Even Zhong Xin felt embarrassed about this decision.

Zhong Xin murmured: "Daddy, isn't it too much publicity? It's not a celebrity painting. Make people laugh. "

Who knows, Zhong Nanqiao stares and says, "publicity? If the company does not allow, I would like to hang in the company! Let that group of old bastards run on me all day, saying that my clock heart is ignorant! I'd like to ask them which children got this kind of reward! "

"What? Those guys say I'm not good at learning? Kui I I surround their uncle every day, even slander me behind! Villain! bitch! Mount it, daddy, I'm with you! "

So the father and daughter immediately reached an agreement, Wang Yong and Zhongyi shook their heads.

It's really worthy of being father and daughter. It seems that the mischievous nature of Zhong Xin has inherited some of Zhong Nanqiao's.

"Well, Zhong Xin, it's time for class." Wang Yong coughed lightly and pulled the father and daughter back from the fantasy of slapping their faces.

Zhong Nanqiao said quickly: "yes, yes, class! Please, Miss Wang. It's up to you to win the prize. I said you didn't make any achievements before. It's a shame to think about it now. Don't say anything. I'll listen to all of your words from Mr. Wang! Not only me, but also you. If you don't listen, I'll... I'll let your sister deal with you! "

Zhong Nanqiao originally wanted to say that he would clean up the heart of the clock, but then he thought that he had no deterrent power in front of the heart of the clock, so he might as well leave the bad guys to Zhong Yi.

"Well, I see! My sister won't deal with me unless she's jealous that I'm bigger than her The heart of the clock gave a cold hum, and the words were astonishing.

This makes Zhong Yi furious. Wang Yong and Zhong Nanqiao hold their hands on their forehead and can't bear to look directly at them.

While stroking his forehead, Wang Yong quietly glanced at his favorite.

It seems that it's not as big as Zhongxin, but it's much bigger than Zhongxin. Tut Tut, the two sisters are good at winning each other. It's exciting to think about it.

Wang Yong has lost his moral integrity unconsciously.

For a long time, I finally arrived at the Zhongxin study upstairs and started the formal teaching.

Wang Yong spent an hour first, according to the teaching progress of Zhong Xin's textbook, confirming that some knowledge of Chinese culture was reorganized for Zhong Xin.

What Zhong Xin didn't understand in class was suddenly enlightened by Wang Yong.

And Zhong Xin has now become fond of Chinese courses, along with all kinds of liberal arts.

Waiting for Zhong Xin to master all the knowledge points, Wang Yongcai closed the textbook, looked at Zhong Xin solemnly and said, "today's formal course is here, and I'll teach you something else."

On hearing Wang Yong's words, Zhong Xin's eyes lit up.

She thought that Wang Yong was going to teach her how to fight and use guns. She didn't expect the day to come so soon.

Wang Yong saw through Zhong Xin's mind and said with a smile, "you think too much. Fighting and guns will teach you sooner or later, but not now. In the future, I will teach you in the form of rewards according to your performance in cultural courses. The better your grades are, the more real things you can learn. Even, as long as you dare to take the top five in the Department, I dare to train you to be a female special forces soldier who is not inferior to the Swat. "

"Really?" The heart of the clock was excited.

"It's true, of course. I'm afraid you can't do it. "

"Look down on me! I'm smart, I can't do it without me, only I don't want to do it! You just wait to teach me what you can do. What's the name of that? The church is small and the old are starving. When you can't eat, I'll take care of you. " The heart of the clock patted the trembling chest and assured him.

"Well, I'm looking forward to that day." Wang Yong said with a smile.

Then he said, "what I teach you today is not combat weapons, but it's also something. I call this kind of knowledge miscellaneous learning. "

"What is miscellaneous learning? In ancient times, it refers to all kinds of knowledge other than imperial examination articles. This kind of learning was criticized by the mainstream literati before. Han Feizi wrote in his Xianxue: "now I'm listening to the same and different words of the miscellaneous school Miao Xing. Are you happy?" Su Shi also said that "scholars are selected according to their voice and temperament, but they are not determined to pursue Tao.". We can see the status of Zaxue before. "

"But man should not only know what is just, but not what is evil. Miscellaneous learning is the way to learn this evil. What's more, miscellaneous studies are not all such unsophisticated knowledge. Modern people's classification of miscellaneous learning generally refers to the encyclopedia knowledge. I'm more in favor of that

"Mr. Wang, what are you going to teach me today? The more you say it, the more confused you are. " The clock heart some don't understand of ask.

"I'm going to let you know the priority of this conversation. Don't dislike learning Chinese culture just because miscellaneous studies are more curious. " Wang Yong admonished Zhong Xindao.

Zhong Xin shook his head and said, "No

"Good. Because you were kidnapped last time, we'll learn something about it today. Let's start with the simplest, how to identify the kidnappers. " Wang Yong drank, and immediately began to talk.

"I remember that there was a passage in the army saying that if you were traveling abroad, you would be hijacked by an unidentified person. How do you know which organization they belong to and choose a response plan? It's very simple. Just look at the clothes and weapons. "

"If the hijackers are armed with karanikov rifles and dressed in black, it should be from the Middle East.". If you have a mustache and a karanikov short rifle, this is Chechnya. If you come to you with a long knife or gasoline, this is is is. When the negotiators come, those who wear suits should be from NATO, those who wear military civilian clothes should be from Israel, and those who wear combat clothes should be from Russia. "

"When you see the equipment of the anti terrorist special war fighters, if the rescuers have * and *, it should be a member state of the European Union. If you have a small caliber long rifle and an electric machine gun, it's the United States. If you're holding a rifle and a Russian mini, this is China. If it's class machine gun, RPG and short *, this is Russia. "

"When * points a gun at your head to intimidate the rescuers, if the rescuers shoot * to death, this is Britain. If the rescuers say, "brother, you're a good man, do it with us!", This is France. If * is killed by a gunshot outside the window, this is the United States. After the crackle of the gun, the eyes of * turned red, watching the hostage die with him, and then everything went silent. It's Russia. "

"Tsarist Russia is so overbearing. What about China?" Zhong Xin was interested and asked.

"Huaxia? If the family members of the kidnappers ask for an exchange of hostages, it is Huaxia. " Wang Yong replied.

Puchi, Zhong Xin couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha, I'm so cheap. I like it! I'm proud

Zhong Xin is very happy.

Wang Yong couldn't laugh, because no one knew how much pressure he had to bear when he was forced to take such measures in that environment. Wang Yong had done this once before and was almost suspended. But seeing the grateful expression of the rescued hostage, it doesn't matter.

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