"What?" Ziyu Fengqing and Xu Zian were stunned at the same time.

He was completely uncooperative in the first second, but he compromised in the second.

Is this guy all right?

But anyway, Ziyu Fengqing is very satisfied with Wang Yong's sudden change.

"Thank you. In return, what do you want? " Asked Ziyu Fengqing.

Who knows, Wang Yong waved his hand, showed a strange smile and said, "don't be busy thanking you. I haven't finished... "

"What do you mean?" Ziyu's eyebrows wrinkled.

"It's not interesting. But I will visit you tomorrow, and I will send you eight words and ask him to burn them to my dead grandfather Wang Yongdao.

As soon as these words came out, Ziyu's face suddenly changed. With her forbearance, she could not help but feel a surge of anger.

Master Ziyu wrote down the eight words of "inherit your promise and keep your life". If you let him burn it to grandfather Wang Yong, it's like letting master Ziyu beat himself in the face. This is absolutely intolerable to Ziyu family.

Arrogant, arrogant and ungrateful. Ziyu Fengqing commented on Wang Yong for the first time.

She has given Wang Yong steps to stop Xu Zian from using violence against Wang Yong. Unexpectedly, Wang Yong was ungrateful and wanted to humiliate Ziyu family in this way.

If he did, the Ziyu family would become a laughing stock, and it would be more difficult for the family group to go public.

In that case

A smile suddenly appeared in Ziyu Fengqing's eyes.

Wei Ran, who was familiar with Ziyu Fengqing, was immediately surprised to know that the young lady was really angry this time. Every time the young lady gets angry, she always smiles in her eyes. If you look at it carefully, you will find that smile is a killing knife. Countless business figures died under this knife.

"Boy, are you all right? People should see their own identity and status clearly! You are nothing but rubbish! Don't give face, then don't blame us for tearing face! Feng Qing, leave this matter to me, and I will abolish him! " Xu Zian said fiercely.

Wang Yong did not look at Xu Zian, as if the man did not exist. His eyes were still fixed on Ziyu Fengqing, and he said, "do you feel angry? Do you feel that your dignity has been challenged? Do you think I'm such a grass-roots little man, who has the right to embarrass you? Ha ha... To borrow a word from our old monitor, Xiaocao has dignity too! You can ignore it and trample on it. But if you step on it today, it will grow on your grave tomorrow! "

Provocation, naked provocation!

Wang Yong's awe inspiring words made Ziyu Fengqing and Xu Zian pale at the same time.

Wang Yong's next words, however, were more than insinuating evil spirits, and they were almost heartbreaking.

"No one is born with everything. If you don't rely on the family tree, I'm afraid I'm not as good as I am today. The upper class you are proud of is just a bit of food left behind by your ancestors. To put it bluntly, you're just parasites that wag their tails and beg for food. I don't understand. What are you proud of. Are you proud that you are more parasitic than others? If so, it's really something you should be proud of. Remember, don't look down on anyone around you. Because no matter how poor you are, you can only beg for food. You will come out if you don't die! Maybe someone you look down on will be the one you have to flatter tomorrow

Shock, anger, rage... All kinds of emotions intertwined, alternately presented in the face of Xu Zian and Ziyu Fengqing.

Ziyu's style is fine and good. She has a good way to nourish her spirit, but her smile is brighter in her eyes.

But Xu Zian was so angry that Wang Yong's words hit him to the core. He danced and cried out that Chen Bo had abolished Wang Yong.

It's just that Wang Yong accidentally showed his hand just now, which made Chen Bo be very afraid. He didn't dare to do it rashly for a moment.

"Ha ha."

Wang Yong thought he was successful in killing his heart, but he heard Ziyu Fengqing smile. The laughter was indifferent, and there was no trace of anger.

Wang Yong could not help but frown.

He deliberately said some words to punish the heart did not let Ziyu Fengqing state of mind shaken, it can be seen that this woman is not simple. Psychological quality is comparable to that of a well-trained agent.

"Mr. Wang is a good eloquence. If he is not a man of firm faith, he will surely be criticized by you and doubt himself." Finish saying, son jade breeze fine if have if have no of saw Xu Zi an one eye.

Xu Zian's performance at the moment is like a hyena who has been stabbed to the pain, manic and restless. It is Ziyu Fengqing's "people with unswerving faith".

"But that's no use to me. Because I, Ziyu Fengqing, know my ability! This ability doesn't change with the environment. Born in a poor family, I can make my family rich. Born in a rich family, I can make my family look down on the world. No matter how poor you are? In my opinion, these are the excuses of the weak. I would never be poor enough to beg. It is, sir, doubtful. "

Ziyu Fengqing said slowly, but he turned against Wang Yong. Wang Yong's loud slogan is just an excuse for the weak.

After Wang Yong heard this, a strange look flashed across his eyebrows. He looked down at the spoon in his hand without blinking. That appearance, as if quilt jade breeze fine a words say of shame.

Just when Ziyu Fengqing thought that she was successful in fighting back, he saw Wang Yong suddenly look up and put out his hands like lightning, grabbing Ziyu Fengqing's body.

At the same time, the right foot flies up and kicks the dining table in the air.

"What are you doing?"

"Stop it

All the people around were frightened by Wang Yong's sudden action and yelled angrily.

Do it when you don't agree? Or to a woman! How can there be such a shameless man in this world!

"Chen Bo, what are you still doing? Kill him Xu Zian roared.

Wei Ran was also scared to lose her face, but it didn't affect her reason. A right hand in the ear, to the bodyguard outside the door issued a rescue instruction.

The only calm is Ziyu Fengqing. Her face doesn't change. She seems to think that Wang Yong doesn't dare to take her.

"Let go, I can be nothing! You can't afford to hurt me The son jade breeze fine cold way.

But Wang Yong seems to have a firm heart. Instead, he grabs Ziyu Fengqing more tightly, and even makes a stunning move.

With a fierce attack, Ziyu Fengqing fell to the ground. Hard pressure on the son of jade Fengqing that full.

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