There are two students in class six.

They were punished by Zheng Jing for making trouble in class. Two people are not good students, even in the penalty station is not willing to be honest, slowly strolled to the side of class four.

Soon, they were attracted by what happened in class four.

Miss Wang, who is absent from class, is not Wang Yong who bet with his head teacher?

He didn't come to class?

The two students of class 6 looked at each other, and both saw the uncontrollable excitement from each other's eyes.

This is the best time for them to avoid punishment and please the head teacher!

"Go So they quietly shrink back, and then to their own class direction.

In class six, Zheng Jingzheng was giving a serious lecture. Because of his gambling relationship with Wang Yong, he worked very hard during this period. In the past, I met some music and physical education classes, which will still let students have fun. But now it's all occupied by him.

He can't afford to lose this bet.

Dong Dong, suddenly the door of the classroom didn't know who knocked on it.

Zheng Jingzheng's speech was full of interest and was suddenly interrupted. He looked at the door unhappily, and then saw the two students who were driven out because of making trouble.

Zheng Jing's anger surged up in an instant.

He threw his textbook on the desk, rolled his sleeves and went out. These two bastards don't listen to class well, even if they disturb others' class? Are they spies sent by Wang Yong?

"Don't you two want to go? I don't want to go straight! Call your parents tomorrow! "

Call parents, this is the teacher's killer. Just like the mushroom planting among countries, no student is not afraid.

The two students approached Zheng Jing and said, "old class, you misunderstood us. We want to study hard than anyone else! As a member of class 6, we will never allow class 6 to lose to class 4! "

"Yes! Absolutely not Another student also made a statement.

The attitude of the two students alleviated Zheng Jing's anger to a certain extent, but he still waved impatiently: "don't think that if you say two good words, the teacher will forgive you. What are you doing knocking on the door?"

"Lao ban, we have important information to report to you."

"Important information?" Zheng Jing was stunned.

"Hey, hey, just now when we heard something happened in class four, we sneaked over to have a look. Guess what, Ben? The teacher surnamed Wang in class four is absent from class! He didn't come to class at all

"The students of class four are in a mess now. They don't seem to know that the teacher will be absent today. The head teacher of class four is not in the classroom, so I don't know. "

The two students passed on the message to Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing immediately began to laugh.

He patted the two students on the shoulders and said with appreciation: "good boy, there is a future! It is worthy of being a student of our class 6! You two go in first, and the teacher will remember your credit. "

"Well, thank you, Ben." The two students went back to the classroom happily.

Zheng Jing stood outside the corridor, his eyes turned, and he looked in the direction of class four.

Sure enough, the students in class four are making a lot of noise, and there is no teacher to manage them.

"Wang Yong, Wang Yong, this is your chance to give me. I'm sorry if I waste it." Zheng Jing said to himself.

Finish saying, let class six students study by themselves temporarily, he ran to the dean's office.

"Wang Yong, what else do you have to say now?" Tea chapter leisurely pointed to the wrist watch, to Wang Yongdao.

The hands on the dial clearly show the present time, three ten.

I'm afraid it's really too late for Wang Yong to attend this class.

"I'm still saying that. I'll never be absent from school." Wang Yong is like a dead brain who never bumps into the south wall and never returns, stubbornly repeating the same sentence.

Chazhang was amused by Wang Yong. Few people are so unrepentant these days.

"Although the mouth is hard, after the autopsy report comes out, the evidence about your killing will form a complete chain of evidence. You don't have to plead guilty to convict you. Not only you can't have this class, you can't have any classes in the future. People's teachers? Do you deserve it? " Chazhang said sarcastically.

Wang Yong did not speak, but closed his eyes. As if very reluctant to hear tea chapter in the ear quack noise.

In the face of Wang Yong's stinky and hard attitude, Chazhang was so angry that he shook his head and pushed the door to get out.

At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened first from the outside.

When you look at the tea chapter, it is the sea of words.

Yan Shenghai is followed by a middle-aged man with glasses.

This man has a little impression. He seems to be a lawyer of Qilu real estate.

What is he doing here? Chazhang murmured in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Tea chapter face serious ask words holy sea.

But Yan Shenghai's eyes are evasive and his face is embarrassed and ashamed. Several times I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't say it. Instead, it was a heavy sigh.

"Lao Yan, you're an old criminal policeman. I haven't seen anything before. As for that? Speak up! I'll carry the big basket for you

It has to be said that Chazhang is still very good at controlling. Any subordinate who hears Chazhang's words will be very grateful.

In particular, the criminal police department often offends all kinds of people and makes all kinds of troubles. When I meet a director who is willing to do something for his subordinates, I can wake up in my dream in the middle of the night.

With the words of tea chapter, Yan Shenghai could not help but lower his heart and said: "it's like this, tea game. We just learned about the two robbers who turned themselves in. They're... They're psychotic! "

"What?" Chazhang was shocked“ What about the burial place they told us? Did they find anything? "

"Yes, just a sack of raw pork. At present, we can only speculate that these two people had hysteria attacks and designed such a murder scene in their own imaginary world. Then a report was made and pork was buried as a corpse. And Wang Yong... "Yan Shenghai said here, hard to swallow saliva.

He really didn't want to say the next sentence. Once it was uttered, it meant that the heavy work of the day was totally denied, and the judgment of the whole case was wrong.

"He said Chazhang is more calm than yanshenghai, he urged.

"Wang Yong should have happened to be at the meeting, just passing by there, and then he was implicated."

After that, Yan Shenghai wanted to beat the door in anger. Wang Yong was arrested by himself, which is equivalent to slapping himself in the face.

That kind of embarrassment, not to mention how uncomfortable.

Whoo! Chazhang breathed heavily, and a deep disappointment flashed in his eyes.

But then he was covered up by the unchanging seriousness of ten thousand years. He gently opened his mouth and asked again, "is it confirmed?"

Yan Shenghai hesitated: "basically confirmed that although the existing evidence points to Wang Yong, it is not enough to form an effective charge. If not... "

With that, Yan Shenghai glanced at the lawyer waiting in the corridor.

The implication is obvious. If there is no lawyer, they may be able to find an excuse to detain Wang Yong for another period of time. But now we have to let people go.

The lawyer was very difficult. As soon as he came in, he threatened that he had mastered the details of the case and warned Yan Shenghai that if he did not release any more people, he would sue Yan Shenghai for abusing his power and illegally taking compulsory measures to restrict citizens' personal freedom.

This is a felony. Once it is published in the newspaper, Yan Shenghai's official career will come to an end. It's absolutely impossible to calm down the storm without dealing with it.

Chazhang naturally understood the meaning of Yan Shenghai. He looked at Wang Yong reluctantly, closed his eyes slightly, and then opened his eyes.

"Let go."

This is the last sentence before Chazhang left. After that, he went back to his office without saying a word.

Yan Shenghai also angrily kicked the door of the interrogation room and called a police officer to deal with it.

I don't want to see Wang Yong any more.

Wang Yong in the interrogation room looks at the tea chapter and Yan Shenghai with a smile on his face and doesn't speak.

At this point, the victory and defeat are obvious. Chazhang lost. Although Wang Yong was late, he didn't miss class. There is enough time left for Wang Yong to go back to school.

A few words of sarcasm may make tea chapter's face dull. But Wang Yong didn't want to do it at all.

It's Wang Yong's consistent principle to be a good person. Offending these criminal policemen is not good for Wang Yong.

"Thank you." Wang Yong knows the lawyer. After being informed to leave, he told the lawyer sincerely.

The lawyer said with a smile: "it's all arranged by the young lady. I'm just lifting a finger. Thank you, miss

"Yes." Wang Yong shakes hands with his lawyer.

And then he ran out to the police station.

His time is too precious to afford. God knows what the first middle school is like now.

Wang Yong had an ominous premonition that something had gone wrong there.


Outside the classroom of the fourth class of senior high school, Ouyang Zhen, the obese Dean of academic affairs, stood here again.

Last time, he was beaten in the face. To be honest, he didn't want to come here for the second time. But Zheng Jing said that this time, Ouyang Zhen would definitely find the place. Ouyang Zhen's heart moved and rushed over.

It turns out that Zheng Jing didn't lie. What happened in class four can really bring him back.

"I didn't ask for leave, and I didn't arrange for any teachers to take the place of me. It's a serious truancy. " Ouyang Zhen straightened his belly and said.

"Who said Miss Wang was absent from class? Miss Wang just went to the toilet with a stomachache! He'll be back in a minute! " Tea Mi stood up and lied for Wang Yong.

"Yes? This male classmate, you go to the toilet and shout out Wang Yong. If he really just goes to the toilet, I'll leave immediately. " Ouyang Zhen pointed to a boy in the front row and said.

That boy Leng Leng, looking for help to tea MI.

Tea Mi just wanted to let the boy pretend to have a look, when Zheng Jing suddenly volunteered to speak: "director, director. I can do this. Why should I delay the students' study? "

Ouyang Zhen looked at Zheng Jing admiringly, but the boy was very good today and nodded his head.

Zheng Jing immediately ran to the toilet and disappeared in the public's field of vision.

"Dogleg!" Tea Mi murmured in a low voice.

"What do you say, Dami?" Ouyang Zhen eyes a stare, ask.

"I didn't say anything. I said that Mr. Zheng ran very fast, just like that dogleg. Is that the name? " Dami knows it and asks.

The fat on Ouyang Zhen's face trembled with anger. He pointed to the tea and said, "it's called Scud! If you insult the teacher like this again, I'll let you write a review on the Department of politics and education! "

"Hum!" Tea Mi cold hum a, sat down.

But the calmness in my heart is far less than that on my face. She knew that as long as Zheng Jing came back, Miss Wang's truancy would be revealed. What's the end of it?

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