Because the smell from the enclosed space is too strong. If you use one thing to describe it, it's the microwave oven baked durian. The taste is not fruit at all, it's baking.

Even Wang Yong's endurance was so strong that he couldn't hold it. He was choked to the ground.

"What the hell? Is it a septic tank Wang Yong muttered.

If it's a septic tank, it's funny. I've been looking for it for a long time. I thought I found Kunde's secret, but I found a cesspit. It must make people laugh to death.

Touch out the tactical flashlight, Wang Yong shine into the confined space.

In the light, I saw pieces of dirt floating in the dark dirty water, occasionally I could see some yellow and white things exposed. Inside, swarms of mosquitoes and flies linger, lying on the yellow and white things. Surprised by the light of Wang Yong's flashlight, he just heard the buzzing and rushed towards the light.

"What a septic tank!" Wang Yong was shocked.

Turn off the flashlight and get out of the way.

Without the light, the mosquitoes and flies were in a mess. After a long time, there was no sound. I should have dived into the pool again.

Wang Yong's face looks like he can't laugh or cry. He really doesn't know how to describe his current mood.

I didn't expect to find a septic tank.

What's wrong with this kunder? Send a sniper to guard the septic tank.

"Hua La", at this time, suddenly a slight sound came from the septic tank.

It sounds like the sound of water, but it's not exactly. It seems that the clatter of the chain stirred the sewage.

Wang Yong suddenly felt a movement in his heart and felt the flashlight again, shining to the place where the voice came from.

This time, when the light reached that position, Wang Yong couldn't help grinning.

Wang Yong would laugh if he didn't worry about being heard by the enemy.

Because it's just like stepping on the iron shoes, there's no place to look, and it doesn't take any effort!

In the light, a man with a shawl droops his head and looks powerless.

Many mosquitoes and flies lie on him, like eating a piece of carrion. There were many bone exposed wounds on the man, which seemed to be festering and very serious.

Half of his body was buried in the cesspool, and only his arms were chained to the post and came out of the water.

Only one thumb was left in the right palm, and the other four fingers were gone. There was pus and blood flowing from the wound.

These characteristics come together and only one person can have them. That's Zhong Kui!

Ziyu Fengqing's intelligence officer!

In the video Kunde sent to Wang Yong, Kunde cuts off Zhong Kui's four fingers by himself. Wang Yong clearly remembers that it is his right hand.

It can be inferred that Kunde did not put Zhong Kui in Rangoon, but took him to the front line.

As the flashlight turns, Wang Yong looks to other places.

This septic tank is not small and should be able to accommodate many people. It seems that Zhong Kui is not alone here.

Sure enough, Wang Yong saw four or five prisoners in succession. Are beaten black and blue, all weak immersion in the cesspool.

Someone was stimulated by the light and opened his eyes feebly. He thought that Wang Yong was under Kunde's command. Bah, he took a mouthful of blood and scolded: "I want my grandfather to betray commander Peng, but there is no way!"

The accent is a bit of Huaxia Sichuan dialect, and it speaks the orthodox Chinese.

In his words, he mentioned commander Peng. In Myanmar, commander Peng had only one person, Peng Jiasheng.

Is this man an ally soldier?

A curse, the other prisoners were awakened, clattering chain sound, curse also followed. In particular, Zhong Kui scolded the most ruthlessly and had the most variety.

This intelligence officer traveled all over the world, but he learned all kinds of dialect swearing words. Every word he scolded, it was called a tongue blooming lotus.

If Wang Yong can't understand it, he can still understand it.

Rao is aware that the other party has recognized the wrong person, and Wang Yong is also very angry. Zhong Kui was born with the attribute of ridicule, and even Wang Yong was not immune.

"Don't scold. Ziyu Fengqing asked me to come!" Wang yongchong said Zhong Kui.

Hearing the four words "Ziyu Fengqing", Zhenghuan's mouth was closed in an instant, and his eyes suddenly flickered with a ray of hope, while still maintaining a third degree of doubt.

This is the reason that an intelligence officer should have. He does not blindly believe in everything.

"You don't have to doubt it. My name is Wang Yong. I asked you to inquire about Zhang Jie. " Wang Yong explained.

Hearing this explanation, the suspicion in Zhong Kui's eyes was eliminated.

He knows Wang Yong.

"Wait!" Wang Yong picked up the star on the ground and aimed at the iron chain tied to Zhong Kui.

Bang a gun, a bullet shot, hot air impact of mosquitoes and flies scattered, escape less than directly burned, fell in the cesspool.

The chain was broken by the bullet. Zhong Kui immediately dropped his hands, almost fell into the pool.

If it falls, I'm afraid I'll have to drink a few mouthfuls of dung water.

Fortunately, Zhong Kui had some basic skills, so he steadfastly went to the exit. Wang Yong stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

"Those people are under commander gobanpeng. Let's save them together. After all, Guobang shares the same ancestry with us. " Zhong Kui looked at several other people in the septic tank and told Wang Yongdao.

Wang Yong nodded: "this is nature. Even if you don't say it, I will be saved, because I still have an identity, commander Peng's teacher. "

"What? Are you commander Peng's teacher? " Wang Yong's words surprised those Guobang soldiers.

"It's a long story. Believe it or not. After you are rescued, everything will be clear. "

Wang Yong spoke very fast. At the same time, the muzzle of the gun in his hand moved continuously. He almost didn't need to aim, but broke the chains of the prisoners.

These people have been tortured for several days. Coupled with the harsh environment, their physical strength has been exhausted for a long time.

They can only help each other and move a little inside. It takes half a day just to climb up the bamboo tower.

In addition, Zhong Kui had a total of five people. Except for Wang Yong, they were all dirty and smelly, and the wounds were festering to varying degrees.

"Come on, you're going to retreat to the jungle. Someone will meet you! I'll come later! " Wang Yong's ear moved, and he heard the gunfire in the distance. It was estimated that Peng Yin and others had caught fire with the enemy.

Zhong Kui nodded. Knowing that they would only drag their feet in this situation, they immediately took each other and fled to the jungle in pain.

Originally, they were worried that they would be intercepted by the enemy all the way. Who knows that they didn't see any living people except the corpses.

If you look at the dead enemy sentries, they are all assassinated. Most of them still died of sentinel killing.

Some of the corpses even kept the expression of their life. It was obvious that they died in a hurry and died before they had time to respond.

"It's not like a person can do this? Did that guy bring a special brigade of Huaxia? " Zhong Kui said to himself.

Several other Guobang soldiers also nodded: "the technique is neat, even if it is for us, in the case of keeping enough vigilance, it is impossible to avoid. Fortunately, that man is not the enemy of the allies, otherwise it will be really bad luck

Unfortunately, they did not know that the special forces led by Wang Yong were from their allies. If you know, you may not be surprised.

Daddada, Wang Yong left hand *, right hand *, quickly toward the planned house.

The two teams of the special forces have been on fire with the enemy for a long time. According to Wang Yong's six person open door theory, they unexpectedly burst into the room and instantly opened fire to kill the guards.

The training of these two days has really seen the results. The conditioned muscle memory has not been eliminated. After entering the combat state, the special combat team members almost see the enemy flash in front of their eyes and shoot subconsciously without reminding their teammates.

In front of them, Kunde's soldiers were just local people, vulnerable to attack.

"This is what a special team should look like! Cool The special operations team laughed.

It's the first time that the team has been established for such a long time to show its style like a real special operations player.

Two groups of people fire, will teach Wang Yong's Footwork and shooting show incisively and vividly.

The guards around the two houses were startled and rushed up one by one, trying to crush the allies with their weapons as before.

However, they did not know that what they met at this time was not the ordinary allies, nor the mud legs with only old-fashioned weapons.

Now this allied army is a special force with advanced operational concepts and equipped with American guns.

Soon the people in the two rooms were cleared, and the results were reported to Wang yong'er.

"Report, team 1 didn't find the target!"

"Team 2 didn't find the target, either!"

There was no Kunde in both rooms. Obviously, the old fox is hiding deeper, probably hiding in a room that even ordinary sentinels don't know.

Kunde's cunning is beyond description.


After hearing the report, Wang Yong had no trace of regret or disappointment. It was a very calm retreat order.

So the two groups began to retreat in an orderly manner according to the formation of the pre drill.

Wuwuwu ~, the shrill alarm suddenly sounded, but the strong attack of the special team finally triggered the alarm.

The whole Kunde camp was in a moment of uproar, and everyone jumped up like a cat who had been trampled on its tail. Pick up your pants, pick up your arms and rush outside the barracks.

There were about 500 people left in the whole camp, which shocked most of them in a moment.

The tide of black people came, and the posture was quite spectacular.

"Stupid! Give them a melon Wang Yong sneered and said.

The members of the special forces, laughing, took out a few *, opened the ring and threw them into the crowd.

This kind of disordered battle formation is my favorite. One explosion can kill and injure one.

“*! Hide There was a scream in the crowd, and then Kunde soldiers, who were still fierce just now, were scattered in an instant, lying on the ground, running wildly, making a mess.

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