He was surnamed Su!

The old-timer’s voice carried a rare hint of excitement, and he was uncharacteristically distracted.

It seemed that the surname “Su” had an extraordinary meaning to him.

Ge Qian was briefly stunned. “What kind of stupid reason is that? You knew his surname back at the Sea of Chaotic Spirits too, didn’t you?”

“That was then, and this is now,” said the old-timer, sounding conflicted. “You don’t get it…”

Ge Qian took a deep breath. “So you’re saying you’re dead set on meeting Su Yi, right?”

The old-timer’s tone left no room for argument. “That’s right.”

Ge Qian sighed. “Agh, can you give me a bit of time to mentally prepare? How about this? Tomorrow, after we’ve left for Sumeru Immortal Island, I’ll find an opportunity to meet with him. How about it?”

Despite finding the whole process terrifying, Ge Qian made it into the top thirty without incident and obtained a Sumeru Talisman. This qualified him to proceed to Sumeru Immortal Island.

The old-timer immediately cursed him out. “You’ll have to meet him eventually, so why procrastinate? Are you really such a wimp, you little brat?”

Ge Qian said solemnly, “I’ve just always been extra cautious about things I’m unsure of, that’s all. Besides, if we meet yesterday, and if something goes wrong, there will be others present. That might give Su Yi some reservations. If we just show up on his doorstep, who knows what will happen?”

The old-timer obviously felt melancholy, but after a moment’s silence, he said impatiently, “Tomorrow, then! Let me tell you: if you change your mind again, I’ll visit him myself!”

Ge Qian instantly sighed in relief, then smiled. “Rest assured. I might be a little on the cautious side, but I always keep my word.”

He took a sip of wine, feeling completely relaxed.

A quick look at bit.ly/3iBfjkV will leave you more fulfilled.

He didn’t know why, but he’d always felt a wordless dread whenever Su Yi was around, as if he’d encountered his nemesis.

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