
This battle made Wang Yong experience the feeling of dancing at the gate of death again. If it wasn't for Luo Cheng's iron gun, Wang Yong would have been pulled in by Yan Wangye.

"We must buy more incense and candle offerings some other day, Haosheng. Thank you, Luo Cheng." Wang Yong thought.

It's just that he knocked down a wall of the general temple. I'm afraid it won't be repaired for a while.

It was originally a roadside temple, and it was planned to be demolished. Now it's broken, will anyone care about it?

Moreover, the scene was so tragic that at least seven or eight people died in Wang Yong's hands. It's not easy to clean up the bloodstain all over the ground in a short time. The next day will certainly alarm the police.

Now I just hope that the police can't find any clues.

Creak, Wang Yong holding a big tree rest Kung Fu, suddenly a car stopped by Wang Yong.

Wang Yong glanced warily, moved slightly and hid half of his body behind the tree trunk.

"Mr. Wang, get in the car!" The driver poked his head out to greet Wang Yongdao.

I know Wang Yong.

"Who are you?" Wang Yong did not move, but asked.

"My own people! Boss Xu asked me to meet you. "

"Xu Zitai?" Wang Yong was stunned. I didn't expect that Xu Zitai knew so soon.

Wang Yong stepped forward and opened the door.

"Go home or go to boss Xu?" When the driver saw Wang Yong getting on the bus, he was relieved and asked.

"Go home."

The driver nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly drove to WangYong community.

Xihe bar is the center of Tiantai. Even in the middle of the night, the traffic is still crowded. In a short distance, he encountered two red lights.

"It's really bad luck to catch up with the red light every time!" The driver said with some chagrin.

Then he reached for the center console and asked, "what song do you want to listen to?"

"Whatever." Wang Yong closed his eyes slightly and seemed to be a little tired. Half leaning on the seat, the whole person relaxed.

The driver caught a glimpse of Wang Yong's state, with a flash of light in his eyes.

Under his adjustment, a recent popular song "immortals" was released.

The intense and fast-paced music instantly turned the car into a noisy place, and even the whistle outside the car window could not be heard.

"I am the watcher of the eternal flame, and I will faithfully guard your blazing dream. I am the stagnant quicksand under the hourglass. I try to imagine myself without you, but I can't do it... "

Wang Yong has heard this song, because he wanted to show the film "super Marine Corps" to the students some time ago, but after weighing it, he finally chose "return of the great sage".

The driver seems to like this song very much. His body keeps swinging with the music, just like beating the music with his body.

"Sit down!" At this time, the green light suddenly came on, the driver said, and stepped on the accelerator.

The strong feeling of pushing back made Wang Yong's body incline.

And the driver with a smile on the corner of his mouth, the hands holding the steering wheel slowly become one, the other hand is quietly sliding down.

When Wang Yong recovered from the inertia of pushing his back, a black muzzle had pointed at him.


Without any greeting, the driver pulled the trigger.

There was a lot of gunfire, but I couldn't hear it under the cover of music. Besides, there were several drum music similar to gunfire in that music from time to time.

The smile of the driver's mouth is blooming more and more, this single task is really simple, so easy to complete.

When the index finger moves again, he is ready to finish all the bullets in a magazine, so as to avoid any accident.

But before he had time to fire the second shot, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist.


The driver's wrist with the gun was suddenly broken, revealing the white bones under the skin.

"Ah The driver howled.

He didn't understand why Mingming found Wang Yong when he was sleepy, why Mingming shot Wang Yong for the first time, and why Wang Yong didn't do anything.

Wang Yong looked at the driver with interest, picked up a cushion and shook it in front of the driver.

Obviously, Wang Yong just used this cushion to put it in his body and cheated the driver. The bullet penetrating into the cushion is similar to penetrating into the human body, not to mention the cover of music.

The driver didn't hear the noise, so naturally he thought the bullet had hit Wang Yong.

"Do you know? You're not fit to be a killer. " As soon as Wang Yong picked out the gun, it fell to him.

The driver endured the pain and asked, "why?"

"Because you're so bad at acting. Since you spoke to me, the urge in your eyes has never subsided. Once I have a big movement, your eyelids will jump slightly, and when I take a nap, you will feel relieved. These are all flaws. Of course, the most important point is that I don't think a driver of Xu Zitai can know where I live. When I said go home, you chose my way home without any doubt. Obviously, you are very familiar with my situation. Did you check the situation before you came here? "

"..." the driver was shocked.

Wang Yong is right. He is indeed a killer. I did check Wang Yong's address.

Today, I got the news from my boss that Wang Yong would be here, so I have been waiting for the opportunity.

Later, he was surprised to find that there were still people ambushing Wang Yong, and he was even happier. How can you be unhappy if someone helps him?

It was not until Wang Yong ran out of the general's lane that the hatchers did not dare to chase him that he became angry.

Don't you think that group of hatchers insulted this profession and killed people forever? Isn't that the tragedy of killers?

So he took the initiative to attack and prepared to kill Wang Yong in the car.

I didn't expect that he insulted the profession of killer, and he also failed.

"Who sent you? Don't talk about Suri. I know Suri doesn't have such a hand. " Wang Yong pointed a gun at the driver and asked.

It's su Rui's limit to gather 20 hatchers. She can't buy a killer directly, and she doesn't have the financial resources.

I'm afraid that one killer's money is enough for Suri to find 40 hatchers.

"It's boss Xu." The killer's answer was straightforward.

Ka, Wang Yong tapped on the killer's broken bone.

The killer's face suddenly changed. The intense pain made him unable to hold the steering wheel. The car changed lanes several times in a row, and almost hit the car in front of him, causing a burst of curse.

"To be honest." Wang Yong's understatement of Tao.

"I'm telling the truth..." when the killer stepped on the brake, his words were incoherent.

"It doesn't seem to hurt enough." Wang Yong's muzzle tilted, ready to shoot the killer's broken bone.

"It's true, it's true! Xu Zian, boss Xu! " The killer screamed in fright.

Wang Yong was stunned.

He forgot that there was another boss Xu. Xu Zitai is boss Xu, and Xu Zian is also boss Xu.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zitai just reminded Wang Yong that Xu Zian might have to fight Wang Yong. Xu Zian's means came.

"Sorry, you're right. It's boss Xu." Wang Yong looks at the killer apologetically“ Or shall I take your hand back? "

With that, in order to express his apology, Wang Yong, regardless of whether the killer agreed or not, forced his hand to the broken bone.

The killer's face was deformed in pain.

The killer wanted to cry. Is there anyone who apologizes like this? Are you apologizing? This is revenge!

The pistol twists at Wang Yong's finger, and then butts on the killer's forehead.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..." the killer collapsed on the seat.

It's a feeling to kill others, but it's another feeling to be killed.

Killers are human beings, and they fear death.

"You're here to kill me. Now I'm killing you, don't I take it for granted?" Wang Yongdao.

"I apologize. I apologize to you. Please, don't kill me. I also have a daughter, my adopted daughter, who is only eight years old, and she wants me to raise her. I'm going to stop this time... "The killer cried.

"Really, I won't lie to you. You can look at my cell phone. There's a picture of her in it. "

Wang Yong frowned and found a mobile phone from the killer. When I opened the album, I found a little girl, seven or eight years old, looking very cute. There is also a group photo with the killer himself. It can be seen that the smile on the killer's face is sincere.

This is an interesting killer. Other killers fear that they have emotional fetters, but he takes the initiative to set a fetter for himself.

"As long as you spare me this time, I can give you all my savings over the years! My daughter can't live without me. I really love her. I don't want her to go back to the orphanage, to the place where she was bullied by everyone. Do you know, when I first met her, she didn't have a piece of intact skin and flesh. All of them were bloodstains pinched by orphanage teachers and children. Just one more look, I bear the feelings. I don't know why. I know it's wrong, but I still want to adopt her and protect her... "The killer said with tears in his eyes.

Wang Yong has no expression and stares at the killer for a long time.

A moment later, he suddenly threw back his mobile phone and said, "you are not suitable for this profession. You are a killer but you want to be a good person. It will not lead to good results. Go away, I won't take your money. It's very expensive to support a child to go to school abroad. Get out of China and don't let me see you again. "

The killer looked at Wang Yong in surprise, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Wang Yong saw that the killer didn't move and asked, "what? Do you want me to give you a ride? "

"No, no... I really... Thank you, thank you! You can rest assured that I will never do this again. " The killer was in a hurry, and then pushed the door open with his good hand and got out of the car.

"Don't thank me. If it wasn't for her, you would have died." Wang Yong pointed to the killer's cell phone.

The killer understood Wang Yong's meaning, but he bowed respectfully to Wang Yong regardless of the traffic.

"My name is Hu Fei. I'll take her to Cyprus. If there's anything I can do for her, you can come to me. I owe you my life. " Killer way.

Even the immigration sites have been selected. It can be seen that what the killer said is true. He is ready to withdraw after finishing this order.

Cyprus is a good place. As long as you invest 300000 euros to buy real estate in Cyprus, you can get permanent residency in the European Union in one step.

As soon as he waved his hand, Wang Yong didn't say anything. He directly changed to the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator and left.

The killer named Hu Fei ran in the traffic and disappeared into the night.

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