First Lady of the Crown Prince

Chapter 499: Brother is here! (Two more)

  Chapter 499 Big Brother is here! (Two more)

  The vanguard of Chen Guo's army quickly approached the moat on the fly bridge.

  Tang Yueshan stood on the high tower: "The archer is ready!"

  The Tang family archers launched the first wave of counterattacks against Chen Guo's army.

  Their arrows slammed into the armor and shield of the vanguard.

One vanguard fell to the ground with an arrow, and another vanguard accompanying him immediately came up. They were extremely fast. After almost all vanguards under the fly bridge were replaced by one round, three fly bridges were erected on the moat. !

  Chen Guo’s soldiers, over a hundred dead and injured!

  However, these hundred people exchanged for the opportunity of siege of the remaining nearly 20,000 horses!

  "Go up the ladder!" Rong Fu gave an order, and hundreds of soldiers from Chen State carried more than 20 ladders and rushed onto the fly bridge.

  The archers of the Tang family made the greatest interception, but the number of opponents was too much. When a soldier fell, a new soldier would immediately grab the ladder.

  At the same time, Chen's army’s trebuchet also launched a terrible long-range attack on the archers on the city wall.

  The stone poured with fire oil slammed on the city wall, and the archers couldn't avoid it and were knocked to the ground severely.

   "Not good! The log is burning!" a soldier shouted!

  The rolling wood is used to deal with Chen Guoyun Ladder. It burns now, how do they hold it with their hands for a while?

  With the assist of the catapult, the ladder was erected one by one on the city wall.

  Tang Yueshan ordered: "Crash!"

  The car crashed out of the queue, and the rolling log on the frame slammed into the ladder of Chen Guo's army!


  A loud noise came from downstairs.

   Lieutenant General Cen, who was attacking the ladder, was shocked: "No! It's Chen Guo's driving car! They are at the siege gate!"

  Behind the city gate, Gu Chengfeng and Li lieutenant generals led two thousand troops to stand in battle.

  The cavalry was riding on horseback, and the infantry was lined up behind and on both sides, everyone's expression was very solemn.

   "Are the wounded soldiers transferred?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

   "It's transferred." Deputy General Li said, "Doctor Gu took them to transfer."

  "Where are the people nearby?" Gu Chengfeng asked again.

   "Also transferred." Lieutenant General Li continued.

  The fly bridge has been remodeled, and the iron chains and iron plates have been reinforced, making it several times harder than the ordinary fly bridge.

  However, Chen Guo's car was also very strong. Every time it hits, the entire city tower seems to tremble three times.

  Everyone's throats slid unconsciously, and they clenched the long sword in their hands at the same time.

  At the place where the city gate rushed in, a soldier pulled a rope. This was used to trip the cavalry. A spear cart was also set up. The sharp spears lined up in a row and pointed in the direction of the city gate.

  This is the case, everyone knows in their hearts that these things cannot completely stop Chen Guo's army from attacking.

  A **** fight is inevitable!





  The huge rushing car slammed the fly bridge into a tremor, and the dust on the city wall began to slip down.

  Along with a loud noise, the fly bridge was broken by Chen Guo’s car!

  Chen Guo’s car was going to further attack the gate of Yue Ancient City, but at this moment, an unexpected situation happened!

  Several barrels of hanging kerosene suddenly fell into the city gate cave, and the kerosene rope was tied to the fly bridge. The fly bridge was not broken, and the rope was endless.

  The fly bridge is broken.

  The kerosene was poured on Chen Guo’s soldiers and carts, and when the kerosene was poured out, the kerosene and the hat hanging on the oil drum were torn apart by the thin wires at both ends, and they fell down with a clatter.

   "Not good! Run away!"

  A soldier of Chen State yelled.

  Unfortunately, it's too late.

  The kerosene was ignited suddenly, and the tongue of fire rose three feet high!

  The rushing car quickly burned, and Chen Guo's soldier was fleeing with his head held by the fire!

  Gu Chengfeng and Li Li and the others in the city gate heard the wailing sound from inside the city gate cave, and understood that the kerosene plan had worked.

  Lieutenant General Li looked at Gu Chengfeng excitedly: "Master Gu is really a brilliant plan!"

  It's not his magical calculation, but Gu Jiao.

  The reconstruction of the flying bridge and the setup of the mechanism were all Gu Jiao's ideas, he just made them.

  In fact, he felt that if Gu Xiaoshun was here, he might have done better.

  The city gate was temporarily held, and above the tower, Tang Yueshan also led his men to overturn all the ladders, and withstood the first wave of attacks.

After the   Zi Shi, Chen Guo's army retreated.

  Chen's army lost its first battle and lost 2,000 troops. The Zhaoguo army suffered serious losses. A steady stream of wounded soldiers were sent to the rear camp.

  Gu Jiao and the doctors of Yue Gucheng became busy without delay. Gu Jiao first diagnosed the wounded soldiers, and put cloth strips of different colors according to their injuries, and then the soldiers sent them to the corresponding camps.

Although there were many wounded soldiers, no one was in a hurry, and no one was at a loss. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner under Gu Jiao's arrangement.

   is not uneasy.

  It’s just that every time the doctors turned their heads, they could see Gu Jiao calmly doing what was in her hands. The flames of war were all over her behind her, and she was still in danger.

  At that moment, their hearts seemed to calm down.

  Chen's army did not launch an attack during the day of the next day.

  I don’t know if he was afraid of being beaten, or was planning something seriously. If it were the latter, it would be extremely detrimental to the situation in Yue Ancient City.

  The main reason for Chen Guo's first stop was to underestimate the enemy. They didn't pay attention to the thousands of defenders of Yuegu City, thinking that they could break through the city gate with their eyes closed.

  If they really start to deal with it wholeheartedly, Yue Ancient City will be in danger.

   "Marshal Tang!" Lieutenant General Cen walked into a camp downstairs. Seeing that Gu Chengfeng was also there, he paused and said hello, "Master Gu."

  Tang Yueshan is doing a sand table deduction, trying to figure out where Chen Guo's army will attack next.

   "What's the matter?" he asked.

  Vice-general Cen hesitated and said: "There is not enough food, food and grass..."

  "Have you... finished eating?" Gu Chengfeng asked in surprise.

  Vice Cen nodded for difficulty.

There were very few grains and herbs in the Taishou Mansion. At the beginning, Lingguan City had to borrow some from it. Although Gu Chengfeng went to buy out the shops in the city yesterday, he also received donations from some people, but for the 7,000 army, it was still not enough to eat. Paused.

  Tonight, they will start running out of food.

  "Give it to the wounded first." Gu Chengfeng said.

  Tang Yueshan’s throat slid, he squeezed his fist, and made a very difficult decision: "For soldiers who can go to the battlefield."

  Gu Chengfeng was silent.

  His conscience told him to help the wounded, but his reason reminded him that the wounded can no longer go to war. Only when healthy soldiers are fed can they kill more enemies and guard the city.

  The life of a wounded soldier is also a life.

  But more important than fate is the mission of defending our homeland.

  Vice-General Cen’s throat was a little sore, what he didn’t say was that even if it’s only for soldiers who can go on the battlefield, it’s not enough...

  Cen was out of the camp.

  Gu Chengfeng was immersed in an inexplicable regret.

  Tang Yueshan frowned: "What are you thinking about?"

   Gu Chengfeng said sullenly, “I’m thinking, why I wasted so much food in the past.”

  He never knew that the soldiers at the border were so bitter, let alone that the war was so miserable.

  After a while, Vice Admiral Cen took a few steamed buns and two bowls of rice soup into the house, and said to Tang Yueshan and Gu Chengfeng: "Marshal Tang, Master Gu, you guys have some too."

  Tang Yueshan said: "I don't use it."

  He knows his situation, and he can handle it.

  Gu Chengfeng said: "I won't eat either! I took it down and gave it to the soldiers! I ate a lot of oil and water along the way, so it won't matter if I'm hungry for a few days."

  Vice-General Cen was about to persuade the two of them to say a few words, but there was a commotion outside the camp. Vice-General Cen went out to take a look, and was immediately stunned.

  It is the people of Yuegucheng who came to bring food again.

  Last time, what they sent out was their own food. This time, they directly saved their own dinner.

  Of course soldiers won’t want it!

  Cen also stepped forward, intending to persuade the people to leave.

  Tang Yueshan tensed his body, holding back the huge emotions and walked out, raised his arms, and bowed his hands to the people of the city and saluted deeply.

   Then he turned around, a dignified seven-foot man, his eyes sharp and moist, he said to all the soldiers: "Eat!"

  The soldiers picked up the steaming bowl, their throats were sore, they choked off their tears, and ate them with big mouthfuls!

  In the next three days, Chen Guo's army launched a total of three small offensives and one major offensive towards Yueyue City.

   Although the casualties of Chen Guo's soldiers were heavy, the soldiers of Yue Ancient City were also seriously damaged. By the time of the last major offensive, Yue Ancient City had less than 2,000 troops capable of fighting.

  The ladder of Chen Guo's army was firmly erected on the city wall, countless Chen Guo soldiers slammed on the city wall, and the city gate below the city was also breached by a car.

  This time, they no longer use people to deal with kerosene, but bulls.

  As soon as the city gate broke open, countless Chen Guo cavalry rushed into the city like a tide.

  Gu Chengfeng was blushing!

  On the city wall, Tang Yueshan had a sword in his right arm. He did not hesitate at all, as if he had forgotten the pain, and continued to fight with the sword in a sea of ​​blood!

  On the tower in the middle of the city wall, Chen Guo’s deputy Rong Shen slashed two Zhaoguo soldiers with a single stab. He flew onto the roof, holding a long knife in both hands, and cut off Zhaoguo's banner!

  He threw the Zhaoguo banner happily into the sea of ​​flames, and the morale of Chen's soldiers soared and shouted proudly!

  Rong Shen picked up Chen Guo’s banner and violently inserted it on the tower of Yue Ancient City; "Yue Ancient City is us..."

   Before he could finish his words, a red lance spear galloped in with a sharp sound of breaking through the air. The surroundings were all fighting, even covering up its movement, and there was no way to stop it when Rong Sen's back became cold.

  The red spear directly penetrated Rong Shen's shoulder and slammed him onto the flagpole of Chen Guojing.

  How can the flagpole withstand such a violent blow and break on the spot!

  Rong Shen also rolled down from the roof of the tower.


  A Chen Guo soldier screamed.

  He rushed towards Rong Shen, but he was grabbed by the collar by a bare hand without getting close, and threw it out fiercely!

  Gu Jiao pulled out the red spear on Rong Shen's shoulder and kicked Rong Shen down the city wall!

  Gu Jiao stepped on the inner wall of the city wall with a point of her toe, and leaped up to the tower with her strength.

  She was holding the red spear in one hand, and in the other hand, she raised the Zhaoguo banner in her hand, and inserted it firmly on the tower!

  The fight lasted for a whole night, and on the walls of the ancient city of Yue, the sky was full of flames.

  Under the vast sky, this city is burning!

  In a camp hundreds of miles away, a scout quickly descended from the mountains and reported to the man in the camp: "General Gu! The city in front seems to be on fire!"

  "Fire?" Gu Changqing looked at the hourglass at his feet, "This hour? Which city?"

   "Yuecheng!" the scout said.

  Gu Changqing has already mastered the maps of the frontier fortress all the way. He certainly understands the strategic importance of Yue Ancient City. If Chen Guo's army and the remnants of the previous dynasties continue to invade the territory of Zhao Kingdom, the next target is Yue Ancient City.

  Gu Changqing stood up: "Take me to see."

The scout took Gu Changqing to the vantage point of the mountain. Looking from the height, only one burning line of fire can be seen. This is due to the distance, but if it is calculated into reality, it is that the entire city wall is burned out. The fire.

  "It's the flames of war!" Gu Changqing's eyebrows frowned, the fire flickered in his pupils, and his whole body suddenly burst into a powerful aura, "Wake up the soldiers, ready to go!"

  From here to the ancient city of Yue Mo Baili, it is not a straight distance, but includes the winding official roads and winding mountain roads.

  Generally speaking, infantrymen usually march 30 to 50 miles a day, rush marches 60 to 90 miles a day, and force marches up to 150 miles.

On the way to   , in order to preserve combat power, the Gu's army has always marched in a hurry.

  Forced marching combat power consumption is too great, it is impossible to do so as a last resort.

  But now is the time of last resort.

  When Gu Changqing walked down the foot of the mountain, all the camps and luggage had been cleaned up, and the soldiers were all ready to go, and there was no trace of being awakened.

  This is Zhaoguo’s most well-trained and most powerful army, and everyone is ready for combat almost instantly!

  Gu Changqing turned on his horse, and his cloak hunted and danced in the cold wind.

  He clenched the reins, looked at the direction of Yue Gucheng, and said, "All soldiers follow orders, march at full speed!"

  (End of this chapter)

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