"It's worthy of being the strongest martial arts and Taoism in East Asia! That's great The pupil of earth imperial door shrinks, exclaim a way.

Although tuyumen was the first Yin Yang division, he never had a fight with the real danjinwu.

Wang Yong was the first.

His hands formed a strange fist print, and his fingers crossed like a pentagram.

But he used Yin and yang to increase his resistance and wanted to fight against Wang Yong.

Wang Yong saw a sneer from the corner of his mouth, and the momentum of his palm's falling became more fierce.

This is the common fault of religious practitioners. Before they really came into contact with martial arts masters, they always naively thought that their physical strength was comparable to that of martial arts masters, and they made rigid moves with martial arts masters.

But countless times have proved that their idea is very dangerous!

"No! What a powerful force! I can't resist it at all The appearance of Tuyu changed greatly.

Just now, the thought of competing with Wang Yong went out instantly, and the whole person shrank into a hedgehog, whizzing on the ground continuously, in a hurry to avoid Wang Yong.


Wang Yong's palm, like the Buddha's palm in the movie, descends from the sky, with amazing momentum.

Snowflakes on the ground all of a sudden splash up, forming a sputtering circle. A large area of soil collapsed by the palm slapping, as if there had been a small collapse.

The tuyumen rubbed the edge of Wang Yong's palm and rolled out of the damage range until it was more than ten meters away.

"Wheezing, wheezing," the tuyumen gasped.

Just now that move "hedgehog rolling on the ground" almost exhausted what he had learned in his whole life. If it was a little later, he would have been photographed by Wang Yong and turned into a pool of mashed meat.

"Yes, very spiritual." Wang Yong said, I don't know whether it's praise or ridicule.

Tu Yumen's eyes flashed for several times and quickly recovered from the shock.

"I finally know how those Yin Yang masters who died under you feel." The Tuyu gate opened slowly“ They have been practicing for a lifetime, but in the end they are beaten to death. It must be hard to let go of them when they go to the nether world. "

"You are here to sympathize with them. When you die, who can sympathize with you?" Wang Yong took a step forward, and his fist intention firmly locked the Tuyu gate.

Tu Yumen said with a smile: "people in Qingming family don't need sympathy. What's more, just now it was just a trial. The real battle is only beginning now! "

With that, the tuyumen suddenly trembled, like a dandelion in the wind shaking open all over the catkins, a series of spiritual ideas into a little streamer into the tuyumen hole, bone.

The momentum of tuyumen followed by a rapid rise, and in an instant, his kung fu had entered the DanJin.

At this time, the tuyumen's height increased by tens of centimeters, several heads higher than Wang Yong's, like a golden statue, looking down at Wang Yong: "the so-called DanJin is just a small realm in religious practice! In ancient times, it was just a trick on the road, not worth mentioning at all. What religious practitioners pursue is the real road, not the physical realm of beating, living and killing. In fact, I have been able to enter DanJin for a long time, but I didn't get promoted because my mind was not perfect all the time and I was worried that it would affect the cultivation of Dao

Wang Yong's eyes swept to the tuyumen and said, "Why are you promoted now?"

"Compared with my unfulfilled mind, Wang Yongjun is my biggest demon! As long as I can kill Wang Yongjun, all my spiritual obstacles will disappear naturally. Wang Yongjun is my grindstone

"Grindstone? I haven't heard that for a long time. The last time I said that I was a grindstone, I had been dead for too long to remember. I hope I can remember you the next time I hear these three words. " Wang Yong's eyes narrowed slowly, and all the lights were in his pupils. As long as you wait for the opportunity, it will be accompanied by the earth shaking power burst out in an instant.

"Yes. When I refine Wang Yongjun into a type God, Wang Yongjun will always remember me. "

Tuyumen finally showed its aggressive side.


Tuyumen grabs Wang Yong's face. His fingers are like hooks. He can not only cover Wang Yong's whole face, but also hold Wang Yong's eye socket and tear off Wang Yong's head.

Wang Yong felt the power of tuyumen's grasp, and his heart was slightly awed: it was really the power of DanJin. Tuyumen didn't lie. He was really suppressing his physical strength.

It's just that the DanJin realm of a religious master is not the same as that of a real martial arts master!

When Wang Yong's eyelids turned, it was like the great sage of heaven jumping out of the alchemy furnace, and the divine light of Taoism burst out from Wang Yong's pupil like electricity and stab.

At the same time, Wang Yong's right hand trembled, like a big gun pole pop up, with a violent roaring sound suddenly to the armpit of tuyumen.

Armpit is the place where acupoints, nerves and blood vessels are densely distributed. It is one of the three special zones of the human body, which is extremely important.

If the armpit is hit by gravity, the whole upper limb will be paralyzed, even affecting the spine.

It is clear that tuyumen took the lead, but Wang Yong's attack came to tuyumen's armpit first.

This is the result of tuyumen not being proficient in martial arts.

Let a Hercules to hoe, he can hoe the move, but absolutely not as good as the old farmer hoe fast hoe.

Wang Yong is an old farmer with strength and experience.

How can tuyumen compare?

In a hurry, the tuyumen could only give up attacking Wang Yong and grab Wang Yong's wrist instead.


The palms of the two men intersected, making a crisp sound.

The falling snowflakes were still in the air, just like a nuclear explosion, which made the scene spectacular.

The fight between two Dan Jin masters is so terrible.

Pedaling, tuyumen stepped back a few steps, and his body hit a cherry tree violently before he stopped.

Wang Yong did not move.


Wang Yong didn't give tuyumen a chance to breathe at all. He arched his body like a smart snow leopard.

The landing was silent, but the palm was shot with a violent sonic boom, which knocked heavy snowflakes out of a sonic track and hit tuyumen.

Bang, the tuyumen couldn't escape. They could only hold up their arms to stop Wang Yong.

Hiss, hiss, the clothes on tuyumen's arms were broken, revealing the skin below. The capillaries on the arm burst and blood flowed all over the arm.

But the tuyumen blocked Wang Yong's hand.

"Not bad." Tu Yumen was a little relieved.

But I didn't expect that Wang Yong didn't say a word, and then he clapped it down again.

Wang Yong is like a machine that never knows fatigue. His eyes are cold, and he keeps attacking again and again, executing the cyclic command written by the code.

"Is it over?" The appearance of Tuyu was startled.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to compete with Wang Yong if he broke through Dan Jin. Who knows the result is still the same, breaking through the Dan Jin in the face of Wang Yong, is still the side of the pressure.

Bang bang!

A crash sound sounded in the cherry forest. The cherry tree on the back of tuyumen was affected. The whole trunk was full of flesh and skin, and the branches were everywhere.

The tuyumen was not so good either. His arms were raised in mid air to bear Wang Yong's attack again and again. His arms were bloody and his bones were white.

But tuyumen couldn't put down his arms.

Because at the moment, his arms were attacked many times by Wang yongdan's strength, as if the whole arm had been struck by lightning, and he had no consciousness at all.

"If you don't use your hidden killing moves, there's no chance." Wang Yong scoffed in his eyes.

Tu Yumen was slightly surprised. It turned out that Wang Yong had already known that he had hidden his killing move!

But it's true that as Wang Yong said, if tuyumen doesn't use killing moves, they will never have the chance to use them.

"It seems that we can only summon it." Tu Yumen took a deep breath, and the two unconscious arms beaten by Wang Yong recovered instantly.

"Li Qiao, show up

With the cry of tuyumen, the temperature of the whole Sakura forest dropped sharply, and the snowflakes became more and more dense, which seemed to be overwhelming.

A sense of ignorance enveloped Wang Yong's heart, which made Wang Yong feel a sense of foreboding.

The biggest advantage of Wang Yong's sincere way is that he can perceive danger, but now this perception is hoodwinked, as if he has fallen into the nine hell, and can no longer feel the breath of life.

Hum, there was a strange sound in the air. The next second, there was a stone bridge between Wang Yong and tuyumen.

The stone bridge is suspended in the air, and its color is dark. Obviously, it is not the real stone bridge, but the spirit of the mind.

Tu Yu's face gradually regained his self-confidence. Looking at the stone bridge in the air, he said, "this is the Li bridge that Qingming used to seal Shi Shen. It's also the first Shi Shen I got when I was young!"

Wang Yong Yilin.

Although Abe Qingming has collected a lot of Shishen, because Abe Qingming's wife is afraid, she doesn't call at all. Instead, she seals it under a stone bridge at home.

The stone bridge is called Li bridge. It is said that it can connect the world with another world.

I didn't expect that the type God of tuyumen was Liqiao.

"Although you guessed that I had hidden the killing moves, you must not know what kind of killing moves I had hidden?" Tu Yumen looked at Wang Yong with a smile and said.

"Do you know why I have to choose here as my battlefield? The reason is very simple, because... This is an ancient battlefield! "

"Ancient battlefield?" Wang Yong was surprised.

"In 1868, the Meiji emperor, who was the emperor at that time, issued the" Royal restoration order ", which wanted to abolish the shogunate and asked shogunate general Tokugawa Qingxi to resign and surrender his power. Five days later, Tokugawa declared the emperor's order illegal and launched a rebellion.

The emperor's army and the shogunate's army launched a fierce battle near Edo, with countless casualties. The Wuchen war officially began.

And here, YingYuan Daochang, was the main battlefield at that time! There are countless shogunate troops and Imperial Army dead here! They were all the most powerful warriors of the time!

May I ask Wang Yongjun, how much can you resist and how many can you kill in the face of the mighty battlefield

Tuyumen looked up at the sky and laughed, looking ferocious.

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