18 - Aunt is mad

Lu Ruoqing pretended to be pale and asked, "Who said that? Who is the one spreading the rumors?! "

The old granny immediately replied: It's Jiao Rui! Listening to the little girls, Jiao Rui was the one who started all these. "

Hearing that, the face of the Yun Lu Family turned pale, and scolded: "Impudent! "Nonsense!"

The wife looked up in fear, as if she had just noticed that Yun Lu and Lu Zhenger were also there.

She looked around at the people in the room, and in the end, her gaze landed on Lu Zhenger, "It's you!"

Lu Zhenger was guilty, and immediately took a step back. "What is me? I don't know what you're talking about. "

"You don't understand?" Lu Ruoqing was so angry that she laughed instead.

"Aunty, let's go." Lu Zhenger panicked.

The Cloud Continent family also started to panic a little.

She did not understand how the advantage she originally had had suddenly turned into a disadvantage.

Where did this woman come from? How could it be a coincidence that Jiao Rui came out of nowhere? He had already asked the servants to keep it a secret previously, but now … And even dug up Jiao Rui's case?

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

Lu Ruoqing said angrily: "I was just saying that the other day was a little strange, why did Grandmother suddenly take care of Jiao Rui and chase her out."

She gritted her teeth, "What do you mean Zheng Er misunderstood me? It was actually because Jiao Rui was ordered by Zheng Er to ruin my reputation, that's why she was kicked out!"

Lu Zhenger's expression instantly stiffened, she was speechless.

She regretted it.

Lu Ruoqing seemed to have received a huge blow, her face red with anger, "Mother, what grievances do I have with Zheng Er?"

She looked at Mrs. Gu and choked with sobs: "What hatred? Let her ruin my reputation time and time again! Wouldn't she be harming my life if she were to ruin my reputation like this? "

Although Mrs. Gu knew that her daughter was putting on an act, Lu Zhenger's viciousness was the truth and she was extremely angered.

Adding on the good acting, he immediately grabbed the cup of hot tea and threw it at Lu Zhenger!

He scolded harshly, "You're courting death! How dare you plot against Ruoqing? It's something that a concubine would use! "

Lu Zhenger's whole skirt had been splashed with hot tea.

He was stunned at first, then he jumped up and exclaimed, "Ah! "Hiss …" "Hot, hot, my feet!"

Mrs. Yun Lu anxiously said: "Zheng Er! "Where's the heat?!"

Lu Zhenger did not bother to speak anymore as she quickly retreated and sat down. She took off her right shoe that was drenched in hot tea.

Her skirt was also emitting hot steam.

Madam Yun Lu wiped her tea as she angrily turned her head to question Mrs. Gu, "Are you crazy? How could she throw hot tea at Zheng Er? Did she want to destroy Zheng Er? How vicious! "

Mrs. Gu was originally a gentle and obedient person.

But today, he really couldn't endure it for his daughter.

"I'm malicious?"

He said angrily, "In terms of viciousness, she is the first one to be malicious!"

"Zheng Er is still young and inexperienced, your teachings are right, you shouldn't have spilled hot tea on her!"

She lifted the teapot and poured it directly onto Lu Zhenger's head.


Lu Zhenger held his face and screamed, rolling on the ground anxiously, "Hot! Hot! My face! My face hurts! "Woo woo …" It's scalding me to death, it's scalding me to death! "

Madam Yun Lu was stunned.

"Zheng Er! My Zheng Er! "

She was angry, anxious and in pain, she anxiously checked on Lu Zhenger's burn wounds, her heart aching.

"Zheng Er, are your eyes alright? Does your face hurt? Where else would it hurt so much? "Quickly tell Aunt!"

Lu Zhenger sat on the ground and cried.

She whimpered, "It hurts! My face is in pain, my neck is in pain, and there's hot tea in my chest.

Seeing her face and neck burning red like a cooked shrimp, Mistress Cloud's anger instantly surged to her heart!

There was no longer any sense in her mind.

"I'll kill you!"

Mrs Yun Lu suddenly rushed forward and ruthlessly grabbed Lu Ruoqing by the neck.

he shouted loudly, "Don't even think about harming my Zheng Er! Whoever dares to harm Zheng Er, I will fight with my life on the line! "

Lu Ruoqing was caught off guard, and as she struggled, he was pushed back repeatedly.

"Ruoqing!" Mrs. Gu rushed over to help.

The girls also came forward to help, shouting, "Aunt, let go of Eldest Miss!"

In the chaos, Lu Ruoqing was unknowingly hit on the shoulder.

He could not help but cry out in pain, "Ah! "Don't push me …"

The wound on her left shoulder split open again and bled.

The blood slowly spread on her shoulder. It was scarlet and gorgeous, like a demonic and gorgeous flower.

The Yun Family had been pulled back by the little girls, and they were still jumping around cursing.

"If you dare hurt Zheng Er, I'll fight you to the death! If Zheng Er has any problems and he has a scar, I won't let you get off scot-free! "

Her expression was excited, as if she had a blood feud with Lu Ruoqing!

Let alone the servants, even Lu Zhenger was stunned watching this scene.

Auntie really dotes on her.

Lu Zhenger's body no longer hurt so much.

However, in his heart, he was moved by the degree of protection from his family. He could not help but tear up.

"Ruoqing, you're bleeding!" Mrs. Gu looked at her daughter in panic, she was so anxious that she was crying. Quick, help Ruoqing to sit down! Let me see where I got hurt? "Out of the way, out of the way!"

The Yunlu clan was still clamoring from behind, "Remember this! Don't even think of harming a single hair on Zheng Er's head! "

Mrs. Gu was extremely angry, "Scram! "All of you, scram!"

She wanted to go up and teach Mrs. Gu a lesson, but this was the Dark Bamboo Restaurant, and all the girls were surrounding the Mrs. Gu, if she went up, she would not gain anything from it.

Moreover, Lu Zhenger was crying on the side.

Madam Yun's expression changed again and again, finally deciding to leave.

Before leaving, he said viciously, "Wait!" Once I settle Zheng Er, I will come and find you all to settle our scores! "

She supported Lu Zhenger and led the servants away angrily.

He felt sad and said, "What should I do? How could this be good? Ruoqing, your wound is bleeding again. "

"I'm fine." Lu Ruoqing laughed with a pale face as he endured the pain, "It's just a superficial wound, I just need to rest for a few days."

The girls all went up to help, "Miss? I'll help you go back to your room first. "

"Yes." Lu Ruoqing was in so much pain that a layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Mrs. Gu followed him in.

Even though she was weak, she refused to rest and insisted on checking her daughter's injuries.

"Let Mother see, what exactly is the wound? How many attacks did Lu Zhenger use? It actually bled the moment it touched! It must be very bad. "

Lu Ruoqing didn't want her mother to see the arrow wound.

She refused. "Mother, your body is weak and cannot withstand the blood light. Just let the medicinal fragrance bandage my wound."

The Mrs. Gu was not willing, "Let Mother have a look."

Lu Ruoqing however was even more stubborn, and definitely did not agree.

She said, "Mother, I'm already feeling so uncomfortable, do you still want to compete with me? "You're not in a good condition to begin with, so go rest first. Otherwise, if you get too tired, my heart won't be at peace either."

Mrs. Gu could only retreat helplessly and sigh, "Alright then …. I'll wait outside until you've finished bandaging yourself. "

Lu Ruoqing only left her the medicinal fragrance.

However, the medicinal fragrance did not know that she was injured by the arrow.

The medicinal fragrance was puzzled. "Then who will bandage it?"

"Myself." Lu Ruoqing's tone was unquestionable.

She had spent the past few days scheming and calculating, step by step, and had already completely taken in the medicinal fragrance. Therefore, the medicinal fragrance didn't ask any further, just prepared and left.

Lu Ruoqing endured the pain and took off his clothes. She first washed his clothes, then applied the ointment on them.

Fortunately, the injury on his left shoulder was not too bad, and he was finally able to take care of it after a long time.

When she put on the undergarment, she felt weak and said weakly, "Yao Xiang, come and help me."

The medicinal fragrance quickly turned around and helped her put on her outer clothes.

Lu Ruoqing also asked the Mrs. Gu to come in.

"Is it done? "Is it serious?" Mrs. Gu asked.

"I'm fine."

Lu Ruoqing smiled as she shook her head and lied, "It was only skin deep, that's why I bled. "It really isn't that important. Mother, you don't have to worry. You'll be fine after a few days."

Mrs. Gu said hatefully: "Your aunt has really gone crazy!"

"Mom, don't you feel that …"

Lu Ruoqing paused before she finished her sentence, she waved her hand, allowing Yao Xiang and the rest to leave.

Then he said, "Don't you feel that aunt is a little strange? She seems too excited. "

"What do you mean?"

Mrs. Gu did not understand, and said angrily: "I think she's crazy! I've lost my mind! "

"Think about it."

Lu Ruoqing said: "My original plan was to have mother pour tea and purposely anger Lu Zhenger, so that Lu Zhenger could make a ruckus and even make a move.

"If that's the case, not only will Lu Zhenger frame me multiple times, she will also be guilty of defying the will of the direct mother, but …"

But she absolutely did not expect that the Yunlu clan would suddenly rush over and even begin to pinch her.

It was as if he had gone mad.

Aside from being angry, Mrs. Gu also did not understand.

"Although your aunt is usually arrogant, but …" and he won't be as crazy as he is today, as if he took the wrong medicine. "

"That's why I felt something was wrong."

"What are you trying to say?" Mrs. Gu still didn't understand.

Lu Ruoqing analyzed carefully, "Even if Zheng Er was raised by her aunt, she wasn't. No matter how much pain I feel for her, there's no need for me to risk my life, right? But Aunt said that she would fight it out with whoever dares to harm Zheng Er! "

"It is strange." The Mrs. Gu nodded.

Lu Ruoqing continued, "Normally, aunt would dress up beautifully all day; she doesn't look like a widow at all. So, I feel that there's something fishy about the birth of Lu Zhenger back then? "


"Yes." The more Lu Ruoqing analyzed it, the more she felt that something was amiss, "I remember mother said that Zheng Er's birth mother, Aunt Wang, died on the day she gave birth to Zheng Er."


"Then, is it possible that the child did not survive as well? The Lu Zhenger we are looking at right now is actually … It's my aunt and someone else's child who was cheating on me. "

"Ah?!" Mrs. Gu was stunned.

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