The star-patterned pill refined by Xing Yashang is a quasi-three tribulation medicine pill, which is refined into three. Such a sacred pill is a fine product.

The star pattern pill refined by Yang Wu is a medicine pill of Three Tribulations. There are sixteen medicine pills in total. Such a pill is definitely the top grade.

Compared between the two, which medicine pill is better? Obvious at a glance. At this time, someone said that Yang Wu had lost the competition.

For a while, everyone moved towards the opening person and looked over.

The speaker is Yao Wushuang who is beside Cao Jifei.

Yao Wushuang is the eighth dísciple of Xiang Dingtian, the current Alliance Leader, and Cao Jifei’s Senior Brother has a high status in the alliance. His words are very powerful.

Xing Yashang looked towards Yao Wushuang, his eyes full of moving, hoping that Yao Wushuang can turn things around for him, although the hope is slim, he still has a fluke.

“Wu Shuang, where do you start with this? The result is clear. How do you say Yang Wu loses?” the drunk old man asked Yao Wushuang.

His nine dísciples of Senior Brother, what he dislikes the most is the Yao Wushuang in front of him. Although the innate talent is outstanding, he is from Medicine Sect. At the beginning, Medicine Sect wanted Yao Wushuang to worship him Senior Brother. It took a lot of effort for the teacher. At that time, he persuaded him to not accept the Senior Brother for fear of training Yao Wushuang, and finally made the wedding dress for Medicine Sect.

His Senior Brother did not listen to persuasion, he still accepted Yao Wushuang as a disciple, and Yao Wushuang also competed, and he became a new star in the medicine refining industry along the way. After Cao Jifei appeared, his Fengmang It has converged.

No matter how good Yao Wushuang is, it will not change the drunk old man’s bad impression of him. He always feels that the other party is thankless wretch.

Miao Xuanqi also looked towards Yao Wushuang, his old eyes gleaming with wisdom, as if he had guessed what Yao Wushuang was about to say.

“Yang Wu refined the Three Tribulations Star Pattern Pill, and it was judged from the result that he did win, but the Vice Alliance Lord had already stated the rules before the start. The time limit was three hours. Yang Wu refined the medicine. The pill has already timed out, so Yang Wu lost in this match and Xing Ya Shang Sheng Elder won. Do you think so?” Yao Wushuang explained slowly with a smile.

Everyone was stunned.

Even Yang Wu himself was confused.

Miao Xiangqi seems to have said so.

“Yes, yes, I won this competition, I won, Yang Wu, your medicine pill has timed out, your medicine pill has timed out, haha.” Xing Ya still has a kind of The joy of escaping from the dead cheered.

Wang Youling and Zhong Feng both laughed in relief.

“This…is this all right?” Miao Miao muttered.

Qing Feng squinted her eyes and moved her body quietly, getting closer to Yang Wu’s position. Once something went wrong, she was going to take Yang Wu out of here, could she just watch Yang Wu judge herself? Arm.

The saint Elder of the alchemy asked Miao Xiangqi: “Vice Alliance Lord, this…how is this judged?”

Miao Xiangqi lightly said: “First put medicine Pill, come here.”

The saint Elder, according to his words, sent the canonized holy pill to Miao Xiangqi.

How to judge the result, everything is up to Miao Xiangqi.

After the medicine pill was presented, Miao Xiangqi said to the people around him: “Come and see, whoever medicine pill is better.”

Everyone around him is Holy pharmacist, they are all seriously looking at Xing Yashang and Yang Wu’s refining medicine pill, and more people’s eyes are on Yang Wu refining medicine pill. They are all thinking about how Yang Wu can make sixteen. Holy pill, this kind of ability is only qualified by divine medicine teachers.

“It’s really a genuine three-tribulation star-patterned pill. The quality of the refining is really unexplainable.”

“It is breathtaking medicine pill, even the old man can’t make it. One such beautiful and perfect medicine pill.”

“Look carefully, the sixteen medicine pills are the same size and do not appear even. Look at their pill pattern and color, it is indeed just after the pill. The star pattern pill of baptism, this thing cannot be faked.”

“Xing Sheng Elder’s medicine pill is also a quasi-three robbery medicine pill, which is a very good medicine pill. It is a pity.”


All Saints Elder agreed that Yang Wu medicine pill is the best, and there is no objection to this result.

Even Yao Wushuang also praised two sentences “good”, and then stopped commenting too much.

On the contrary, Cao Jifei asked of being inferior said: “I’m not as good as him for the time being.”

She emphasized “temporarily” twice, which means it is very obvious that she can surpass him in the future.

Finally, Miao Xunqi announced: “Since you all said that Yang Wu medicine pill is okay, then the Vice Alliance Lord of this competition announced that Yang Wu will win!”

Xing Yashang immediately protested: “Vice Alliance Lord, Wushuang Sheng Elder just said that Yang Wu’s refining time has expired. No matter how well his medicine pill is practiced, it is ineffective.”

Yao Wushuang I have to ask again: “Vice Alliance Lord, the rules are announced by you. Can you lose the notarization just because you cherish your talents.”

Yao Wushuang spoke to Miao Xiangqi like this Up.

Miao Xiangqi didn’t mind at all, he asked in one direction: “Where is the timing judgment?”

Three people quietly walked out in the crowd and faced Miao Xiangqi. Kneeling down and replied: “The subordinate is here!”

Yao Wushuang was a bit stunned.

He really didn’t expect that someone was counting secretly, but he firmly believed that Yang Wu’s refining medicine pill must be overtime.

“Do you guys tell me whether it’s overtime for Yang Wu to refining medicine pill?” Miao Xiangqi asked the three.

The three people raised the hourglass in their hands and said seriously: “There is no overtime.”

“Impossible, he obviously has been over three hours, how could he not overtime, so many Anyone can testify for me.” Xing Ya still couldn’t accept this fact.

“Do you have any photo crystals?” Miao Xiangqi asked again.

“Yes.” The three of them answered differently at the same time, and then they held the photo crystal.

Picture crystals are strange stones, and they are the best evidence that they can retain the scene of what happened.

One of the timing judges said: “According to the rules of pill concocting, Yang Wu before refining into a pill attracts the pill, the time is not over, and it ends when the second holy thunder falls. , So Yang Wu pill concocting not at all timed out.”

There are rules in the pill concocting world. After condensing the pill, when the first wave of pill concocting falls, it means that the pill concocting is successful. How much time the Dan Jie Tian Lei fell and affected was not counted in the regular time.

This rule was originally intended to take care of the innate weakness of the Medicine Refining Master. If there is a lightning protection array here, Yang Wu does not need to spend time to respond to the catastrophe, and it becomes a three-failure medicine pill.

In other words, according to the rules of pill concocting, after Yang Wu condenses the pill, the moment the pill arrives, it can be proved that he has refined the pill, and the time beyond the pill concocting can not be counted in the rules. Within time, so this does not count as his pill concocting timeout.

The timing judge released the afterimages on the shadow crystal, and everyone could see Yang Wu when the first wave of thunders landed, there was still sand in the hourglass until the second wave of thunders. After lowering, the sand in the hourglass will run out, and the three hours will be completely over.

Xing Ya is still as gray as death, he muttered: “He has timed out, he has timed out…”

Yao Wuchen is speechless, he really didn’t expect Miao Zhu Qi still has this hand, and he has nothing to say.

Pill concocting rules, which are recognized by all Medicine Refining Masters, and he still dare not overthrow them.

Cao Jifei’s tight face loosened slightly, and she lightly covered her bright red jade lips and muttered, “This result is pretty good.”

Pill by Yang Wu There is no doubt about the concocting ability, if you lose because of the time difference, it would be a pity.

She questioned Yang Wu in the great hall because of consideration for the alliance. Now that Yang Wu wins, she is also considering the alliance. In her eyes, as long as it is beneficial to the alliance, she agrees, not It’s because of Yang Wu.

Yao Wuchen heard Cao Jifei’s words, and he added fuel to the fire, killing Yang Wu.

“Yang Wu saint pharmacist is great!” I don’t know who cheered, and the others cheered. Waves of voices kept ringing.

This moment is a glorious moment for Yang Wu.

Yang Wu secretly squeezed a cold sweat, and he luckily said: “I won’t be able to play like this again next time, I almost scared my heart out.”

When Chen found out the reason and announced that he had lost, he was almost ready to run away.

Fortunately, the Pharmacist Alliance has done a perfect solution to let him escape.

Miao Miao took two Universe Rings to Qingfeng to please and said: “elder sister, this is the holy stone you won, you have collected it.”

this time Miao Miao earned hundreds of thousands of high grade mysterious Spirit Stone, which was the time he won the most. He was very happy, but compared with Qingfeng, his Spirit Stone was nothing at all.

Qingfeng took the Universe Ring unceremoniously, and did not forget to move towards Wang Youling and Zhong Feng, and said, “Thank you.”

Then she took out one Thousands of high grade sacred stones were transferred to Miao Miao’s hands and said: “This is your rake, no thanks!”

Miao Miao took the thousand high grade sacred stones and instantly felt that this elder sister was more Beautiful, he excitedly said: “You are really a Divine Immortal elder sister, so proud, I recognize your elder sister!”

Qingfeng ignored Miao Miao and quickly moved towards Yang Wu and swept past. Her responsibility is to guard Yang Wu’s safety. The more critical the time, the less likely to make mistakes.

“Okay, the result came out. According to the gambling agreement, Xing Yashang will no longer be the Saint Elder of the Alliance, and take back his Saint Elder token. In addition, Cao Jifei and Wang Youling will have to repeat your additional bets. “Miao Xiangqi announced lightly.

Xing Yashang struggled and said: “Vice Alliance Lord, you give me another chance, you give me another chance.”

“There is only one chance, you are not from my alliance. Saint Elder, but or Saint pharmacist status.” Miao Xiangqi responded, and then he looked towards Yang Wu and said: “Yang Wu, you have won victory and refined the Three Tribulations Sacred Pill, which can be given a’Golden Green Badge’. He was named the top Saint Elder in our league and enjoyed the top treatment in the league. How do you like it?”

It’s a general saint pharmacist who knelt and thanked him early, but Yang Wu calmly asked: “The top treatment is Which ones?”

“Herbs below Tianyao can be called at any time from each sub-alarm, with a 30% discount on the price, 50% off for herbs above Tianyao, 50% off on all medicine pills, and both herbal medicine and medicine pill are available The right to get priority, you can also get a top-level saint robe, you can call the sub-altar guard and guard at any time.”


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