"These bastards are insulting us! And write with Lao Jin's blood! If we don't kill them all, we will swear not to be human! "

A soldier roared angrily.

"Kill them all! Kill Guanghua dog Kunde's soldiers are all Burmese aborigines, and they are naturally hostile to the Chinese in Guobang.

At the moment, one by one gnashes his teeth and looks murderous. I wish I could have another big purge and kill all the Chinese in Myanmar.

More than 40 years ago, a large-scale clean-up movement took place in the whole Myanmar territory under the promotion of conscientious people. All the indigenous people in Myanmar smashed the shops, factories and other industries of the Chinese people, and even injured and killed many people. During this period, the scandals of insulting women were numerous, and the whole Myanmar was denounced by the whole world.

The scope and duration of the incident were astonishing. Even the Chinese embassy was attacked and set on fire by the mob.

Up to now, some old people who fled back at that time still have a lingering fear when they talk about the incident.

Now, decades later, this kind of xenophobic thought still exists in the hearts of the indigenous people in Myanmar.

"That's right! Those damned Chinese dogs not only occupy our resources, but also our country! In particular, Peng Jiasheng, who is an old man, even regards himself as a Burmese. He deserves it! Brothers, stand up, take up the gun, let's fight the Guobang dog back to their real hometown

At this time, an officer came forward and made an inspiring speech.

All of a sudden, the mood of all the soldiers was pushed to a peak, almost to the top.

A lot of people beat chicken blood, whistling, hoping to sweep all the way, the Guobang position to end.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The officer saw it and waved“ Revenge must be taken, but there is one more thing we have to do before we take revenge. "

"What's the matter?"

"We can't let the blood of our comrades in arms flow in vain, and we can't let the corpses of our comrades in arms be exposed in the wilderness! They are heroes, we should give them the treatment of heroes! A few people, put Lao Jin's body away, and wait until the end of the war for the state funeral! " The officer said impassioned.

In fact, he has no right to give a state funeral.

But on this occasion, this kind of words is a good incentive for a group of soldiers.

Immediately, many people rushed to collect the bodies of their comrades in arms.

With all hands and feet, several people picked up the body and wanted to wrap it in a military flag for burial.

Other soldiers also approached, stood at attention and raised their hands to salute.

The scene was solemn.

But the atmosphere lasted less than five seconds, and there was a loud bang.

The original body position suddenly burst out a big fire, also don't know how many mines are buried together, was detonated.

The strong shock wave forms a tornado like air mass and blows around.

The scattered shrapnel and gravel are like bullets and sharp as steel knives. They burst out in an instant and shoot in all directions. Only the sound of whooshing is heard, just like someone is setting off fireworks.

The next second saw several people carrying the body disappear.

In the center of the explosion point, they were directly blown into pieces, even the whole body could not be left.

The soldiers who were far away were not spared. The shrapnel splashed out and penetrated into their bodies.

It wasn't until the aftermath of the explosion had completely dissipated that Kunde soldiers remembered to lie down.

But this kind of escape effect is not very good. After the smoke dispersed, eleven people died in the explosion.

Countless soldiers were injured. Soldiers near the salute were more or less affected and injured.

"Asshole! Blood for blood! Don't let me catch you, or I'll eat you alive! " Shrieked the agitated officer.

The morale that was hard to gather was destroyed by a * in this way, and depending on the situation, we don't want to stir it up again.

This scene fell into the eyes of Wang Yong, who was watching with a night vision device in the distance.

Wang Yong's mouth flickered with a sneer, saying nothing.

With a wave of his hand, he signaled the team members to continue to retreat.

And he took out the big crow and threw it from a distance. The big crow rose quickly, flew out of the jungle and flew towards Kunde barracks.

Wang Yong stepped back and watched the scene on the control handle of the crow to detect the enemy's movement.

Kunde's men were obviously timid after taking this big loss. The whole party integrated the team and continued to search, but the pushing speed was really bad, and it felt like walking on thin ice.

In a few minutes, I only walked less than 500 meters. The commander was very angry.

What made him even more angry was that the front team stopped again.

"What are you doing? What for? You don't want to live? I don't know that the general is watching from behind! " The commander came forward and scolded.

"In front of... In front of our bodies." A soldier pointed to the front, frightened.

The commander looked over and saw that there was a corpse in the middle of the big tree in front of him. He had an impression that it was really a soldier on their side.

It's just a lesson. How dare the commander send people to collect the corpse?

Can let it go, the body is horizontal there, like a roadblock. Who knows if there's any thunder down there? If you touch it, it's trouble.

Hard heart, the commander made a decision, although he knew that this decision would be very demoralizing, but there was no way.

"Shoot me! Think of it as cremation! " The commander said with a cruel heart.

Hearing his order, a strange look flashed on the soldiers' faces, and they didn't want to fight.

They can't help but put the corpses of their comrades in arms on their own. No one wants to be trampled by his own people even after he dies.

"A bunch of trash!" The commander scolded.

He snatched an automatic rifle from the soldier nearby, pulled the trigger, and the whole shuttle shot out and poured over the body.

Instantly, the body was beaten, and there was no human form. Fortunately, there was no thunder under the body and there was no explosion.


The commander returned the gun to the soldiers, he ordered.

It was only when he left that his face suddenly changed. Because he heard a familiar voice, it was the sound of the safety pin cracking.

"Run Yelled the commander, jumping into the bushes nearby.

Seeing this, the soldiers nearby fled one after another.

But it was too late. With a roar, a flame rose from where they stood, engulfing the soldiers in the center.

The body still had a trap after all!

A moment later, the smoke cleared. This time, several soldiers were damaged.

The soldiers' self-confidence was reduced to the lowest point by two successive strokes.

One by one listless, dejected, before the momentum of no trace.

Behind the line, Kunde saw the scene with a telescope, and his mouth was crooked.

"Useless things! I'm good at food and drink. I'm raising you. I'm raising such a group of rubbish! "

After scolding, Kunde calmed down for a while.

I know what I said is a bit serious. These two soldiers are extremely insidious and despicable. He may not be able to recognize them, let alone these ordinary soldiers.

As a result, Kunde even more think that these special forces members have a different origin, can not be allied forces.

"Well, let's keep a team of people on the hunt, and let's get the others back. When the old street is laid down, we must redouble our humiliation today! " Kunde hates the voice.

With that, he turned to return to the barracks.

At this time, Wang Yong is looking at Kunde's action through the big crow, and sees that Kunde wants to go.

Wang Yong's eyes flashed a sense of obliteration, coldly said: "want to go? How could it be so easy! "

With that, a simple remote control in the other hand suddenly pressed.

With a bang, a fierce fire burst out in a bush on the edge of the jungle.

A bullet shot at Kunde like a meteor.

Kunde just stepped out with one foot, heard the sound, suddenly turned his head, and saw the bullet running towards him.

"There's a sniper!" This is Kunde's first idea.

The next thought is to suddenly lie down on the ground, as if it was a dog eating shit, no longer care about what the general's face.


There was a slight deviation in the bullet, which passed Kunde's standing position and hit an adjutant next to Kunde.

The adjutant didn't understand what happened, so he was stunned, his eyes bulged, and a big blood hole appeared in his chest.

The back was blown out of a big hole, half of the back was gone.

The power of the king of heavy sniper is so overbearing.

Looking at the adjutant's slowly falling body, Kunde's face turned white.

If he hadn't been quick, I'm afraid the bullet would have hit his arm at least.

According to the power of *, even if it is rubbed, it will be seriously injured, and it is very likely that the whole arm will be scrapped.

"Fortunately, fortunately..." Kunde was still in shock. He felt that his heart was beating violently, and his brain was buzzing, as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

He hasn't experienced this kind of battle for a long time. He has always protected himself. He died before others got close to him. How is it possible to make such an attack on him?

But today's enemy has repeatedly threatened his life. First of all, he entered the camp unconsciously and cut off his two spare dwellings.

Then he ambushed the sniper on the way back and nearly shot him.

These people are really terrible.

"By the way, sniper!" Kunde in the heart of a fierce spirit, think of the distance is also ambush a sniper. Roll continuously on the ground to avoid the second sniper.

At the same time, the soldiers were ordered to outflank the shooting bushes.

But when the soldiers carefully surrounded the Bush, they found that there was only a small tree inside.

*Tied to a simple electric motor, the opposite side is based on this to make a mobile sniper platform.

When Kunde saw * and the electric motor, his face became very angry. He grabbed the gun and fell to the ground. His eyes flashed with a cold light like a poisonous snake, and he went away in a huff.

But he didn't find that in the sky above him, there was a UAV hovering low, photographing his every move and sending it back.

Wang Yong, on the other hand, is staring at the screen of the remote control, looking annoyed.

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