"Don't be in a daze. How about your sewing?"

Wang Yong mercilessly interrupts Su Yan's sadness and asks.

Su Yan shook his head a little embarrassed: "I don't know much about it."

"It doesn't matter. Just put the two pieces together." Wang Yong doesn't care about Tao.

Su Yan was stunned by Wang Yong's words.

Put two pieces together, it's meat, not cowhide, not rag!

Wang Yong said so casually that Su Yan's psychological pressure suddenly increased.

Looking at the sewing needle and thread on the side, I didn't dare to pick it up.

"What? under pressure? Don't think too much about it. You can just mend your clothes as usual. The stitching should be more close and the stitching should be more firm. My physique will recover in less than three days. " Wang Yong comforts Su Yandao.

But Su Yan is still a little afraid, several times holding the needle and thread, and timidly put it down.

Wang Yong shook his head and changed his way: "do you know? If this kind of knife wound is not treated in time, the probability of suffering from tetanus is 25% to 80%, and the incubation period of tetanus is more than one week, once the attack, the mortality rate is as high as 95%. So every second you hesitate, you push me to the 95% of death, and now with 2% left, I'm close to death. "

"What?" Su Yan was scared to tremble, no longer care about what timidity.

Quickly picked up the suture needle on the table, asked Wang Yong: "need disinfection?"

"It's vacuum aseptic. It's OK. Hold on to the stitching. "

After listening to Wang Yong's words, Su Yancai put down her heart, then put on the beauty line and bit her teeth into the wound on Wang Yong's back.

Hiss, the tip of the needle goes through the skin and gives out a voice that makes people shudder from the bottom of their heart.

But Wang Yong didn't move. He said without blinking: "go on."

Compared with the pain of previous liquor burning, this one is really nothing.

See Wang Yong did not respond, Su Yan hanging heart just a little bit down. Start to sew it up.

The stitching of wounds is actually a technical work. If we really follow the method of sewing clothes, it may be self defeating.

Wang Yong closed his eyes and directed Su Yan to operate.

"Each stitch should be knotted. Pay attention not to connect the two stitches."

"When suturing, the angle of the needle should be perpendicular to the skin. It's better to bring some subcutaneous tissue in, so that the edge of the wound is as flat as possible, and it doesn't matter if it's slightly everted."

"The needle distance should be controlled at about 4mm and the edge distance should be 2mm. I'll take care of the details myself. "

"Good, that's it, until the whole wound is sewn up."


Under the guidance of Wang Yong step by step, Su Yan finally carefully sews up the wound behind Wang Yong.

Cut short line tail, Su Yan long breath, the whole body is wet with sweat.

She is more tired than Wang Yong.

In fact, Wang Yong taught her the simplest method of stitching. It's more difficult to replace it. I'm afraid Su Yan can't bear it.

Gently stand up, Wang Yong slightly feel the tension behind the wound, satisfied with the way: "the technique is good, you can do a field nurse."

"Field nurses? Have you ever been a soldier Su Yan Leng next, immediately ask.

"Yes. But if the troops really want to carry out the task, they don't have such a beautiful field nurse as you. It's all a couple of big old men who deal with each other's wounds. The stitches are so crooked that they can kill people! Look at my waist and eyes. It's sewed by an asshole. I can't bear to look straight at it. " Wang Yongdao.

When Su Yan saw it, sure enough, there was a scar near Wang Yong's waist and eye, which was as crooked as a centipede.

Looking at Wang Yong's tight and firm skin, I don't know what I think of. Su Yan suddenly crimson in the neck and dare not look at it.

But this scene, Wang Yong did not discover.

Because when Wang Yong said that, he suddenly stopped talking. Instead, there were tears in my eyes.

"The man who sewed you the needle is gone?" Su Yan is acutely aware of something and asks gently.

Wang Yong nodded: "dead, dead in their own hands. Ha ha... "

Su Yan has no reason in the heart a tight, can't say a specific feeling, but feel in front of this man's heart is very bitter. He seems to have suffered countless hardships, buried in the heart. Never speak to people, never take out to complain, just silently endure.

Only in a few words by chance, will he start a tear, immediately close. And then it was like nothing.

What kind of story does he have?

Su Yan's eyes fell on the scar again, and he felt an impulse to know all the stories of this man, all

"It's getting late. I have to go back. You lock the door and close the window. It's better to set my mobile phone to speed dial. Call me as soon as there is something wrong, and I'll come right away. And the lecture should be given in two days. I'm afraid I have to take care of my wounds these two days. " Wang Yong looked at his watch and said.

"Oh, no hurry, wait till you have time. Today, thank you. If not for you, I'm afraid I have... "Su Yan said angrily and sadly.

Betrayed by his own brother, can you not be sad?

"I don't think your brother and that man will come again. Don't be too afraid. If you can, call me later and tell me the details. Maybe I can help you Wang Yong went out and said.

Su Yan promised to send Wang Yong downstairs.

As soon as Wang Yong got into the taxi, Su Yan called.

For the first time, this beautiful woman, who is somewhat resistant to men, completely opens her heart to a strange man.

From Su Yan's narration, Wang Yong knows Su Yan's experience from childhood to adulthood, and also knows when Su Yan became like this.

Because of his infatuation with gambling, Su Yan's family was changed. In order to pay off her gambling debts, Suri not only squandered all her family savings, but also sold her house. The family can only rent around.

Later, Suri knew Li Deli from nowhere. At the instigation of Li Deli, Su Rui steals Su Yan's ID card and Hukou book, and finds a young lady to pretend to be su Yan, so that Li Deli and Su Yan form a legal couple.

After that, Li Deli began to harass Su Yan endlessly. He claimed that Su Yan, which he bought with a million dollars, was his own.

At that time, Su Yancai completely despaired of Su Rui and a brother who did not hesitate to sell his sister.

For more than a year, Su Yan did not know how much suffering she had experienced. Li Deli was like a nightmare. He even took his marriage certificate to make trouble in Suyan school, which made Suyan lose face and forced him to quit several school jobs.

Finally, he came to Tiantai No.1 middle school to become a Chinese teacher and a head teacher.

There is also a reason why Su Yan became a head teacher when he first arrived.

Her senior class is a famous problem class in Tiantai No.1 middle school. Almost all the problem students of the whole department are gathered in this class.

But these students can't be expelled because their parents have more or less some background. The principal can't afford to offend any of them. In order not to delay other students, these people can only be placed in a class.

This has become a tacit tradition in Tiantai No.1 middle school.

It's just that this year's group of senior one students seem to be more difficult to manage than in previous years. Only half a semester after the beginning of school, there have been four head teachers. None of them can subdue these kids. They are all so angry that they are unwilling to continue to be class four head teachers.

Su Yan is in this case into a, and she is also more or less the principal as cannon fodder. Originally, there was no hope for Su Yanbao.

What I didn't expect is that Su Yan didn't get expelled after two months in office, and didn't go to the headmaster to complain.

Although the bad students in class four are still mischievous, there are also internal divisions. A group of boys, known as the guardians of Su Yan, try their best to maintain the position of Su Yan's head teacher.

This is the beauty effect, especially Su Yan is the beauty of beauty.

"It turns out that Zhong Xin's class is quite famous." Hearing this, Wang Yong said with a smile.

Think also, Zhong Xin this kind of bad girl stay class, can good?

But Wang Yong doesn't like judging people by their appearance. Every student is a jade. Whether they are naughty or obedient depends on how the teacher guides them. Since Zhong Xin can be changed, other students will certainly be better.

Even this class may become an excellent class in Tiantai city.

When Wang Yong describes his idea to Su Yan, Su Yan is shocked and speechless.

In Wang Yong's description, class 4 will become a three good class that takes the initiative to help grandma cross the road, collect money and give it to the police uncle, visit the elderly in the nursing home every week and help the sanitation workers clean the road. And after these children have done good things, they will still keep their name "please call me red scarf".

Su Yan thinks that nothing is possible except the last one.

And now more importantly, these people's grades are too bad. A few years before the Ministry of tea MI can not pull back the average of the whole class, so that Su Yan every time to accept other teachers silent ridicule.

Only this time, Zhong Xin's unexpected Award for his composition made Su Yan earn some face. So Su Yan would spare no effort to ask Wang Yong for teaching methods, want to do his best to improve the academic performance of these children.

"It seems that your class really needs my guidance." Wang Yong listened and laughed.

He especially likes such a challenging thing. The pleasure of success is much stronger than breaking the military records in the army.

"Two days later, you find a class and I'll meet them." Wang Yong had no choice but to set the time for the lecture.

Su Yan wants to talk, but he doesn't beat Wang Yong, so he has to promise.

The night breeze is gentle. Wang Yong looks at the stars in the sky with a smile. He is already thinking about how to deal with those little villains.

If you don't go out, you will succeed. Wang Yong doesn't allow himself to fail. He wants to conquer those bad children with absolute strength and convince them.

Let yourself become the brightest star in their heart from now on, guiding them to move forward forever and never getting lost.

This is the teacher's original role!

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