simple, but the most profound family and country feelings at this moment! !

At this moment, Wang Wu seemed to be enlightened, and instantly understood what the "righteousness" that the storyteller talked about with great relish, that is, for the sake of China, for the Chinese nation to be protected from foreign insults, although there are millions of people I go alone, although Nine dead without regrets!

Fang Linyan didn't feel Wang Wu's change. He was also a little surprised at this time. He didn't expect that he would find an ally, and this ally was posted by the Qiao family in Shanxi. Anyway, this is a good thing.

About an hour later, the 800,000 taels of the leading big ticket (the silver ticket jointly issued by the four largest banks in the country at that time, was the most reliable silver ticket) was directly handed over to Song Yuren.

The money Song Yuren can convert into British pounds at the HSBC Bank in Shanghai and deposit it in the bank to facilitate his travel overseas in the future.

Not only that, the third master of the Qiao family decided to start raising funds for Song Yuren after an emergency telegram (newsletter) to his elder brother. , all spent on Lord Song.

At this time, Fang Linyan calmed down and found that the third master of the Qiao family should still be a hot-blooded man, but the uncle of the Qiao family is quite wily.

From ancient times to the present, all businessmen have accumulated wealth to a certain extent, and they are all investors.

Just like Lu Buwei, he invested directly in the imperial family, and if he won, he would take over the world. Of course, the negative teaching material was Shen Wansan, who invested in Zhu Yuanzhang, and then was copied by the whole family.

The second-class businessmen are investment generals, and officials and businessmen are the backbone of each other. There are also many such businessmen.

The most typical example is the Hu family, which had only declined a few years ago.

Twenty years ago, the major domestic merchants seemed to be the masters of Huashan's sword theory, each of which has its own strengths, and none of them possessed an overwhelming advantage.

However, only Duke Xueyan assisted Zuo Zongtang, the two sides supported each other, and their status was rising. Zuo Zongtang carried the coffin to fight XJ, Hu Xueyan broke his family to help the army, and became a national hero by defeating a strong enemy like Tsarist Russia. Said to be fame and fortune.

Not to mention the word of mouth of others, the rest of the major businessmen feel that they are inferior, and a single word can stop you from speaking!

At this time, after the uncle of the Qiao family heard about this, he thought it was an opportunity at first, but he was able to get to this position. One sound!

Suddenly I realized that the opportunity that Hu Xueyan faced back then was hidden in this incident. It was also a defense against foreign aggression. It was also a generation of capable officials who were trapped in the shallows, suffering from money!

Not only that, the Tsarist Russia occupied XJ at that time, which was tens of thousands of miles away from the capital, so people's feelings were not strong, and at most they just scolded a few words. The distance between Japan and China is separated by water, not to mention that the place where the war broke out between the two sides is only a few hundred miles from the capital.

Therefore, if the opportunity of the Zuo/Hu duo can be replicated in the past, then the Qiao family will skyrocket! Even if the Qiao family is ruined for this reason, it can still be famous in history. Even if there is only a 10% chance of winning, this transaction is worth fighting for.

Not only that, but the two of them are also very clear that the investment in officials at this time is not a loss, because according to Song Yuren's thinking, as long as they can successfully land in Japan with a sneak attack, in the end, no matter whether the result is a victory or a defeat, the Qiao family is guaranteed to make a profit. .

To be honest, they don't have much confidence in the Qing soldiers, but Song Yuren's plan is to hire 2,000 sailors from Australia. These soldiers are foreigners, which undoubtedly makes the two feel that they have a better chance of winning... ..

The two brothers chatted excitedly at that time, and the telegrams at that time were divided into the government electricity bureau and the commercial electricity bureau. .At the time of checkout, the money is calculated according to each word, and I actually talked about 17,800 taels of silver...

At that time, the yamen clerk had eight taels of silver a month, and the two brothers talked about the salary of 200 clerks in a hurry!

Although the Qiao family didn't care much about their great business, it could be seen how excited they were at that time.

At this moment, Fang Linyan suddenly felt his heart move. He opened the war progress bar and smiled. It turned out that he realized that the winning rate on China's side finally seemed to have bottomed out at this time, and it had skyrocketed a lot.

Facing such good news, Fang Linyan couldn't help clenching his fists secretly and whispered "YES"!

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Then I felt that there seemed to be eyes staring at me, it was Wang Wu. UU reading

However, Fang Linyan clearly felt that Wang Wu's eyes had changed a lot when he looked at him. If he said that there was some restraint and alienation in his friendliness before, he now has some kind of approval! It's like watching brothers who were born and died together!

If he was on the battlefield at this time, Fang Linyan felt that Wang Wu would entrust his back to himself without reservation.

At this time, Song Yuren walked up to Fang Linyan and gave him a deep bow. This was also the most important etiquette at the time!

Fang Linyan also bowed in the same way. The two of them looked at each other deeply and did not speak, but they felt the resonance of like-minded people, but everything was silent.

Then Song Yuren turned around and left, and Wang Wu must have followed him. His duty was to bring Song Yuren, who was carrying a huge sum of money, to the official residence with his bodyguard, and then Song Yuren would mobilize guards to **** him.

However, before leaving, Wang Wu patted Fang Linyan on the shoulder cheerfully:

"Brother Hu, Lord Song's mansion is only an hour away from here. You are busy here first. After I have done a good job, we will go directly to Tongheju. The taste of imperial concubine chicken in that place is a must in the capital. Tonight we will not get drunk or not. go back!"

Fang Linyan laughed and said:

"Okay! Fifth brother, you are busy first!"

Next, Fang Linyan will definitely have to make some deliveries with the Qiao family, because the rest of the goods in his hand will definitely not be held for a long time. Don't forget that the previous 60,000 taels of silver is just a deposit. Strictly speaking, the balance must be paid. He paid for it.

It doesn't matter if the Qiao family doesn't cooperate. Anyway, the goods are in the warehouse and nominally belong to Fang Linyan, so they can directly bring someone to see the goods, and then sell them at a price that is 10% lower than the market price. (To be continued)

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