One night passed, and the next morning, Wang Yong woke up.

Although the wound on the back has been sewn up, it still hurts a little when you stretch your waist. It's just a bullet scratch. You can imagine what it would be like if it hit completely.

Lin Qianyan's Scythe is definitely a large sniper bullet with a caliber of more than 15mm. This caliber can be called on the anti equipment sniper rifle, even if you wear a bulletproof vest can be shot through.

"That woman is so untouchable." Wang Yong sighed in his heart.

The more I feel that this trip to Myanmar is full of difficulties. It's just a Kunde that's hard to handle. Now there's another Lin Qianyan. Two people a bright and a dark, let Wang Yong headache incomparable.

Pushing open the door of the medical room, Wang Yong looked into the distance.

There was no gunfire or smoke. Even some birds came from the front line, which was different from yesterday's "wanjingrenmie".

It seems that yesterday's beheading did have some effect, at least Kunde did not launch another frenzied offensive.

"Instructor, so early? Are you all right? " But white feather came and asked.

"It's OK. By the way, do you know where the brothers we rescued are? " Wang Yong asked.

"Yes, they are in the field hospital in the southeast corner." White feather.

It's a battlefield hospital, but it's just a nice name. In fact, it's just a row of simple bamboo buildings, all of which are hollow in the middle. There are many wounded soldiers lying under the bamboo building.

There are several white coat nurses busy, but there are only two real doctors, which is obviously not enough.

Wang Yong shakes his head. Zhong Kui's injuries are very serious. I'm afraid the medical conditions of the Allied forces can't be cured.

Walking into the field hospital, I heard a doctor talking to a little nurse.

"The injuries of those five people were quite serious, with many tissues festering on their bodies, and some of them had been greatly infected. With our medical conditions, I'm afraid it's difficult to control this kind of infection. When you change their dressing, be tactful. If the injury worsens, we have to take extraordinary measures The doctor said solemnly.

The little nurse nodded frequently and went in with a roll of gauze and liquid medicine.

The so-called extraordinary method is to treat the head and foot of a headache doctor and cut off where the infection occurs. The arms, legs and feet are hard to keep.

"Doctor, can I go in and see them?" Wang Yong suddenly asked.

The doctor took a look at Wang Yong. He had sutured Wang Yong last night. He knew Wang Yong and knew that Wang Yong was Peng Jiasheng's teacher. So he nodded and let Wang Yong in.

As soon as he entered, Wang Yong smelled a bad smell, which was the mixture of anti-inflammatory medicine and carrion.

The five people Wang Yong rescued were lying on the hospital bed at this time. They were wrapped in bandages and exuded blood.

It can be seen that the festering wound has not been controlled and is still eroding their bodies. The blood on the bandage was black.

Hearing someone coming in, five people opened their eyes and looked at the door. After seeing that it was Wang Yong, five people struggled to sit up and wanted to go down.

The little nurse, who was changing their dressing, reprimanded them: "what do you want to do? You don't want to die? Get back to bed! Especially you, the most disobedient

It's Zhong Kui.

The man who survived the hardships was unexpectedly weak when he faced the little nurse. With a smile, one of the legs just raised was pulled back into the bed.

Wang Yong couldn't help smiling. He could see that Zhong Kui was interested in the little nurse, so he was so obedient.

Other people naturally can see it and laugh. Others tease the little nurse and say, "we're not going to marry you. Don't listen to you? It's necessary to bow when you see your benefactor. "

Then he struggled to stand on the ground and bowed to Wang Yong.

The little nurse blushed and covered the wound of the speaker with a cotton swab stained with iodine, which made him cry in pain and dare not make a joke any more.

"Don't mention it, brothers. To tell you the truth, it was a mistake for me to save you. I didn't know where you were imprisoned." Wang Yong explained.

"Anyway, it's Mr. who saved us. We owe him a life! If you need help, just say hello. If the four of us frown, we are cowards It was the company commander surnamed Chen who was a senior officer in the Alliance Army.

The honest character of Guobang people is very clear in him. Because of this saving grace, he is willing to exchange one life for another, and go through life and death for Wang Yong.

Wang Yong is slightly moved, but few people can have such kind of friendship in this era. The so-called "you treat me with your countrymen, and I repay them with my countrymen" is just like that.

This material barren area, in a different way, retains the character of the ancient Chinese hundreds of years ago.

"Mr. Zhong Kui." Wang Yong goes to Zhong Kui, who is a Taoist.

Two people look at each other, at the same time flash two people to understand the eyes. Some words, inconvenient to say here, can only use eye contact.

"Is it convenient now? If you can, follow me to meet commander Peng Wang Yong reached out to help Zhong Kui. In name, it was consultation, but in fact, it was kidnapping.

"What are you doing? Don't think that you are the commander and no one dares to take care of you! He can't move now Obviously, the little nurse was also interested in Zhong Kui. She immediately came to protect the calf, just like an old hen protecting her chicks.

"It's OK, yu'er. Mr. Wang said, "I must have something to do." Zhong Kui dissuaded.

The little nurse named yu'er pouted and moved away.

With a smile, Wang Yong helped Zhong Kui out.

Wang Yong didn't stop until he got to the place where there was no one around. He asked in a low voice, "have you met Zhang Jie?"

Zhong Kui nodded: "after receiving the order from the young lady, I bribed a nanny in Kunde's house. It took me more than a month to find out that Zhang Jie was really in Kunde's house. Only rarely came out to see people, the nanny only met once in all. I asked the nanny to draw a picture of Kunde's house, thinking that she would take Zhang Jie away and give it to miss. Who knows... "

"What's wrong with the nanny?" Wang Yong's eyes flashed and asked.

"Well. After she handed me the map, she suddenly got scared. Afraid that Kunde would kill her, he told Kunde. You should see what happened later. " Zhong Kui said calmly.

Later, Kunde grabs Zhong Kui, cuts off his four fingers, makes a video and sends it to Ziyu Fengqing.

Wang Yong looked at Zhong Kui's right hand with some guilt, his eyes lit up with a light of determination, and said: "don't worry, Kunde's life is up to me!"

After that, Wang Yong looked at Zhong Kui again and said, "you are seriously injured. You must know that the medical level of the Allied forces can not cure you at all, and even delay your illness. My idea is to send you back to China and cure you at home. At the same time, help me bring a message to Ziyu Fengqing. "

Zhong Kui pondered slightly. This is a good thing for him, but he looks a little reluctant.

Wang Yong laughed and immediately understood what Zhong Kui was thinking.

"I can tell commander Peng to let the little nurse go with you. Even company commander Chen and his four can go to China for treatment. There is no mistake in treating illness and in love! "

By Wang Yong's mind, Zhong Kui was not a red face, but he did not refute it.

Obviously, Wang Yong's words won his heart.

"By the way, did Kunde only take you to the front this time? Zhang Jie didn't bring it? " Wang Yong asked.

"No. It should still be in Yangon. " Zhong Kui replied.

Wang Yong frowned, which was a bit unexpected.

"Well, I see. Now, let's solve your problem first. Let's go and see commander Peng

Then Wang Yong led Zhong Kui to Peng Jiasheng command post.

After pushing the door, Wang Yong introduced the identity of Zhong Kui, only saying that Zhong Kui had something to do with a senior Chinese. I hope that he can be escorted back to China for treatment by the Allied forces. The senior leader will surely feel grateful for commander Peng and speak for Guo bang.

Peng Jiasheng's face was slightly surprised.

He guessed that Zhong Kui was related to the Chinese government, but he didn't expect that such a deep connection could affect the decision-making of the Chinese high-level.

In fact, Wang Yong deliberately raised Zhong Kui's value. What really worked was Ziyu Fengqing, not Zhong Kui.

But now Wang Yong and Zhong Kui are both in one. The better Zhong Kui says, the better Wang Yong will be. Peng Jiasheng naturally has confidence in his heart and will not easily quit the old street.

"Good! I agree! In that case, thank you, Mr. Zhong Kui! " Peng Jiasheng made a quick decision.

In fact, Guobang has been in contact with some senior officials of Huaxia, but Kunde's sudden attack seems to have confused the senior officials of Huaxia. Until now, he has not given a suggestion or any secret help.

If we can influence the attitude of Huaxia through Zhong Kui, the chance of Guobang's survival will be doubled.

"Commander Peng, you're welcome." Zhong Kui Baoquan do.

The three discussed for a while, mainly because Peng Jiasheng talked about Guobang's demands, hoping that Zhong Kui would help convey them.

After that, he let triangle eye take a group of people to escort Zhong Kui, Chen Lianchang and others to the Chinese border.

And the nurse yu'er was naturally among them.

At the time of farewell, Wang Yong only said one word to Zhong Kui.

"Tell Ziyu that the wind is clear and that he should seize this opportunity against the small trend and along with the big trend."

Zhong Kui took Wang Yong's words to the road.

As for this sentence, how to listen to Ziyu Fengqing and how to do it is beyond Wang Yong's control.

From land estate building.

Ziyu Fengqing received the news of Zhong Kui's return at noon.

She was quite surprised. She didn't expect Wang Yong to be so efficient. After only a few days in Burma, she successfully rescued Zhong Kui.

And what happened in Cangyuan County, Ziyu Fengqing already knew. She didn't expect that big cat would betray, and she made such a terrible case.

Fortunately, when she got the news from the police and knew that Wang Yong was safe, Ziyu Fengqing was relieved.

"Go against the small trend and follow the big trend." Ziyu Fengqing repeated the words Wang Yong brought to her and paced back and forth in the room.

Wang Yong said that this is an opportunity, but is it really appropriate to participate in Myanmar's internal affairs? It's against her usual business principles.

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