Taidao splits the air to form a vacuum. The vast white air shot around the Tai Dao, like a lot of thorns.

It can be seen from this Dao that the way of heaven really fully understands the true meaning of one Dao flow.

This Dao is the peak skill of one Dao flow. It rises like thunder and falls like rainbow.

Heaven's eyes are filled with a strong sense of ridicule. It seems to ridicule Wang Yong's death on the sabre technique he taught. Isn't it very unwilling?


The imperial sword cleaved in the center of Wang Yong's eyebrows. Under the light of the sharp sword, Wang Yong immediately divided into two parts.

JianNu and Xiangduo screamed at the same time.

The corner of Tiandao's mouth is also full of proud smile, but then Tiandao's smile suddenly froze on his face.


This knife is not the feeling of hitting the human body at all!

And like - split in the air!

The next second, the breeze blowing, Wang Yong figure is like a broken reflection of the water, suddenly split, disappear.

It's just a shadow in the sky!

Wang Yong has already avoided it in advance!

"No way!" Heaven screams like hell.

Wang Yong stood in the distance and said, "although you understand the quickness of sabre technique, you don't understand the quickness of mental technique."

The way of heaven was at a loss: "fast in mind? What's that? "

"No matter how fast the sabre technique is, it needs to follow your mind. Only when you think about the sabre in your heart can you move your hand. And in the moment when your heart is together, I already know what you are going to do. So, how can you be faster than me? "

The way of heaven shakes: "this is the way of utmost sincerity that can be known before."! You have even mastered the highest mysteries of our religious practice! "

"What is the meaning of your religious practice? Ha ha, you don't pay much attention to the people in the world! Readers can do it by sitting still and reading; It can also be done by officials who are dedicated to serving the people and worrying about the world; Carvers forget to eat and sleep, just to carve out the world on a small olive core, they can do it; Even the old vegetable growers weeding and fertilizing the vegetable fields every day can accurately predict what the vegetables will look like tomorrow and what the harvest will be this season.

All these are the embodiment of sincerity. Why does it belong to religious practitioners alone?

True practice has been in the world of mortals since ancient times! In raising hands and feet! In the common affairs of the grass! " Wang Yong sneered and said.

"It turns out that this is the true meaning of sincerity." The way of heaven has a feeling of suddenly opening up.

Wang Yong is like a wise master who never hides his secrets. He imparts two truths that he may not be able to understand in his life.

The way of heaven bowed to Wang Yong solemnly: "this is the second time that I bowed to you. It's not for your position, just for your grace of preaching. But the more so, the less you can stay. Your presence will seriously affect our plans. So... "

Heaven suddenly raised his head: "please go to die!"

With that, the sword in Tiandao's hand was shocked, and heavy black fog rippled on the paper like sword.

The black fog chirped and changed into ferocious faces.

It's a kind of God bound in the sword!

The way of heaven holds a knife in both hands and cuts it down quickly.

The type God on the sabre cuts down with the sabre and spreads out all of a sudden, like a crow blocking the sky and the sun, chirping to cover a few meters around.

No matter the naked eye or the heart and eye, they can't penetrate the barrier of these gods, and the people inside are completely blind.

This is the power of this sabre, which can cut off the telepathy of spiritual masters. For Wang Yong, a master who understands the way of sincerity, it has a surprising effect.

Wang yongru fell into the eternal night, everything was covered, and there was only the sound of chirping ghosts in the center of his eyes and ears.

The Dao of heaven cut that knife, completely annihilated in Wang Yong's perception of the world.

As if a century had passed, and as if it was just a snap of a finger, a black light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and it fell fiercely close to Wang Yong's eyebrows.

Tiandao's Taidao has finally appeared!

At this time, the distance between Taidao and Wang Yong's eyebrow is only one finger. Even the immortal can't escape the disaster!

It seems that the ghost is celebrating Wang Yong's death ahead of time.

Wang Yong stood in the same place, motionless, as if unconscious.

Just as the blade of heaven was about to cut into Wang Yong's eyebrows, he suddenly heard Wang Yong speak softly and shout out two words: "sword."

Then you see a purple streamer cutting through the darkness, where ghosts and gods pass by, and those gods sealed in the sabre, like mice with cats, fly away in a hurry.


It is clear that the sword light comes later, but it comes first.

Before the blade of heaven cut into Wang Yong's eyebrows, he opened the head of heaven first.

The sword in Tiandao's hand stopped suddenly, then dropped slowly.

"Why?" The way of heaven sends out the last question.

"You think it's enough soon? You know nothing about power. " Wang yongran said.

A shake heart month fox soft sword, sword edge blood instantly shake off to the ground, heart month fox soft sword again become spotless.

Putong, heaven fell to the ground, a blood red thread on his head, as if he had just been sutured.

Hula, a gust of wind blowing, the thin line is like a burst of water pipe, gushing out the blood.

"Take it." Wang Yong picked up the sword and threw it to Xiangshou.

This Tai Dao is a good weapon for Shi Shen, but it requires a high level of martial arts for its users.

Xiangqu is not suitable, and JianNu doesn't like it at all, but it's good to keep it for sale or exchange for other weapons.

Xiang Chou took the sword carefully and put it behind him with shashenghu.

Xiang CuO subconsciously had an idea in his heart: when Wang Yongshe left the Oriental world, there won't be enough magic weapons to open a museum, will there?

However, this thought made Xiangduo feel a little impatient, because if he had collected so many magic weapons, it would mean that there were as many people in the Shinto who died in Wang Yongju's hands.

"I still hope Wang Yongshe doesn't kill everything." Xiangqu can only pray silently in the heart.

When I went to the top of the mountain, I saw that the mountain was flattened, and there was a huge plain.

A shrine is built on this plain. It is not grand in scale or decoration, but it gives people a heart of worship.

The fog blowing from the back of the mountain covered the whole hall with a hazy veil.

Vaguely, you can see a sign in front of the gate of this hall, which says "living outside God".

Wang Yong stood in front of the hall, looking at the door, but he did not go in.

There was an old man in black lying on the threshold of the hall door.

The old man, with white hair and shriveled skin, clings to the threshold like a starving ghost, tottering.

Listen carefully, you can still hear the slight snoring from him.

"Ah." The old man in black made a somniloquy and turned over.

In the process of turning over, the old man's body was always tightly attached to the palm wide threshold and never fell.

"This is the method of lying dead in secret school!" Wang Yong's eyes narrowed.

Horizontal corpse method is a kind of mental practice method invented by the esoteric school, which imitates the people who died. The practitioners should let themselves into the state of horizontal death and cut off the desire for everything in the world.

The practitioners who have achieved great success in the method of horizontal corpse are extremely powerful in spiritual cultivation, and can almost reach the point of "standing still". Even if the thunder fell on his head, he would not be afraid to tremble.

This man is obviously more powerful than the way of heaven.

"Little doll, I have some insight." The man in black suddenly spoke Chinese.

"I thought that after I killed countless Chinese Tantric masters 70 years ago, no one would recognize this kind of Tantric mental method. It seems that I underestimated your Chinese ability to survive. "

The old man in black suddenly got up and sat upright. His feet were opposite and his arms were drooping to support his body. He was like a crouching lion, full of domineering power.

But it's another secret mental skill called lion sitting.

It seems that the old man in black is not a pure Oriental Shinto, but has a certain origin with Buddhism Tantrism.

What he said 70 years ago is obviously the original war of aggression against China.

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