"Ruoqing, you said it yourself."

Mrs. Yun Lu also came back to her senses, and resisted the desire for the King Huan's handsome face.

She cleared her throat, "How can you, a girl who has yet to leave the pavilion, meet with a man alone? Wouldn't that ruin our family's reputation?! "

King Huan continued: "Yesterday at Bo Gu Zhai, Miss Lu and I saw an ancient painting, but she bought it first."

He spoke slowly and without haste.

"I really like that painting too much. After I go back, I won't be able to put it away no matter what."

"Therefore, I made an appointment with Miss Lu to come up with two times the amount of silver. I hope that she can make love with me."

"So what?"

Mrs. Yun Lu curled her lips: "Even if you want to find Ruoqing for the ancient painting, you can call the girl to ask her. It's not right to ask her out by yourself! And it is a huge mistake for Ruoqing to go out and see you alone! "

Lu Ruoqing mocked softly, "This is what a benevolent person sees. A wise person sees the best."

"What do you mean?" Lu Zhenger was startled for a second, then realised that she was being scolded.

He stomped his feet in anger and said, "Are you saying that my way of thinking is not simple and that's why I think of you as despicable?"

Lu Ruoqing's bright eyes twinkled as she replied, "That's right, little sister is really smart."

Lu Zhenger was so angry that she almost fainted.

"Pu!" King Huan couldn't help but laugh.

He looked at Lu Ruoqing with interest.

"Miss Lu, so the corners of your mouth are actually so sharp. Even when scolding people, you don't use a single vulgar word."

Lu Ruoqing smiled back, "You flatter me."

The two of them were both men and women, and they matched each other perfectly. It seemed as if they were teasing each other in front of the crowd.

And the eyes King Huan looked at Lu Ruoqing with, clearly carried a sense of gentleness.

Lu Zhenger was jealous and envious of her, she really wanted to go up and grab the King Huan and ask, why didn't she look at her?

Why wasn't he so gentle to her?

Jealous, he blurted out in his mind, "What a adulterous woman! "Shameless bastard!"

"Zheng Er!" Grand Lord Yun frowned, she felt that those words were too unpleasant and wanted to stop him, "Don't talk about this …"

But before he could finish, two guards rushed out.

He shouted at Lu Zhenger: "How dare you! How dare you offend His Majesty King Huan! " She directly went up and held her.

King Huan's expression also changed as he said coldly: "This king has never been humiliated like this before in my life!"

Lu Ruoqing pulled Mrs. Gu and knelt down, "Please calm your anger His Majesty King Huan."

Everyone in the yard was shocked.

King Huan? His Majesty King Huan!

Lu Zhenger asked in disbelief, "What did you say? "He …" is he a His Majesty King Huan? "

Surprise and fear intertwined as they saw His Majesty King Huan. Fear and offense almost caused them to faint.

The Yun Family was also shocked, and said repeatedly: "Ruoqing! Ruoqing, you need to make it clear! "

Lu Ruoqing acted innocently and looked up, "Aunt, His Majesty King Huan is angry, why aren't you kneeling down? What do you need me to explain? "

She paused, "What? Do you think you can still pretend to be the His Majesty King Huan in the capital? "

Of course not.

Impersonating a prince meant that he would be unable to escape the death penalty!

Moreover, the young master in front of him was not only extraordinarily handsome and dignified, he also had a kind of natural noble aura that could not be imitated.

Even though he was wearing ordinary clothes, anyone who saw him would know that he was a dragon and phoenix among men!

Grand Lord Yun reacted even faster.

If King Huan was fake, if he knelt the wrong way, then this man definitely would not be able to escape death!

Lu Ruoqing was also a heinous crime!

And at most, they were just fooled by Lu Ruoqing, they were just joking.

But if King Huan is real, not kneeling is a crime of great disrespect!

"Greetings, His Majesty King Huan." Grand Lord Yun pulled the Yun Family over and knelt down together.

King Huan ignored them and smiled towards Lu Ruoqing and Mrs. Gu, "Miss Lu, Madam Gu, please do not be courteous."

Lu Ruoqing supported her mother as she stood up.

The Mrs. Gu trembled in fear and replied with a lowered head, "I didn't know that Your Highness would come. It was truly disrespectful just now."

King Huan smiled: "Madam, there is no need to stand on ceremony."

Grand Lord Yun and the Yun Family's expressions changed, their hearts turning cold.

It's over, it's all over! Lu Zhenger offended His Majesty King Huan, and called him a scoundrel. This time, she was in deep trouble!

They were all not fools. It could be seen that Lu Ruoqing had obviously hooked up with the King Huan, and purposely refused to reveal her identity as the King Huan.

Then, Lu Zhenger would definitely not have any good fruits to eat today.

"Your Highness." Lu Ruoqing had the demeanor of a lady from a big family in front of everyone, and said: "My grandmother is already old, and can't endure kneeling for so long, so it's best if she gets up first before speaking."

King Huan smiled and nodded, "Alright, I'll listen to you."

Everyone drew a gasp!

Good boy! His Majesty King Huan actually listened to Eldest Miss? Amazing!

Lu Ruoqing stepped forward to help the Grand Lord Yun up, and then said, "Grandmother, please get up."

Grand Lord Yun immediately revealed a face of gratitude, "Ruoqing, you are such a filial son."

There was no other way! Lu Zhenger had offended His Majesty King Huan, so she still had to rely on Lu Ruoqing to plead for mercy.

Mrs. Yun Lu also had a flattering smile on her face, "Ruoqing ah, you Zheng Ermeimei are ignorant and spouting nonsense. Since it was His Majesty King Huan who sought you out yesterday and wanted the painting to be dedicated to your highness, then this … This is an excellent thing. "

Lu Ruoqing smiled lightly: "That's right, I was thinking the same thing, that's why I went to see His Majesty King Huan."

Hearing this, Madam Yun Lu was so angry that her liver hurt, but she still had to smile, "Yes yes yes, you did the right thing! You did the right thing! "

Looking at Lu Zhenger who was being held by the guards, she started to panic.

He then looked at Lu Ruoqing and smiled, "Ruoqing, if you beg His Majesty King Huan for mercy and forgive Zheng Er, I will teach her a lesson."

Lu Zhenger was also scared to death as she fearfully said: "Your Highness, please spare me."

"Your Highness." Lu Ruoqing turned around and used her hands to cover the area of her injuries.

"My Zheng Ermeimei is young and insensible. When she spoke nonsense just now, it was only a few childish words. Your Highness must not take it to heart."

King Huan raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Interesting! This Lu family's eldest daughter was really interesting.

She touched her wound, clearly reminding him that he had been injured yesterday in order to save him.

Inside his mouth, he pretended to urge to forgive Lu Zhenger.

Furthermore, her injury was clearly caused by the assassin's attack yesterday, but it had now become Lu Zhenger's fault for pushing her down.

Hehe, your methods are really good!

King Huan could not help but tease and whisper in his ear.

Lu Ruoqing was so annoyed by the sound of his ears that she felt uncomfortable and could only forcefully endure it.

"Your Highness!" She looked up at him, feigning terror.

And then, seriously.

"What did you just say? "You …" You really want to kill Zheng Er? No, Zheng Er is my sister! "

After Lu Zhenger heard this, she screamed in fear, "Help! No no no, don't kill me! "

Grand Lord Yun and the Yun Family's faces also changed, a look of panic flashed past their eyes.

Lu Ruoqing continued to act and exaggeratedly said: "Your Highness, Zheng Ermeimei has always been naive and naive with no words to stop him from speaking. Even if she said a few words that she disliked, it wouldn't be a capital offense, right? "How can you …" "How can she be so heartless?"

When King Huan saw her acting, she acted as if it was real and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

This girl must be interesting to have around.

Then cooperate with her.

"How dare you!" King Huan's face immediately darkened, and said sternly: "Are all the ladies of your Lu family this undisciplined? Your sister's mouth is full of obscenities, and your sister has even said that This King is vicious and extremely rude! "

When he smiled, he was full of love, but when he wore a cold expression, it was with the killing intent of someone in a higher position.

Don't say that the Grand Lord Yun and the Yun Family were scared.

Even Mrs. Gu didn't know whether it was a lie or not, she still thought that her daughter really did infuriate King Huan for Lu Zhenger's sake.

He was so scared that he kneeled down, "Your Highness! Your Highness, please calm your anger! Ruoqing definitely did not do it intentionally, she just casually said it wrongly. "

"Mother …" Lu Ruoqing quickly pulled on it.

"Kneel!" Mrs. Gu fiercely pulled her to her knees and urged her: "Quickly apologize to His Majesty King Huan!"

Lu Ruoqing was speechless.

However, she could not reveal it in front of her mother, Lu Zhenger and the others, as well as the girls.

He could only beg, "Your Highness!" Just now, I was too worried about my sister and said something wrong. I hope that Your Highness can forgive me! "

King Huan found it funny that she was kneeling down, but his expression was cold. "Since you asked the ancient painting to be given to me before, I'll let you off this once."

The Mrs. Gu immediately replied: Thank you Your Highness, thank you Your Highness!

With a heart full of helplessness, Lu Ruoqing followed, "Thank you, Your Highness, for forgiving me."

"Someone, come!" The King Huan felt that there were too many people around and he couldn't tease Lu Ruoqing alone, hence he wanted to finish this quickly.

His line of princes was inviolable.

He instructed the guard, "Lu Zhenger's words are absurd. This King is disrespectful and sent her to the office of Jing Zhaoyin for interrogation.

"Yes sir!" The guard immediately dragged Lu Zhenger away.

"NO!" Help! Help! "

Lu Zhenger cried out in fear, her tears flowing profusely, "Aunty, save me! Grandmother, save me! "Your Highness …" Your Highness, please spare me. "

"Your Highness!" Lady Yun Lu panicked and said: "Zheng Er is still just a child, and is in a young lady's home, so we can't send her to the yamen! That's not a place for a girl to stay. "

The torture, torture, and crime files would destroy Lu Zhenger's entire life!

Grand Lord Yun's face was also pale white.

Disregarding their fear, they kneeled down and begged, "Your Highness! Zheng Er is at fault, we will definitely teach her well, but at the yamen, we definitely cannot let her go. "

King Huan scoffed, "What? Is your Lu family threatening This King? "

The Grand Lord Yun panicked: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

King Huan was truly a little unhappy.

He had only wanted to send Lu Zhenger to the yamen to scare them, but when he got angry at Lu Ruoqing, he would let him go.

However, Grand Lord Yun and the Yun Family did not know of their limits.

Since they thought that the princes could be easily offended, and that they could be forgiven just because they begged for mercy, they might as well teach them a lesson!

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