Buzzing, the flying sound of the crow was hidden in the sound of the water, which did not arouse the enemy's vigilance.

In fact, even without the cover of other sounds, big crows are extremely difficult to find.

Because it can hardly hear the sound of the electric motor when flying above 300 feet, the super quiet performance and the micro size ensure that the big crow will not be attacked by enemy artillery.

And there's an infrared camera on the nose of the big crow.

At this time, the image captured by the infrared camera will be fed back to Wang Yong and displayed on the remote control screen.

Wang Yong quietly looked at the screen and concentrated on controlling the crow to avoid all kinds of obstacles.

Soon, the crow flew to the other side of the bridge. Wang Yong controlled the plane to stay high, turned the camera to shoot at the bridge.

The picture of the remote control first shakes, then a black-and-white picture appears.

There are two hills on both sides of the bridge, suitable for ambush. And at the end of the bridge, two soldiers with guns were whispering and talking to each other. From time to time, they would look across the bridge.

"These two men are still alert." Wang Yong said in secret.

"Well? "Searchlights?" Wang Yong sees a soldier from the bottom of his foot holding out a lamp the size of a miner's lamp. When it is turned on, it emits a very strong light.

It's a searchlight.

Look at that, it should be bought by a famous shopping website in Huaxia. You can buy one for a few hundred yuan. The irradiation distance is 2000 meters. It's enough to defend this bridge. There's no need for high-end infrared cameras.

"All hidden!" Wang Yong gave the order.

All the special forces immediately lay down their heads and hid their bodies.

The bright beam of light from the bridge, the surrounding area as a time, see nothing, the soldiers turned off the light.

Wang Yong looked at the soldiers through the screen and saw that the two soldiers began to talk again. Then he continued to control the crow to explore.

After a circle of exploration, Wang Yong did not expect. There are not many guards at the end of the bridge. There is a small group of six.

Two open sentries, four secret sentries. The open Sentry is at the bridge head, while the secret Sentry is hidden on both sides of the hill. Each person holds a strange shape assault rifle.

Wang Yong recognized that it was a MA1 assault rifle made in Myanmar. This kind of gun is not only inferior in appearance, but also inferior in quality. From 100 meters away, the impact point will have severe scattering, and the shooting accuracy is very poor. Even after the Allied forces seized these guns, they were reluctant to use them, preferring to use some old-fashioned rifles.

In addition, the only threat to Wang Yong and others is an old heavy machine gun mounted on the right side of the mountain.

It's a Chinese type 67 light and heavy general purpose machine gun.

And this machine gun is famous all over the world for no other reason, just because it is in the hands of many bullied small countries in the Middle East. In particular, elak purchased tens of thousands of pieces at one time, which caused a lot of trouble to Meidi.

The Burmese government army, because of its proximity to water, naturally will not seek distance from the near. It is also equipped with this machine gun.

Wang Yong is well aware of the power of the 67 style. If a fire breaks out within 1000 meters, let alone crossing a bridge, even if there is no bridge and there is a flat land, you can't rush to it.

In this small-scale battle, a heavy machine gun can play a decisive role and completely suppress the opponent.

"You have to find a way to get it. The allies are a little too poor. They don't even have heavy machine guns. What kind of special forces are they? " Wang Yong said in secret.

There is always a lack of heavy firepower support in the special forces. Wang Yong's idea at the moment is to support the war with war and get the heavy machine gun on the opposite side.

After finding out the enemy's situation, Wang Yong took back the crow.

Thinking slightly, Wang Yong immediately gave the battle order.

"White feather, when you see the light coming on, immediately take the light as the center, move it 20 mm to the left and fire. Speed must be fast, try to shoot as soon as the light is on

"I understand!" White feather, come back.

Wang Yong, on the other hand, held a handful of * in his hand, touched it a little bit and lurked down.

This is Ziyu Fengqing's weapon with the highest technical content in those American weapons, and it is also the favorite of sniper experts. White feather wanted to have fun several times, but Wang Yong refused.

*It's not that you can change it. White feather can't play well.

After the * was set up, Wang Yong put the night vision on his head.

After slightly feeling the wind speed and air humidity, Wang Yong immediately picked up a stone and smashed it toward the steel cable bridge.

When there was a sound, the stone hit the cable heavily, making a sound. The whole cable of the vibration hummed to the other end of the bridge.

"Who?" Two soldiers at the end of the bridge called out alertly.

At the same time, the soldiers holding the searchlight turned on the searchlight and a beam of strong light shone in the past.

But see the other side of a white open space, wind and water into one, pouring into the ears, where is anyone?

"What the hell!" Muttered the soldier, just about to move the searchlight to see the rest of the area.

At this time, a gunshot broke through the night sky, and then the soldier opened a blood hole in his heart.

The soldier looked down in disbelief and fell to the ground with a puff.

The searchlights also rolled down into the water.

At this time, Bai Yu understood why Wang Yong wanted him to shoot quickly, because the habitual action of human lantern would keep the searchlight in the waist position. It's about a few seconds before it moves to explore different areas.

At that time, when the light source moved, it was difficult to judge the key parts of the opponent according to the light source. So in the light source just appeared at the moment of shooting, can maximize hit the key.

"There are enemies!" Another soldier was splashed with blood and scared out of his wits.

Don't want to go underground, want to avoid the sniper's attack.

It has to be said that he was very wise. Instead of turning around and running away, he chose to lie down. It's really hard for a sniper to hit in a low position.

It's just that he's not very lucky. He met Wang Yong. A sniper master who can't infer from the level of a normal sniper.


The bullet made a wonderful line in the air and hit the soldier in the head.

Wang Yong's shot is clearly designed to advance, hit a perfect mobile target.

"The instructor is really powerful! I will not be able to catch up with this one shot at the head for another three years. " White feather said silently in his heart.

After hanging up two companions one after another, the four soldiers who were ambushing in the hills on both sides were finally alarmed.

Their first reaction was that the enemy wanted to cross the river.

The one who controlled the 67 heavy machine gun started shooting wildly.

Bullets across the river, dada dada sweep on the ground on the other side, the ground out of a pit.

The other three soldiers were also shooting at random with guns.

With this kind of intensive firepower, Wang Yong and others want to break through the past, which is just like a fool's dream.

"Peng Yin! Give them some color. " Wang Yong gave the order.

Peng Yin firepower group, which had been in ambush for a long time, showed up in an instant and began to suppress firepower relying on the advantage of terrain.

Both sides are like headless flies, mindless volleys. After playing for a long time, I didn't touch the other side.

And Wang Yong took advantage of this Kung Fu, quickly changed a position and aimed * at the machine gunner who was shooting madly.

It's just that this position is a little far away, about 1200 meters. It's very difficult to hit.

But for * it's more than enough* The effective range of M82A1 is 1850 meters. As long as the technology is good enough, 1200 meters is not a distance beyond the limit of difficulty coefficient.

Wang Yong carefully adjusted the muzzle of the gun and gave instructions to Bai Yu.

"White feather, full speed wind, left 30 mils. Shoot

Bai Yu subconsciously obeyed Wang Yong's instructions, adjusted the muzzle of the gun to the designated position, and pulled the trigger.

And Wang Yong fired at the same time.


The sound of two bullets overlapped to form a single echo sound, which made people mistakenly think that there was only one bullet.

After hearing the sound of sniper bullets, the machine gunner on the opposite side rolled to one side with almost monkey like speed.

Obviously, in the process of shooting, he never relaxed his vigilance and kept alert to potential snipers.

It turned out that he was on the right alert. The sniper who killed two of his companions shot again.

Unfortunately, as a veteran, the machine gunner is quite familiar with the different sounds of bullets. As soon as the sniper shell came out of the chamber, he recognized it and dodged immediately.

No sniper can hit him.

Machine gunner mouth with a smile of satisfaction, that the sniper must escape the past.

However, with a puff, something seemed to fly into his chest. The huge force drove his body to lean back, and then there was a sharp pain in his chest, which blurred his eyes.

"How... How possible?"

The machine gunner closed his eyes with a puzzled look on his face.

"What is it?" White feather was also stunned by the scene in the sniper mirror.

He never thought that he could hit the enemy and snipe the enemy with one shot.

At this time, Wang Yong said: "well done! Go on

This is a common tactic of the two person sniper team. The main sniper is responsible for sniping, and the other is responsible for repairing the gun to prevent the target from escaping or the main hand from making mistakes.

It's just that Wang Yong is more clever. He works out the location of the shooter and gives instructions to Bai Yu in advance.

The machine gunner was killed and the situation changed immediately.

There were only three soldiers left at the opposite end of the bridge. Without the firepower of heavy machine guns, they could only be beaten and huddled behind the earth bags, and did not dare to show their heads.

I want to fill in the past and regain control of the machine gun. But at the thought of the sniper, the soldiers were frightened.

"They are not allies! There are no such snipers in the alliance! Have we been attacked by elite troops of some country? " Said one of the soldiers, trembling.

"Very likely! What should I do? Do you want to report back to the general? "

"Yes, it must be! So, you take control of the machine gun and cover me. I'll go back and report to the general immediately, and help the soldiers by the way! " The senior of the three spoke.

Although the other two were reluctant, they had to follow the man's orders.

A guy stealthily touched it and reached the heavy machine gun position. He just touched the trigger of the heavy machine gun and half of his head showed.

All of a sudden, there was a bang of gunfire, a fire burst out, and a sniper bullet rubbed the barrel of the machine gun and burst into the guy's head.

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