A human head rolled to the floor with a muffled thud.

The woman in phoenix robes looked uncertain and terrified. The blood drained from her beautiful face.

She’d seen her fair share of the world, but the overbearing, cold-blooded methods Su Yi had just displayed shocked her to the core. Her delicate frame quivered uncontrollably.

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“Want to live?” asked Su Yi.

She nodded, her head bobbing up and down like a pestle crushing garlic. She said frantically, “Please, keep your promise and spare my life.”

Xuan Ning watched this play out, not the least bit surprised.

The moments between life and death were terrifying.

When truly faced with death, never mind Spirit Dao cultivators; even Imperial Realm experts whose prestige shook the heavens often gave in to fear and clung to life.

Rather, ordinarily speaking, the higher someone’s cultivation boundary, the more they treasured their life. Experts were unwilling to fall in pursuit of the Grand Dao. They couldn’t bear to see the reputation, authority, and power they’d built up over the course of their lifetimes destroyed.

Of course, there had never been a shortage of those truly unafraid of death, either. It was just that those who faced both life and death with calm equanimity were in the minority, that’s all.

“Abandon all resistance and let me search your soul. Once I’ve confirmed that you aren’t lying, I’ll naturally let you go,” Su Yi said flatly.

The woman hesitated briefly, but she nonetheless gnashed her teeth and agreed.

Before long, Su Yi’s divine sense shot out and probed her soul. The woman’s rosy lips parted, and she let out an unwitting moan, seemingly in panic or terror. Her eyes dulled as she sank into a daze.

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