"So it is! The so-called key is his small tripod in Dantian! With this small tripod, we have the ability to refine everything. By that time, we will have enough strength to break the end! " After the fusion, the new idea seems to have the voices of Okam and Malian at the same time, which reverberate in the air like an echo.

And new shennian looks at Wang Yong just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

It's not that they despise Wang Yong, but that after their fusion, they have changed strangely. Their divine ideas are like Taiji, which is a blend of yin and Yang, and their power has increased several times.

The two greatest philosophers 500 years ago, East and West, are just like the Yin and Yang sides of the world. The energy generated after the collision is naturally beyond imagination.

"Are you going to give up or let us do it?" Xinshennian looked at Wang Yong coldly and asked.

Just as soon as he opened his mouth, there was a great pressure on Wang Yong.

Wang Yong's spine creaked and bent down unconsciously.

After the fusion of Okam and evil thoughts, the power of Okam has far exceeded that of Wang Yong. They seem to have reached the peak of the supernatural realm, and only one chance is needed to break through the supernatural realm and get through the end of martial arts.

And that opportunity is in Wang Yong.

"No answer? It seems that we have to do it. "

With the voice, a new idea as big as a thunder cloud split into a giant hand.

As if shuttling through the void, he immediately appeared beside Wang Yong and lifted him up.

The red silk thread derived from the palm of the giant hand was tightly pulled into Wang Yong's body and was sucking Wang Yong's blood crazily.

Wang Yong's Dantian's fortune furnace is also involved in the uncertain light, which is about to be stripped.

Wang Yong, however, took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes as if he didn't realize that he was in danger.

"I remember someone told me that there is no force beyond nature in this world. That is to say, since you still exist in the world, it proves that your power still has an upper limit.

This upper limit will never be greater than the laws of nature, the people's will and the wisdom of the ages.

So... "

Wang Yong smiles.

"Wherever my name rings, please use your strength for me!"

When Wang Yongcai finished speaking, he heard the sound of Zen in the sky, which spread far away in the clouds, in the air and in the night.

In a flash, I felt that there were two words "Wang Yong" and "Wang Yong" all over the sky.

In Yanjing, Tiantai, Mingzhu, wanwan and other places in China, people were busy with their own lives, eating, working overtime, reading or going to bed.

But suddenly these people were shocked at the same time, as if there was a sound in their heart. Everyone looked up at the same time, looking northwest.

"Mr. Wang..." all the people talked lightly, and there was a certain belief in their eyes, which spread out slowly, like radio waves across time and space to the northwest.

Toyo, South Korea.

Those who were impressed by Wang Yong's knowledge, those tourists and relatives who had been saved by Wang Yong in Shengying mountain, and those who thank Wang Yong for bringing South Korea out of chaos and regaining cultural self-confidence, all of them looked up to China.

There are only three words in my mouth: "Mr. Wang."

Europe and America.

In the United States, Mexico, Canada and Britain, which were once ravaged by Wang Yong but were finally attracted by Wang Yong's charm, countless people opened their eyes at the same time and looked at the other end of the earth with a little dazed but deep reverence.

At the same time, Ziyu Fengqing, Lin Qianyan, Enron, JianNu, xiangcho, ye Xuantong, Zhongyi, Zhongxin, Dami and other Tiantai students, as well as Gu Zhongde and other scholars, Peng Jiasheng, yinglang, Li Hongwei, Changxi and other disciples of Wang Yong raised their heads.

There are only three words echoed repeatedly in these people's mouths: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang..."

It's like a butterfly flapping its wings, and the sound of "Teacher Wang" spreads like ripples, covering the whole earth in an instant.

Almost all human beings at the same time subconsciously called out: "Teacher Wang!"

And after shouting, these people all look at each other, do not understand why they want to shout such three words.


After all human blessings, the ripples formed by the word "Teacher Wang" suddenly became a powerful idea. It crossed the mountains, rivers, seas, ethnic countries, and all poured into Wang Yong's body in the northwest frontier of China.

All of a sudden, the flood furnace of fortune becomes very big, and it is crazy to accept these ideas from all over the world.

I saw a series of green gas from the furnace of fortune, forming a huge shadow about 100 Zhang high.

This virtual shadow looks like a Buddha sitting in the void, a rising Taoist ancestor, and a Confucian sage with high crown and wide sleeves. In the end, it became Wang Yong.

Wang Yongxu looked up at the sky, and his eyes were burning. The two stars penetrated through the sky and went straight to the outside.


It seems that there is a barrier torn by Wang Yong's eyes, showing the picture outside the barrier.

Okam was shocked by the new idea of evil: "that's the end of the road! It's been punched through! The road to the end has been pierced

But before they had time to take another look, they heard a sigh: "is this the way to the future? Don't worry about such a future

With that, the huge empty shadow of Wang Yong's palm brushed the sky, as if it had smoothed some cracks. In an instant, everything returned to calm, and there was no other vision.

"No! You're blocking everyone's evolutionary path! How can you do that! I'll kill you The angry voice of Okam and heinian came like a raging wave on Wang Yong.

Wang Yong stood still, but looked at them with pity: "you don't know what is the real road."

With that, Wang Yong moved his hand.

I saw a hundred Zhang high empty shadow of the fist moving majestically, slapping okham and Malian heavily.

"No!" The new idea formed by the two men screamed in horror, and they were about to flee.

However, Wang Yong's boxing is just like the palm of Buddha's hand, which always accompanies the two people's thoughts.


All of a sudden, the empty shadow of the fist was finally shot down, and it was reunited with the horizon.

A moment later, the shadow of the fist lifted up and saw a flash of fireworks on the horizon. As soon as it touched the ground, it all turned into ashes and was blown into the sea by the wind.

After five hundred years of living, Okam and evil thoughts completely disappear in this world.

Wang Yong had no sorrow or happiness in his eyes, but a clear and glazed light in his heart.

If Wang Yangming were alive, he would praise him: "no good, no disgusting body, this is the true way of sincerity!"

Hua La, it only lasted for a moment, and the empty shadow of the fist's meaning as high as 100 Zhang began to dissolve, and changed back to one idea after another, where to go back and forth.

Wang Yong fell to the ground with a puff.


Wang Yong has been sleeping for half a month.

After waking up, Wang Yong learned that many things had happened in the past half a month. First of all, the Zheng family had been punished, and all the things that connected with foreign countries had been exposed. The Zheng family, one of the former four families, collapsed overnight.

Zheng's father died directly in the hospital, while Zheng Rong's father committed suicide by jumping off a building. The rest of the Zheng family, the sentence of the sentence, the exile of the exile, has no trace of the original family.

As Wang Yong expected, Ziyu's family succeeded and became one of the four new families after the Zheng family.

Exorcism of the dragon family, but also later, the first time to choose Chengzi yufengqing.

Among the four new aristocratic families, the most powerful one is the Ziyu family.

And the other three have no complaints, in addition to helpless, the most important reason is Wang Yong.

No one dares to shake the position of Ziyu family in Wang Yong's lifetime.

Who asked Ziyu Zhongting, an old fox, to announce half a month ago that Wang Yong and Ziyu Fengqing would marry one day?

The forces and assets left by Okam were successfully taken over by the military division and white rose.

No one can match Wang Yong's invisible wealth today.

But Wang Yong didn't want to use any money for personal use. He was ready to put all his money into the construction of Xiya school and Xinhuo school.

There is still a long way to go for the rejuvenation of Chinese culture. Wang Yong is still busy.

The film "the classic of mountains and seas" has been filmed. Wang Yong saw the film and knew it was only a matter of time. It's even possible to lead today's Kungfu trend into a new trend of cultivating immortals.

Apart from these things, there is one thing that needs to be solved by Wang Yong.

That is, after learning the news that Wang Yong and Ziyu Fengqing were married, Lin Qianyan and Enron did not know when they formed an alliance of attack and defense, and even wooed Jin Jingyin and Su Yan. The four of them moved in and out of one, and they had a great posture of collective marriage.

"Women! They're all demons out there! Terrible, terrible... "Wang Yong sighed. Even if he had been trained to the true way of sincerity, Wang Yong was still powerless in the face of women.

"Young master, in fact, three wives and four concubines are normal things for men. Why bother, young master? If you like, I can warm the bed for you Sword slave one face naturally says.

Hearing the speech, Wang Yong only felt the darkness before his eyes and fainted again.

This time, of course, it's an installation.


A few days later, Hu Li'er appeared in Wang Yong's room.

The first question Hu Li'er asked was, "what do you see?"

Wang Yong looked at Hu Li'er and did not answer. Instead, he picked up a pen and drew on the paper.

A moment later a picture took shape.

In the painting, a huge thing sits in the universe at a loss. It seems that human beings are not human beings, and its volume is bigger than that of a planet. Around this thing, there are one star after another that has been nibbled. Half of the universe has been nibbled and become a death star.

In the end, the universe will die under the bite of this thing. When there is nothing to eat, this thing will starve to death.

It's a dead cycle, a dead cycle that can't be stopped as long as it's on.

"That's why you close the end of the road?" Hu Li'er asked thoughtfully.

"Compared with the so-called martial arts evolution, I think human evolution is more important and more in line with the principle of sustainable development. After all, evolution is not a human thing, but a whole human thing. How can we achieve immortality by exterminating the entire human race, even the entire planet and universe for the sake of one human? It's just cold, dead, no fun immortality!

How about, are you interested in being my student and taking a completely different evolutionary path? "

Hu Li'er's eyes flashed and nodded.

Wang Yong smiles and pushes open the window. In the distance, there is a thriving scene.

The plants that have accumulated for a winter have sprouted quietly, ready to start a new life journey.

The world is spring.

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