Yanjing, ye family.

Wang Yong appeared in the old house of the Ye family.

Since Wang Yong stirred up the Zheng family all by himself, the attitude of the major families in Yanjing towards Wang Yong has changed a lot. As Wang Yong's ally, ye family has a deeper understanding of Wang Yong's ability.

Especially when Wang Yong came back from Toyo a few days ago, he brought back evidence of the mutual benefit between the Zheng family and Toyo Shinto.

This makes people, including the Ye family, look up to Wang Yong.

This time, Wang Yong came to the door, and the old man of the Ye family was even more rare. He talked with Wang Yong about family customs. This shocked everyone present and made them feel strange.

You know, there are so many young talents in Yanjing city. I haven't heard of anyone who can let the old man take the initiative to chat with him.

Wang Yong is the first.

What's more surprising is that in the face of this kind of favor, Wang Yong seems to be indifferent, without any emotional fluctuation.

It's a pity that many people feel that Wang Yong has missed a big chance.

But no one knows that Wang Yong is one of the few experts in the world. In front of Ye Laozi, a powerful man, maybe there will be fear, but now, Wang Yong can control his life and death with his backhand.

What's the fear of that?

It's Mr. Ye who should be afraid.

"I haven't seen you for several months. I didn't expect that you are getting higher and higher." Only Wang Yong and ye Xuantong are left in the room. Ye Xuantong looks at Wang Yong and sighs.

Wang Yong smiles and takes a sip of his tea cup.

After a while, he suddenly said, "how long have you been in touch with him?"

"Ah?" Ye Xuan same Leng, don't understand of ask“ With whom? "

Wang Yong still smile, did not answer.

And ye Xuantong seemed to understand something, and his face turned pale: "you... Do you know?"

Wang Yong slowly put the cup back on the table and said, "I didn't know it by accident."

"What do you mean? How can we settle accounts after autumn Ye Xuantong flashed a fierce color in his eyes. It seemed that he was ready to tear his face with Wang Yong.

"I don't need to be here at all if I want to settle my accounts, and you haven't had a chance to talk to me for a long time."

With that, Wang Yong waved his hand gently.

See ye Xuan with the surrounding air layer upon layer surging, and eventually become a thin as hair silk, ye Xuan with being imprisoned, unable to move.

Ye Xuantong's face completely changed: "you... Have entered the magical realm?"

"I didn't expect that you even know the supernatural realm. It seems that the connection between you and him is deeper than I imagined!"

"No Ye Xuantong shook his head“ It's not how deep the connection is, but I haven't stopped investigating him all these years. As for him, I have been thinking of "competing with the tiger" since the first day. How can I really believe him? "

"Oh?" Wang Yong's eyes flashed and waved away the shackles of Ye Xuantong.

In front of Wang Yong's understanding, ye Xuantong could not have cheated Wang Yong.

"This is about him. Two years ago, he came to me and wanted to make a deal with me, saying that he could help me, an unimportant son of a concubine, to take the helm of the Ye family. In return, I needed to help him find someone.

At that time, I didn't think it was you. He provided a lot of information about the descendants of Wang, including more than 60. In the past two years, less than three people have been eliminated. It was then that I realized that there was a secret in you. And you and I are likely to break up because of this secret.

I didn't expect that this day would come so early. I didn't expect that it would come without any sign. I'm not ready... "

While listening to Ye Xuantong's story, Wang Yong turns over the materials about Wang Yangming's evil thoughts.

Originally this evil idea has been lurking in the exorcism dragon family all these years, using the power of the ancient family of the Dragons Dragon family, secretly investigates Wang Yangming's key left behind.

As Wang Yangming's evil thoughts, he naturally knows Wang Yangming's style better than Okam.

In the end, he set his goal on more than 60 descendants of the Wang family who had the blood of the Wang family. He thought the key was hidden in one of them, although he didn't know what form the key would be hidden in.

In two years, more than 60 people were excluded to only three, and one of them was Wang Yong.

Now, even the other two people can be ruled out. It has been basically determined that the key is hidden in Wang Yong.

Wang Yong quietly read the materials, put them aside, and changed the topic: "how's the Zheng family recently?"

"What else? The evidence you brought back is enough to make the Zheng family die ten times. Now the Zheng family has been attacked from both sides, and even their allies have begun to abandon and bite them. The old man of the Zheng family had a heart attack last night and was sent to the ICU. I heard that he had not woken up yet, and it seems that he can't hold on... "Ye Xuan said.

As soon as the father of the Zheng family died, the Zheng family lost its backbone. The above leaders, who are not in favor of the old man of the Zheng family, have no worries, so they can take care of the Zheng family.

The rest is not to see how the Zheng family died or how miserably, but to see who can gain the most benefits in this feast.

It's possible for the Ye family and the Shen family.

The biggest possibility is the Ziyu family. Neither the Ye family nor the Shen family would like to see the other side continue to grow bigger. The Ziyu family has become the best buffer. The Ziyu family can fill the position left by the collapse of the Zheng family, which is acceptable to either side.

It depends on whether Ziyu Fengqing can seize this opportunity and step into the ranks of the four Chinese families.

Wang Yong has confidence in Ziyu Fengqing. Even if Ziyu Fengqing really makes mistakes, Wang Yong is sure to help Ziyu Fengqing grab a position.

After answering, ye Xuantong hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I know you may not believe it, but I can swear that although Ye Xuantong did use you, I never thought of betraying you.

Wang Yong, run away. You are not his opponent. Only when you have seen him can you know his horror! The Exorcist dragon family has been searching for the essence and blood of martial arts experts to feed it for years, and it has reached a level that ordinary people can't reach.

After leaving Huaxia, I have a villa and several hundred million deposits in Switzerland, which is enough for you to live a carefree life outside. "

Looking at Ye Xuantong, Wang Yong suddenly smiles: "I appreciate your suggestion, but I'm sorry that there is no escape in my dictionary. If you still think I'm a friend, do one last thing for me. "

"What's the matter?"

"Tell him: what he wants is in my hand. Seven days later, I'll wait for him in the frontier desert, and I won't wait for the expiration date."

With that, Wang Yong got up and walked out of the room.

Ye Xuantong was dull for a moment and asked subconsciously, "where are you going?"

Wang yongtou did not return. His voice came from afar: "didn't you say I was not his opponent? I'm going to borrow something. "


Tiantai, wangjiazu house.

Wang Yong stood in front of the ancestral hall of the Wang family's ancestral home, holding a thin book in his hand, but a hand copied biography.

Wang Yong directly turned the book to the last page. The ten words on it were as sharp as a sword, piercing the spirit.

"Look up, there's no one like me."

Wang Yong still remembers the scene of sitting on the ground when he first saw the ten words.

At that time, Wang Yong didn't know what it was, but now he knows that the ten words are full of sword meaning.

Maybe it was left by Wang Yangming, maybe it was a grandparent of the Wang family, or maybe it was a swordsman who had died in the long river of time.

"Wang Yong, a descendant of the Wang family, used his ancestor's sword to eliminate evils for the country."

Wang Yong said, solemnly placing the pamphlet on the incense table.

At the next moment, the sound of clattering sounded, the pamphlet turned automatically without wind, the pages turned rapidly, and a continuous stream of sword Qi came out from the pages and rushed into Wang Yong's Dantian.

A moment later, all the sword Qi has been refined by the flood furnace.

Wang Yong's strength goes further.



A small island, now different from China's ice and snow, here wuziniaoyuanhuaxiang, warm as spring.

The most peculiar thing is that in a courtyard on the island, all the flowers belonging to different seasons are in full bloom together, which completely violates the law of nature.

In the middle of the yard, a middle-aged man and a pouting horsetail girl are playing go, while the flowers around the middle-aged man are in full bloom.

Suddenly, the man seems to have found something, turned his head and looked out of the hospital: "since you're here, come in."

Horsetail girl asked: "master, who are you talking about?"

The middle-aged man didn't answer. A moment later, a figure appeared at the gate of the yard.

The horsetail girl was overjoyed at the sight and jumped up to the man's arms.

"Wang Yong, it's you! Are you here to take me? No, it's only half a year since now. You must not be my opponent. Let's go! Come back when you can beat master. I'll wait for you all the time! "

Horsetail girl is Lin Qianyan. The middle-aged man is Lin Weichun.

Wang Yong has a five-year agreement with Lin Weichun. It is agreed that five years later, Wang Yong will come to Lin Weichun's house to compete with Lin Weichun. If he surpasses Lin Weichun, he can take away Lin Qianyan.

Otherwise, Lin Weichun can only kill Wang Yong and prevent him from becoming a demon on Lin Qianyan's way of practice.

But half a year later, Wang Yong came here, but why?

Wang Yong rubbed Lin Qianyan's head, gently hugged Lin Qianyan and said, "I'm here to take you away, and I want to borrow something from Lingshi."

"Borrow something? My master is very stingy. He won't lend it to you. " Lin Qian's eyes curled.

"No, he will. Because I know that he has always been a person who "wishes the world for spring."

Lin Qian blinked, didn't understand the meaning of Wang Yong's words.

Lin Weichun took a look at Wang Yong and said calmly, "give me a reason why I have to borrow it."

"When the state is in trouble, is it benevolent to be obsessed with its treasures?"

Lin Weichun suddenly smiles when he hears the words: "it's not benevolent. Congratulations. You convinced me

With that, Lin Weichun sat down on the ground, and a strong spirit like smoke came out of his body. He turned into a dragon and rushed to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong accepted it calmly, and let the Dragon rush into his body. Soon, the Zaohua Honglu appeared and introduced all the Dragon essence into the furnace to refine the Qingmeng Qi.

Lin Weichun, sitting on the ground in the distance, with a faint smile on his face, seemed to see some pleasant spring scenery, but his heart, pulse and breath all disappeared.

One day, Lin Weichun, an overseas expert, died at the age of 68.

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