"Lord, do you need to arrange a flight to China now? The body you came to is the direct grandson of the Zheng family in China and has extraordinary power in China. This Zheng Jiasu is closely related to our eastern Shinto. He has sold Chinese intelligence to us many times in exchange for benefits. As long as our shrine hall supports you in your position, I believe the Zheng family will quickly let you become the master of the family and let you take the helm of the whole Zheng family. "

The light self-confidence flickered on Ma Gongye's face.

Since the Zheng family had an interest in Shinto, Ma Miyano kept the evidence of every transaction. As long as these evidences are exposed, the Zheng family will definitely die without a burial place, and they can't help disobeying.

What's more, the Zheng family didn't know that Zheng Rong had been possessed by the gods. They only thought that it was the children of the Zheng family who took over the position of the head of the Zheng family, so they didn't have much resistance.

"Not busy." Zheng Rong waved his hand“ Although I have basically controlled the body, I still feel a strong obsession in my body, that is to kill Wang Yong. If you don't help him finish this obsession, I'm afraid he'll come out and make trouble then. "

"But Wang Yong is very close to the US Army now. I'm afraid he won't be able to attack him in a short time."

"Ha ha." Zheng Rong began to laugh“ There is a Chinese idiom called "carving a boat for a sword". Someone has already carved the characters on the boat for us. Now we just wait for the sword to be wrapped by the current and sent to us. "

Ma Miyano some puzzled, but did not dare to ask, just bow to promise.

"Who gave the alarm?" Then there was a sound outside the door.

It's the guards of the ISE palace.

"Damn it! I'm not willing to die. I'm not willing to die! " The hemp palace wild hears the speech to angrily kick the body of Fujita right two feet.

Obviously, Fujita yoshiji triggered the alarm.

"Lord, what shall we do?" Ma Miyano looks at Zheng Rong.

Zheng Rong a face light smile: "of course, they are invited to come in."

Soon, the gate of the inner palace opened and four guards came in.

When they saw Fujita's body, they were shocked.

"Grand palace! Who killed him? "

"It's me." Zheng Rong moved forward slowly, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Kazam", several guards at the same time aimed at Zheng Rong.

"Guns? It doesn't work for me. "

Voice did not fall, see Zheng Rong hands at the same time toward the front of a grasp.

I saw the vast white air suddenly churning up like a sea of clouds, like the waves on the shore, sweeping fiercely towards the four guards.

Poof, poof

The four guards poured out a mouthful of blood one after another and collapsed to the ground without any breath.

Next to Ma Miyano to see this scene, can not help but a contraction of the pupil.

Others may not understand it, but Ma Gongye knows the meaning of this simple blow!

That kind of boxing even makes Ma Gongye, who looks at the fire from the other side, have a feeling of wavering.

And the four guards seem to have died of vomiting blood. In fact, if you go over and poke them gently, you can immediately poke out a blood hole.

The four guards' bones and viscera had been broken, only the skin remained normal.

"The Lord is mighty!" Without saying a word, Ma Gongye knelt down immediately.

Zheng Rong laughed: "it's really a good jade body! I have 30% of my skill in my peak period! You have done a good job in this matter, which shows me a certain possibility. If you succeed, nothing in the world can stop me! "

Although he didn't know what the possibility of God was, he knew that it was absolutely grand, which was beyond his reach.


Far away China, Yanjing.

In the basement of a mansion on the outskirts of Beijing, there is a crystal skull on a huge altar.

Crystal skull at the moment seems to be very aware of something, suddenly become very restless.

A large amount of blood gas is extracted from the lower part of the altar and injected into the eyes, ears, nose and mouth of the crystal skull. The next second, the Crystal Skull floats in the air, while the blood gas below rotates leisurely, forming a human image of high crown clothes.

It's just that this image with a skeleton without flesh and blood is very strange.

"Fool! Call out your current patriarch

The Crystal Skull makes a piercing sound, penetrates the reinforced glass cover covering the skull, and reaches a dozing old man's ear at the door.

Surprised, the old man opened his eyes and looked at the crystal skull, then fell into deep shock and fear.

Last time, the skull made sound by the sound wave machine next to the altar. Now it can make sound directly?

What's more, what's this high crown dress that looks like a very human form?

Is it difficult that it will come back to life and walk down this altar?

The more the old man thought about it, the more frightened he was. He raised his foot and ran towards the outside.

A moment later, a middle-aged man in his fifties came down to the basement under the guidance of the old man.

"Patriarch, look!" The old man pointed to the crystal skull on the altar, and his eyes were full of fear.

"I see. Go out!" Middle aged people wave.

When the old man went out, the middle-aged man suddenly fell to his knees and said, "my father, I'm sorry to see that you have really come to this step! In time, you can gather a real body! I'm going to prepare more nourishment now

Crystal Skull sharp voice again: "no! I don't need the nourishment of ordinary people any more! Now there is one thing you must do quickly, contact all the forces of exorcism dragon family, be sure to bring down Zheng family! My old opponent has successfully come to Zheng Rong, and will soon use Zheng Rong's identity to come to China. Never let him find the key! That's what I reserved for myself! "

"Bringing down the Zheng family... I'm afraid it's not something that can be accomplished overnight." The middle-aged man hesitated and said.

"That's not what I care about. If I really let my old opponent use the power of the Zheng family to find the key and break my evolutionary path, I will let you exorcism dragon family to be buried with me. "

Crystal skull's words are very insipid, there seems to be no threat.

But the middle-aged man still shivered. If this was said by the previous Crystal Skull, he might not care. Because the crystal skull at that time was only a skull, and it had no ability to destroy the Exorcist dragon family.

But now the crystal skull has evolved to a point that the middle-aged people can't understand. The middle-aged people prefer to believe it or not.

Middle aged people lock their eyebrows and go away.

The Crystal Skull falls slowly and returns to the altar. And the blood gas in the skull is not scattered, there are faint light flashes in the two eye sockets, it seems that a pair of eyes can be generated immediately!


After having dinner with the U.S. brigadier general, Wang Yong was arranged by the U.S. brigadier general in a nearby hotel.

The hotel has a cooperative relationship with the U.S. military, and the check-in information of Wang Yong and others can bypass the supervision of the Oriental government.

As night fell, JianNu dozed off on the sofa with his scabbard in his arms, while xiangqu sat down at the desk, looking for something in his thick book.

A few hours later, Xiang Chou rubbed his head and said, "I'm really sorry, Wang Yongju. I still can't find out the meaning of the four words of misheng Chuju."

Wang Yong smiles: "you've tried your best. There's no need to apologize. Maybe it's just a fabricated word, and it doesn't exist in history or reality. "

"It's a pity that I don't know much about oriental culture. If only someone who is familiar with oriental culture was here." Xiangqu sighs.

"Familiar with oriental culture?" Wang Yong's heart suddenly moved.

If you want to talk about friends who are familiar with the culture of other countries, Wang Yong really doesn't have to find them. But Wang Yong, who is familiar with oriental culture, happens to know one!

Chiba is so old!

No one in the world is more familiar with the oriental culture than him!

If the word "misheng Chuju" really has a source, Chiba Zhenxi must know!

Wang Yong immediately called Chiba Zhenxi and said, "teacher Chiba, do you know the meaning of the four words" misheng Chuju "

Chiba was stunned: "I thought you had something to do with me! If misheng goes out to live, let me see... "

A moment later, Chiba Zhenxi said again: "remember, this seems to be a word appeared in unofficial history, please wait a moment, I'll check it."

With that, Chiba Zhenxi went to inquire.

Wang Yong's eyes flickered as he listened to the voice from the phone.

No matter what the query results are, at least these four words are not invented by tuyumen!

"Found it!" Chiba Zhenxi road“ Misheng represents not only the misheng era of Toyo, but also the rebirth. And out of residence, is related to the Toyo shrine, mostly means out of the shrine bird residence. Together, the word "misheng Chuju" means to go out of the bird's house and get a new life.

This is the name of an ancient alliance of Japanese shrines. However, there are few records of this alliance in history, only a few words. Legend has it that a group of extreme deities formed a shrine organization in the age of maisheng. They believed that the gods should not divide the bird house, which is the dividing line between the human world and the divine world. The gods should go out of the bird house and obtain another kind of divine power.

They boasted that they were the first gods to come out of the bird house, called on people to worship them, and tried to eradicate other Shinto beliefs and turn the Oriental into a monotheistic religion. But it was soon suppressed and disappeared in the long history

Chiba Zhenxi read the information he found to Wang Yong. Later, he asked, "what do you want to do with this?"

"I came across a pair of Sanwei thread with these four words engraved on it. I was curious to ask you about it. Do you know the address of this ancient shrine? " Wang Yongdao.

"It's hard to say the address. After all, it's 2000 years since the age of Yasheng. Even if there are relics, they have been buried in the ground for a long time. Let me see the original construction site of this Shrine... "Chiba Zhenxi turned the page.

"Yes, it's in the sunshine near Edo!"

Sunlight, is a place name of Edo Tochigi county. Known as the "hometown of maple leaf", it is a famous place for appreciating maple leaves, as well as Dongzhao palace, Lunwang temple and other famous religious relics.

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