Chapter 15 - Pretending

Lu Ruoqing pretended to be ecstatic as she raised his head, looking naive, "Your Highness, is what you said true? "I'm not lying."

King Huan's heart throbbed with eagerness as he looked at her pair of bright, watery eyes, exquisite, picturesque facial features, and fair, jade-like skin.

He gently said, "Can I call you by your name in the future? Ruoqing. "

Of course Lu Ruoqing didn't feel good about it at all.

King Huan didn't think that she would object at all, and affectionately shouted: "Ruoqing …"

Lu Ruoqing felt that she was about to vomit the other night.

In order to conceal the disgust in her heart, she feigned a bashful smile and lowered her head. "Your Highness, you are so kind."

Coincidentally, there was a burst of pain in his shoulder. He couldn't help but let out a "hiss" as he frowned slightly.

"It hurts?" King Huan asked.

"Yes." Lu Ruoqing's shoulder was indeed painful, but she could endure it.

In order to break King Huan's tenderness, he pretended to be on the verge of tears.

She choked with sobs, "Your Highness, my shoulder was pierced by an arrow. The arrow wound is so deep, will it leave a scar in the future? That would be too unsightly. "

King Huan imagined the scene and his lower abdomen tensed up.

He suddenly lowered his head, wanting to catch that sweet little bit of captivating redness.

Lu Ruoqing instantly realized the danger!

In her previous life, the King Huan had always been gentle and courteous, so how could she be so frivolous in this life?

First, he wanted her to be the Second consort, and now, he wanted to kiss her. It was simply not like the same person.

Lu Ruoqing couldn't just refuse King Huan, in case he got angry from embarrassment.

So, she quickly hugged his waist, and cried in a sobbing tone, "Ugh …" "It hurts, Your Highness. My shoulder hurts so much, I can't take it anymore."

King Huan's charming mind was interrupted, and he was slightly displeased.

However, he had always prided himself on being a modest gentleman, and was also extremely proud. Naturally, he could not force a woman to do anything.

Since she missed that ingenious opportunity, she didn't continue any further. Instead, she caressed her back and said, "Bear with it for a bit, we'll soon reach the prince's mansion."

"Hiss …" "It hurts." Lu Ruoqing pretended to take a deep breath and very naturally changed her position.

In reality, he had cleverly avoided the King Huan and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was not personally sent by the King Huan just now.

Otherwise, it would be so disgusting.

He would return all the hardships she had suffered in her previous life!

However … Please don't, King Huan will never get it!

King Huan did not know what she was thinking.

It was just that he had to endure the restlessness in his body along the way, which was rather torturous.

Arriving at the Duke Palaces, he immediately called for the medicine woman s of the palace to come over and bandage Lu Ruoqing's wounds.

When he was done, he got the medicine woman to make the follow-up medicine and explained the matter of recuperating. Only then did he dismiss the medicine.

Lu Ruoqing's clothes were dyed red with blood.

King Huan got someone to find a similar set of clothes for her to wear.

He said with a stern expression, "The sky is already dark, and your clothes don't have any special patterns. No one will find anything different. Just go back and quickly change."

The manor was filled with people. Unlike the carriage, he was once again the humble gentleman.

Polite everywhere.

Lu Ruoqing's wound was smeared with pain relief medicine, and after drinking some red date tea, her expression had already eased up.

She nodded lightly and replied, "Your Highness, don't worry. I won't go out for the rest of the day. I'll stay at home and recuperate, and when my wounds recover, I'll be fine."

"I've caused you to suffer today." King Huan said gently.

"As long as Your Highness is safe, I won't feel wronged." Lu Ruoqing endured his disgust and acted like he was the most bashful one.

"You go back first and rest in peace." King Huan placed his hand on her uninjured shoulder, looking very close to her.


"Remember to come next month on my birthday."

King Huan looked at the beauty in front of him, his eyes full of emotion.

He said: "When the time comes, I will find an excuse to meet you in front of everyone and praise you a few times. I will take you in as my Second consort and everything will be settled according to the rules."

Is it that rare? Even though it sounded good, it was actually just a concubine.

Lu Ruoqing really wanted to say no.

But she knew King Huan's proud nature very well. Forget about refusing, even if she agreed slightly slower, it would still make him angry and turn the tables on her.

Thus, with a shy face, he said, "Alright, everything will be as His Highness says."

"Mm, be good." King Huan was very satisfied with her performance, and personally sent her out like a reward.

"Your Highness, please wait." Lu Ruoqing also had the demeanor of a lady from a noble family.

The King Huan said with a smile, "The Duke Palace's carriage will take you back to the restaurant first, then you can sit in your carriage to return so that no one will suspect you."

He added, "Don't worry. There will be guards from the Palace along the way, ensuring your safety."

Lu Ruoqing bowed slightly and said gently: "Your Highness, I will be leaving first."

"Go." The King Huan smiled as he watched her leave.

After Lu Ruoqing got on the carriage and left, he turned around to return to her room.

The smile faded from his face.

A ruthless look surfaced in King Huan's eyes as he ordered the guards, "Send more people to look for that person's whereabouts! In addition, This King has to strengthen his guards! There must be no more assassinations today! "

"Yes, your subordinate understands." The guards quickly made arrangements.

King Huan slammed his fist on the table heavily, his expression dark and cold: "Xiao Shaoxuan! You dare to shoot a cold arrow from behind your back?! "Haha …" Very good, I will return it to you double later! "

As for Lu Ruoqing, she had actually gained a bit.

She had an extremely beautiful appearance and a gentle personality. Her family background was not bad, and it was rare for her to be infatuated with him.

Therefore, taking in the Second consort as a disciple and adding incense and pouting soft words to his side was also a beautiful thing.

Especially when she thought about how Xiao Shaoxuan had once fancied Lu Ruoqing, but didn't get it in the end.

King Huan could not help but smile in delight.

When Lu Ruoqing returned to the restaurant, the sky was already completely dark.

The waiter led her up the stairs and hurried in.

Then, he turned to Lu Ruoqing and asked frantically, "Miss, why did you only finish now? It's already dark outside. "

Lu Ruo retorted, "Your Highness didn't say that he wanted me to leave, how could I dare to?"

"This …" The fragrance of the medicine suddenly didn't dare to complain anymore. She then looked around and asked, "Yi, where's His Highness?"

"Let's go." Lu Ruoqing said indifferently.

"Oh." The medicinal fragrance sized her up. Only after seeing that her clothes and hair were neatly tied into a bun did she relax a little.

"Your Highness stayed with Miss for so long, just …" It's just words, there's nothing else. "

"What do you think of His Highness?" "Bastard!" Lu Ruoqing rebuked.

The medicinal fragrance quickly lowered its head.

"Let's go, we need to hurry home." Lu Ruoqing endured the pain from the arrow wounds and pretended that she was fine and went downstairs.

Seeing the Lu Family's old woman driving the carriage, he stuffed five taels of silver into her pocket and said, "I've kept you waiting for a long time, let's go home."

The old woman beamed happily. "Oh, thank you so much for your gift, Young Miss."

In the end, Lu Ruoqing had been injured and lost blood. As soon as she got on the carriage, she relaxed and didn't want to move anymore.

The carriage swayed, and her brain felt a little dizzy. She couldn't help but close her eyes.

He couldn't help but sigh. The entire day had been tiring, and he was almost dead from exhaustion.

The arrow wounds on his shoulder were still hurting.

After an unknown period of time, the carriage finally came to a stop.

"Miss, we're here." The medicinal fragrance gently pushed her.

"Hmm …" Lu Ruoqing slowly opened her eyes. She was confused at first, but very quickly, she woke up from the pain of the arrow wound on her shoulder.

She tried to keep her expression steady as she sat up. "I'm a little tired. Help me a little."

The medicinal fragrance didn't think much and immediately went forward to help her up, "Please be careful Miss, slow down."

Lu Ruoqing stepped down from the carriage.

Just as he stood still, he saw Lu Zhenger sneering from under the tree, "Yo! "The man with a private meeting is back."

When the medicinal fragrance heard this, its expression greatly changed and it tightened its grip.

Lu Ruoqing secretly pinched her, and then said with a frown: "Zheng Ermeimei, did you run into something evil? Why did you say such dirty words for no reason at all? "

"You're the one who got into trouble!" Lu Zhenger was so angry that she stomped her feet and rushed over.

"Halt!" Lu Zhenger shouted as she gnashed her teeth: "Do you think that no one knows about the dirty things you've done?"

"Oh? What do you know? " Lu Ruoqing asked.

"Let me tell you, when you left today, I followed you all the way to Amphibiscus! I heard downstairs that a young master is waiting for you in the private room upstairs. If he isn't a wild man, then what is he?! "

Lu Zhenger's face revealed a proud look.

The medicinal fragrance was so scared that it caused everyone to be dumbfounded.

However, killing intent rose up in Lu Ruoqing's heart.

Therefore, he slowly turned around and asked: "Zheng Ermeimei, I just went to Amphibiscus to eat dinner, how could you think of me as such a despicable person?"

She questioned, "You and I are sisters. What good will it do you if we ruin my reputation?"

Lu Zhenger naturally could not say it, she could not wait for her biological sister to lose her reputation.

He only sneered, "It is precisely because of the unknown that you have implicated my reputation, which is why I want to expose you!"

"Where's the evidence?" Lu Ruoqing asked with shining eyes.

"..." Lu Zhenger was speechless.

Naturally, she had no evidence.

When she saw Lu Ruoqing going up to the second floor, she wanted to follow him up.

However, the medicinal fragrance was downstairs in the main hall. She was afraid of being discovered, so she didn't dare to rashly attract attention. She had no choice but to hide in the study opposite her.

Lu Zhenger thought that after Lu Ruoqing and the man in question finished talking, they should come out together. She should go and catch them immediately!

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, only Lu Ruoqing came out.

The man was gone.

Lu Zhenger thought about it angrily, and could not help but say: "You two are sneaking around, not daring to meet anyone, the wild man has already snuck away!"

Lu Ruoqing laughed when she heard it, "If you speak nonsense without any proof, then... I can also say that you went to have a private meeting with someone else? "

As she spoke, her eyes flashed with mockery.

"As for your wild and unruly nature, of course it's because you secretly ran away."

It was as if he was looking at an idiot.

Lu Zhenger was furious.

"Stupid!" Lu Ruoqing purposely said these vicious words before turning to leave.

"It was clearly you who were unscrupulous, and you still call me stupid?" Lu Zhenger could not help but be angry at her older sister.

He immediately grabbed her and yelled, "Don't go! If you don't clear up the affairs of the wild men today, don't even think about leaving! "

She was troubled because she did not have any evidence, so she wanted to make things big with Lu Ruoqing's late return.

However, how could Lu Ruoqing let her succeed?

It seemed like they were chatting just now, but they had already thought of a plan and they just wanted to fall into Lu Zhenger's trap.

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