Chapter 7 - The Gonggong

The person from the Embroidery House accepted the order and flattered him a few more times before leaving with a smile.

Madam Yun Lu kicked the girls out, gritting her teeth she said fiercely: "Mother, you saw it just now, what did Ruoqing say? That set of broad principles clearly means that they are deliberately going against Zheng Er! "

"That's right. Elder sister, she …" Lu Zhenger felt even more wronged.

"What a cheap hoof!" Mrs. Yun Lu scolded him bitterly.

"What nonsense is this?!" Grand Lord Yun glared at her daughter.

Then, he looked at Lu Zhenger and said: "I was busy just now, and Grandmother's body is a little tired, let your aunt stay behind to help me rest. You can go back first."

"Grandmother, I don't want to go back." Lu Zhenger was extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Grand Lord Yun said solemnly: "I told you to go back, did you hear me? Don't disobey me! "

Lu Zhenger felt even more wronged.

But she also knew that her grandmother had always been honest in the Lu family. If she angered them, there would definitely be no good food for them.

He could only suppress the unwillingness in his heart, and obediently replied: "Okay, then granddaughter will take her leave first."

"Good girl Zheng Er, you go back first." Madam Yun Lu coaxed Lu Zhenger out and closed the door on the way.

Grand Lord Yun's face was gloomy.

Mrs. Yun Lu turned around and could not help but curse, "That damned girl! It was only because of the Lu family that they could have such a good life as a young miss of the Qian Jin, and they still dared to go against Zheng Er? "What the hell!"

"Enough!" Grand Lord Yun's face was gloomy.

She waited for her daughter and scolded her, "You are not allowed to say such words in the future. They will all rot in your hearts! Even if you were dreaming, you can't say it out loud! Do you know why it came out of your mouth? Don't you understand? "Remember this well!"

"Mother …" Madam Yun Lu was truly wronged.

"Do you need me to explain?"

"I know, I know!" Although the Yunlu clan was unwilling, they also knew that disaster comes from the mouth.

But she was wronged, and couldn't help but blame Lu Ruoqing, "Then what about Ruoqing? "Does mother not care about being so arrogant?"

Grand Lord Yun leaned on the soft cushion and said coldly: "She is arrogant, and won't be for a few days!"

The Yun Family pricked up their ears.

Grand Lord Yun coldly said: "Mrs. Gu is a useless cripple, and our mother's family has fallen. Isn't it up to me to decide Ruoqing's marriage in the future? "

A trace of malice flashed in her eyes. "Good life and bad life, I will decide them all!"

"Yes!" Mistress Cloud's eyes suddenly lit up, "In the future, I will make her suffer a lot! I can't even cry. "

"She's just a silly little girl."

"How arrogant!" Yun Lu scolded.

Grand Lord Yun did not take it to heart, but instead reminded her daughter.

"In the future, don't be too talkative when doing things on the surface. Try to treat Ruoqing and Zheng Er evenly, remember? In case we let others talk about it and cause trouble. "

"Good, good, good. I'll remember that." Yun Lu said impatiently.

He had heard these words a thousand times.

"However, it's also strange." Grand Lord Yun frowned, a look of confusion flashing across her eyes.

"In the past, Ruoqing's words would always go with us, why are we fighting against each other today, and why do we have to go against Zheng Er? Could it be that the two sisters were arguing in private? Or had someone instigated something? "

Mrs. Yun Lu clenched her teeth and said: "It must have been instigated by the Mrs. Gu!"

"Impossible." Grand Lord Yun did not believe her daughter's words.

She waved her hand and said, "Mrs. Gu has been here for so many years. What temper do you have? Furthermore, she is so sick that she cannot get out of bed, and still wants me to look after Ruoqing.

Mistress Cloud pouted and said, "Who knows? Maybe Ruoqing is too old and has some ideas of her own. "

"Whatever, it's just a little girl's quarrel." Grand Lord Yun did not pay much attention to this matter.

Instead, he frowned: "Speaking of which, it's because you're biased towards Zheng Er everywhere that you provoke such a ruckus."

"Of course I have to be biased towards Zheng Er." The Yunlu clan replied unhappily.

"Even if it's biased, it's still in my heart!"

"I …" Madam Yun Lu bit her lips and swallowed her words in the end.

Seeing that her daughter had remained silent, Grand Lord Yun calmed her anger.

Then, he comforted her, "Alright, you don't have to worry about Ruoqing. Just marry her out as soon as possible."

"That's right, he died early and reincarnated early." Yun Lu fiercely cursed.

Inside Dark Bamboo Restaurant, Lu Ruoqing was flipping through an ancient book of poems.

Although in her previous life, she had attracted the interest of the King Huan due to her talent in poetry, resulting in her life to be drenched in blood, it was not her fault that she had the talent. Therefore, she did not plan to give up on this hobby.

Lu Ruoqing saw a profound phrase and couldn't help but pay attention.

The medicinal fragrance suddenly came in and reported, "Miss, Wang Guanmei has come."

Lu Ruoqing raised her eyes and laughed, then indifferently asked back, "Wang Guanmei came, what does that have to do with me?"

"But …" The aroma was stunned, "Didn't the young miss ask me to make the arrangements?" That's why I came to report. "

"You have to remember." Lu Ruoqing closed the book.

She said in a calm voice: "The matter of Lu Zhenger spreading rumors and slandering me, I simply do not know about it, so naturally no resentment would arise in my heart."

"This …"

The medicinal fragrance in her eyes flickered as she stared blankly. She slowly came to a realization.

Miss's intention was to completely get rid of her!

"Yes..." Pill Fragrance stuttered as she replied, "Miss has no idea!"

Lu Ruoqing smiled, "That's more like it."

The medicinal fragrance immediately replied: "I didn't know that Second Miss was up to no good, and also didn't know that Second Miss had found Wang Guanmei! Miss is still in the dark about all this. "

The best way to frame someone else is not to get involved, but to leave them alone.

Therefore, the truth was Lu Zhenger's fault!

Lu Ruoqing smiled lightly: "Herb fragrance, I am not aware of this matter, and you are not aware of it either, so whoever comes here will have nothing to do with us."

She put down the book in her hand and stood up. "Come, dress up for me. In a while, go shopping if you're in a good mood."

This way, it would seem even more natural.

Pill Fragrance replied, "Oh, Miss is right."

She was completely intimidated.

From the Dazhao Temple onwards, Miss had taken advantage of everyone's fear of punishment to make them lie and tie everyone to the same boat.

And then, he dug a huge hole for Lu Zhenger with his bare hands against these rumors, not even dirtying his own hands at all.

His thoughts were too deep.


"Don't worry." Lu Ruoqing seemed to be able to see through the thoughts of others.

She stepped forward and smiled, "You are my little girl, as long as you are loyal to me, in the future …" Naturally, there will be many good days for you. "

The medicinal fragrance trembled in fear as she hurriedly said, "Don't worry Miss, this servant will always treat Miss wholeheartedly."

Lu Ruoqing chuckled, "That's good."

She wasn't worried that the medicinal fragrance would leak out.

Because the medicinal fragrance had first helped her lie, and then arranged for a wife to look for Wang Guanmei in order to frame him. Thus, he could only obey her.

Upper House, Jung De Tang.

The little girl replied, "Old granny, Wang Guanmei is here."

Grand Lord Yun and the Yun Family were both startled.

"What is Wang Guanmei doing here?" The Grand Lord Yun did not understand.

"Exactly." Mistress Cloud also felt it was strange, but she soon felt a sense of joy, "Mother, could it be …" Has someone taken a fancy to Zheng Er and asked him to propose marriage? "

Grand Lord Yun was stunned at first, then she shook her head, "I don't think so."

"Why not?" Mrs. Yun Lu was not convinced.

However, the Grand Lord Yun said rationally: "Zheng Er is still young and has not opened her eyes yet, so her appearance is not as good as Ruoqing's. If Wang Guanmei really came to visit us, he might even come to kiss us. "

Mistress Cloud was immediately angered to the point of choking.

But she also understood that whether in terms of appearance or talent, Lu Zhenger was far inferior to Lu Ruoqing.

Because he was unhappy, a trace of anger appeared on his face, "Let them in!"

Grand Lord Yun nodded slightly.

Wang Guanmei said: "Ah, today, I'm really sorry for intruding to visit."

The tone of the Yun Family was not friendly, and asked: "What is it? "Speak."

"This matter." Wang Guanmei ignored her nasty attitude.

According to the script that Lu Ruoqing gave him, he continued to act.

Wang Guanmei looked around mysteriously, before lowering his voice and saying, "Matriarch, there are some important matters that I should talk about alone."

"Yesterday, a little girl from the Lu family came to find me."

Wang Guanmei cleared his throat and explained in detail.

"That's right, when the young miss went to the Dazhao Temple, she met bandits and was even taken lightly by them. Tell me, don't be a matchmaker for the Lu family's eldest daughter, or else I'll be in trouble. "

"What?!" Grand Lord Yun turned pale with fright, and asked anxiously: Who told you that? "Who is it?"

"Aiyo, I don't know about that."

Wang Guanmei spoke in a serious tone: "That girl seemed to have intentionally spread the word, after saying those dirty words, she ran off."

Grand Lord Yun was so angry that her face twitched.

She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Who is it?! You actually dare to speak such nonsense. If you tell me to investigate, I will immediately hit twenty big boards before selling it! "

The Yunlu clan, on the other hand, was filled with excitement.

So it turns out that Lu Ruoqing's bad reputation had spread around.

Haha, that's wonderful.

If things spread, Lu Ruoqing would not be able to find a good marriage, and her entire life would even be ruined.

Grand Lord Yun was not as happy as her daughter.

She was worried that this matter would ruin the Lu family's reputation.

He then said to Wang Guanmei, "Although Ruoqing made a trip to the Dazhao Temple, he came back good yesterday, so there's nothing wrong! This must be a rumor. Nonsense. "

Wang Guanmei laughed, and dragged his tone, "Aiya, that …. I think so too. "

However, he pretended to be worried, "But there's no guarantee. If other people don't think this way, they'll just go around randomly talking."

Seeing the greed in the other party's eyes, Grand Lord Yun immediately understood that they were here to collect the money.

Although he was filled with disgust, he still ordered the girl: "Go! Make a red packet for one hundred silver and give Wang Guanmei some wine to drink. "

The price was clearly set, wanting to seal Wang Guanmei's mouth.

Wang Guanmei was also tactful, and quickly replied: "Aiyo, then I'll have to thank the matriarch."

Grand Lord Yun said: "This matter is not to be spread!"

Wang Guanmei promised repeatedly, "Rest assured Matriarch, I will definitely not tell a second person this. Even if there's going to be people who want to gossip, I will defend Eldest Miss with a few words and definitely not ruin the Lu Residence's reputation."

Grand Lord Yun was extremely agitated in her heart, and impatiently said: "Alright, I'll be troubling Wang Guanmei."

"Many thanks for Matriarch He's reward." Wang Guanmei accepted the silver, with a face full of smiles, he happily turned and left.

Madam Yun Lu quickly chased the little girl away, closing the door and urgently asking, "Mother, why did you spend so much money?!"

"You wish for Ruoqing's reputation to go bad, don't you?"

Grand Lord Yun's eyes turned sharp as she looked over.

"I didn't." The Yunlu clan was still denying it.

"Are you stupid!?" If Ruoqing's reputation is ruined, how can the Lu Family's reputation be good? "

Grand Lord Yun continued: "Moreover, outsiders do not know, but I heard that Miss Lu was neglected, who knows if it was eldest miss? Or was it the Second Miss? If that happens, wouldn't it implicate Zheng Er? "

Only then did Mrs. Yun Lu regain her senses, and she said anxiously: "Yes yes, we can't implicate Zheng Er!"

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