"Miss Wang, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I won't bully my classmates any more. Will you spare me this time Zhao Xiaolong pleaded.

Wang Yong is indifferent, still carrying Zhao Xiaolong to the busy road.

While walking, he also reasoned with Zhao Xiaolong: "you should understand the teacher's good intentions. This is to help you thoroughly understand your mistakes and permanently cut off the possibility of going astray."

"Can you help grandma cross the road without going astray? Don't tease me, teacher. Or I'll give you the money, and you'll let me go. " Zhao Xiaolong said, taking out a stack of money from his schoolbag and trying to bribe Wang Yong.

Wang Yong took a look at it and scolded in his heart that Zhu men's wine and meat stink. There are frozen bones in the road. An ordinary student carries thousands of yuan with him. Some people may not have these in their family's savings.

"Get your money back! Don't use this kind of thing to corrode the teacher's mind Wang Yongyi just said“ Since the teacher said that he could stop you from going astray, he certainly could. Have you heard the story of Balabala's wand? "

"What is it?" Zhao Xiaolong was stunned.

"I haven't heard such a famous story, stupid! Search with your mobile phone. " Wang Yong dodges the passing vehicles and dislikes the road.

Zhao Xiaolong immediately curiously took out the mobile phone, a search, really pop up such a paragraph. Only after reading the content, Zhao Xiaolong's face changed.

The content of the passage is like this: "if I didn't take my sister's schoolbag by mistake ten years ago, maybe I am still a bad boy now. I still remember that sunny afternoon when our brother of Hongxing gang had an appointment with other classmates. Brothers take out knives, hammers and steel pipes from their schoolbags one after another. Finally, it's my turn. I'm going to take out the dagger I prepared. When I take out Balabala's wand, I feel that I can't be the eldest brother in a moment... "

Zhao Xiaolong vaguely guessed Wang Yong's intention.

The protagonist in the passage is Zhao Xiaolong, and the Balabala wand that the protagonist took out by mistake is what Wang Yong asked Zhao Xiaolong to do - help grandma cross the road.

It can be imagined that once this incident is photographed and spread to the Internet, it doesn't need any big forum. It's just the campus forum of Tiantai No.1 middle school, which can make Zhao Xiaolong's reputation worse.

Just imagine, a student boss who dominates the school suddenly turns into a red scarf to help others. What is the dignity of the boss?

In the future, when bullying others, they just need to say "you helped grandma" to make Zhao Xiaolong run away.

"Evil intentions!" This is Zhao Xiaolong's comment on Wang Yong.

But in the face of this vicious intention, he could do nothing but let Wang Yong carry him to the opposite side of the road.

There is an old man who wants to cross the road.

"Old man, do you want to cross the road? Recently, our school is carrying out the activity of learning from Lei Feng to do good deeds. Let my students help you in the past? " Wang Yong said to the old man.

But the old man looked at Wang Yong warily and said, "you don't want to do something bad to me, do you? Be careful I fall in front of you

Wang Yong was speechless for a while.

It seems that this society really needs to carry out the activity of learning from Lei Feng. What does the trust between people look like?

"Don't worry, old man. We are really teachers and students. This is the student ID card, you see Involuntarily, Wang Yong finds out Zhao Xiaolong's student ID card and hands it to the old man.

The old man squinted and looked at it carefully for a long time, then nodded: "really. Well, I'll give you a chance. Help me home. "

"Home?" Zhao Xiaolong was shocked.

God knows how far the old man's home is. What if it's more than ten miles away? You have to help, too?

But seeing Wang Yong's killing eyes, Zhao Xiaolong can only give in.

Reach out, hold the old man's arm, a little bit to the opposite side of the road.

Wang Yong, on the other hand, felt the whole process of shooting with his mobile phone, even the subtle expression of Zhao Xiaolong.

Finally, the three men got across the road. Fortunately, the old man just casually said that he didn't really let Zhao Xiaolong send him home. After praising Zhao Xiaolong, the old man left.

Wang Yong and Zhao Xiaolong are left at the end of the road, waiting for new prey like hunters

Until night came and it was completely dark. Zhao Xiaolong helped more than ten old people across the road.

Wang Yong filmed all of them.

Zhao Xiaolong from the initial unwillingness to the middle of the suffering, and from the suffering to psychological numbness. The whole process was suppressed by Wang Yong's force, so he did not dare to resist.

So that in the end, Zhao Xiaolong can take the initiative to help, forming a kind of inertia.

It turns out that doing a good job is not a kind of noble character, but a kind of inertia to force oneself to be good.

This is the sentiment of Zhao Xiaolong.

"All right, homework is done, it's over!" Wang Yong put away his cell phone and said.

Qin Yuqing had been chased home by Wang Yong, but he failed to stay in place to witness the scene.

"Mr. Wang, do you really want to upload the video?" When Zhao Xiaolong talked about this, he still looked a little painful.

My domineering high school career will be destroyed because of this stain!

Wang Yong, however, looked indifferent and asked: "why not? It's doing good, not bad. If you dare not show good things to others, what else can you show them? "

"But... Other teachers teach us to do good without leaving a name. I don't think we should upload it. I don't like publicity. " Zhao Xiaolong quibbled.

But Wang Yong waved his hand and said seriously, "other teachers are other teachers, and I am myself. My principle is that if you do a good deed, you have to publicize it and let others know. Have you heard the story of Zigong redeeming people and Zilu accepting cattle? "

Zhao Xiaolong shook his head.

He is just a poor student, not to mention the allusions that he didn't learn in the textbooks, even if he did, he can't remember them.

"At the end of the spring and Autumn period, there was a law in the state of Lu that the people of the state of Lu became slaves abroad. If someone could redeem them, they could go to the State Treasury to claim the ransom. Once, Confucius' disciple Zigong (duanmuzi) redeemed a Lu native abroad and refused to accept state compensation after returning home. Confucius said: Zi Gong did wrong. From now on, Lu people will not redeem their slaves from other countries. Another disciple, Zilu, rescued a drowning man. The man thanks him for sending a cow, and Zilu took it. Confucius happily said: "from now on, the people of the state of Lu will have the courage to save those who fall into the water."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaolong was puzzled. He raised his hand and asked, "why is it a bad thing not to collect money, but a good thing to collect money?"

Wang Yong gave Zhao Xiaolong a smile and said, "you asked the key point. That's why I say to do good is to publicize. Because Zi Gong's mistake was to elevate the moral standard that everyone could reach to a height that ordinary people could not reach. In this way, many people in China are deterred from redeeming them. Do I need a reward for my ransom? If I want to, others will say that I am not as moral as Zigong. If you don't want to, you will lose the money for ransom. Do you think that if it goes on like this, there will be people willing to redeem them again? "

"No, I would not. People like Zigong are just pretending to be too much. " Zhao Xiaolong immediately replied.

"That's right. To raise the standard of morality infinitely, or to treat personal morality as public morality, only one result will be achieved, that is, to make morality embarrassed, to make ordinary people turn pale at the news of morality, and then go away from morality! Therefore, morality should be something that everyone can do, but it is not harmful to himself but beneficial to others. Doing good deeds can be praised and recognized by others, so that people will have the motivation to do good deeds. It's like someone who has been hyping charity in high profile these years. Everyone scolds him for hyping. But as long as it's true to do good, what's wrong with a high profile? "

After hearing Wang Yong's words, Zhao Xiaolong would have realized something.

A moment later, he said to Wang Yong, "Mr. Wang, please upload today's video. I've always been a bad child in other people's eyes since I went to school. This time, I really want to experience what a good child feels like."

"You can teach me! Come on, it's getting late. Go home. Caution! In the future, don't associate with those bad youths any more. If they embarrass you, call the teacher and the teacher will cover you up! " Wang Yong is afraid of taking photos of Zhao Xiaolong, he said.

"Really?" There was a bright light in Zhao Xiaolong's eyes.

Wang Yong's fierce, he is really learned, if there is such a teacher cover, Zhao Xiaolong think excited.

"It's true, of course, if you don't make mistakes again."

"Absolutely not! Goodbye, Miss Wang

Zhao Xiaolong made a solemn promise and turned away.

Wang Yong is gratified to see Zhao Xiaolong's back, and his heart is full of a sense of achievement. A really good teacher is not to see how many celebrities he has taught, but to see how many good people he has taught.

Wang Yong should be proud to let a student who is about to go astray go back to the right way.

Of course, in order to prevent the revival of Zhao Xiaolong's old style, it is necessary to upload that video.

After returning home, Wang Yong promptly uploaded the video to the forum of No.1 middle school.

Sure enough, as Wang Yong guessed, the following message would be broken in less than ten minutes.

The credit mainly comes from Wang Yong's Title: the school bully can't think of it and helps her to cross the road.

Such an eye-catching title must immediately become the focus topic. When other students saw it was Zhao Xiaolong, they all laughed. Zhao Xiaolong bullied more students directly open scold, said Zhao Xiaolong is in show.

After reading the message, Wang Yong opened a new post - "Zi Gong redeems people and Zi Lu receives cattle, can't bad students do good deeds?".

This post also became a hot topic in the forum that day. A group of students argued about this topic in the dark, so that it became the topic of the debate competition of No.1 middle school.

Zhao Xiaolong became a net star, while Yin Xia also became a star in another well-known domestic music forum.

It's just that Zhao Xiaolong's red is more or less ironic, but Yin Xia's red has shocked a circle of people in the industry.

I don't know who took the video of Yin Xia singing in Xihe bar that day, and then it was uploaded to the Internet.

Although the video is shaking and the sound is not very clear, the unique singing and beautiful melody of the song "minus word magnolia flower" still hit the hearts of many music fans and made them amazing.

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