Wang Yong had to work out the specific plan in detail, including seeking Peng Jiasheng's help.

Wang Yong doesn't believe that Peng Jiasheng has been operating in Myanmar for so many years, and there will be few dark sons in Rangoon. Even Peng Jiasheng may be in the presidential palace.

In order to kill Kunde, Peng Jiasheng should be willing to use those dark sons.

The sun was setting, and soon it was evening.

Because of the arrival of Ziyu Fengqing's truck of weapons, the whole Confederate army was as mad as crazy and began to cheer. In particular, a few guys from the special forces prefer Chinese made equipment to American style equipment.

All the fun was intercepted by the special forces, and the rest of the currency was released to the ordinary soldiers.

Wang Yong didn't lead the training team today, but gave the task to Peng Yin. Wang Yong has taught some basic things, and the rest is to consolidate and practice repeatedly, and take part in more operations to accumulate experience.

Experience is more important than skill. A veteran with poor skills is more than twice as likely to survive as a Lancer. This has been proved by the baptism of the battlefield.

Wang Yong had a meal at the dinner time. Looking at the already falling night, it's hard to have a moment of peace in my heart.

The climate in Myanmar is hot and humid, which is unbearable even in the evening. In the same environment as the Allied barracks, it would be impossible for anyone else to stay for a day. Because it's not much different from camping.

Wang Yong is OK. After all, he has experience in fighting in the jungle. And it's already a cooler time of the day. The breeze is gentle, and it's so cool that people don't want to move.

Wang Yong stopped one step at a time, and it took him half an hour to get back to his bedroom.

This scene completely falls into one's eyes.

Outside the camp, Lin Qianyan is sitting on the trunk of a big tree with his legs swinging, watching Wang Yong's movements closely.

Her head tilted slightly, as if thinking about how to deal with Wang Yong. The best way, of course, is to lure Wang Yong out of the camp. After all, it's the base camp of the alliance. Once found, Lin Qianyan can't bear it.

But Wang Yong is not stupid. How can he not know this?

"It's a headache." Lin Qian sighed and said.

As the fastest rising star killer in recent years, Lin Qianyan felt the pressure for the first time. In the hundreds of tasks she has carried out, no one is more difficult than Wang Yong.

Wang Yong is not only good at Kung Fu, but also cunning and shameless. He is full of tricks. If you don't talk about it, it's shameless. Some of the words I said made people blush.

Thinking of Wang Yong's saying "I have a harder place" before, Lin Qian's eyes only felt that his cheek was slightly hot.

"Hooligans!" Lin Qian Yan scolded lightly, but he didn't see much anger on his face. On the contrary, he had a little bit of flirting.

At this time, Wang Yong had already come to the door of his dormitory. He said it was a dormitory, but in fact it was just a simple bamboo building. Wang Yong lives in a better house.

The houses of other allied soldiers did not even have the appearance of a room. It was a simple row shop, but it was built one meter above the ground.

Gee, Wang Yong opened the door and just wanted to enter the room. Suddenly, as if he had noticed something, he turned back and looked in a certain direction outside the camp.

And that direction is exactly where Lin Qianyan is.

Scared Lin thousand eyes small face a stretch, swinging legs also dare not move. The whole person seems to be integrated with a big tree. It's hard to see a person sitting on the tree trunk without a high-power telescope.

Half a minute later, Wang Yong took back his eyes suspiciously and walked into the room.

"Oh, Ma, I'm scared to death! That guy's got a nose like a dog. " Lin Qianyan patted his chest and muttered to himself with lingering fear.

"No, we have to deal with him tonight. But what should we do? Are you going to kill him or wait for him to fall asleep in the middle of the night? "

Lin Qian thought about it and finally decided on a plan.

That's a midnight raid.

Killers, silent killing is the basic rule. It's a shame for killers to attack this unskilled means.

Lin Qianyan made an excuse for not daring to attack.

It's always hard to fall asleep at night in Myanmar. Wang Yong can't sleep in bed.

There is always a tingling sensation at the suture of the back wound, which is a sign of healing. I don't know when Wang Yong began to notice that his body was healing faster.

It used to take at least half a month for a similar wound to heal, but now, it is estimated that it will be completely healed in a week.

Wang Yong couldn't understand it, so he could only attribute this situation to the cultivation of dark energy.

The running speed of Qi and blood in the dark energy realm is faster, and the speed of blood regeneration is also faster. In front is concussion marrow, from essence easy tendon wash marrow. According to ancient records, it has the function of accelerating healing.

But Wang Yongcai has just stepped into the dark force, and even can double the speed, which is still a bit strange.

The clock soon pointed to zero. During this period of time, the weather began to cool, and the night wind with cool air blowing into the bamboo building finally made Wang Yong feel comfortable.

Tired for a day, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Outside, the moon was hanging in the air, only showing a sharp tooth angle.

The wind gently blowing leaves, issued a fine rustle. On the tree trunk, Lin Qianyan leaned against a branch, shaking rhythmically with the branches, like sleeping on a spring bed.

Suddenly, Lin Qian opened his eyes, looked up at the sky, rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "it's time. I'm so upset. I haven't slept enough!"

Although she said so, she still jumped down like a cat and fell to the ground in silence.

She took the sickle of death under the tree and walked slowly to the direction of Wang Yong's bamboo building.

The bamboo tower is not far from the border of the barracks, and the so-called border is not really a border. Only cut down the bamboo into a fence, a person more than high. You can guard against wild animals, but you can't guard against people.

Since Wang Yong's successful attack on camp last time, Peng Yin has arranged people to strengthen the surrounding defense.

A fence is divided into two defensive nodes with a secret sentry in the middle. With the sentries in the tower, the defense is already quite tight.

But for Lin Qianyan, there are still some pediatrics.

Lin Qianyan, with a scythe in her hand, leaped over the fence. She walked in so naturally that she didn't take any chance to avoid the sentry.

But a few sentinels Leng is not aware of her existence, even the secret sentry did not pay attention, so let her go.

When the sentry turned his eyes to Lin Qianyan's position, there was no one there.

For the use of blind spots, Lin Qianyan is perfect.

The sound of footsteps is hidden in the wind and the sound of insects. Lin Qianyan is a little closer to Wang Yong's residence.

When she came to three meters behind the bamboo building, she stopped.

Then he listened to the movement of Wang Yong's breath, which was smooth and long.

The frequency of breathing can reflect a person's physical condition. Master's breathing rate is very low, just like an old turtle hibernating. Judging whether a person is a master or not, listening to whether his breath is long or not, you can judge whether he is a master or not.

Lin Qianyan's master's breathing rate can be reduced to a very low level. The average human's breathing rate is about 20 times a minute. Master Lin Qianyan can hold a breath for half a minute.

In this breath, he actually completed the functions of exhausting waste gas, invigorating qi and blood, gastrointestinal peristalsis, and washing marrow. This is a magical state, at least Lin Qianyan can't do it now.

Wang Yong breathed eight to ten times in a minute. It can be seen that his physical fitness is good, one breath is deep and long, steady and slow.

That's how athletes who exercise regularly breathe. Because they often take part in physical exercise, their respiratory muscle contraction strength is strengthened, which can expand the range of activities of the chest, and increase and deepen the depth of breathing. The number of alveoli participating in the gas exchange is increasing, because athletes participate in the gas exchange more than ordinary alveoli, so every breath, compared with normal people, they can get more oxygen, and the whole frequency is reduced.

"It looks like he's asleep. It's a godsend." Lin Qianyan confirms that Wang Yong is asleep and thinks of it silently.

The sickle in my hand was gently lifted, and the blade was shining in the moonlight.

Lin Qianyan, holding the scythe handle in his hand, is ready to use this opportunity to kill Wang Yong in bed.

But I don't know why, the sickle has been raised, but Lin Qianyan always feels that he can't do it.

"What's the matter with me? He is the enemy of killing his brother. Even if he doesn't care about the life and death of dechai, he can't listen to the master's orders. Lin Qianyan! You are a mental handicap! If you don't kill him, your life will be over! "

Lin Qian's eyes flow and scolds himself in his heart.

Finally, she made up her mind. The scythe in his hand pulled out a radian backward, and his body also tilted back slightly. There were faint veins on his two arms, brewing a thunder strike.


All of a sudden, the sickle in Lin Qianyan's hand fell down hard and cut into the bamboo building.

The wall made of bamboo couldn't stop the sharp sickle blade at all. It broke into powder and exposed Wang Yong lying inside.

But Wang Yong was still sleeping deeply. He didn't notice that the blade was added to his body. He was about to die.


With a flash of cold light, the scythe broke all the obstacles in front and reached the top of Wang Yong's head.

Wang Yong's head is about to be cut off.

At this time, he saw that Wang Yong, who had not responded all the time, moved and suddenly got up, just like a rat who was playing with his life and running away, and ran out of bed.


Not only the bed board, the whole bamboo building was chopped by Lin Qianyan, and the floor collapsed.

The sickle is also deeply embedded in the hollow floor, which is difficult to pull out for a while.

"No!" Lin Qianyan immediately perceived the crisis.

Unfortunately, it's too late. Wang Yong's body moves and his feet step on the scythe. He goes up the handle of the scythe and presses his weight on the scythe to stop Lin Qianyan from pulling out the scythe.

At the same time, the feet shake and the mandarin ducks kick Lin Qianyan.

"Little girl, you are still too young! Do you really think I'll sleep until I don't know everything? "

Wang Yong's cold voice rang out.

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