First Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 147: Dark gold props! The secret of the universe!

"Contractor ZB419, please draw."

"The scope of extraction is the three most valuable equipment/props from the Hunter's CD7K2."

After seeing this information, Fang Linyan did not rush to extract it.

He frowned as he watched Deng's operation, and he couldn't understand why this guy didn't hesitate to pay a prop to protect his basic charisma attributes from falling.

The two sides have become deadly enemies at this time, and if they can figure out the reason, they will definitely be able to avoid detours the next time the war starts.

However, logical reasoning is also limited, but Fang Linyan didn't know that Deng was able to incarnate as a mudstone giant because he charmed an earth spirit as a pet.

This thing is a creature similar to an elf like the Flower Fairy, but it is born with very powerful elemental abilities.

To charm this thing, there is a requirement that the basic attribute charm cannot be lower than 30 points, and Deng just happened to be stuck on this line.

Once the basic attribute charm is lower than this, this land spirit will immediately run away, and then Deng really wants to cry without tears.

After pondering for more than ten seconds, Fang Linyan realized that he still couldn't infer the answer, so he was ready to draw.

Although Fang Linyan did not find his own answer, he can roughly judge it at this time: Deng is an astrologer, and his eyes are like torches, his mechanical spear falcon is easily recognized, so the two values ​​of perception and spirit It must not be low.

It can also be seen from the fact that this guy does not hesitate to use props to maintain the basic charm, and his charm value will never be less there.

Therefore, the three highest attributes of Deng are perception, spirit and charm... and maybe spirit is the lowest of the three attributes!

So it is almost conceivable that the most valuable equipment on his body is very likely to be related to these three attributes.

However, in the space market, the price of spiritual equipment is good. However, equipment that greatly increases perception and charm is often not sold at a very good price...

With a little regret, Fang Linyan took the extraction, and this extraction gave him an eye-opening experience, because a transparent box suddenly appeared in front of him, and three things appeared inside:

The first thing looks very strange, but it is a stone that looks very ordinary, but it is not ordinary on closer inspection, and its name is also very special, called the Ashstone of Sarnagar.

Why is it ordinary?

It is because its appearance really looks no different from ordinary stones, but if you look closely, although it is only an image, you will feel that its surface is constantly changing.

It is like the clouds in the sky, seemingly still, but when you look closely, it turns out to be the clouds and the clouds, as if there are endless mysteries.

Not only that, there is a faint dark golden light shining on it! Obviously dark gold quality!

The second thing actually looks like a black card with golden stripes on it. The name is: Centurion Palladium Card. Obviously, this thing should be additive charm.

The third thing is an emerald green crown. It looks like it should be woven from leaves. The name is: Lin Jing’s Crown of All-Knowing. Fang Linyan noticed that there is a closed eye pattern on the front of the crown. .

He couldn't help but wonder whether this thing was because Deng had repeatedly seen his whereabouts and the root of the mechanical spear falcon?

Immediately afterwards, a golden arrow appeared, presumably to make it clearer, and the words "Contractor ZB419" were written inside the arrow.

Immediately afterwards, the arrow began to jump quickly on three things, and the jumping speed became slower and slower.

This kind of jumping feels like a slot machine, especially in the last few frames, it seems that you have stayed on what you want, but in fact, you will always slip out one more frame.

In the end, the arrow clearly stayed on the emerald green "Lin Jing's Crown of All-Knowing", but in the end it slid a bit and landed on the first thing: Sarnagar's ashes.

Fang Linyan was slightly stunned, but he didn't feel any regrets either. From the order of the three things, it was undoubtedly the most valuable thing. After all, it was the dark gold quality.

Needless to say, Lin Jing's Crown of All-Knowing is definitely more perceptual. He has a mechanical spear falcon as the main investigative method, and it is not very useful to get this thing.

The equipment of the main perception is also not found to be bought by someone willing to pay a big price.

Therefore, if Fang Linyan is really allowed to choose one of the three, he might still have to choose this one: the ashstone of Sarnaga. After all, this thing has no attributes from the name and appearance, and it is worth a gamble.

Soon, Fang Linyan's palm began to shine with light, and then the seemingly ordinary stone appeared in his palm, only the size of a fingernail.

At this time, Fang Linyan was in a relaxed state. After the stone appeared in his palm, he was suddenly staggered. He felt as if he was being pulled severely, and suddenly fell to one side!

This shock was not trivial.

Fortunately, he quickly regained his senses, but found that the ashes of Sarnagar in his hand had disappeared, but it happened to fall on a huge boulder with an area of ​​at least ten square meters.

The key is that this huge boulder has been pressed down deeply, at least more than half a meter of soil below it.

There were several fresh cracks on its surface. There was only one point where the cracks converged, and at this point, it was the ashstone of Sarnagar! !

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan was really a little dumbfounded, and an incredible thought suddenly popped into his mind:

"This ghost stone can't be so evil, right?"

So Fang Linyan bent down, grabbed the ashstone of Sarnagar with two fingers, and lifted it hard.

Stay still!

Fang Linyan's forehead began to sweat, and then took a deep breath...and again! !

Still useless.

Well, now Fang Linyan is almost certain that the weight of this thing is indeed beyond his imagination.

So he could only press his finger on the ashes of Sarnagar, and found that the thing was humming. Not only that, he also pressed his finger on Fang Linyan, and he began to follow a strange wave all over his body. The rhythm resonates.

At this moment, he felt his chest tremble, and the Mark of Mobius also appeared, and a message was soon sent out:

"I thought something resonated with me, it turned out to be this thing."

Fang Linyan immediately said:

"This thing looks amazing, is there any Bisca data stream in it? That's why you are also alarmed."

The Mark of Mobius said faintly:

"This thing only contains some important information. Only those little guys who haven't seen the world regard it as a treasure. It's just that the aura on it makes me misidentify it."

"However, this thing is quite good for you who are weak, so I will activate it to let you know some truth about the universe."

When the Mark of Mobius said this, he no longer issued a prompt, and gradually disappeared into Fang Linyan's chest.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan suddenly felt black in front of him, as if the soul of the whole person had been pulled out, and came to a vast place where there was no light or darkness and nothing.

"This is Chaos!"

A low and neutral voice spoke in Fang Linyan's ear.

Immediately afterwards, there was a point in the chaos suddenly shining, and then there was a big explosion!

Such a big explosion is not the same as an explosion in the normal sense. It is more like a small hole on the top of a dam, and a large amount of water jets out of it in a fierce manner.

After this big bang, a rift was torn out in the chaos, and the matter diffused from the rift, pushed by the energy of the big bang, quickly expanded towards the distance.

Then the voice rang:

"This is the most primitive universe. UU reading"

"Time, space, and dimensions are born from this moment..."

Fang Linyan never expected that when he touched this ashes stone, he could actually witness the secret of the beginning of the universe!

At the same time, the voice continued to say in a low voice:

"So far, your universe has expanded for 13.2 billion years, and it is still rapidly expanding in chaos at a speed of 72 km/s!"

"When the universe stops expanding, it will enter a period of decline, and then be compressed by the power of chaos, begin to shrink at the same speed, and finally return to nothingness."

Next, I saw that a large number of dots appeared and exploded continuously in the entire chaos, and then each explosion would form a rift in the original universe, and then a universe.

And the directions in which each universe spreads are like countless rays of light emitted from the same light source. Under normal circumstances, they are not the same and do not intersect each other. This is the formation of parallel universes.

The voice continued to explain:

"The universe that was first born is called the original universe! It is also called the original universe. There are many mysteries in it, because the remaining parallel universes are strictly copies of it."

"The first group of higher creatures born from the primitive universe was called Sarnagar. Their mission is to sow new seeds in the vast universe, create and observe lower civilizations."

"They are also the first batch of intelligent races that emerged from this chaos. They are naturally able to understand the mysteries between time, space, and dimensions, and their lives are extremely long."

Hearing this statement, Fang Linyan was also a little shocked, never expected this thing to contain such an amazing secret!

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