There is no cure for corpse poison and corpse curse divine medicine. This is an accepted fact.

One or two rare things in the world that can detoxify the corpse poison and the corpse curse are extremely difficult to find. Even the old monster of the Heavenspan level cannot be found. This is also considered by everyone There is no doubt the reason why poison and corpse curse must die.

For these tasks that hung here more than 300 years ago, it is a miracle that the person who posted the task has not yet died.

If the opponent dies, the task will automatically disappear, and the task card will be branded with the opponent’s blood essence.

It is also possible that the person who posted the task may not be a poisoned or cursed person, but just wants to find a medicine pill for detoxification and cure, so I have been hanging here.

This task is not the longest released task in the task hall and no one has received it, but it is definitely the most difficult task to complete.

Today, a young man stride proudly ahead and moved towards the task card and took off the task card.

Suddenly, a thousand waves aroused.

“What did you say, Yang Wu took down the most difficult task card. Does he really have a Pill Recipe?”

“Yang Wu Saint Elder, what is this going to do? , Is it to capture the heart of Big Senior Sister, so he is desperate to receive the task card? Don’t you know that if the task is not completed, the corresponding contribution value will be deducted?”

“How can Big Senior Sister compete with Yang Wu plays such a bet, she is our empress.”

“Fortunately, that is an unsolvable task, and Yang Wu Saint Elder will definitely not be able to complete it.”

“Big Senior Sister is going to marry Yang Wu.”


The news spread in the castle in the form of rumors, and every Medicine Refining Master was Alarmed.

The popularity of Cao Jifei in the temple is too high. She is the queen of all men in mind. Her every move will be paid attention to, especially such shocking news, which spreads swiftly. People all inquired about what was going on, and as a result, different versions spread.

Some people say that Yang Wu has chased Concubine Cao Ji. Some people say that Concubine Cao Ji is interesting to Yang Wu. Others say that the two are betting, and rumors are flying.

Yao Wushuang was preparing to retreat for a while, and when he heard the news, he completely exploded.

“Who, who is who spread such rumors, I will punish him.” Yao Wushuang roared like an angry lion.

He understands Cao Jifei. It can be said that he watched Cao Jifei grow up. He knows exactly what her character is. She definitely won’t like Yang Wu easily, not to mention the rumours. How can people easily have relationships.

“The master does not need to be angry, I have already figured it out. In fact, it was Cao Young Lady who made a bet with Yang Wu.” Someone secretly said, and then he talked about the matter with Yao Wushuang. , Not at all Add oil and vinegar.

After listening to Yao Wushuang, he said uncomfortably: “How can Little Junior Sister be so impulsive? She was hit by the little thief’s aggressive trick.”

“Yang Wu is indeed There is one hand, who can make things wind and rain all over the city at any time, such a person will not live long.” The humanity secretly.

“You go catch a few guys who spread the rumors and give them a lesson, and let people clarify the whole story.” Yao Wushuang ordered.

“Master, I can’t do anything in the castle, or I will die without a burial site.”

“Trash, you will keep an eye on Yang Wu for me, once he leaves Castle, let the news go out immediately, I will let him die.”


Yang Wu and Cao Jifei separated an hour ago.

After Yang Wu took down the mission card, he said seriously to Cao Jifei: “Wait to be my woman.”

Next, he brought Miao Miao gorgeous Lidi left.

This is the first time that Concubine Cao Ji has suffered such a provocation. The empress’s spirit has been guilty by Yang Wu’s eighth pressure.

She couldn’t help regretting the impulse she had just made, but she had to send the arrow on the string, and she didn’t believe that Yang Wu could really do it.

She had asked her Master about the Poisonous Poison and Poisonous Curse. Her Master admitted in person that he could not refine the Holy Pill with complete restraint. Of course, if poisoned or hit When the curse came before him, he still had the ability to help suppress or eliminate it.

Cao Jifei looked through countless ancient books and Pill Recipe, but couldn’t find a solution, she finally had a nodded thread. She wanted to study with Yang Wu. Who knows if the other party doesn’t sell it. She can also solve this unsolvable problem by uttering Kyogen, and this is why she is willing to bet.

After Cao Jifei returned to her residence, a beautiful servant girl came over and asked carefully: “Young Lady, outside…is it true?”

“Remember anything from the outside, you just don’t hear it, nothing else.” Cao Jifei said lightly, and after a pause, she added: “Don’t ask similar questions in the future.”

The servant girl panicked and said: “It’s Young Lady, the slave and maid convicted.”

“This month, I will stare at Yang Wu’s every move. If there is news, I will be notified as soon as possible. Me.”

“It’s Young Lady.”


The three of Dan Liyi, Jing Qian and Jin Yuchen also heard the message from the castle. news.

“Yang Wu, even if our two clans are allies, I will not lose to you, Ji Fei will only be mine.” Dan Liyi murmured with his fist clenched.

This time, he didn’t stay in retreat anymore, but instead invited the holy pharmacist to discuss the Tao together, and he looked for the way to bring it up a level.

As the son of light, Jing Qian possesses the prestige in the resident of Guangming Sect. He sits in the great hall of the resident, and looks at the three imposing manner Ruhong’s men below and says: “Talk about everything , How can we get rid of the nasty boy Yang Wu?”

“Young Master, we don’t need to take action, just keep an eye on him. Once he goes out, reward hunters will definitely deal with him. “

“I think we can contact the’Earth Sha’, it is not difficult to kill a person by their means.”

Jing Qian had murderous intention on Yang Wu, Jin Yuchen I didn’t want to let Yang Wu go, but his strength was not enough to kill Yang Wu head-on, only able to outwit.

“It just so happens that the Heaven Dragon List is about to begin, so let’s use your head to blood sacrifice.” Jin Yuchen said with a slight smile.


After Yang Wu accepted the task, he did not immediately complete the task. Instead, he returned to his residence to meet Yang Taihe, Qingfeng, and the Silver Tortoise, preparing to leave.

“I am going to leave here, are you still with me?” Yang Wu asked Miao Miao seriously.

“Of course, I think you are the boss, I have to hug my thighs when I die.” Miao Miao patted his chest.

“Then you can ask Miao Vice Alliance Lord, if he allows, I can take you away, otherwise I won’t take you.” Yang Wu emphasized.

“What, it’s hard to be afraid that the boss is afraid that I will drag you down?”

“You are really right, your strength is too bad, once something happens, I can’t take care of your safety.”

“Boss, what you said is too hurtful. I am also in the Skyfish Realm anyhow, and I am more than enough to protect myself.”


Yang Wu brought the silver-striped turtle summon over and let him fight Miao Miao.

Miao Miao’s realm is indeed not weak. He has reached the advanced Heavenly Fish realm. He has such strength at the age of less than 30. He is not weak, but his battle strength is really weak. Wengui beat his father and mother crying.

“The boss is unfair. He is so much stronger than me, so naturally I can’t beat it.” Miao Miao cried.

“Frankly, I am already one of the top 100 people on the reward list. At any time, there will be saints in the star-patterned realm chasing me. You follow me out, bode ill rather than well, think carefully.” Yang Wu said, leaving Miao Miao to think about it. He called Yang Taihe and Qing Feng together.

In the past few days, Yang Taihe has not moved around, but stayed in Yang Wu’s pavilion.

Qingfeng is in retreat. She has swallowed the demon phoenix pill, and her strength is advanced by leaps and bounds. She has crossed two levels in one fell swoop, reaching the mid-level demon saint late stage strength, equivalent to human race level six. The star-stripe realm, the rapid improvement, is really surprising.

Yang Wu is still weak and can’t feel the big change of Qingfeng, but Yang Taihe feels it clearly, and his face is full of relief.

At this time, Qingfeng’s ability to improve his strength is vital to protecting Yang Wu’s safety.

Qingfeng can skip two levels in one fell swoop, not only because of medicine pill, but also because she has accumulated a long time before she can soar into the sky with medicine pill.

Yang Wu looked at her again and felt that she was more charming and charming than before. Her curvaceous figure appeared more perfect. The more she looked, the more thrilling she became. He wished to hold her in his arms and cherish the fragrance.

“Sister Feng, did you have a breakthrough?” Yang Wu couldn’t help asking.

“Well, it’s all your credit.” Qingfeng responded with a rare faint smile.

She really wants to hold Yang Wu in her arms and cherish it, and express her inner gratitude. The effect of the demon phoenix pill is too obvious, and it also promotes her bloodline.

A few days is still too tight. If she gives her a little more time, she will refining the Phoenix blood essence together, and she will definitely be able to attack the high-level demon saint.

Anyway, she is extremely grateful to Yang Wu, the more I look at him, the more I like him, he is indeed a heart-wrenching teenager.

Yang Wu said with a smile: “You have been protecting me all the time. All this is what it should be.” After a pause, he said to Yang Taihe: “Little Zu, we can buy herbs. , I don’t know how many herbs are you going to buy for the clan?”

“How much can you buy, the clan’s foundation is very poor. I have spent a lot of time and have not much income. Last time I saved me. I have consumed a lot of savings. When I came this time, I only took 10 million middle grade sacred stones with me, almost half of the family property.” Yang Taihe said with a bitter expression.

“So few?” Yang Wu frowns saying.

Ten million middle grade sacred stone is a huge asset for a 1st Rate Influence, but an ancient family like Yang Family finds it difficult to produce this sacred stone. It can be seen how bad the current situation of Yang Family is.

Yang Taihe’s complexion is not very good, he sighed softly, “Buy as much as you can.”

“I still have 1 million high grade sacred stones here. There are also ten million middle grade sacred stones. I should be able to buy a lot of things. When I refine the sacred pill, I can earn it back immediately. Xiaozu needn’t worry.”



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