The way of heaven is furious.

As the tomb keeper of the Dechuan family, Tiandao is actually the first master of the Dechuan family.

Before he came to guard the tomb, he was already a budding Kendo genius in Japan. Now he has been practicing hard in front of general Tokugawa's tomb for 30 years, and his skill will only be higher!

For the title of "the first master of Oriental sword flow", Tiandao has sufficient confidence!

It is ridiculous that Wang Yong should say that he can't pull out his knife.

"A knife, break to chop!" Tiandao took a deep breath, put his right hand on the scabbard, and suddenly pushed it out of the scabbard.

to be sonorous!

There was only a harsh sound. When the sword came out of its sheath, it directly rubbed with the sheath and burst out a little spark. With the pushing of the Dao, the temperature of the whole cemetery dropped several degrees.

"Is that your source of confidence?" Wang Yong is light in wind and light in clouds.

In the next second, Wang Yong's palm fell rapidly, like a mountain falling from the sky, which instantly suppressed the sword's intention.

With a click, the blade of the Tai Dao rubs against the scabbard wildly, making a more harsh sound.

The snow-white blade that can't get out of the scabbard returns to the scabbard.

"How come?" The way of heaven exclaimed in shock.

He didn't know how many times to practice drawing the sword. At the moment of drawing the sword, the strength of his arm was enough to break through a stone wall.

He never felt that someone could push his blade back in the process of pulling out the sheath.

But now, Wang Yong has done it!

Tiandao's cheek muscles vibrate rapidly, and a breath rises slowly from the Dantian, just like a diving dragon leaping out of the abyss, pulling out a long track on Tiandao's body.

"Ha! I'm sorry

Two syllables burst out of the throat of the way of heaven, such as the powerful man who created the world. Infinite power burst out with this roar.


In a flash of cold light, the Taidao was like a ship based plane launched from the sky. It came out half in an instant.

Strands of knife gas condense into essence, quietly cutting the surrounding cypress branches and leaves, scattering all over the ground.

This sword is the peak work of the way of heaven, which almost integrates his whole life skills.

As soon as this Dao comes out, the way of heaven is convinced that he is the first master of Toyo Yidao!

This world, again incomparable he stronger person!

"Chop!" The way of heaven just extrudes a hoarse syllable from his voice. Looking at Wang Yong's eyes is like looking at a dead man.

It's not that he won't show mercy, but that he can't control this knife. If it comes out of the sheath, he will drink human blood.

"No!" Tokugawa, with a change of face, exclaimed.

Even xiangqu, who is full of confidence in Wang Yong, is a little nervous.

But Wang Yong's face was as usual, only the Dantian place seemed to make a sound of God beating the drum.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong!

The sound rang six times in a row and stopped abruptly.

Wang Yong's hand on the scabbard of heaven suddenly moved.


The sword, which had been out of its sheath for more than half a year, slipped down quickly and returned to its sheath.

"No way!" Heaven's eyes are wide open, and his face is full of incredible words.

Wang Yong's suppression is not over.

The way of heaven only felt that a great force of Pei Mo was coming continuously. His hand holding the scabbard could not help shaking, and the skin on the back of his hand was cracked.

Taidao has been pushed to the bottom by Wang Yong, and there is no room for further study.

But Wang Yong continued.

"No! You can't do that! This is the sabre of the master of the Tokugawa family... "Tiandao was startled and cried out.

But now, the situation is completely out of his control.

With a hiss, Tai Dao penetrates the whole scabbard directly and comes out from the bottom of the scabbard.

The power of Taidao's penetration was so great that the whole scabbard broke apart under the power of Taidao's penetration, and finally disintegrated into pieces.

And the Taidao was inserted into the ground until it reached the handle.

This precious sword, which is very noble to the Oriental people, has never landed since Tokugawa Jiakang took power. Now, it's like garbage thrown away on the ground, and it's integrated with the soil.

The way of heaven is pale, like thunder.

Tokugawa sighed quietly, but when he saw the way of heaven that had been greatly hit, his eyes showed a touch of worry.

Tiandao, after all, is the first minister of the Tokugawa family. If he is hit and never recovers, it is not good news for the Tokugawa family.

"Can't you even pull out a knife? Is it really impossible to draw a knife? " The way of heaven murmured to himself, as if he had lost his mind, repeating this sentence.

For a warrior who has been practicing hard for 30 years, there is nothing more striking than this.

It's like an ordinary person who has worked hard for more than ten years just to win the qualification of goddess. However, when he finally stood in front of the goddess, he found that his more than ten years of hard work had just enough pocket money for the goddess for a month.

That kind of blow from the body to the soul is enough to break all the courage of a person to live.

This is the way of heaven at present.

"The way of heaven, Eugene, cheer up. Mr. Wang is a famous martial arts master in the world. It's no shame for you to lose to him. The Dechuan family still needs your support! " Tokugawa came forward and whispered.

But it's useless. The way of heaven is still lost and decadent.

"Sometimes I really think you foreigners are ridiculous." Wang Yong looked at the way of heaven and suddenly sneered.

This sneer, like a match thrown into an oil barrel, instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

The way of heaven suddenly raised its head and looked at Wang Yong angrily.

"Don't get me wrong, it's you. You invented a knife flow, thinking that with a knife you can kill all; Then, in order to make a knife flow faster, you invented the drawing flow, thinking that the blade is faster when drawing. From then on, yidaoliu's sword intention was all locked in the small scabbard. Even children stubbornly believe that the knife is the fastest when it comes out of its sheath. But you forget that a sword without scabbard is faster. "

Wang Yong said slowly.

Before he heard the words, he suddenly saw Wang Yong's toes picking on the handle of the Taidao which was inserted into the ground, and the Taidao fell into Wang Yong's hands instantly.

Hiss, a spatula shadow falls on Tiandao's hair. The next second, Tiandao's hair is broken, swirling in the air and slowly falling to the ground.

No matter Tokugawa or Tiandao, they didn't see when Wang Yong made the sword.

The pupil of heaven suddenly shrank: "is a knife without scabbard faster? I see! I see! i see! Before I insisted on drawing the sword, but I put a shackle on myself. Now the scabbard is broken, but the shackle of my heart is also broken! "

The way of heaven is joyful, and there is a kind of joy of "understanding the way".

Putong, the way of heaven knelt down on the ground and knocked Wang Yong three times.

"You can't express my gratitude without kneeling down and thanking me with a big gift. Thank you very much

Wang Yong gave the sword to heaven with a smile and said, "if you really want to thank me, just tell me where misheng is living."

The way of heaven solemnly took the sword, and then slowly got up.

"If you want to go to misheng, it's not time."

"When will that be ok?"

"Night, midnight! In the maple forest to the south of Dongzhao palace, there is a small street called monster street. Only after Zishi will it appear, and that small street is the road leading to misheng's residence. "

Wang Yong's eyes flashed: "monster street? It's kind of interesting. "

When xiangqu heard the word "monster Street", her face changed greatly, and her eyes twinkled with fear.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yong raised his eyebrows and asked.

Xiangqu hesitated for a moment and said, "monster street is a strange street in the legend of Oriental Shinto. It appears only at night and disappears before dawn. There are all kinds of strange shops in the monster street, and although each shop sells different things, there is one thing that is the same, that is, Fu mourning God.

Fu mourning is a kind of instrument that produces self-consciousness. Generally, this kind of instrument has existed for more than a hundred years. Some of them are vicious, some are treacherous, and some are bloodthirsty. It is very difficult for other people to obtain their goodwill except for the shopkeeper who provided for them. This is the name of monster street.

The guests in and out of the monster Street are also some deities or Yin Yang masters. They roam in the dark and use special methods or abilities to distinguish goods, so as to buy. Most of them are all kinds of magic tools and Shishen.

In addition, monster street also provides killing service. Some rich people hire killers in monster street to assassinate their competitors. Because it's a Shinto killer, it's hard for the police department to detect the opponent's death.

But monster Street never allows strangers to enter, you must have acquaintances to lead you. Once strangers break in, whether intentionally or unintentionally, they will become sacrificial offerings to the God. In this street, there is no human moral code, only the code of monsters. "

"It sounds like a ghost market in China. The entrance of misheng's residence is in the monster street. I'm afraid the monster street is also made by those people who live in misheng's residence? " Wang Yong said softly.

"Benefactor, it's still a long time before ion time. Why don't we have a light meal together? The sashimi and tempura of our Dongzhao Palace are famous far and near! " Mr. Tokugawa said.

"Well, I'll trouble you." Wang Yong nodded and accepted Tokugawa's invitation.

Although Wang Yong knew that Mr. Tokugawa was wooing himself, he still had a good feeling for the young man, who was the governor of Dali. He didn't dislike Mr. Tokugawa's behavior.

"This way, please! Tiandao oujisang, come along, too! "

Tiandao nodded: "Mr. Wang Yong is kind to me. Naturally, I need a glass of wine to show my respect. It's just that I'll only have a drink, and then I'll come back to guard the tomb. It's my duty. "

"The way of heaven, oujisang worked hard." Mr. Tokugawa bowed.

In fact, Tiandao wanted to come back to practice Kendo, but out of respect for Wang Yong, he could only let it go for a while.

If there were only Yingchang Tokugawa, the way of heaven would not have any reason at all, and he would have been expelled from the mausoleum.

Soon, the banquet was ready.

Mr. Tokugawa didn't lie. The sashimi and tempura here are really delicious. Even the well-informed Wang Yong is full of praise.

After dinner, several people stayed in the guest room prepared by Mr. Tokugawa, waiting for the arrival of midnight.

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