First Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 6: Omi's operation

Chapter 1490 Omi's Operation

If it wasn't for fear that the other party would think it was a scam, let alone 200,000 general points - 20,000 general points, or even giving away the news for free, Fang Linyan thought it was okay.

Just when Fang Linyan was thinking about these things, he suddenly realized that another message appeared on his retina. He thought it was the clown who sent it again, but when he saw it, he was instantly overjoyed, it turned out that it was Omi who sent it.

Youdao is that one person is poor, and two are long. Fang Linyan felt a little dazed at this time, and immediately rushed to join Omi.

As soon as they met, Fang Linyan was shocked by Omi's appearance. It turned out that there was a golden card spinning around her beside her. It was obvious that this card should be Has its own personality or intelligence, and is very attached to Omi like a pet.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan immediately said:

"This is... a successful job transfer?"

Omi let out a long breath and said:

"Yeah, this time the job transfer was more difficult than I thought, but fortunately everything has passed, it was really a difficult journey."

Fang Linyan Road:

"It's good to pass, just now I have something I want you to help for reference."

Then Fang Linyan expressed his worries one by one.

After listening to Fang Linyan's introduction, Omi pondered for a while and said:

"It's not the best choice for you to go to the clown."

Fang Linyan smiled bitterly:

"You know it too, but time is running out. He knows that your wrench status is all right again. He is afraid of being caught by the abyss lord, so he can only do it like that."

Omi said:

"Actually, it's not too bad. There isn't too little key information in the information you gave to Da Chou."

"Not yet, even if you get this artifact, it will be a little trouble. It is conceivable that there must be very few people who pay attention before you quit the hype. You just rule out the option of fishing in troubled waters, otherwise it will be very difficult to cause public anger. , it was difficult to move a step.”

Ran Yuanzhu thought about it carelessly, and felt that it was indeed the same, so he nodded and said:

"What he said is unreasonable. If you want to fish in troubled waters, you have to follow back all the way. In that case, it is difficult to reveal some clues."

"If the artifact is obtained by the rest of the people, it will be fine. If it falls out of your hands, there will be no clues to prove it. As long as the teams and individuals who participated in that artifact **** will have no sense of being played by you. Seeing you as a thorn in the eye, is it really worth the loss, or if it's over, it's just participation."

Omi nodded:

"Okay, that's it, he will give you all the information he doesn't have, and let you handle that matter. If the clown is still entangled, let me come to you."

Fang Linyan had no one willing to take over at this time, and there was no way to specialize in the arts. I had no shortcomings in terms of bargaining, so I immediately became the shopkeeper.

So it was only half an hour later that a temporary booth appeared under the Exchange Square. It looked very luxurious, but the name directly attracted the attention of a very small number of people!

"Artifact! He is worth having!"

There is not a beating countdown next to it, starting from 8:59:59.

The timeliness was also discussed by Fang Linyan and Omi. According to the current time flow of Noah's space and Ran Yuanzhu's original world, those who bought the information could still have 18 hours left before they retreated to Fang Linyan's original world. The following preparation and retreat time.

If it is in the mythical world or ancient times, then a little time is certainly enough, but it is the original world of Ran Yuanzhu, where there are no flights and private planes, so that time is enough.

Before the temporary booth attracted people, a small amount of related free materials was directly opened, and anyone could get those materials.

It can be seen from the outside of those materials that the relevant records can be said to be detailed and reliable, and it should be something fabricated.

The highlight is on the top, Omi regresses and charges various key information in stages, such as the relevant coordinates of the adventure world where the artifact is located: 70,000 universal points!

And the payment of the 70,000 general points can be deferred. In the notarization of the space, if this matter is fabricated, whether it can be confirmed that it can be paid.

In addition, the corresponding brief effect of the artifact, information. The sale price is 8,000 utility points.

A brief profile of the person who carries the artifact. The selling price is 10,000 Universal Points.

The specific coordinates of the person carrying the artifact, and the price of the shot is 10,000 general points.

Of course, after reading those materials, they all have to sign relevant contracts, so that those materials can be spread out, and you can only read them yourself, otherwise you will be fined twice.

In short, Omi sells in pieces, just like opening a supermarket. Buyers can choose some of the things they want to know and buy them in a targeted manner. Even if there are any traps hidden outside, they will lose money.

Therefore, the business of the stall that Omi came up with is very prosperous.

That's all, Omi also found an acquaintance and found someone to leave a message in a place called "Void Channel".

The Void Channel sounds very low and small, but it is actually a place similar to a forum. The great thing about it is that it can retreat and communicate across spaces, and leave the corresponding information below. See, the space warriors in Noah Space R, Noah Space P, etc. can access.

Of course, there are no identity restrictions when visiting, and the hunter is the threshold, and the areas that are not yet available require a lower identity.

The information left by Omi in the Void Channel is also similar, divided into two parts: free area and paid, and the most expensive information is allowed to deferred payment.

There is no doubt that when the legendary equipment is extremely rare, the word artifact is undoubtedly very eye-catching. In fact, after that, no one has done that, and it is more informative and less than Omi's side, but no one dares to say that the payment is delayed.

Dare to engage in deferred payment, on the one hand, it shows that the person who sells information does not have confidence in whether he has sold false information, and on the other hand, it also expresses that he is willing to take some risks.

For example, there is a very real truth. If you want to get an artifact, the process must be extremely dangerous, and the chance of dying in battle is very low. If the person who bought the information died on the spot, the money would definitely become a bad debt, and it would be recovered.

Before Omi managed to manage the difference by eight hours, the goat also returned to the space. Before I listened to Omi's arrangement, I also felt that there was something wrong, so I went directly to help.

He also knew what the goat had promised Da Chou's side, so that guy also used his personal connections to help spread the information.

After being tossed by Fang Linyan, the prices of some items in the market also fluctuated again:

This kind of props that can transmit the specified adventure world in a short time must be soaring in price, and there is no life-saving props, and the price has also dropped by 20%.

Obviously, Wudao is a celebrity with sake, wealth and silk, and something like an artifact must have aroused the greed of several people.

According to the paid general points that Omi received, the paid information that was sold the least is the description of the artifact. One is because it is the cheapest, and seven is because it is sure that it has the least attention. .

But just for that piece of information, the difference is less than 80 copies sold!

From this, it is difficult to infer that at most no ten forces have developed a strong interest in that artifact.

That's actually not strange, because the information provided by Omi is obviously true, it is not just relying on reasoning or the like, and few space warriors do not have their own unique skills and props to verify the authenticity.

Since the information is true, how many people can't stand the temptation to get the artifact? There are not some people who are capable of their own strength, but they are fighting the idea of ​​​​fishing in troubled waters.

For something like an artifact, you can get it all by luck. If someone with a small fist can get the artifact, what else is there to rob?

Among the princes outside the eight countries at that time, Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao's fists were small enough, right? Was it still Sun Jian's possession of an artifact like the Chuan Guo Jade Seal?

Taking advantage of Omi's busy schedule, Fang Linyan communicated with the goat and learned the "Shield Mastery" skill book that was sold.

Fang Linyan immediately noticed the immediate change before he learned it! The duration of the Shield of Ayques has been extended to a full four seconds, and even the description of the Aegis Shield has received a new prompt:

"The Colony Hunter CD8492116, his Aegis Shield has acquired a new active ability, injected."

"He must have a shield to use this ability."

"Inject the power of Aegis Aegis into the shield of the wielder, making it amazingly weakened! In the next 4-15 seconds, this shield will be able to block any attack with damage, and also It allows the bearer to obtain the effect of moving like a mountain, and there are ways to be affected by negative effects such as knocking up, knocking down and so on."

"The duration of weakening is not directly related to the type of shield. The larger and heavier the shield, the shorter the duration."

"Using the infusion on the shield will consume the duration of the Aegis shield in this world, as detailed above."

"Heavy Shield = Consume 2 seconds of Aegis Shield duration, gain 4-8 seconds of infusion weakening time."

"Medium Shield = Consumes 3 seconds of Aegis Shield duration and gains 6-12 seconds of infusion weakening time."

"Small/Heavy Shield = Consume 4 seconds of Ayques' Shield duration, gain 8-15 seconds of infusion weakening time."

"The better the quality of the shield, the less time it takes to weaken the infusion, and the corresponding skills under the shield will also get bonuses.

Before he finished reading the explanatory text, Fang Linyan was not excited, and immediately said to the goat:

"No shield?"

The goat said embarrassedly:

"The price of shields has always been low. And recently, there are no sturdy **** who are desperately buying shields to lower and weaken them. Blue shields are all let go!"

Ran Yuanzhu sighed and showed me his skills:

"Your requirements are low, just a shield, and whiteboards are also disgusting. The cheaper the better."

The goat nodded and said:

"In that case, fine, you go and look for it."

Before some painstaking planning, Ran Yuanzhu's eight people gathered together to take stock of the income: they found that there were no more than 800,000 general points in their hands, and there were no general points for deferred payment. That's a small head, no more than 770,000!

That kind of harvest really made the eight people overjoyed, and the goat restrained and mumbled:

"If I had known that it was so profitable, I could have made it a few times less before."

Omi shook his head and said warmly:

"It was an ordinary situation that time, and it is basically possible to replicate."

Goat Road:

"How is that possible?"

It was because I thought about it carelessly before I said it, and found that what Omi said really didn't make much sense!

If the probability of obtaining an artifact is relatively small, then the information must have been digested by our legendary team, why should we sell it?

If the chances of obtaining an artifact are very high, then someone will definitely buy it if the information is taken out!

In fact, let's think about it carelessly, if Fang Linyan was the one who threw the mouse, lest the male **** be affected by the church's follow-up investigation, it would definitely be a good show of the legendary team "chasing down the star C Mei".

Seeing that this matter came to an end, the goat also couldn't bear the itchiness, and said to Ran Yuanzhu:

"Boss, let's go to his world to watch the battle, just to see if it's okay to shoot or not?"

Fang Linyan shrugged and said:

"You think so, but that time when you came back to Noah's space, it was already a slow return to use, and now the price of returning to the real world right away is too small."

"Forget it, once you go to the training ground to practice, you'll be less rusty. If you have time, go to the market to see if you can revive your teammates earlier. If he wants to go, he can go."

The goat shrugged his shoulders in frustration, but before hearing the big sentence at the beginning suddenly brightened his eyes and said:

"Oh well!"

Obviously, the guy's so-called spectator is obviously an excuse. In fact, the bottom half of it is the drunkard's meaning. If the wine is without relatives, friends, parents, it is estimated that the goat immigrated to the world of Fang Linyan long ago, and bowed down to the miniskirt of the famous Greek model. , I have betrayed the original space where I was nourished with bitter mushrooms and bitterness.

Then Fang Linyan went to the training ground. Omi was like a concubine with a bitter mouth and a hard-working body. She frowned and continued to find a way to raise money for the resurrection of her teammates. At the same time, she forgot to inquire about a series of information that had nothing to do with Sakura. .

Fortunately, your efforts are in vain after all, especially the news of the betrayal of the artifact has also narrowed some contacts. As for the behavior of collecting information about cherry blossoms, it was sent out among dozens of similar needs. , and is still taking a path similar to "posting anonymously", it is almost possible to be caught.

When Fang Linyan walked out of the training ground while wiping sweat and gasping for breath, Omi, who had an ugly face, smashed a file bag under the table, and then said in a good mood:

"See for yourself."

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