Zheng Jing didn't know how he got back to the office. He only remembered that after that Niang Pao said those words, he was almost stunned.

If that woman gun appeared in front of him again, he would not help beating him violently.

Then say "hello...", forget it, or not.

"I'm so angry!" Zheng Jing angrily threw the textbook on his desk.

Seeing this, she quickly poured a glass of water for Zheng Jing.

"Mr. Zheng, who are you angry with? Is that Wang Yong again? "

"It's not him, but it has something to do with him!" Zheng Jing didn't reply well.

"If you want me to say it, it's nothing to be angry about. Do you remember the Buddhist saying I told you before? In the past, Hanshan asked Shide, "how can the world treat me by slandering me, deceiving me, insulting me, laughing at me, belittling me, degrading me, hating me, deceiving me?"? Shi Deyun: just bear him, let him, let him, avoid him, bear him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years and see him. If you let a person like Wang Yong hop, how many days can a grasshopper hop after autumn? When the solar term is not a kick on the end of two legs? There is still a week left for the final exam, and that's when he cries. There's no need to be angry with him now. " Glasses female teacher advised.

Hearing this, Zheng Jing immediately laughed. Seeing that there was no one else in the office, he secretly reached out and pinched the female teacher's face.

"Or are you considerate! Are you free this weekend? "

"I hate it. What do you say? " The female teacher blushed and lowered her head.

Zheng Jing laughed.

This scene just fell into the eyes of Ye Xuantong who just walked into the office.

It's just that ye Xuantong didn't break it or say anything. Zheng Jing two people that matter, the entire office who do not know, lazy to say it. Ye Xuantong is a good man again, not to mention that.

See ye Xuantong come in, Zheng Jing two people quickly separate, pretend what didn't happen.

Zheng Jing also took the initiative to talk to Ye Xuantong: "Mr. Ye, what's the matter with the people you introduced to at home? If you want me to say that, you might as well find one in our Tiantai. Yanjing is big, but it's not easy to live in. Let's not say anything else, just the house price. One month as a little teacher is not enough to buy a floor tile. Tiantai is much better. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will have a chance to sit in my position in the future. "

Ye Xuantong didn't say a word, just laughed.

If Zheng Jing knew Ye Xuantong's family background, he would die of shame for his words.

At this time, Wang Yong sent Mr. Bai and went into the office.

Looking at Ye Xuantong's appearance, Wang Yong asked in a low voice: "how? The girl is too ugly to talk about? "

Ye Xuantong gave Wang Yong a look and said, "after looking at the photos, it's not ugly. I don't like the arrogant look on my face. After chatting with her for two days, I found that I couldn't talk at all. The whole is a spoiled and domineering princess, not looking at people. She also said that if her parents didn't force her, she wouldn't even look at me. At that time, I was very angry. Even if I didn't succeed, my surname was ye, right? It's really him

Gentle Ye Xuantong can't help scolding a dirty word, which shows how unreliable the blind date is.

Wang Yong understood that he was afraid to pat Ye Xuan on the shoulder and expressed sympathy.

Ye Xuantong's situation is that he is the common son of a rich family. He can't compare with his own son. Even if he doesn't agree with the marriage, I'm afraid the elders of the Ye family will force him to agree.

I'm afraid Wang Yong would have gone against the sky. It's a pity that ye Xuantong's character is too similar to his name. He keeps a low profile and doesn't fight at all.

Running away from home to become a teacher in Tiantai has been his biggest struggle in his life.

"I just shared a song with the students, one man's courage. I think it's quite suitable for you. Listen to it when you have time. "

Wang Yong dropped this sentence and left.

This week, all his courses have been finished, and the next one is next Tuesday, four days apart. The task of urging students in these four days can only be given to Su Yan.

It also includes a language test in class, which is also included in the results of the war medal list.

In addition, Wang Yong didn't explain anything to Su Yan.

If you don't explain yourself, it's a kind of explanation.

On the bus to Qingwen, Wang Yong is holding his chin and looking at the scenery outside the window.

Every tree and plant, every car and road, all evoke memories of Wang Yong.

Qingwen town is where Wang's old house is. This is an old town that has existed since the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. At that time, it was the border of Qi and Lu. Because the land of this town was extremely fertile, it became the place where the two countries fought repeatedly.

In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty annals, Zuo Zhuan, spring and Autumn Annals and other books, there are many references to the war between the two countries for this area.

It is a description of that period of history that "since ancient times, Qilu is famous for its rich land, and Qilu will fight for qingwentian.".

In fact, Wang Yong didn't really stay in the old house for a long time. Since he was born, he has moved to the county with his parents. Because of his fame, his grandfather also has many activities in the provincial capital. At the beginning, in Tiantai City, there was a courtyard specially approved by the relevant department for my grandfather. Unfortunately, with my grandfather's death, the courtyard was also taken back.

Otherwise, Wang Yong would not be willing to rely on Enron.

"Qingwen's? Twenty yuan. Get on the bus! This is the only car at this point. No matter how late it is, even this one is gone. If you call a taxi, people may not be willing to pull you! "

As soon as Wang Yong got out of the car in the county, there were short distance passenger cars running in the township to solicit business.

It's nearly twice as expensive as usual, but I can't help it. Because he's telling the truth. This is the only bus at this point. If you miss it, either wait until tomorrow or take a taxi. Just a few years ago, because of the robbery and murder of taxi drivers, few drivers now dare to run to the countryside at night. Even if there are two brave ones, the price is high.

After 20 yuan, Wang Yong got on the bus without hesitation.

It's hard to wait for the car to start, but it's stop and go. But when you see someone suspected to be a passenger on the road, the driver will stop and say hello. It was nearly ten o'clock when Qingwen arrived.

Wang Yong got out of the car and looked at the strange village. He didn't come back for a long time. He couldn't remember the road clearly. At the beginning, the village people led the way for grandfather to bury Wang Yong's coffin. Wang Yong just cried and knelt down and walked the last few miles with his grandfather.

Fortunately, Wang Yong went the right way and found the old house he had not lived in for a long time.

Most of the rural areas in this point have gone to sleep. Only the faint light on the lonely electric pole at the entrance of the Hutong flickers, so that Wang Yong can vaguely see the mottled gate of the old house.

He put his hand on the rusty door ring of the gate, but Wang Yong did not move.

This gate is older than Wang Yong, and time has left many marks on it. The couplets pasted on both sides of the door were written by my grandfather when he was alive. Now there is no color, only gray. I don't know whether the big characters on the couplets were blown away by the wind or torn away by people. Only the word "Renjia" is left. Zhao shows his grandfather's strong writing ability.

Wang Yong took a deep breath. It seemed that he was afraid to go in for a long time.

Hua La, the door was pushed out by Wang Yong, a sound, especially loud in the silent alley. Suddenly, the neighbor's dog barked slowly, as if to show off that it found a bad person.

Creak, suddenly the door to the neighbor's door opened, out of an old man.

The old man took a flashlight to Wang Yong and muttered, "who? The family has been deserted for a long time. There are no valuable things in the family. The yard is full of weeds. Except for snakes, insects, rats and ants, nothing else has been in. Let's go. It's nothing

But he regarded Wang Yong as a thief.

Wang Yong stepped forward quickly and said, "grandfather Xia, it's me, Wang Yong!"

The old man was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he came up to have a look for a long time. Then he was surprised and said, "it's really the grandson of the Wang family. Why are you back at this time? "

"Well, it's something." Wang Yong gave a vague answer.

Grandfather Xia didn't ask much. He just went to his courtyard and took out a key. As he walked to Wang Yong's old house, he said, "don't you have a key with you? It's OK. I have. I've been cleaning the yard. It's clean! That was a trick. Ah, I've known your grandfather as a scholar all my life. Now that he's gone, can't I help him? Maybe he'll come back and have a look some day? "

Grandfather Wang Yong lived in seclusion in Qingwen for two years and never revealed his identity to anyone. In the eyes of these villagers, grandfather Wang Yong is a scholar who can write big characters. This alone makes the villagers admire.

Every Spring Festival, people come with eggs and pancakes to ask grandfather Wang Yong to write couplets, and then paste them home happily.

But they didn't know that Wang Hongjin was enough to harvest crops for several years outside.

Xia grandfather learned that suoso opened the door and pushed it open. Under the light of the flashlight, he could clearly see the clean courtyard. The old grape trellis at the gate is full of small green grapes, which are blown by the wind like jade beads scattered in the river of stars.

"Grandson of the Wang family, it's raining tonight. Why don't you go to my house for a night. Your house is too long uninhabited. It's too trendy. " Grandfather Xia told Wang Yong.

When Wang Yong entered the hall, there was a musty smell in the air. But it's nothing to him. He's been sleeping in the mud when he's on a mission. Do you still care about the difficulty?

"Thank you, Grandpa Xia. I can sleep at home. It's good. " Wang Yong emphasized that family character in particular, but grandfather Xia didn't insist on it.

"When I get you two candles, there's no one in your family to pay the electricity bill. It's been out of power for a long time." Summer grandfather said, turned to go out to get the candle.

A moment later, he brought some boiled eggs with the candle, but he was afraid that Wang Yong was hungry.

Wang Yong thanks grandfather Xia and puts the eggs on the eight immortals table in the hall. I don't know what year the painting of the eight immortals table has already peeled off, revealing the purple and red wood inside. When the egg knocked on it, it made a dull sound, like the sigh of the old house.

Wang Yong seems to have seen his grandfather sitting alone in the room watching the sky during his military service.

Grandfather often said, "forty is not confused, fifty is destiny." that is the realm of saints. It's a pity that I haven't been able to live a "no doubt" for most of my life.

In those years in the old house, he should have no doubt, right?

Moving out of a small Mazar, Wang Yong just sat at the door of the hall, quietly looking at the night sky in the yard.

It's really raining.

In the sky, like a hook like cirrus floating, the pressure is very low, the moonlight should have been covered. There is also a faint wind circle in the distance, which seems to blow open a wormhole in the sky.

"There are clouds in the sky and rain on the ground. Wang family boy, I'm leaving. People can't stand it when they are old. They are very tired. Go to bed early, too. " Summer grandfather said, slowly disappeared at the gate.

Wang Yong sent Xia's grandfather away and closed the door. Standing under the green grape trellis, I suddenly felt sad.

Don't go back to the old house, don't know, this time, Wang Yongcai suddenly remembered that he had no relatives in this world.

My grandfather left, but my parents left earlier.

Wang Yong only vaguely remembers when his mother asked for a red envelope with her in her arms when she was a child. No matter how sensible she was, it was hard to see her mother all the year round.

Wang Yong's parents are engaged in the field exploration work, the particularity of the work makes them have to go out for many years. It's hard for Wang Yong to enjoy the same fatherly and maternal love as other children. From childhood to adulthood, his education was basically replaced by his grandfather.

It is also because of Wang Hongjin, such a master of Chinese culture, that Wang Yong's parents are willing to leave their children to go out to work.

When Wang Yong was 11 years old, a piece of bad news suddenly came from his parents' unit, saying that Wang Yong's parents were in danger in exploration work and both fell off a cliff.

The news hit grandfather Wang Yong seriously ill, since then the body is not as good as a year. The specific news about the murder of Wang Yong's parents is vague. Wang Hongjin repeatedly tried to find relevant units to make a statement, but failed.

Finally, the only valid information is that the project Wang Yong's parents were responsible for at that time was a state-level confidential project, and no one else had the right to access it.

Since then, there have been two more tablets in the ancestral hall of the Wang family.

"Heaven's will is like a knife, life is like grass. God cut off a lot of grass and mustard life Wang Yong sighed.

When the sword of Providence comes, who can avoid it? Now it's Wang Yong's turn.

It's hard to say whether Wang Yong can survive this attack.

As the yellow candle light leaped, Wang Yong picked up the candle and walked into the ancestral hall of the inner room.

There are more than ten memorial tablets in it. Wang Yong can't remember clearly which generation of ancestors this is from.

But no matter how it changes, the top three words of Wang Shouren will not change.

That's the root of the Wang family, and that's the pride of the Wang family.

There were two pieces of paper and a handful of incense beside. Wang Yong went to pick them up, took them apart and lit them by candlelight.

Then he knelt down heavily in front of the ancestral hall and took an oath to join the army.

"Wang Yong, the unworthy descendant of the Wang family, has come to kneel down to worship your ancestors!"

Dong Dong, ten heads. None of them is empty, all of them are solid and solid on the green brick ground, leaving a thin layer of brick foam.

As soon as the wind blows in, they suddenly jump up. The tongue of fire seems to be talking to Wang Yong.

Looking at the ancestral tablets of the past dynasties through the bright fire light, Wang Yong seemed to see the heroes smiling at him behind the fire light.

Wang Yangming's memorial tablet, the top one, seems to have a great Confucian standing in the negative hand.

There was a sword hanging from his waist, with a high crown and blue clothes, and a cold face. As if by drawing the sword, millions of iron cavalry came rushing in.

From ancient times to the present, there is only one person who is qualified to be called Saint, but not limited to "Wenzhi".

He is a scholar who has really achieved the literary and martial arts, the sage inside and the king outside.

Hua La, the ancestral hall suddenly rang out a sound of page turning.

Wang Yong awoke from the confusion, but looking at it from the side, it was a thin ancient book.

Wang Yong strange took a look, but it is a do not know who excerpted the "biography".

This is Wang Yangming's masterpiece, which records his quotations and Epistles on learning. The word Chuan Xi comes from Chuan Bu Xi Hu in the Analects of Confucius.

This book is the first to be studied by the researchers of mind studies in the past dynasties.

Wang Yong opened it and saw a sentence written on the front page.

"In the end of Ming Dynasty, the literati used their troops to win, not like those who were benevolent. In times of crisis and doubt, the gods are more and more determined, and they are full of wisdom and care. Although they are gifted, they can also be benefited from them. "

This is the evaluation of Wang Yangming in the biography of Wang Shouren in the history of Ming Dynasty, which highly praises Wang Yangming's civil and military achievements. It even gives the evaluation of the way of using soldiers, which has never been seen before.

However, this copy of the pamphlet seems to be different.

At the bottom of this paragraph, there are three words.

I don't agree!

Words, like swords, pierce the back of the paper.

Who? Who won't accept? Why did you leave such a book in Wang's ancestral hall.

Again, it's a copy of the whole text. Still sharp strokes, like a forest of swords and spears, if you look for a long time, the eyes will be stabbed by this pen.

It's a great generation to write this book to such an extent.

But how can he not accept Wang Yangming? What's the story?

Wang Yong was puzzled.

When the last page came, Wang Yong's eyes jumped abruptly.

I was shocked by the words on the last page and fell to the ground.

"Look up, there is no one like me!"

All kinds of words can't describe Wang Yong's feelings.

Wang Yong only felt that these ten words were more fierce than the sharp sword meaning of the whole book, almost to the point where people were scared to see the words.

"How can there be such a person! Who the hell is he Wang Yong picked up the pamphlet that had fallen on the ground, and his heart was beating all the time.

That kind of domineering momentum is too powerful, whether it is the implied meaning of poetry or handwriting, are not bound by the paper, convey the meaning of heavy oppression.

Even people like Wang Yong, who are used to seeing blood, can't resist the fierce intention.

Before Wang Yong said that God's will is like a sword, but now he really feels it.

The owner of this pamphlet is providence!


At this time, suddenly a bell rang, but it was Wang Yong's mobile phone.

Wang Yong wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and felt out his mobile phone.

After a gust of wind, Wang Yong could even feel the cold and wet feeling on his back. It's the result of sweating through the clothes.

Like throwing off the hot potato, Wang Yong put the pamphlet back on the altar. Then he left the ancestral hall as if he had escaped.

It's Yin Xia.

Wang Yong is puzzled to get through the phone. He doesn't know what Yin Xia has to do with him.

"Miss Wang, did you sleep? Sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night. I really... Don't know how to say... "Yin Xia seemed to be quite upset in her words.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yong asked curiously.

"Well, the company wants me to write more songs and take the opportunity to release a record to try the market. But... I wrote a song today, and I couldn't find the right words to fill it in. Do you understand that feeling, Mr. Wang? It's painful. I'm afraid I'll delay the company's production plan, so I thought of you and wanted you to write a poem for me. "

"But... I don't know much about music."

"It doesn't matter. As you said last time, poetry is music. I'll show you the tune, and you can just fill it in Yin Xiadao.

"So... OK." Wang Yong reluctantly agreed.

Then there was a sound of music coming from the receiver. Even after the rough treatment of the radio waves, the rhythm at the beginning still stunned Wang Yong.

At the beginning, it was the clank of a big pipa. It was like the sound of heaven and earth rising from the bottom of the lake. Slowly, slowly, suddenly. The timbre also began to change. Pipa, Dagu and other musical instruments imitated the battle drums in the battlefield, and then the blowing instruments played the trumpet.

Wang Yong seems to see the soldiers in line are rushing towards the enemy, the horses with low trunks are preparing for the sprint, the swords and guns are as bright as frost, and the killing intention rises from the two armies and pierces the dome.


There was another pipa, and the scene became heroic. The use of lute twisting skills instantly depicts the scene of fierce fighting. The sound of people overturning, the sound of knife and gun hitting, the sound of blood gushing, the sound of soldiers shouting, all conveyed between the notes. It's breathtaking.

The impassioned music continued for a long time, and finally faded away. A whimper from the moonlight tide brings people back to reality.

It's like a bloody general looking at the battlefield with both solemn and resolute eyes. Suddenly the spear, flag hunting, a man and a horse disappeared in the autumn wind.

At the end of the song, Wang Yong's mind is still haunted by an old saying: "finish the king's affairs in the world, and win the fame before and after his death."

"Miss Wang? Mr. Wang On the other end of the phone, Yin Xia's uneasy voice came. She thought Wang Yong didn't like it and stopped speaking.

"Ah, I am." Wang Yong replied quickly“ Yin Xia, this song is very good. I'll take it! I promise to give you a perfect filling

"Great! Thank you, Mr. Wang. I'm going to record a song. Goodbye. " Someone at that end urged Yin Xia, who hung up in a hurry.

Wang Yong, holding a mobile phone, seems to be still immersed in the fierce song of Zhuang Huai, unable to extricate himself for a long time.


There was a flash of lightning in the night sky. Purple electric fire circled in the air and exploded on the roof.

Hua La, the big raindrops came in an instant, and the green tiles jingled.

The wind and rain came like this without warning, just like the attack in the song.

Wang Yong looked out of the window, suddenly a flash of inspiration, jumped out of the window.

He seemed to understand the meaning of the book, and also seemed to hear the clang of the sword in Yin Xia's song.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Wang Yong is like a drunken man, regardless of the heavy rain, beating his fists in the rain. Raindrops splashed on him, broken into pieces, wet his clothes.

But Wang Yong's moves are not affected, such as a knife and a gun, piercing the heavy rain curtain and pointing to the sky.

A high song followed.

"Cannavatan, the river of inclusion. Wang Yu set up his master and built my boat

This is a ballad from the book of songs. It uses a few words to let us know

God's will is like a knife, life is scribbled, you have to bend down if you don't want to break your eyebrows

Wind like a knife, life is grass, the wind blowing grass low, who is sneering

I once dreamed of the ends of the earth. I once sold my sword for a knife

But someone has been singing that song that has been around for thousands of years

For whom? Who will repair the ship for? How can it be said that you have nothing to wear? Wear with your son

With a knife in your mouth, cut the ballad

A thousand years of gratitude and resentment

Heaven's will is like a knife, and human life is like grass. If it's grass and mustard, why fear the fire

If it's grass and mustard, don't be afraid of the wild fire. "

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