First Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 14: Bloody rescue

Because there is no fixed road in the Gobi Desert, this all-terrain vehicle is very difficult to tow the trailer behind it.

The engine kept uttering a hoarse roar. Fortunately, Talun's driving skills were also quite good, so he was smoothly transported to the direction of the battlefield.

After the all-terrain vehicle drove westward at a steady speed for more than an hour, Fang Linyan saw through the observation window a strong gunpowder rising from the canyon in the distance, straight up the sky, where there seemed to be many small clouds in the sky. The black spot was circling, and I knew it should be somewhere.

If you continue to get closer, you can see from a distance. There are already corpses in the canyon. Dozens of wolves lie scattered on the desert. Blood flows into the yellow sand. The messy and compact gunshots are also covered. The silence of the canyon.

Not only that, there are a lot of fierce birds hovering in the air. These birds of prey are blood-billed vultures. They can also throw sharp metallic feathers when they encounter prey. They can even make a sharp sound like dysprosium in the air, which makes people feel It's hard to guard against.

And according to Taren, the wound will quickly become red, swollen and ulcerated after being pricked by this feather, and it is obviously that there is toxin on it.

Fortunately, there is a simple fortress temporarily built with stones and vehicles. This is the temporary position established by Barrett and the others. The two previous all-terrain vehicles were also parked outside. Obviously the team led by Deaco has already Arrived early, and the front of the fortress was full of wolves.

It’s almost two kilometers away in a straight line from where Kenny and the others are trapped, because there is already a rocky hillside ahead, and ATVs can’t go up. People can only hike, but they repeatedly rushed several times. Can't rush through.

Talen honked the horn towards the fort, and everyone in the fort cheered. Brad also appeared to greet him, but he raised his head frequently while walking, obviously guarding against attacks from the air.

At this time, Brad was too late to greet him, looking at Goliath on the rear trailer and said in surprise:

"Did you really fix this thing?"

Talen immediately said:

"Thanks to Morris and the wrench, how is the situation now?"

Brad spit out a turbid airway:

"It can only be described in four words. It's terrible! These **** wolves and blood-billed vultures cooperate very well. When we charge, we always have to be careful of attacks from the sky, but with Goliath, it's very different. "

Tarren Road:

"I'm ready, it's time to let these **** monsters go to hell!"

After finishing talking, Talen came to the trailer, started the mechanical giant Goliath and walked off the trailer. Many people whistled at Goliath, looking excited, obviously they did not suffer from the enemy's suffering just now. Now is the time to let the other party taste the power of steel machinery!

After entering the fortress, Fang Linyan got first-hand information about the battle ahead, and couldn't help frowning, because he found that the battle situation was worse than he had guessed.

There are hordes of large wolves outside the canyon, which have sealed off the cave on the hillside ahead. Kenny and the others rely on the location to resist, but the sparse gunshots from afar infer that the Kenny team Has begun to save ammunition.

The situation on Bryder's side is also not optimistic. The battle has been fought for several hours, especially at the beginning, when the wolves came up completely intrepid and fearless of death. At that time, everyone was red-eyed and didn’t want tomorrow. If it becomes wolf dung, the bullet can only be poured out at the fastest speed.

Therefore, although the ammunition they can carry is not tight, but they must also pay attention to consumption. When the corpse appears and the **** smell spreads, it attracts many predators, it is these blood-billed vultures.

Flocks of blood-billed vultures hover and fly in the scorching sun, and sometimes dive straight down. The scene is like a dragonfly catching prey. The huge wings reflect the huge black shadow in the canyon, which makes people fearful, and the screaming sound from high altitude seems terrifying The surround sound continuously repeats.

At this time, Brad whistled:

"Let's set up a trap! Leonard, you take ten people out to rush and let these **** monsters get together."

Immediately afterwards, he made a gesture to Talun, who was controlling the Bigfoot Mecha, and pointed to the swarms of giant birds hovering above his head:

"Let's fix them first. These guys are very clever. After a hard time, they will definitely learn their lesson and won't get together. So there is only one good chance to get a better chance."

Talen said loudly:

"Okay, boss!"

Leonard, who was named, immediately formed a team, and then swiftly attacked and fired fiercely at the several wolves in front of him. Under the sudden attack, the wolves were immediately killed and wounded several, and they could only wailed and fled.

The gunfire and the spreading smell of blood immediately irritated a large number of blood-billed vultures and gathered here, looking like black clouds gathering.

At this time, you can see that Gelia walks forward two steps slowly under the control of Taren, the shoulder cover slides down to reveal the launch port of the black hole, and then the radar is locked.

Then the best angle of attack was automatically calculated by the built-in "Canon booster", and a total of four "Hellfire" surface-to-air missiles "swish" ejected out of the warehouse.

Each shot dragged a short and hot flame, flew to different airspace, and then detonated one after another, covering thousands of cubic meters of airspace in an instant, forming a saturation attack! !

In just a few seconds, a large area of ​​airspace was completely covered by terrifying flames! Such high-altitude bombing caused at least twenty blood-billed vultures to turn into coke, falling like hail with smoke, and hitting the ground heavily.

The air bombardment worked, and for a while, the blood-billed vultures wailed and flew away from the sky above the human position, and the threat from the air was finally reduced a lot.

The violent explosion also frightened the wolves. They looked at the terrifying flames in the sky that hadn't dissipated. They couldn't figure out what was happening, their eyes were full of fear, and then they began to flee directly.

But Fang Linyan observed that these panicked wolves fled after being frightened, but after a few hundred meters, they started to get together in twos and threes.

Fang Linyan immediately used the binoculars nearby to observe and found that there were wolves among the wolves that got together! Needless to say, they are all elite creatures.

Not only that, in the center of the wolf pack, there are still more than a dozen wolves gathered together. Among them is a larger wolf sitting in a squat. It is estimated that only a large mouth of its blood basin can swallow the entire living person.

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There is a terrible flesh-red scar on the forehead of this wolf, with no hair on it, which is extremely obvious. I don't know how it survived such damage.

In fact, wolves are not much different from ordinary wolves. Their organization follows the natural law of the weak and the strong. The most powerful individuals are often elected as the leader of the tribe. Needless to say, this guy must be their wolf king. .

It can be seen from the bad situation that Kenny’s team has been besieged to death. This wolf is definitely not a waiting generation. It is estimated that it has evolved amazing intelligence. Seeing it squatting in a position surrounded by wolves , Still staring at him, looking around, it seems that he doesn't mean to retreat in the slightest.

At this time, Vulture said in the team channel:

"No wonder these wolves still refuse to retreat under the attack of human weapons. It turns out that there is a leader creature."

Fang Linyan Road:

"Are you talking about the western side?"

The vulture said in amazement:

"No, no, no, I'm talking about the leader of the blood-billed vulture in the sky...because of the west? Damn, the wolf actually has a leader creature!"

Fang Linyan Road:

"The blood-billed vulture actually has a leader creature?"

Under the guidance of the vulture, Fang Linyan also spotted this blood-billed vulture leader who was flying fast. This guy was even smaller than an ordinary blood-billed vulture, but he was flying so fast that he would stick out his mouth and peck at his neighbors. , Very vicious.

"Hey, what's the chest of this giant wolf? It seems that there is a necklace hanging?"

At this time, the vulture suddenly said.

Fang Linyan and the goat looked at it at the same time, but at this time the wolf king had already mixed into the wolf pack, and it took a lot of effort to see that there was a bunch of vines hanging from this guy's neck, and a dog tag hung on it. Ornaments.

Suddenly, doubts arose in the hearts of the two of them. Can't the Wolf King hang up a necklace by himself? Its aesthetics should not be able to do this, not to mention how can it be possible unless this guy becomes a werewolf?

While chatting with others, Bai Ruide seized the opportunity to severely inflict the blood-billed vulture, roared, and ordered a charge.

The Goliya mecha opened the way in front, and the marines formed a fan and started to advance rapidly. Fang Linyan and the three also picked up the equipped standard electromagnetic rifles and walked inside the team.

Because the Goliath mech inflicted heavy damage on the blood-billed vultures, and still used a method that made these beasts incomprehensible, it can be said that the blood-billed vultures flee in sight.

In this situation, even if the wolves were grinning at their team, they would be in great trouble without the cooperation of the blood-billed vultures in the air.

The wolves who dared to stand in front were shot by electromagnetic rifles! They wailed and fled, but most of them were only wounded and survived. The wolves who were hindered in their actions could even get help from their companions, relying on their passive ability to "lick the wound" and quickly recover their combat effectiveness.

Probably after the rescue team advanced more than 100 meters, it was estimated that they had sensed their true intentions. The wolves began to commotion, and they were a little restless. At this time, the wolf king was obviously unwilling to see the prey who had been besieged for so long. Drop.

So there was a howl of wolf, and suddenly, at least dozens of wolves roared towards this side and charged up.

Only at this time, Brad has given an order, their biggest reliance on this trip: the Goliath mech immediately raised his hand, and the armor on its shoulders opened, revealing a shoulder-resistant electromagnetic cannon.

At this time, it is considered to have entered the ground mode, because when using the machine gun, the shoulder cover cannot be opened, and it has lost its anti-air capability. Unfortunately, the blood-mouthed vultures are not Know this.

Immediately afterwards, the two "Metal Storm" electromagnetic machine guns on Goliya's wrists fired frantically. The muzzle was more than one meter long, and shot out a dense barrage on this barren battlefield, sweeping mercilessly. Watching those wolves who rush forward.

The power of the "metal storm" loaded on Goliath is not so easy to withstand, and immediately the bodies of several wolves were directly torn apart in this metal storm!

However, the **** smell coming from the air made the remaining wolves even more bloodthirsty, not retreating but advancing, but the driver Talen showed a sneer on his face, and suddenly tapped the button next to him.

The cannon on Goliya's shoulder immediately began to spin slowly, aiming carefully!

Immediately afterwards, a special artillery projectile was fired, and it landed in the center of the wolves that rushed up. It immediately took the impact point as the core, and a large area of ​​flame was released with a blast, covering an area of ​​almost 30 or 40 square meters. .

The wolves that were ignited in the sea of ​​fire jumped out, screaming in pain and rolling, but the flames on them still adhered and burned tenaciously! This is the power of special ammunition solidified incendiary bombs.

The shell is filled with a jelly made of gasoline and other chemicals. After the explosion, a layer of flame sputters around, emitting a high temperature of about 1000°C, and can stick to other objects and burn for a long time.

The special ammunition launched by Goliath can even attack targets in water because it contains active metals such as calcium, strontium, barium, etc. In this way, the hydrogen released by the reaction of metal and water will burn again, so it can make the target even in water It was burned alive inside!

Only three special incendiary bombs directly caused these defying wolves to retreat directly. After all, the fear of flames was deeply engraved in their primitive instincts.

In this case, nothing can stop the confluence of the two teams.

Not long after, Kenny and his party were restrained by the firepower of the reinforcements, carrying the wounded and evacuating from the cave. The exoskeleton device previously allocated was still quite useful at this time, greatly increasing the speed of the retreat.

At this point, Fang Linyan and others saw the Kenny team.

After the two parties converged, the situation on the Kenny team’s side was quite bad. The wounded did not say anything. Many people had symptoms of dehydration because they left hastily. So although they knew it was wrong, they could only choose to retreat. In the safe caves, people on the Kenny team’s side were allowed to drink and eat, and by the way, time for the wounded to perform dressing and simple treatment.

After spending almost forty minutes, a group of people began to leave the cave and slowly retreated.

At the initial retreat, there were no problems.

But after five or six hundred meters away from the cave, it was difficult to return. Under the control of the Wolf King, the wolves began to attack with small groups of harassment, and each wolf scattered very widely.

Not only that, but at this time the terrain around here is a hillside terrain, not an endless plain. There are rocks and the like obstructing sight everywhere.

Although the Goliath fighter can provide powerful firepower suppression, it is not unlimited ammunition, so the team's speed has been significantly slowed down, and the gunshots have become significantly sparse, and it is obvious that there is a shortage of ammunition.

However, the bloodthirsty wolves did not stay away. Instead, they stepped back a few hundred meters away. The wolf king kept pacing and wandering, but from time to time he would bark his teeth to drive the tribe to try.

When the team was only one kilometer away from returning to the camp established by Barry, the sudden change occurred!


After many trials, the sharp howling of wolves reverberated in the empty wasteland again. Accompanied by the howling of the Wolf King, the wolves resolutely began a large group of counterattacks. After regrouping, the wolves are rushing towards the crowd at a swift speed, and the sporadic gunfire makes them even more bloodthirsty and crazy.

Not only that, the blood-billed vulture in the air, driven by its leader, also linked up with the wolves and pounced together.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan said in the team channel:

"It seems that we are right to stay in this team. These wolves and blood-billed vultures should be just the basic enemies we The difficulty is so high, the power of those **** hill giants It is conceivable."

The goat couldn't help but angrily said:

"Damn, is the difficulty of SS so perverted? The wolves and vultures on this planet are about to catch up with the zombies who fear the death. That's fine, the key is that the leader creatures inside are even capable of 36 tricks. TM even learned the air-ground coordination in modern warfare."

The vulture made a rare joke at this time:

"Obviously it is the classic tactical dog plus flying dragon in StarCraft!"

But seeing that the rescue team was about to face the disaster at this time, Kenny's stern face showed a sneer. It was not until these wolves rushed within 20 meters that he waved his hand decisively:


It turns out that Kenny had investigated the possible dangers on the planet long before he came, and he had a deep understanding of the creatures that might threaten the rescue team. The cunning habits of the wolf were also very clear, so just now he deliberately made ammunition. The illusion of exhaustion is actually to lure them to come over!

After the two teams merged, the combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved, so this time the fire attack was suddenly released, and an astonishing combat effectiveness suddenly broke out.

First of all, Goliath's powerful air-to-air capability broke out again. This time, eight Hellfire missiles were launched, which directly covered a terrifying area in the air. In an instant, more than forty blood-billed vultures were emptied.

Not only that, but Kenny even used the killer's magic that he had always endured not using. After everyone blocked his ears, he threw four special shock bombs directly!

In an instant, the infrasound wave specially designed for the ears of the wolves swept past like a tsunami, and the thirty or forty wolves charging in front fell to the ground and wailed, and even blood was flowing from the ear holes.

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