Tea MI, on the other hand, smiles and looks at Wang Yong.

Knowing that the new teacher was Wang Yong, tea Mi immediately turned to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong had been evaluated as a scheming boy with glasses, and he wanted to secretly encourage the two lengtouqing to make trouble again, but they were all stopped by a look in tea Mi's eyes.

Who is not afraid of the queen of the fourth class of senior high school? One day the queen won't let them copy their homework, and won't make them scribble, they will cry.

So then the whole class was unusually quiet, showing unprecedented cooperation.

Even zhao shu, who was deeply hurt by Wang Yong, was honest and even looked at Wang Yong with a kind of grateful eyes.

Because Wang Yong helped him find face.

If Wang Yong only said that he was a child who ate excrement, he would be ridiculed by the whole class. But at the critical moment, Wang Yong changed his mind and pushed the whole class to that position. So Zhao Shu was liberated.

He's never been as grateful to a teacher as he is now.

Even, he has regretted taking the initiative.

Zhao shu's hostility has been eased, and other students have not.

The rest of the students still look at Wang Yong with common hatred. Although they don't speak, they don't cooperate with each other.

Wang Yong held his hand on the desk and looked around for a week. After a long time, he said slowly: "it seems that you are very resistant to the word garbage. It's true that no one likes to be said to be rubbish, and no one wants to be rubbish, even though it's true. "

Wow, another uproar.

Wang Yong is not fighting a fire. He is clearly adding fuel to the fire.

Wang Yong was very satisfied with the result.

He nodded, still slowly said: "to escape from the truth is a coward's behavior, if you can face yourself, I will look up at you. Only few of you can face yourself. But it doesn't matter. I don't think it's your fault... "

"What do you mean?" A group of students were stunned again. It's not our fault. Is it your fault?

"Yes, you guessed right. All this is the teacher's fault! Of course, the teachers before me. Not teaching the children is the fault of his father. Teachers are lazy if they are not strict in teaching. Students garbage, teachers have no shirkable responsibility! Nothing is natural garbage, only waste will be turned into garbage. Similarly, no students are born garbage, only students who are not taught well are called garbage. "

"Look at you, the same two eyes, a nose, a mouth, a brain big enough. Do you really lack anything more than others? According to research, learning high school courses requires only 80 IQ points! Do you know what this concept is? Even the two idiots at the gate of the food market have an IQ of 65! Can't you even compare with two idiots? "

"Of course not!" The students stimulated by Wang Yong answered in unison.

"Good! Since you have no problem with IQ, it's not your problem. The rest is for me, a teacher who is absolutely different from your previous teachers, a teacher who can make you no longer be called garbage, a teacher who can lead you to zhibatiantai No.1 middle school and crush the whole school no matter you study or use force! Would you like to have such a teacher? Tell me out loud Wang Yong suddenly raised his tone and asked.

The group of adolescent children under the platform had their eyes full of light and their heart beat faster. Without thinking about it at all, he replied in a very neat tone, "we do!"

"I don't hear you. Speak louder!"

"We will!" The students doubled the volume.

"Still too small! Use your roar to send out your unwilling cry to the world! Would you like to? "


The sound was so loud that all the sparrows were running away. A few seconds later, the whole classroom is still reverberating with a buzzing echo, as if repeatedly playing these children's simple and stubborn wishes.

Yeah, no one likes to be looked down upon.

Su Yan was also shocked by this scene. She never thought that this group of students could be so uniform.

Is this still the group of students who can't even line up to do exercises?

What shocked Su Yan even more was Wang Yong's means.

Isn't this typical pyramid selling brainwashing psychology?

First of all, stimulate the desire to mobilize the students do not want to be looked down upon.

After that, various techniques were mixed into the speech.

For example, it is the teacher's fault to secretly change the concept of "lax teaching and teacher's laziness".

And then repeatedly strengthen this concept, tell students that they are not garbage, because others will cause them to be like this. After that, we use the example of IQ to suggest ourselves and others, which makes the students have the psychology of not admitting defeat.

Finally, group pressure and repeated reinforcement are mixed to make students chant slogans over and over again, and the atmosphere reaches the top instantly. Such as cooking oil with fire, it has become a boiling trend, and it is difficult to continue.

At this time, even if Wang Yong fooled these children into robbing, I'm afraid they would believe that Wang Yong was really good for them.

Is this really appropriate?

Su Yan has a headache.

It's just that whether it's suitable or not is obviously not within the scope of Wang Yong's thinking. Wang Yong, who was born as an agent, has always believed in only one. No matter how white or black the cat is, it is a good cat to catch mice.

What's wrong with brainwashing? Faith needs brainwashing! It is because of daily self brainwashing that decades of belief can persist.

With a wave of his hand, it was like an army of prohibitions, and the excitement of the students suddenly stopped.

Wang Yong looked down at the stage with a smile, paced and said, "maybe some of you are already muttering at this time. Why does this teacher dare to say that? Do you really rely on his three 180? Oh, of course not. It's just a joke. I rely on my real strength! "

"Now let's officially introduce ourselves. My surname is Wang and my name is Yong. I've never been a teacher before. " Wang Yong wrote down his name on the blackboard and said.

"Ah?" All the students are stupid. Never been a teacher? How dare you say that?

As if he didn't see the doubts of the students, Wang Yong said to himself, "my previous career was very simple, three words, special forces."

"Wow", as soon as these three words were uttered, the students' questioning expression instantly dissipated and was replaced by worship. One by one, Wang Yong's eyes are shining, just like those little flower crazies.

Special forces, at this age of accelerated hormone secretion, is a term used to kill both men and women.

"In the first year of my enlistment, there was a man of God in the army who could smoke while playing with a lighter. There is even leisure to run behind the team to kick slow recruits. In this way, his cross-country performance is the second in a row. What do you say about cattle Wang Yong suddenly digs off the topic and says.

"Cow The students answered together.

"Yes, it is. But it's still a little bit short, because I won the first place

"Hiss", all the students took a breath of cold air, and were surprised by Wang Yong.

I didn't expect that this teacher is a more ruthless person!

"The next year, another evil came out of the company. Even drinking two bottles of Erguotou in the shooting contest, he still won the first place in the whole company's shooting. "

"The trough! Bull The students were filled with exclamations.

"Isn't that you, Mr. Wang?" Someone asked.

With a smile, Wang Yong replied, "No. I hit too fast at that time. Two bullets passed through the bull's-eye at the same time. The statistician missed ten rings for me. So it's second

The students were silent again.

"In the second half of the year, there was another kid who claimed to be invincible, and no one in the company was his opponent. Then I went

"You beat him down!" The students are smart enough to guess the ending directly.

"Yes! There's still a year left... "Wang Yong kept on telling stories.

And all the students below are attracted by Wang Yong, and they become Wang Yong's little fans unconsciously.

I don't know when this class quietly became Wang Yong's home, and Su Yan at the door became a redundant spectator.

Su Yan covered his face with his hands, and some of them couldn't laugh or cry. In the end, Wang Yong did not give up the pyramid scheme. Well, now it's time to use individual worship.

Today's Wang Yong is no different from the big lecturers who boast that he is earning ten thousand yuan a day in the MLM organizations. They all use exaggerated stories to establish the cult of believers.

Perhaps the only difference is that the purpose of a big lecturer is money, while Wang Yong's purpose is for students.

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