Pill Fire Realm, there are a total of 81 mountain fires surrounding it. Each volcano is separated by at least ten several li, or even more than a hundred li. Some of them are still full of flame power, and some are trapped There is no state, but no one knows if they will burst into a horrible flame at any time.

This place is different from the Xingjia fire area. Except for the real fire formed near Pill Pagoda, the other places are full of high temperatures, no fire, anyone can walk in this place. As long as it can withstand this high temperature force.

In this pill fire world, I see Dan people from time to time in cultivation pill concocting. Many of them are not shy, facing Dan Ding in cultivation, they are in a state of enchantment. frightening.

Among the Dan tribe, only the outstanding pill concocting has the chance to stand out. No one wants to be left behind. They are crazy about cultivation Alchemy Technique in the pill fire world, and they don’t know Dao Pill in the process. It is common for clansman to fall into a state of madness, or even go crazy directly.

Yang Wu didn’t have time to pay attention to this. In Dan Richen, he sent someone to Lu Zhi to send the formation diagram, and also gave Su Shuaiyan some body tempering medicine pills, as well as Aisha and Xue Xiaofan. He was not treated badly either, he took Dan Zi and entered the Dan clan heavy land.

“Years ago, when our Dan tribe ancestors fell, we set up a dojo under the ground and sealed the fire of his innate talent in it, creating this pill fire world. It is the fire of this kind of innate talent that helps our Dan people to prosper and prosper, and now the fire source may have a problem. This is a big issue. If it is not resolved, our Dan fire world will only be destroyed. For our Dan people It is definitely a great loss. I want to use Danzi’s peach pink flame to resonate with the ancestral fire, hoping that it can completely control the fire and no longer affect the descendants of my race.” Dan Richen brought Yang Wu and Danzi. And the drunk old man said frankly his purpose for the first time after he came to the pill fire world.

“How did you know that Dao Pill Zi has such an ability, what should she do if she can’t?” Yang Wu asked.

“It can’t be done, we also have a way to protect her. At that time, we can only think of another way, and the worst way is to move the family here or completely seal it up. Abolish this place.” Dan Richen said solemnly.

“Usually fire poison is caused by excessive firepower. The fire poison of your Dan tribe is really contaminated with a source of poison. A source of poison that can enter the fire is very terrifying. The baby can’t be solved,” said the drunk old man.

“We have already figured out the countermeasures. When the time comes, I hope Zui Lao can take care of one or two, and we will definitely give a satisfactory reward.” Dan Richen sincerely said.

“Since this is the case, let’s go down and see what the situation is.”

“Start the battle!”

81 crater volcano erupted turbulent at the same time Firepower, these firepower burns diffusely around the formation mark, forming a huge Fire Pit, forming a firepower channel in the Fire Pit, leading directly to the depths of the earth.

Several sage pharmacists and sacred Elder appeared at the same time, and Dan Richen and Yang Wu swept in underneath the Fire Pit.

The thick high temperature and turbulent firepower are like fire sea hell. It is definitely not a place where ordinary people dare to pass.

Yang Wu enters here with Danzi, and bursts of powerful firepower are constantly surging, and there is also a lot of fire poison that others may not notice, but the people present except Danzi , All sensed.

“The poison is so strong, what happened in the end?” The sage of the Dan clan muttered.

“I’m afraid that something went wrong with the seal, so I must figure out what’s going on.” Another said.

They soon came under the ground, where there is a terrifying molten river, the molten molten is constantly turbulent, like the tide is undulating, hot waves are coming, this is pink The waves of fire seemed very strange.

There is a pink peach tree in this lava river. It does not grow very high, but the stem is dense, covering a very wide area, occupying a large area, and there are patches of fire-like leaves. , Looks very moving.

If you don’t look carefully, everyone will think that this is a real peach tree, but when you look carefully, you can find that this is not a real tree, but a fire tree made of flames. It is Dan The “Peach Powder Flame” left by the ancestors of the clan.

Yang Wu has seen many strange scenes, but it is the first time to see such a situation, which is really eye-opening.

People of the Dan tribe bowed slightly to the peach tree and respected the peach tree. It represents the will of the ancestors of the Dan tribe.

Dan Zi within the body’s peach pink flame is beating constantly, there is an impulse to break out of the body, she looks at the peach tree in front of her inexplicably, and a sense of resonance arises.


Suddenly, a stick of fire moved towards Dan Zi’s position swept over, and the speed was astonishing.

The cold hair of Yang Wu standing next to Dan Zi stood up, and he screamed: “get out of my sight.”

The Blue Demon in his heart rushed out and quickly Blocked the fire stick, released the innate talent of Xinghuo, and began to consume the firepower of the fire stick.

“Yang Wu, don’t be impulsive.” Dan Richen soothed and said to the burning peach tree: “Master Fire Spirit, don’t be impulsive, we are here to solve the fire for you.”


“Resolve the fire poison for me? Your brains are twitched, right.” Huo Peach Tree made a voice shouted, and after a pause, it said: “Let the child here, I will train her well.”

“Master Fire Spirit, listen to me, our race is now being attacked by fire poison. It is a situation that has not happened before. Think about it carefully. Is it because you have infiltrated other energy and caused it Firepower changes.” Dan Richen said comfortably.

“If you want to absorb my original power, just say, what are you looking for for such a high-sounding reason, leave the child behind, you immediately get out of here, or don’t blame me for being impolite.” The fire peach tree has a cold color.

At this time, the drunk old man opened the mouth and said faintly: “Look at the color under the molten metal.”

Everyone moved towards the molten metal and broke open I saw the layers of fire waves on the surface, and saw strands of black poison mist. These poison mists were like maggots, sucking the roots of the fire peach tree, looking abnormally terrifying.

“What a terrible fire!” Everyone was cry out in surprise.

Peach Powder Flame is the top sacred fire. These fire poisons can suck its power. They are absolutely terrifying fire poisons. Even if they are touched, they can’t escape.

“Hehe, since you have discovered it, please stay here. I wanted to wait for thousands of years, but it seems that I don’t need to do this anymore.” Huo Taoshu sneered, all The branches of fire began to spread and moved, covering Heaven and Earth, moving towards the crowd with terrifying firepower and shot them past.

This is the power of the top sacred fire, and it is definitely not weaker than the power of any top sage.

Yang Wu felt a sense of suffocation. He was guarding Dan Zi and retreated like a big enemy. He wanted to leave this place, otherwise he would really be killed by this fire peach tree.

The message that the Blue Demon Ji passed to him, this fire peach tree is too high level, even it may not be able to deal with it.

“Fire Spirit, are you betraying my clan?” An old voice sounded, and a huge palm print moved towards the fire peach tree covered it, blocking all its attacks.

This is a top-level saint with mighty power, not comparable to ordinary saints.

Who knows, this saint’s attack was still broken, and a ray of flame moved towards Dan Zi’s position swept over.

The flame came so fast that even Yang Wu couldn’t stop it. The flame plunged directly into Dan Zi, and a terrifying aura was released on her, Yang Wu was shocked to vomit blood. To go.

“Not good, Fire Spirit was injected into her.” The top saint of the Dan clan cry out in surprise, his power moved towards Danzi imprisoned and did not give Danzi a chance to escape.

The saints of other Dan tribes also took action to block this world and avoid being escaped by Fire Spirit.

The Shengwei hiding the sky and covering the earth, in an instant, has blocked every space.

“haha, how can you be my opponent here? I have been trapped for so many years, you all go to death.” Dan Zi, who was invaded by Fire Spirit, laughed wildly, her hands kept knotting Yin, the firepower all around is raging, the fire peach tree burns frantically, and the domineering firepower hits this space, she will burn the people here alive.

“Master Fire Spirit, you are crazy!” Dan Richen roared with an extremely grave expression. He propped up a piece of defensive power to block these firepower, and yelled, “Get her Seal it up.”

“Not good, the seal Formation here is no longer valid.” A saint responded anxiously.

“Damn, Fire Spirit has been planning for a long time, and must be suppressed strongly.” The top saint shouted.

Many Holy Forces are constantly fluctuating. Some are blocking the rushing firepower, while others are dealing with “Dan Zi” and must take her down.

The firepower here is too strong. I don’t know how many years it has accumulated. It also contains terrifying fire poison. The two ordinary saints can’t defend themselves. They are overwhelmed by firepower. I only hear them bursting. The sound of screams, I am afraid it is bode ill rather than well.

In this chaotic situation, Yang Wu is not doing well. He really didn’t expect something like this when he entered this space, leaving him unprepared. Fortunately, he has the Blue Demon The protective body can resist the firepower here, otherwise it will become ashes.

“Damn Dan Clan, if Dan Zi has any shortcomings, I must bury her for her.” Yang Wu in the heart shouted.

Dan Zi is his discipline, and he definitely doesn’t want anything to happen to her.

The situation is extremely critical at the moment, all self-protection is a problem, and I want to save Danzi easier said than done.

Yang Wu felt extremely desperate. In this damn environment, his advantage no longer existed.

Fortunately, Yang Wu didn’t lose his mind completely, and the Blue Demon Ji’s body was not burned immediately. His mind kept turning, thinking about solutions.

At this time, a voice rang: “Master, I can solve this big problem for you.”

This is the voice of the mandala sacred flower.

Since this guy was accepted by Yang Wu, he has been staying on Yang Wu, not at all deliberately showing its tough side.



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