"Asshole! He threatened me Ziyu Fengqing looked at Wang Yong's information and said with gnashing teeth.

Her beautiful eyes were full of anger. For the first time, a man arched her with such fury.

This guy is like God deliberately sent to torture her, let her hate teeth itch but helpless.

"Fifty seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine... It seems that she is not ready to call. Turn off the phone and go to sleep!" Wang Yong said that he would press the power off button.

As soon as his fingertips touched the keyboard, the screen lit up.

Ziyu Fengqing's phone was late for the last second.

And her first words filled Wang Yong with a sense of success.

"You won." The son jade breeze fine tone cold way“ Come on, what do you want? "

"It's not what I want, it's an exchange of interests. Exchange, do you understand? " Wang Yong sat back at his desk and said slowly.

"I can't think of anything you can exchange with me." Ziyu's wind is fine, and he has a way of being angry.

"Who's after me to break the engagement?" Wang Yong immediately turned against the general.

"Ziyu Fengqing was speechless.

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of the fire. I've always been fair. "

"I didn't see it!"

"Take your time and you'll see. We're not here to fight. Let's get back to business. I'll tell you what I can exchange with you. I believe you will be interested in it. " In the face of Ziyu Fengqing's satire, Wang Yong doesn't agree.

"He said

"First of all, I can promise to terminate the engagement you want, but I need to terminate it myself. Of course, I won't embarrass you, let alone affect the reputation of Ziyu family. It can be limited to a small area. " Wang Yongdao.

The son jade breeze fine tiny consideration, immediately nods a way: "can. However, you need to inform me of the specific operation at that time, so as not to make you lose your mind. I don't believe you. "

"Who else would you believe if you didn't believe the benefactor?" Wang Yong shook his head and said“ Come on, I'm not the one who's begging for gratitude. I'll take it as if it didn't happen. The second thing I can give you is that I can help you deal with the fallen angels when you need them. You should know the terror of that group of people. That's not what your family bodyguards can handle. "

Wang Yong thought that this would immediately get Ziyu Fengqing's approval, but Ziyu Fengqing gave a cold hum and said: "help me? I think you're helping yourself, aren't you? You've blocked the fallen angels' plan. Their first revenge target is you. I feel like I'm safe now. What do you say? "

"I'm X!" Wang Yong angrily scolded in his heart.

This woman is just smart and unreasonable. Why do you offend the fallen angel, not to save her? She is good, a few words to sell themselves, but also a look at the fire from the other side of the posture.

Is this a human thing? These business hearts are really black!

"I've seen the nature of your businessmen." Wang Yong snorted and said.

"If you cross the river, you can't tear down the bridge. If you really want to tear down the bridge, I will reveal your whereabouts to the fallen angels, so that you can restrain each other and fight with each other. "

"..." Wang Yong lost his temper completely. Zhang Wuji's mother is right. Beautiful women are poisonous.

"But I won't do that." The son jade breeze is fine, the words front a turn, the way“ Although I am a businessman who pursues profits, at least I can't do the thing of repaying kindness with vengeance. I'm interested in your two exchange terms. Tell me what you want me to do. "

Seeing that Ziyu Fengqing was beating around the Bush, he expressed his recognition of his own conditions, and Wang Yong was shocked.

From the moment he saved yufengqing, he was thinking about this moment. The reason why he tolerated Ziyu Fengqing repeatedly and allowed her to touch herself repeatedly was also for this moment.

A moment that can make the 11 dead brothers redress their grievances!

The whole special combat squadron survived by itself. Every time Wang Yong thought of this, his heart would be as painful as a knife.

If you can't avenge for your brothers, what's the meaning of your captain's life!

"I want you to check someone for me." Wang Yong said in a deep voice.


"Zhang Jie. Former member of the first reconnaissance company of 8441 army. As for where he has gone and which army he has been transferred to, that's what you need to find out. Even if he is no longer in the army, I will find his trace! Live to see a man, die to see a corpse Wang Yong said coldly.

"It seems that you have a lot of hatred for this man." Son jade breeze fine didn't promise also didn't oppose, just light way.

"That's not what you should care about. You can only answer whether it's OK or not. "

After pondering for a long time, Ziyu Fengqing nodded: "OK, I promise you this condition. In exchange, don't forget what you should do. I don't want to be fooled. "

Wang Yong said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't turn back. If you don't worry, I can help you clear the fallen angels first. They must still be hiding in Tiantai City, waiting for an opportunity to attack you. I guess your family should have sent out people to search them for the first time, right? But if I'm right, they won't get anything. "

"Yes. The opponent is very cunning, all clues are wiped out, there is no way to find its trace Son jade breeze fine generous admit a way.

Since the accident, the Ziyu family has mobilized more than 100 people, but they just can't find the angels and others. This also makes Ziyu Fengqing deeply uneasy. I'm afraid that those cunning enemies like hungry wolves will suddenly appear somewhere and tear a piece of flesh from themselves.

"It's not surprising. As a professional European killer group, fallen angel has always been second to none in terms of coordination. What's more, you are facing the most cunning angel. To give you a direction, the killer group has a safe house in every city. If you can find a safe house, you can find them. " Wang Yongdao.

"Safe house?" The son jade breeze fine eyebrow a pick“ Tiantai is such a big city. It's hard to find them in a short time, isn't it? "

"It may be hard for you, but it's nothing for me. You need to use your head to find people. Do you think the safe house they set up will be occupied for a long time? Will it be the same for a house that doesn't live with people to live in all of a sudden? "

Hearing Wang Yong's hint, Ziyu suddenly opened up.

"I know! As long as we check the water and electricity consumption of the rental houses before and after this month, we can find them. "

"Smart!" Wang Yong gave a heartfelt praise.

This woman knows nothing about Spy Detection, but she can quickly find the direction from Wang Yong's tips. She has to be said to be a genius.

Even if someone cleans the safe house regularly, it will not produce too much water and electricity. But after the people who live in it, it's different.

Especially now is still summer, and Tiantai city is still very hot in summer.

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