Chapter 20 - Intimacy

And Xiao Shaoxuan was also suffering.

Even though he and Lu Ruoqing had been in the same bath barrel before, and had even bathed in the same water,

However, the bath barrel was extremely spacious and they had never even touched it.

He held his breath in the water, so naturally, he couldn't open his eyes to take a look, nor could he smell the fragrance of his quiet and elegant daughter.

In order to not let the girl see any clues, he realized that there were two people on the bed, and he couldn't lie down close to Lu Ruoqing.

A single man and a single woman, sticking close together.

Xiao Shaoxuan felt that all the blood in his body was flowing fast.

The medicinal fragrance was still asking Lu Ruoqing, "Miss, are you really alright? You better not try to be brave. "

"I'm fine." Lu Ruoqing suppressed his emotions. A man lying on the side made her feel as if she was sitting on pins and needles.

"You can go now. I'm tired and need some rest. I'm tired too, so I want to go to sleep."

"But …"

"No buts!"

Lu Ruoqing interrupted: "Don't worry, even if I'm not feeling well, I won't ask Madam to scold you. Quickly get out!"

He added, "Close the door. Do not come in unless I tell you to!"

"Oh." The medicinal fragrance cowered and left the room.

After he closed the door, the sound of footsteps could be heard from outside.

Lu Ruoqing heaved a sigh of relief and calmed down.

She turned around and pushed at Xiao Shaoxuan, "The little girl has already left. "You should hurry up and get up. You can just leave as you came, don't stay here anymore."

Xiao Shaoxuan did not say anything and silently got up.

However, for some reason, he felt a little panicked. His hand slipped and touched a soft spot.

Lu Ruoqing's chest was suddenly attacked.

At first, he was stunned, but afterwards he furiously retorted, "What are you doing?! "Go, let's go quickly!"

As he said that, he pushed her angrily, but she bumped into a place that was getting hard.

Both of them froze.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Shaoxuan's voice was a little hoarse.

Lu Ruoqing's blood was boiling.

She thought of her previous life, the one that she had just encountered, the one that had ruined her life!

In an instant, he lost control of his emotions and threw a punch over!

Only now did Lu Ruoqing realize what she had done.

She was also stunned.

"You …" "Hiss … Ah …"

Xiao Shaoxuan was so angry that he couldn't even speak properly due to the pain.

"Are you crazy? "You actually …" I can't even say it to me. "

Lu Ruoqing also felt that she had gone mad.

Even if she hated Xiao Shaoxuan, she could kill him, but she should have gone to fight him no matter what … His place.

It was not something a woman could do.

"Hur hur." Xiao Shaoxuan slowly came back to his senses and ridiculed: "I forgot, you were born with an unrestrained and unrestrained personality, your heart is naturally not particular about the difference between males and females, you can touch anything, and you can touch anything."

Lu Ruoqing thought of the past events in her previous life and her emotions became chaotic.

It was not like bickering with him, "Sorry, it was indeed my fault just now. You should leave quickly."

"I'm leaving? Can I go now? "

Although Xiao Shaoxuan did not groan, it did not mean that he was feeling good.

At this moment, the floor was still throbbing in pain.

What was even more depressing was that he was worried about what would happen in the future. "If you break it, I …"

Lu Ruoqing was extremely embarrassed, "About that … I don't think so. "

"Better not!"

Xiao Shaoxuan gritted his teeth in hatred, he simply wanted to tear her to shreds.

"If anything happens, I will tell King Huan about what happened tonight, so that you won't be able to enter the King Huan's Estate ever again!"

Lu Ruoqing sneered: "If you want to enter, don't!"

"Oh? You're still pretending to be indifferent about it?"

Xiao Shaoxuan didn't believe her words at all.

He looked at her in disdain, "You dare to say that you intentionally approached the King Huan, not to be his woman? You don't even care for your life to defend him against arrows. You wouldn't believe it even if I told you. "

Lu Ruoqing looked at him suspiciously, as if she had thought of something.

A look of vigilance flashed past Xiao Shaoxuan's eyes, "What do you want? "Look at me like this."

Lu Ruoqing frowned slightly.

She did not understand, what kind of medicine did Xiao Shaoxuan eat wrong?

She was filled with righteous indignation at her being together with the King Huan. Furthermore, she had always said that she was a water prodigy and did not have any sense of shame.

It was as if … She was his woman and had betrayed him for other men.

Xiao Shaoxuan felt extremely uncomfortable under her gaze.

He endured the pain in his lower body and felt that he could leave now.

He gritted his teeth and said, "It's not convenient for me to get medicine from you every month. In a few days, when you find some time to go out, I will arrange for you to meet a little girl who is in trouble. Bring her back to the manor so that you can help me deliver the antidote. "

"You sent someone to spy on me?"

"It can also be said to be to protect you."

Xiao Shaoxuan got off the bed and raised his eyebrows: "In case you die, I will die with you!"

Lu Ruoqing sneered, "Other than that! "If I die, you'd better leave me alone."

It was obvious from his tone that he was extremely disdainful.

Xiao Shaoxuan was so angry that his liver hurt.

However, as a man, arguing with a girl was too much of a waste of money.

Lu Ruoqing said: "You can go, I will bring the girl back to the Palace."

Xiao Shaoxuan looked at her coldly, a cold killing intent seemingly rising in his eyes, which then turned into many complex emotions.

But in the end, he didn't say anything and just left like a ghost.

Lu Ruoqing was paralyzed.

Ridiculous! This was insane!


How could a girl do such a shameful thing? She must have been driven mad by Xiao Shaoxuan.

Luckily it was dark, otherwise … She didn't even know how she should face Xiao Shaoxuan, and even if she crawled into the crevice, she would still feel extremely ashamed.

Lu Ruoqing rubbed her forehead and muttered: "Crazy, I'm really crazy."

After a long while, she recalled Xiao Shaoxuan's words before he left. According to his meaning, he would place a little girl by her side, making it easier for her to gather medicine every month.

He wouldn't be looking for her, then.

Good! As long as they don't meet.

Lu Ruoqing really didn't know what she should say the next time she met Xiao Shaoxuan.

As long as Xiao Shaoxuan revealed what happened tonight, it would be enough to embarrass her.

She tossed and turned in her bed, her mind wandering, her shoulders aching, and did not fall asleep until the latter part of the night.

When she woke up in a daze, the outside of the window was already bright with azure light. It was clear and bright.

"Ruoqing, are you hungry?" Mrs. Gu was already waiting outside.

When he heard that she had woken up, he hurriedly pushed open the door and entered.

"I'm not hungry yet." Lu Ruoqing's emotions had already calmed down.

She was not in a hurry to eat, but instead ordered her wife, "Send someone to the Songshan Academy now, tell them that I'm sick, and tell brother to come back immediately."

"Sigh." The old woman answered and left.

Mrs. Gu didn't think too much about it and said, "You are injured, it's good to call your brother back to take a look."

"Mom, let's eat breakfast first."

After Lu Ruoqing finished washing up, she accompanied her mother out for breakfast.

After the girls had all left, she said, "Mother, yesterday's matter is definitely not over. I called big brother back to support me."

"Are you done yet?" Mrs. Gu put down the alimentary tea in her hand.

"Think about it. Based on aunt's character, how could she endure it so calmly?"

"What else would she do?"

"It's hard to say, but it won't stop."

Lu Ruoqing slowly broken teacups and took two sips.

"What are you laughing at?" The Mrs. Gu did not understand.

"I'm laughing."

Lu Ruoqing put down the teacup in her hand, and raised the corner of her mouth, "Although the tea is a little hot, it's not boiling water, Lu Zhenger will not leave any scars, there are no traces of it left now."

However, Lu Zhenger "caused her to bleed", and this evidence couldn't be dispelled in a short period of time.

Mrs. Gu's eyes lit up, "I understand."

Lu Ruoqing called Wen Zhu in and said, "Tell her that I'm severely injured and in extreme pain. As for mom, she said that she was sick from anger yesterday and it would be difficult for her to get off the bed. We'll go together after she recovers. "

Wen Zhu hesitated. "This …." "That's not good, right?"

"Nothing bad."

Lu Ruoqing said blandly: "The old lady just wants to stand up for Lu Zhenger and scold him for her wrongdoings. Since it's not an emergency, then let's wait for Big Brother to come back first. "

Mrs. Gu also said, "That's right, we should wait for Mu Bai to come back first. It's not like we're really going."

"Sigh." Wen Zhu went out to reply.

When these words were sent to Jung De Tang, her face immediately turned gloomy.

The Yun Family could not hold it in any longer and scolded: "Arrogant! Mother, they don't even have eyes for you anymore! "

She said angrily, "You called them over and they still dare to block you? Not even the most basic of nobility! "

Grand Lord Yun's face was ashen, and she said sinisterly: "Alright! If one of them is injured and can't get up, and one of them is sick and needs to recuperate, then this old bones of mine will personally go and see if they dare to not see me! "

Mistress Cloud immediately stood up.

Lu Zhenger naturally also wanted to go, and shouted: "Yesterday you scalded me so much that I couldn't even open my eyes from the pain. I had no choice but to return with Aunt first, today I want to settle the score with them!"

In this way, the three of them walked out, filled with excitement.

When he arrived at Dark Bamboo Restaurant's side, the little girl was already standing guard at the entrance of the courtyard.

Seeing Grand Lord Yun and the rest rushing over angrily, she ran back to report.

"Madam, xiaojie, something's wrong! The old lady, grandaunt and the others have come over. "

Mrs. Gu panicked, "Why can't your grandmother wait for even a moment?"

"Mom, lie down first."

Lu Ruoqing pulled Mrs. Gu to the bed and scattered her hair.

He said in a low voice, "No matter what grandmother or the others say, don't argue. If you are anxious, just cough."

"What about you?" The Mrs. Gu was worried.

"Me?" Lu Ruoqing raised the corner of her mouth into a smile, "Mother will know after we wait a while."

She turned around and went back into the back room. Then she took out the clothes that had been stained with blood the day before and changed into them.

He had even put some powder on his face, but he didn't wipe it off. He looked pale and pitiful, without a single trace of blood on his face.

When Mrs. Gu saw this, she immediately understood.

His daughter was faking her illness.

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