The leading killer laughs cruelly. It can be predicted that once he knows the answer, he will take revenge in a frenzied way.

Therefore, both Ziyu Fengqing and Wei Ran chose to shut up.

The leading killers looked at several people one by one and laughed ferociously: "no one said? Good. I'll start with him and ask them slowly one by one to make sure you're very comfortable. "

With that, he pointed to Xu Zian lying on the ground.

At this time, Xu Zian was trembling. He was even more scared when he heard the words of the leading killer. Holding his head in both hands, he said: "don't, don't kill me... I said, I know who did it..."

"Say it and you'll live."

"It's... It's him!" Xu Zian looked at Wang Yong and suddenly raised his voice.

The leading killer followed Xu Zian's eyes and nodded with satisfaction: "yes, in view of your meritorious report, you can be the last one to die later."

"You... You cheat! You promised not to kill me! You're not trustworthy Xu Zi exclaimed when he settled down.

"Shut up! Believe it or not, let you die now The leading assassin glared at Xu Zian fiercely, and he was scared to silence.

"A small piece of broken glass can kill you in one blow, boy. It seems that you are an expert?" The leading killer goes to Wang Yong, with a strong sense of tyranny in his brown pupils.

Without waiting for Wang Yong to answer, he suddenly kicked Wang Yong in the belly. The kick was quick and fierce, and it kicked Wang Yong out several meters away.

"Cough... Cough..." Wang Yong coughed violently, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Looking into the eyes of the leading killers, they are full of disdain and disdain.

This vision suddenly made the leading killer furious. He quickly walked up to Wang Yong and kicked out again. At the same time, he said with a grim smile: "why, unconvinced? But what can you do! Do you dare to hit me? I promise I won't wait for you to touch me, bam! Your head will blow. Ha ha ha... "

"Bah!" Wang Yong spat the blood out of his mouth and suddenly said a strange language to the killer with a smile.

It's not like English, it's not like French. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with all the mainstream languages.

Just as people were wondering what Wang Yong said, the face of the leading killer suddenly changed.

His eyes almost burst out with anger. His whole face was distorted because of anger. He stared at Wang Yong and said, "son of a bitch, dare you say it again!"

Wang Yong looked at the leading killer contemptuously and repeated the strange language again.

"Look! Die! Let him go, I'll fight him! " The furious leader yelled at his two companions.

The two companions hesitated for a moment, but the muzzle of the gun pointing at Wang Yong did not move away.

"Federline, we're on a mission that you told us! This is not the time for you to be a hero. " One man dissuaded.

The leading killer, named Federline, gave a dry smile and looked at the one who was talking: "do you want to crush me? No matter how big you are, you can't be bigger than the dignity of our Aleutians! Get out of the way or die, you choose! "

The two companions looked at each other and knew that Federline was cruel. They finally chose to give in. Turn the muzzle around.

"Boy, stand up! Since you know Aleutian, you should know our clan rules. Today I will tear you to pieces

Wang Yong used to speak Aleutian.

Aleutian is a minority in America and has its own national culture. It's just that this group has only language, no words. So very few people speak Aleutian. In addition, there are less than 5000 Aleutians left in America, which makes the language more difficult to understand.

What Wang Yong used to provoke Federline was an Aleutian proverb. A very insulting, enough for all Aleutians to hear the vicious proverb will fight for their lives. In the old days, the two people who scolded each other with this sentence would choose to fight to the death.

Hearing Federline's words, Wang Yong nodded, stood up slowly and said, "of course. But there is a saying that you are wrong. You are the only one who will die today. "

"I don't know how to live or die!" Federline sneered and tore his coat to reveal his strong muscles and a huge plumed snake tattoo on his chest.

The feather snake is the belief totem of Aleutians. Wang Yong also recognized Federline as Aleutian.


Federline did not leave a hand, a heavy fist without any omen, on the blast to Wang Yong's head.

The front of the fist was so fast that it exploded a short sonic boom in the air like a whip.

Only in time to see Federline raise his hand, his fist had reached Wang Yong's head.

From this attack alone, we can see that Federline's boxing skills are superb, and the external force has reached the best level of Mingjin in Chinese martial arts.

Chinese martial arts divides Kung Fu into four levels: FA Jin, Ming Jin, Yin Jin and Hua Jin. At the beginning, you can only learn how to develop your strength, and then you can enter into the clear strength in the follow-up practice. As for the quality of Mingjin, we have to work hard for more than ten years.

Listening to the momentum of Federline's blow, Ziyu Fengqing and Wei Ran suddenly changed color at the same time.

Even if they don't know boxing, they can see that Federline's fist is fierce. I'm afraid the power of this blow can even break a tree with thick thighs, let alone a human.

But Wang Yong didn't dodge. There was a touch of tranquility in his eyes, as if he didn't care about it.

When Federline's fist arrived, the tranquility in his eyes suddenly changed, and the gurgling water turned into a huge wave.

A burst that was comparable to a fighter's breaking through the sound barrier suddenly blew up, which suppressed Federline's momentum.

Wang Yong trembled from his feet to his head, like a giant python turning over. His muscles and muscles wriggled layer upon layer, forming a great force, which was finally transmitted to the palm of his hand.

The five fingers closed together to form a palm knife, and then they pierced Federline's fist.

Eight trigrams wear palm!

When Federline saw Wang Yong's move, he sneered.

Fingers to fists, isn't it a suicide? Federline was confident that he would smash Wang Yong's fingers with one blow, and even the most brilliant orthopedic doctor could not recover.

"It's no wonder other people want to die by themselves!" Federline said abruptly, adding force on his hand again, and smashed Wang Yong's hand knife.


Sure enough, as Federline had expected, his fists were opposite, and the sound of bone shattering came like the sound of nature, which made him burst out with indescribable bloodthirsty pleasure.

That's the feeling! It's wonderful! Federline thought excitedly, his face full of enjoyment.

However, this kind of expression lasted only one second, and he suddenly screamed like a cat with its tail stepped on.

Pain! An unprecedented pain came from his fist, which made Federline sweat in an instant.

Federline looked down, his eyes wide open, his face full of horror.

There was a blood hole in his right fist. The wound runs through the whole fist, all the way to the wrist. The blood is flowing out, and the everted skin and bones are shocking.

"Ah Seeing this kind of wound, Rao is Federline, who has been fighting for a long time, can't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Devil! You are the devil

Federline couldn't figure out how human beings could have such terrible power to pierce the fist bone with their fingers. So this man must be possessed by the devil!

But he didn't know that the eight trigrams palm piercing is the most insidious move in the eight trigrams palm, which is known as the saying that "gods are afraid of three piercing".

How can Federline resist the palm technique that even the gods are afraid of?

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