First Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 58: Tsugu No. 1

At this time, the process of Xiang Hezhen's death in battle was witnessed by Fang Linyan through the drone. He watched intently and did not miss the slightest.

Although he knew that Xiang Hezhen was seeking benevolence and benevolence, he died without regret, but for some reason, watching the two comrades who followed him die one after another in a short period of time, Fang Linyan also felt a heavy panic in his heart! I just felt that there was an indescribable anger in my heart that was rampant, and it made me want to shout to vent it out.

Immediately afterwards, the message that popped up on the retina made Fang Linyan stunned:

"The colony hunter CD8492116, warning, the pursuers are approaching quickly."

"Repeat, warning, the pursuers are approaching quickly!"

After witnessing all this, Fang Linyan was also a little surprised, because he saw the scene where Sakura used the prop "Crow Lamentation" to kill Xiang Hezhen.

"This pursuer is actually a space fighter? This guy's strength... is not ordinary!"

"My strongest attacking card right now: Athena's Astonishment has been used up. With only the remaining eight wine glasses and my current strength, there is no certainty that I can defeat it, let alone kill it!"


At this time, Fang Linyan was also quite helpless. The meaning of Athena's exclamation was too important to him, but in that situation, it was helpless to use it up, but now he had to face a very embarrassing thing, that is In the face of the enemy's pressing approach, it is important to run first.

Not only that, Fang Linyan also had the mind of guerrilla warfare. Relying on his talent, he has an obvious advantage in long-distance running. If the enemy doesn't chase after him, it is not impossible to take advantage of the opportunity to make a surprise attack.

But Fang Linyan soon found out that the Sakura guy seemed to be using some kind of prop, and his movement speed was obviously much faster than his own! Fang Linyan squinted his eyes and started cheating simply:

"Hey, hey, I'm going to be killed, and now I need your help."

Mobius Mark quickly replied:

"Please give your request."

Fang Linyan said:

"I need you to use the Bisca data stream to restore the previous piece of equipment, but because of the suppression of this world, you only need to restore one of the attributes."

After listening to the Mobius mark, he gave a prompt prompt:

"Are you going to take this equipment away with Shay?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Yes, and only one of its acceleration attributes is needed, the rest of the attributes are marked as ???, you can unlock it slowly in the future."

The Mobius mark continued to give a hint:

"This world is a special world. If you want to meet your needs, although it can be done, you must receive a corresponding side quest, and you must complete it within seven days."

"Otherwise, I can't bypass the bottom K-281 order, which will greatly increase the chance of my exposure."

Fang Linyan said:

"What's the difficulty of that side quest?"

Mobius said:

"The random range of difficulty coefficients is A- to B-."

Fang Linyan said simply:

"That is to say, if the luck is the worst, I can draw an A- at most. I'll take it."

So soon, he felt that there was one more thing in the private space. It looked exactly the same as He Shaizao, but its name was: Pingyao Cloth Shoes.

Pingyao cloth shoes

Quality: quest item (will be taken back when the quest is over)

Passive Effect (Fog): Increases your movement speed by 35%, but once you take damage from an enemy, the movement speed bonus will be reduced to 8%, and the fog effect will be restored after 5 minutes of leaving the battle.

When he got what he wanted, Fang Linyan hurriedly put it on.

And just when the shoes were put on, Fang Linyan also had a series of prompts in front of him:

"The Colonial Hunter CD8492116, you have successfully obtained the side quest: No. 1 in Tianjin."

"Task content: Tianjin is currently very competitive in the shoe industry. All parties are trying their best to promote and market their own stores, while maliciously slandering other people's stores."

"So after the conflict intensified in the end, after some discussion, the shoe industry union simply held a race to run from the beginning to the end of Dagu Road. Can win this year's No. 1 title in the footwear industry in Tianjin."

"You got involved in this vortex at the right time, and accepted the invitation of the shop Pingyao to participate in this race, but be careful, your opponents are not only those rickshaw drivers, but also all kinds of people of three religions and nine ranks."

"Fortunately, the Pingyao ship doesn't have strict requirements on you. It is enough that you can at least get the seventh place in Jinmen."

"The race will start at noon the day after tomorrow, please arrive on time."

Fang Linyan glanced at these prompts, and then started to run.

Although Sakura has obviously shortened the distance from Fang Linyan, it is still at least 40 to 50 meters away. It is not an easy task to deal with a running enemy at this distance.

And after Fang Linyan got this 35% speed increase, he suddenly accelerated like a sports car with the accelerator on! After Sakura chased for a hundred or two meters, she also sighed, and then stopped helplessly.

At this time, the speed-up prop he used had only ten seconds left, and the distance between him and the other party not only failed to shorten, but even further.

Witnessing such a situation, Sakura was a person who knew how to advance and retreat. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Fang Linyan's back for a while, and then she simply turned around and left.

After realizing that the other party had left, Fang Linyan was not careless, but continued to run for a few miles before he found a high place and stopped.

Here, Fang Linyan can see the situation behind him at a glance. At this time, the sun has risen, so Fang Linyan found a secluded place to eat something and drink some water. Only then did he start to read the previous battlefield information:


"Cultural Hunter CD8492116, the bloodthirsty spider soul you cast caused 12 points of damage to the plot character Arakawa."

"The plot character Arakawa Sanmi's health has returned to zero and he is declared dead."

"Because the plot character Arakawa Sanmi is a secondary time node in this world, he should have died in 1964, so your actions will have a certain degree of impact on the original timeline of this world."

Seeing this, Fang Linyan finally let out a long sigh. No wonder it was so difficult to kill Arakawa Sanshi by himself. It turns out that this guy actually played a very important role in history, and it was a secondary time node!

You must know that the future leader of the Alliance, Huang Xing, who used to be the general marshal of the Republic of China, is probably only a secondary time point at this time, so it is understandable that the difficulty of killing is so high.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan called up the progress bar of the war that he was most concerned about. After looking at it, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This thing is like the stock market in the big crash has finally reached the bottom and started to rebound slightly. The winning rate of the Chinese side has returned to more than 14%.

However, Fang Lin Yanxin is also very clear now that Tianjin is the winner of this "Shangluo" plan formed by Japanese space fighters!

Once Tianjin fell, or even the news of the bad war situation came, it would be equivalent to drawing a knife on the throat of the capital......

Then it is not unusual for the mother and son in the capital to deal with mental retardation, and it is not surprising that they fled to Chengde. In this case, the morale of Beiyang's side will inevitably fall to the bottom.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is to directly "would rather be with friends than slaves." If you feel the pressure is too great to negotiate a peace, then it will be a disaster.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Linyan directly took out the two keys he had obtained before—these two things were dropped by Arakawa and Xie Peng respectively.

The first thing to unlock is the key of Arakawa Sanshi. Fang Linyan also has experience before, such a person who is very scumbag in combat but has a very important identity will not drop a lot of general points, rare equipment and other rewards.

However, there may also be very important items on it, but only in this world!

Sure enough, the first item Fang Linyan got from Arakawa Sanshi was a bank deposit certificate, and it was also a deposit certificate from HSBC, and there was 330,000 pounds left on this deposit certificate.

The certificate of deposit explains that Arakawa Sanshi, as a highly valued rising star in the Xuanyang Society, actually has a lot of resources in his hands. This money is used by him to bribe officials of the Qing court, as well as run international affairs and control international public opinion. of.

Because the money cannot be seen in the light, the withdrawal method chosen for this certificate of deposit is payment at sight, and the holder can withdraw it at any HSBC bank.

To be honest, if this thing left this world, it would be a piece of waste paper, oh no, there is a mark next to it, the space can be purchased with 387 general points, which is still worth a little money.

However, in this world, the value of this thing depends on how it is used. If it is used well, it is not an exaggeration to be able to control a battle.

The next thing Fang Linyan got was something that looked like a brand and a magical rune, with two words written on it: Ni Yan.

Not only that, but this thing is actually a dark-gold quality prop. The description is as follows:

Niyan is a monster who became a spirit in the Momoyama period. He likes to stay in the world very much, and he plays the game of "One Hundred People" with children, so he was hunted and killed by Onmyoji for this point.

Onmyoji refined a part of his corpse into this brand. Although it is a disposable item, it also possesses great power.

Using this card, you can cast a powerful illusion, and let the people around you disguise as you are. This disguise is very deceptive, but it lasts only five minutes, and once you attack or are attacked, you will was broken.

This item cannot be carried out of this world. If you bring this item back to the space, it will be converted into 5000 universal points by itself.

Next, Fang Linyan opened the key that Xie Peng dropped.

The first item to drop is the prop: the land deed. The specific introduction is that the land deed of Zegou Township, Dongping Prefecture, is a certificate for holding 74 mu of high-quality irrigated land here.

The second piece of equipment dropped is a piece of Fang Linyan's useless equipment. It increases 4 points of perception and 100 points of health, but reduces defense by 15 points. The key is that this negative effect will last for 48 hours after equipment, whether or not the the cancellation.

Most of the stuff ended up being thrown to the goat to sell.

The third piece that fell was a strange ancient seal.

This ancient seal is only about the size of a fist, and the carving on it looks rather rough and primitive, but there is a crooked word "Ginger" written on the seal, and it looks like a seal script.

There are also four vague small characters behind it: Hate without a ring.

To be honest, the first impression of this thing is not good, rough, primitive, simple, even like a children's toy.

And the introduction of Gu Yin is also very strange:

This seal is the root cause of Xie Peng's infinite power, and it may save your life at a critical moment.

The rest is gone.

The fourth piece that fell was a cup, which Fang Linyan thought looked ugly, but perhaps it was not a person's appearance, or perhaps Fang Linyan's appreciation level did not reach this level at all.

The name of this cup is: Huai Xue Shengfang. The introduction is that it is an extremely expensive tea cup, sought after by many people, and the price is very expensive.

The above introduction is not enough, the key is that the properties it displays next still aroused Fang Linyan's interest, because it also has the three-character label of valuables!

In other words, this thing is actually on the same level as the strange sword in the Shihuan's room that I got before, which makes Fang Linyan look at it differently.

After dealing with these matters, Fang Linyan played with the ancient seal carefully again. UU Reading

The four words "hate the earth without a ring" actually have a history. The full sentence is called: hate the sky without a handle, hate the earth without a ring, the legend is the emotion of an ancient famous general, feeling that he is born with divine power, if the sky has the handle , the ground has a buckle, and you can pull it up by yourself.

However, Fang Linyan always felt that there was some deep meaning hidden in it, but it was just that there was no way to understand it yet.

At this time, time was running out, so Fang Linyan had already thought about his next move, which was to meet Wang Wu and the others first.

When they parted, the two sides had an agreement that no matter how the situation changed, Wang Wu and the others would definitely leave relevant news at Master Huo's Jimin Pharmacy.

Fang Linyan returned from overseas in a hurry. In fact, the first stop in the planning was to come here:

It's just that the state affairs at that time were like mountains and rivers hanging upside down, it could be said that it was in jeopardy, so he rushed over to kill Arakawa Sanmi as a last resort.

Fortunately, the effect of killing this guy is also very obvious. You can see from the war progress bar.

Moreover, the Japanese space fighters rushed to intervene in a frantic manner, which also showed in disguise that Fang Linyan's behavior was actually on the point, and it could be said that he hit seven inches with a snake.


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