The award ceremony of Saint Elder, the Holy Crest, is extremely grand.

A strong guard banged eighteen drums, one after another “dong dong” was stunned, and there were musical instruments that sounded like a symphony of nature, and two completely different sounds were not chaotic. , And the answer was extremely shocking. In addition, dozens of medicine cauldrons ignited flames at the same time, reflecting the glazed brilliance of the great hall.

Yang Wu stood on the court and felt the grand atmosphere. A sense of pride was ignited in his heart. He secretly said: “It feels like an emperor ascends the throne. No wonder that many people are desperate I want to be better. It turns out that this feeling is really great.”

Yang Wu has risen in just a few years, and has never enjoyed the gift of vanity, especially such a grand ceremony. Yes, definitely the first time.

When Yang Family was named Young Patriarch, there was no such ceremony. Everything was announced in a low-key manner. He has not been publicly commended on such a formal occasion. This is definitely the first time. .

Yang Wu is just a youngster in his twenties. He was not as excited as he was when he became a prince in the ordinary world.

Under the watchful eyes of all the giants on the scene, Miao Zhengqi bestowed the “Golden and Green Badge” on Yang Wu, which was the proof of the top saint pharmacist.

Miao Xiangqi smiled and said to Yang Wu: “Treasure it, work hard, and strive to break the record of the youngest divine medicine division held by the Alliance Leader.”

Qi’s words frightened everyone present.

Xiang Dingtian is the top One of the Overlords in the entire transcendent world. Miao Xiangqi said that, there is a bit of suspicion of inviolability.

Fortunately, most Medicine Refining Masters know about Miao Zhengqi. He is indeed a straightforward person, who can’t make mistakes. His high hopes for Yang Wu are the biggest compliment to Yang Wu.

Some of Yang Wu’s sorry said: “Many thanks to the encouragement of the Deputy Sir Alliance Lord, I will try my best.”

Miao Miao in the crowd gave Yang Wu a thumbs up secretly: “This buddy is really my idol!”

Yao Wushuang’s eyes are full of jealousy. He cursed in the heart, “This kid has what skills and abilities. He broke the record created by my teacher, and in his next life. There is no such qualification.”

Cao Jifei’s beautiful eyes were full of fighting spirit, and she thought to herself: “I won’t be left behind to such a little brother.”

Yang Wu, if you listen At this point, I will definitely emphasize: “I am a younger brother, but I am definitely not young.”

Miao Xiangqi returned to his seat and went to Yao Chenhuang to take a token from the waiter, Yang Wu walked over, and he said with a smile: “Yang Wu, you are really good. No wonder the old seedlings and drunks are so fond of you. This is your token. With it, you can get a lot of gifts from the alliance. Welfare benefits, I hope you will have a smooth journey on Dao of Alchemy and contribute more to the alliance.”

Yang Wu respectfully accepted the token and responded: “It is the Vice Alliance Lord.”

Yao Chenhuang lightly patted Yang Wu’s shoulder, without saying any more nonsense, and returned to his seat.

“I announce that Yang Wu has become the top Saint Elder of the Pharmacist Alliance. I will give a holy order, a top medicinal robe, a residence building in the general altar, and a unique pill concocting room…” Miao Xiangqi announced.

After he finished speaking, everything was done, the drums sounded again, the melodious instrument sounds reverberated, and the applause rang with the battlefield.

At this moment, Yang Wu focal point of ten thousands.

“Yang Family has children like this, so don’t worry about it!” Yang Taihe said in the heart with a thousand emotions.

Once, he thought that he was the hope of revitalizing the Yang Family, and he ended up in the Tomb City. Now the Yang Family is rejuvenating because of Yang Wu, and he realized that this descendant is the rejuvenated son of the Yang Family.

The whole process of giving ceremony was successfully completed without any accident.

Yang Wu wears a gold-green badge and a piece of thin silk medicinal robe, giving the Medicine Refining Master a unique flavor.

Cao Jifei watched the heartbeat speed up a lot, she whispered in the heart: “This guy is really a natural Medicine Refining Master.”

Miao Xiangqi personally sound transmission to Dingcheng declared: “Battle Clan Yang Family Yang Wu is bestowed as the top Saint Elder of the Pharmacist Alliance, hereby proclaiming the world.”

The sound of the gods is mighty, every corner of Dingcheng can be heard clearly. The people all exclaimed.

“Congratulations to Yang Wu Saint Elder!” This voice rang out in waves, condensing the momentum above Dingcheng, and it was difficult to disperse for a long time.

Following the announcement of this news, all parts of the Transcendent Realm quickly received the news, and they all checked who the “Yang Wu” was, what origin, and how suddenly became the top sage of the Pharmacist Alliance Elder?

Any top holy pharmacist has the qualifications to form 1st Rate Influence. As long as he gives an order, the world does not know how many people will come to work under his command, just to get a Enhance the strength of medicine pill, or extend life medicine pill.

The location of Yang Wu absolutely changed the pattern of Yang Family. For a long period of time, powerhouses have successively joined Yang Family’s subordinates. As a result, the Xing family has not dared to act rashly, and his arrogance has also reduced a lot.

After the end of the gift ceremony, someone moved towards Yang Wu rushed over and shouted: “Yang Wu Saint Elder, you are my idol, please take my knees quickly.”

Miao Zhenqi, who has not left the back door, heard this sound, almost staggered over with anger, and cursed in his heart: “What a shame.”

Said this It is not someone else who speaks, but Miao Miao, a descendant of Miao Xiangqi.

This guy’s alchemy talent is also very outstanding, and he is expected to take Miao Xiangqi’s class in the future.

Yang Wu looked towards Miao Miao, who rushed over, jokingly said: “Your knees have fallen.”

Miao Miao was taken aback and looked towards his knees. tragedy.

“Yang Wu Saint Elder, take my knee.” Many little saint pharmacists rushed from behind him, squeezed him to the ground, and really trampled his knees.

“Don’t step on it, you murder!” Miao Miao screamed.

It’s a pity that his strength is too weak, and he can’t fight back at all. Being stepped on by others with bloody nose and swollen face is really embarrassing.

Yang Wu looked at the formation of these people and had to take out the majesty of St. Elder shouted: “Calm down!”

As he scolded, those The people rushing over were really suppressed.

Yang Wu faintly said: “I, Yang Wu, can become Saint Elder today. I am very honored to know everyone. First of all, I would like to thank the friends who attended the ceremony. They came all the way, everyone. Friends, let’s sit down in Japan and have a chance to have a good chat. It’s really not the time now. Please forgive me.”

“Yang Wu Saint Elder is right. He has become the Saint Elder of our alliance. Are you afraid that he will run away? Everyone should go away first.”

“Yang Wu Saint Elder, I will ask you about Alchemy Technique in the coming day. Please feel free to give me advice.”

“Yang Wu Sheng Elder is young and promising. I hope you will continue to work hard and become a teacher of divine medicine in the future.”

“Yang Wu Sheng Elder, my granddaughter keeps it for you, remember to come to me Ah.”


These little saint pharmacists said carefree for a while, and they withdrew one by one in an orderly manner, without embarrassing Yang Wu any more.

“Little Junior Sister, let’s go.” Yao Wushuang couldn’t stand it anymore and said to Cao Jifei who was on the side.

“Don’t worry, I also want to say congratulations to him.” Cao Jifei responded flatly.

Yao Wushuang’s expression sank slightly, then Qiang Yanhuan said with a smile: “Then you wait slowly, Senior Brother will leave first.”

Yao Wushuang turned around. After that, with a face full of jealousy, I couldn’t wait for Yang Wu to die immediately.

After many little saint pharmacists and some young pharmacists with outstanding alchemy talent retired, the remaining saints Elder one after another congratulated Yang Wu, and Yang Wu thanked them one by one.

These St. Elders are the mainstays of the Pharmacist Alliance, and each of them has a tangled and complicated relationship behind them. Yang Wu is not yet familiar with them, and they quit after a few words with Yang Wu.

Cao Jifei also stepped forward to congratulate Yang Wu generously and said: “Congratulations Yang Wu, please give me your advice in the future.”

Yang Wu cupped the hands to Cao Jifei Said: “It’s easy to talk about, and I want to take care of Young Lady Cao.”

“Okay, when you are done, we will discuss it.” Cao Jifei complied and was about to leave, and sound transmission added: ” You look very handsome in Medicine Refining Master robe.”

Yiren leaves, the fragrance is still there.

“Boy, your eyes are about to stare out. Are you ready to empathize so soon? I’m too sorry for my Eldest Miss.” There was a dissatisfied voice in Yang Wu Rang in his ears.

Yang Wu looked sideways and saw that it was Wang Yuyang of the Hengshan School. He quickly arched his hands and said: “What is Big Brother Wang talking about, is Yujun okay?”

Wang Yuyang shook her bangs lightly and said: “Eldest Miss is very good. The Phoenix Dragon Ranking is about to start. She is trying her best to improve her strength. When you see her again, startled. You must not let down Eldest Miss’s wishes. She asked me to tell you.” After a while, he said again: “Congratulations on becoming a Saint Elder. You will be promoted to medicine pill in the future. Just don’t forget me.”

“How could it happen? I happen to have a star-patterned pill and I am going to give it to Big Brother Wang.” Yang Wu complied, and quickly took out a three-tribulation star-patterned pill and gave it to Wang Yuyang.

Wang Yuyang was shocked instantly.

The people around Yang Wu were also shocked by his actions.

“You…you are not serious, are you?” Wang Yuyang asked back.

Apart from anything else, Yang Wu stuffed the medicine pill into Wang Yuyang’s hands: “How can this crack a joke? Thanks to Big Brother Wang’s care in the past, this medicine pill is nothing, you can go back and replace it. I thank Yujun, she has done a lot for me, Yang Wu remembers it in my heart, and I look forward to seeing her again.”

Wang Yuyang received the Supreme Treasure and said, “Yang Wu , It’s too late for you to regret it now.”

“Not just a medicine pill, not so much.” Yang Wu said with a smile.

Yang Taihe sighed slightly in his heart: “What a prodigal!”

A single star pattern pill can enhance the strength of a saint in the family. It is actually a gift for nothing, too Proud.

Someone said to the side: “Yang Wu Saint Elder, I am willing to buy a star pattern pill with 40,000 high grade holy stones.”

Yang Wu moved towards that person. , Surprisingly is a representative from Sky Severing Sect, the other party is an old woman with cold eyes and a pressing baleful qi.

Others said: “Forty thousand is too little, I am willing to give fifty thousand high grade holy stones.”


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