I don't know how long it took for the bus to stop.

But I need to change trains.

Guobang is more than 2000 kilometers away from Yangon, which is almost equal to the distance from Huaxia Sichuan and Chongqing to Yanjing. Even if it takes about 12 hours to take the high-speed rail, let alone Myanmar, there is no high-speed rail.

Wang Yong pulled the blinded Lin Qianyan out of the car and went to the railway station.

At this time, Lin Qianyan was just like an ordinary little girl who didn't wake up. The slightly tender face makes people think that she is only a high school student, while Wang Yong's weather beaten face is uncle fan. Walking through the crowd immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Although the train stopped in Guobang, it stopped at a station in Guobang. This is a small station, but after becoming a temporary terminal, the flow of people suddenly becomes bustling up, almost crowding this small station.

There are a lot of people who fled from Guobang. These people should be from good families in Guobang. After the war, they did not choose to flee to Huaxia, but chose Rangoon.

In their opinion, with their money, they can at least live a good life in Yangon. If you go to China, you will become a refugee.

However, they did not expect that their Guobang identity was not recognized.

You don't have to go to Rangoon. Just in this small station, you can see it.

Several Burmese local ruffians are smoking cigarettes and squinting at the passengers.

See that kind of obviously well-dressed, with a family of Guobang people, will immediately surround up. A bluff, do not pay not let the car.

And the staff of the small station did not see the same, even with a smile and interest to watch. Obviously, it's a pleasure to adjust work.

The bullied Guobang people had to swallow their anger and hand over more than ten times more expensive ticket money to buy Ping'an.

It can be expected that Yangon will encounter more humiliation if they want to settle down. Even so, they still did not give up the idea of going to Rangoon.

This is the tragedy of human nature. If they dare to resist, if Peng Jiasheng's allies fight for the whole country. Maybe things will be different.

Wang Yong shook his head and sighed.

He can't say anything to this kind of person, plants have the instinct of light, not to mention human beings. For these people, Rangoon is the light.

"Let's go. There are always people who like to live humbly. You can't ask everyone to be an eagle or a lion, but also to have mice, insects and ants." Lin Qian immediately understood Wang Yong's idea and advised him.

Wang Yong said, "well," without saying anything more, he went to the station.

Just haven't walked two steps, suddenly saw a drag slippers of the gangster came.

"Boy, are you from Guobang? Do you know the rules? " The guy asked in less fluent Chinese.

The common languages in Myanmar are Burmese and English. In northern Myanmar, people speak a little Chinese.

"I don't know." Wang Yong said with a smile.

"Well, I have to teach you. If you want to go to Rangoon by car, you should pay $800 first. "

“800?” Wang Yong frowned.

These guys are really black, 800 dollars can almost travel around Myanmar. They are greedy because they are so greedy.

"Yes! That's the number! If not... "The gangster turned to Lin Qian's eyes, and there was a touch of desire in his eyes“ Let this girl play with you once! No, three times! "

The gangster changed his tongue in a moment, because he felt that Lin Qianyan, a kind of evil beauty, only played once, which was too violent. If he can, he wants to play ten times, but three times is his limit.

Wang Yong still a smile, looking at the thug light way: "two points. First, no money. Second, you can't move people. "

"Oh? Ha ha ha! Boss, come and see. There's a devil here who says we can't touch him! " The gangster immediately laughed and turned to a bald man in other places.

His face sank when he heard that he was bald. He waved the iron bar in his hand and walked towards Wang Yong.

Only when he took a step, he stopped, and his eyes were full of panic.

Because he saw a terrible picture.

Wang Yongshan held the Thug's neck and lifted him half a meter above the ground.

His face was cold, and without saying a word, he suddenly stepped forward. The gangster was held in his hand by Wang Yong, his face turned red and his neck was thick. He kept whining, but it didn't help. He couldn't stop Wang Yong's action at all.


Wang Yong went to the gate of the railway station and stopped. As soon as his wrist fell, the gangster was heavily thrown on the gate.

The hard gate shakes slightly after being hit, which shows the weight of Wang Yong's work.

The gangster's head immediately exploded, blood left along his cheek and soaked half his chest.

"It's a waste of time to reason with you minions, so I used a more direct method. Do you mind? " Wang Yong asked softly.

The thug shivered all over. How could he speak?

With a puff, Wang Yong threw the thug on the ground. Like a whip in the air, Wang Yong's arm made a crisp sound. The gangster fell to the ground like a dead snake and fainted instantly.

Wang Yong had a trace of impatience on his face. He seemed a little tired of this kind of delay.

"Are you the boss?" Wang Yong looks at his bald head.

Bareheaded nodded, and quickly shook his head, but was stunned.

"Is it?"

"No, it's not..." bareheaded shook his head like a rattle, firmly denied.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I can't find the boss. You look more like me. I think you are With that, Wang Yong went to his bald head and did the same.

In advance, he banged his bald head on the gate, which was more unbearable than the previous gangster, and then he fainted.

The second before fainting, the bald head is still in the stomach to feign Wang Yong. Since the boss is going to be beaten, why do you ask?

But he didn't know that Wang Yong was just looking for someone to beat him.

Wang Yong turned his head and looked at others.

How dare other gangsters show up at this time? They all shrink into the crowd and dare not look at Wang Yong.

It's just that the passengers who have been bullied are not so kind-hearted. The gangsters hide and the passengers flash.

The rest of the gangsters were exposed in a flash.

Wang Yong is not polite. He goes up one by one, bangs his head twice and throws it on the ground.

After a while, the gangsters, like catfish, were knocked out of their heads and stopped jumping.

Wang Yong clapped his hands and winked at Lin Qian's eyes.

They went into the railway station with their heads held high and bought tickets. The conductor was stunned, and it took a long time to rush out the ticket for Wang Yong.

When Wang Yong walked into the station, there was a burst of warm cheers outside, cheering for Wang Yong.

Sometimes, what people lack is just a person who dares to speak up.

"You look good just now." Lin Qian's eyes, just like a little woman, nestled up to Wang Yong. His eyes were shining, and something called * Mu flashed.

Wang Yong is full of black lines.

If Zhong Xin said this, Wang Yong would feel very normal. After all, this kind of words accord with Zhong Xin's age and character.

But Lin Qianyan, as a top killer, can get rid of a group of gangsters at once. Saying this kind of words will only make Wang Yong have a strange feeling.

I can't say it, but I can't feel the pride of being praised.

When he got on the bus, Wang Yong suddenly realized.

It turned out that he was inferior.

He faces Lin Qianyan, a woman who is not inferior to him and even makes him eat shriveled several times, even when he is slapping, can he not feel inferior?

In Wang Yong's mind, Lin Qianyan is the strong man. It was he who should have said that.

"Shit! How can I have this kind of psychology? This is a man's humiliation Wang Yong thought of it.

Mr. Nan, a master of traditional Chinese culture who is as famous as his grandfather Wang Yong, once said something to illustrate Wang Yong's inferiority complex.

"I often say that an arrogant person is self abasement at all. People who do not have self abasement will not be arrogant, because people who have self abasement know that they have nothing, and they are afraid that you will not look up to me, so they are arrogant. He is full of people, you look up to me or look down on me, because he does not have you or me in his heart, he looks at the world is a pile of black, he does not care about these. So all arrogant people are pitiful and have a sense of inferiority. Because they have a sense of inferiority, on the contrary, they are arrogant. They don't understand life. That's the truth. "

In Mr. Nan's eyes, Wang Yong is a poor man.

But this kind of pitiful, can create Wang Yong's self closure and arrogance. It will make him unable to open his mind and see the world fairly.

Mr. Nan compares this arrogance to the "slow growth" in Buddhism, and uses the example of a mantis arm pawning a cart to illustrate its harmfulness.

"In Chinese culture, Zhuangzi has a metaphor for arrogance:" a mantis is is a car. "He said that the mantis lost his temper, raised his two slender arms, tried to block the car and prevent it from passing. As a result, not only was it crushed, but even the slurry came out. Chuang Tzu's sentence is a metaphor for people who "overestimate their own strength". They have to do things beyond their ability and wisdom. How could the mantis have so much courage at that time and want to block the car with two arms? It's because "I'm slow.". Ordinary people often say: "Ge Laozi, I don't care!" If you don't care, it's meat sauce! "

Wang Yong could not help shivering at the thought of the mantis pressed into meat sauce.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Qianyan noticed that Wang Yong was not in the right state and asked.

Wang Yong shook his head slowly: "nothing, suddenly thought of some truth. Self reflection, scared

In the book of changes, it is said that the gentleman "covers the thunder, and the gentleman revises himself with fear".

It means that the gentleman is drinking with his friends, and suddenly a thunder comes from the sky. The gentleman is scared and starts to reflect on his fault immediately.

Wang Yong was just like this. After he realized that he was wrong, he was afraid and began to reflect on himself.

This is the attitude one should have in learning. Not only should we have a high level of knowledge, but we should also match the principles of life with our knowledge. The combination of the two can be called learning.

"Oh." Lin Qian's eyes curled and his mouth curled. He didn't ask again.

In her opinion, the truth of this kind of thing still need to think? Isn't fist the truth?

What she believes in is the opposite of Wang Yong's view of life.

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