Wang Yong's breath gradually became heavy, and his face was a little distorted. He was trying to restrain himself.

Dim yellow lights and beautiful scenes will give people subconscious psychological hints, which will trigger the hormone secretion in the human body.

This is where the so-called difference in thinking occurs.

Wang Yong will not tolerate such mistakes, so he is trying to calm the fire in his heart.

Exhale, exhale heavily. Wang Yong's muscles and muscles relaxed, as if the surging flame had been let out by him. Wang Yong's eyes became clear again.

Turn over to want to come down from Su Yan, Su Yan should wake up later, and Wang Yong will know what happened then.

Just as I raised one foot, I suddenly heard a burst of empty voice behind me.

Wang Yong could not be more familiar with the sound of sharp instruments cutting through the air.

It's a dagger!

Moreover, the timing of the attack was also very appropriate. It was just when Wang Yong breathed out and relaxed his muscles. At this time, Wang Yong's whole body was in a relaxed state. With one knife, he could cut a deep visible bone wound.

This man is insidious!

Wang Yong didn't have time to think about it. He took a breath in a hurry. With this breath, Wang Yong's muscles quickly bounce and shake up, and his soft skin suddenly becomes hard, like a stretch of barbed wire, and the muscles are closely and orderly linked together.

This is the traditional transport method of golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt. In fact, it is to improve the density and strength of the body and increase the ability to fight.

Wang Yong's adductor muscle, though unable to avoid the injury of a knife, will avoid the wound deepening to the greatest extent, leaving a skin injury at most.

The person behind the attack was surprised to see Wang Yong's change. Then the knife kept on cutting with a grim smile.


As the blade reached his body, Wang Yong suddenly yelled out and rolled forward.

Originally, he wanted to use horizontal training to fight hard, but generally speaking, he could resist it.

But I didn't expect that the attacker knew how to break the body. When he immediately cut Wang Yong's back, he suddenly changed his strength. The blade of the original vertical cutting became a horizontal cutting.

The contraction of human muscles is the contraction of the next one together, if the vertical cut will be close to most of the muscles resist. However, it can penetrate the gap between the body and cause maximum damage.

Wang Yong only felt a pain in his back, and some blood came out and wet his back.

After a successful attack, the attacker followed closely.

Where would Wang Yong let him hurt himself again, he would shake up the quilt while rolling.

The wide quilt was shaken into a cloak by Wang Yong, and he went to cover the person behind him with a hula.

The attacker didn't expect that Wang Yong had such a change. He was caught off guard and was covered tightly.

At this time, Wang Yong had turned around, and without saying a word, he swept the man's waist and eyes.

With a dull hum, the man flew backwards and fell to the ground.

And that person also calculate cleverness, use the strength of fall to roll on the spot, took off the cover of quilt.

Under the light, a young and handsome face appeared, but the evil in his eyes made him look like a wild dog.

"Who are you?" Wang Yong asked coldly.

"Hum, how dare you ask me who I am when you annihilate my sister!" The man replied.

Wang Yong frowned and noticed that the man's eyebrows were really similar to Su Yan's.

"You misunderstood me. I didn't mean anything wrong to Su Yan, but..." Wang Yong tried to explain.

"But what? Shameless person, still want to sophistry Suri, holding a dagger, said.

Wang Yong patted his head and thought it was a bit difficult to do. I'm afraid I can't wash myself if I jump into the Yellow River, unless Su Yan can wake up.

"Really, I'm not a bad person. Otherwise, you'll call the police, and when Su Yan wakes up, the truth will come out. " Wang Yong said helplessly.

Suri sneered: "call the police? That's for sure, but I won't believe you at all! Unless... You honestly turn around, put your head in your hands, and wait for the police to come. "

"I..." Wang Yong was annoyed by Su Rui. I'm afraid that the more I explain, the more I can't explain, so I just want to turn around.

Looking at Wang Yong's action, Su Rui's face was covered with a smile. Just wait for Wang Yong to completely turn around and stab him.

Who knows, Wang Yong suddenly stopped in the middle. Wang Yong suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Rui with a kind of insightful eyes. He laughed silently.

"You almost cheated me. You are su Yan's brother. I don't doubt your identity. You are very similar indeed. But whether you are really protecting Su Yan is worth exploring. It's not more than five minutes before and after I go upstairs and you show up. Where did you get the news and come here? It's only in such a short time. As far as I know, Su Yan has always lived alone. Moreover, unfortunately, I just know that Su Yan has a brother that she doesn't trust, even because this brother has a slight mental illness. Can't it be you? "

After listening to Wang Yong's analysis, Su Rui's face suddenly changed and said, "you are smart enough to find flaws. I didn't expect Su Yan would say so many things to you. It seems that your relationship is unusual. "

Wang Yong ignored Su Rui's remarks, but said to himself: "in fact, you've been around all the time. When you hear something wrong with the voice upstairs, you come here immediately. The guy who tried to insult Su Yan should be your accomplice. Even Su Yan's three frustrations are your own. If you can effectively persuade Su Yan to drink what you give, it must be in the name of your mother, otherwise Su Yan will not lose his vigilance to you. "

Suri's face was full of surprise. He didn't expect Wang Yong to speculate as much as he saw with his own eyes.

"You are a scum to the core if you can poison your own sister. I like it. You know why? Because every time I beat scum, I can tell myself that I don't have to be merciful. I don't have to have psychological pressure to beat myself to death. " Wang Yong said faintly.

"Ha ha, I'm crazy. I don't know who died today! "

Suri said, lifting the dagger in her hand.

The blade of the dagger turned against himself, but the back of the dagger turned outward. Hold it with your left hand, put it under the dagger, and put out a turret.

"Dachengquan sword technique! No wonder you know how to break my horizontal training, it turns out that you are a dachengquan disciple! " Wang Yong squinted and said.

Dacheng boxing, also known as Yiquan, is one of the traditional Chinese boxing, belonging to Neijia boxing. It was founded by Wang Xiangzhai in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China on the basis of Xingyi boxing. There is no fixed moves and boxing, emphasizing the idea to guide the action, so it is called Dacheng boxing.

This kind of boxing is not easy to practice, but once it has a small success, it will be very powerful. At that time, Wang Xiangzhai used such a set of boxing techniques to fight all over the world.

Even in the Beiping "Shi Bao" public statement: welcome to martial arts circles in person to teach, to martial arts friends.

This is equivalent to openly challenging the whole Wulin, so many experts went to fight in the face, but without exception, Wang Xiangzhai fought back with overwhelming strength. They also include Ichiro Bata, who represents the sixth section of judo in the 11th Toyo Olympic Games, and Kenichi Sakai, who represents the fifth section of judo and the third section of Kendo at that time.

These two foreigners were all defeated by Wang Xiangzhai, and Zejing simply worshipped Wang Xiangzhai and then returned to the east to create Taiqi boxing. By virtue of this incomplete boxing, it swept the oriental martial arts world at that time, and was honored as the boxing saint by the Oriental people.

Only a disciple has such power, which shows how powerful Wang Xiangzhai himself is.

Nowadays, it's hard to see Dacheng boxing experts, because this boxing method can't do without the oral and psychological instruction of famous teachers. You can't do it with just one book.

I didn't expect that Su Yan, the elder brother, could even practice Dacheng boxing. It seems that he did well. It seems that this crouching tiger, hidden dragon in Tiantai city should be hiding a Dacheng boxing master.

The reason why Wang Yong can recognize the boxers from Su Rui's airs is that Su Rui's posture with dagger is the standard airs of Dacheng boxing.

This is called "Shangdao style" in Dacheng boxing.

Hold the handle with the left hand at the bottom, hold the handle with the right hand at the top, end the knife in front of the chest, and move the blade tip up to the left several degrees. At this time, the right hand reverses 180 degrees to make the blade inward and the back outward.

Most laymen are afraid when they see the blade facing inward. In fact, the subtlety of this Sabre technique lies in it. Because in the face of attack, you can block and cleave. These two movements, under the action of wrist torsion, become a complete set of movements. They can be launched in an instant and turn the situation around.

During the Anti Japanese War, the famous Dagao team of the 29th army used dachengquan.

If you have seen the documentary materials of the dagger team, you will find that the soldiers who hold the dagger are all hands behind. They hold the dagger with their own hands, and the tip of the dagger is down on their left leg. They let the other side stab the dagger first. At this time, they raise the dagger, knock the other side's dagger to the right side, and then turn the dagger back to take the root of the other side's neck.

At this time, the blade is between the opponent's head and bayonet, and the opponent's bayonet can't stop it. It depends on the speed of necking.

It can be said that a knock is the blink of an eye, and a head flies to the sky.

There's no need for other tricks, just two. Do you think it's powerful?

Wang Yong's face was dignified. He knew the sharpness of this sabre, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

More importantly, he has injuries in the back. Big action can only be done very reluctantly, can only be handled carefully.

"Kill Su Rui roared, which was the momentum of the 29th army to kill the enemy. But this time it's our own people.

Suri's feet slide like Michael Jackson's spacewalk. In fact, the frequency is much faster than the spacewalk.

This is a unique step of Dacheng boxing, called friction step. Straight leg strength is used to move forward and backward, and transverse sole strength is used to move left and right.

Only with this kind of pace can we make the whole strength of dachengquan.

With a buzz, Surui's left fist hidden under the dagger hit first.

The fist is fierce. It seems that the whole body is moving with the fist. This is the whole strength, using the strength of the whole body, round one.

Wang Yong, with a cat on his back, just dodged. His eyes were fixed on Suri's hand holding the dagger.

That's the real killer.

"Kill Su Rui roared a few times, but he was still attacking with his left fist.

After several rounds, Wang Yong suddenly laughed.

As soon as we met, Wang Yong thought that Su Rui was a master of Dacheng boxing. He lowered his posture and focused on defense. Now it seems that this guy's Kung Fu is just average. But I'm very familiar with the right hand Sabre technique, which is far beyond the Kung Fu of boxing. This made Wang Yong make a wrong judgment.

In this case, Wang Yong's heart turns and suddenly touches a semicircular hairband on Su Yan's dressing table.

He smashed down at Suri's right hand.

Su Rui was overjoyed to see that. What Dacheng's Sabre style requires is the enemy to attack first, and then he can fight back with the help of a knock.

Wang Yong had been wandering to avoid before, but did not take the initiative to attack. But Su Rui is very anxious. Fortunately, I couldn't help it and started.

It's time for you to die! Suri thought bitterly.

Countless days and nights of special practice of this move, in a strong inertia to use.

It's fast and urgent.

First, he raised his hand and opened Wang Yong's hairband with a dagger. Then he chopped down and wiped Wang Yong's chest.

However, Su Rui's knock was very smooth, almost without obstacles.

But the next cut, it is impossible to achieve.

Because the dagger was caught!

A girl's hairband has a semicircular notch. Wang Yong just hit Su Rui with that notch.

And Surui inertia up, just knock into the hairband gap. When he wants to chop, Wang Yong pinches the hairband two parts. The hairband is flattened and quickly shrinks into a tight and solid circle, which is like a handcuff. He handcuffs Su Rui's dagger inside.

This kind of hairband is made of soft alloy. It can be broken continuously, let alone cut with a dagger.

When Su Rui discovers this fact, he sees that Wang Yong's smiling face has come up.

Then with a bang, he flew back out again and lay on the floor.

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