Seeing that his words were not heard, Wu Meng became more and more crazy.

He covered the wound as if it had been pierced by a blunt instrument. It was all torn flesh and white bones.

When you touch it, you will feel painful. The more pain he felt, the more he hated Lin Qianyan.

"Damn, this watch! I will kill you today! " Wu Meng struggled to get up from the ground and reached out to snatch the gun from the soldiers.

The soldier didn't notice for a moment, and the gun in his hand was snatched away.

Wu Meng's eyes twinkled with fury, and his whole face was twisted to the extreme. He gnashed his teeth and spat out four words: "watch, die!"

And then you pull the trigger.

But before his finger fell on the trigger, a man came out from behind him.

The man gently raised his hand, but without seeing how much power he used, Wu MENGZHENG flew out and fell to the ground with a loud flop.

The broken ribs suddenly poked into the meat, so that he turned his eyes in pain, and was about to faint.

Even so, he also tried to open his eyes to see which bastard is the black hand, dare to beat himself.

Finally, he saw it.

Is a tall and straight man, cheek like a knife, eyes like electricity, eyes full of indifference.

"Zhang... Zhang Jie... Fuck you..."

Wu Meng hard to say these words, but no longer have the strength to finish, pain fainted.

Wang Yong, who had been bending over, heard the word "Zhang Jie". Suddenly, he lifted up and looked to his side.

In the eye is a face that can be recognized even in ashes. The death of more than ten brothers is closely related to this face.

But it's Zhang Jie that Wang Yong is looking for!

Seeing Wang Yong looking at him, Zhang Jie's face was filled with a smile of ridicule and said in a soft voice: "old captain, long time no see. I didn't expect that you were still alive. It seems that not only general Kunde underestimated you, but even I, who claimed to be familiar with you, didn't fully understand your strength. Sixty mercenaries are chasing and blocking, but they can't kill you. It even took the life of duchai, the king of East Asian mercenaries. This kind of ability is really enviable. "

Wang Yong's face was shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes were bursting with anger. At the moment, he had only one idea in his heart, that is to tear up Zhang Jie!

Because Zhang Jie's words have admitted that he really took part in the incident and betrayed his brothers who lived and died!

During that exercise, Zhang Jie was in charge of intelligence gathering and liaison with the headquarters. It can be said that it was precisely because of Zhang Jie's misleading that Wang Yong's whole team got into the ambush circle by mistake.

Zhang Jie's role in that conspiracy is called "great credit".

At that time, Wang Yong once doubted the cross-border order and asked Zhang Jie to contact Longji headquarters to verify the authenticity of the order. But I didn't expect Zhang Jie to send back a message soon, saying that the instruction was correct.

Wang Yong didn't expect that his brother, who had gone through life and death, betrayed him and the big guy in this way.

"Zhang Jie, people like you will go to hell after death!" Wang Yong roared.

Zhang Jie, however, was not moved. He shook his head and said, "Captain, you have always taught us that our eldest husband should attach importance to this life, and don't care about things after death. I remember your teaching clearly, so I don't care whether I go to hell or not. "

"Sometimes hell is not necessarily a myth. Demons and nightmares will become your hell! I don't believe you close your eyes at night and can't see the scene of brothers asking for your life! "

Zhang Jie's eyes moved, as if he had been told what was on his mind. He closed his eyes slowly and opened them for a long time.

"Well, it seems that there is no such thing. What shall we do? "

This made Wang Yong angry, and his chest was almost blown up.

His body was shaking violently. The two soldiers who pressed Wang Yong couldn't control it. Two more soldiers came up, and four of them joined forces with several guns that pushed to his chest. Only then did they manage to suppress Wang Yong.

"Bah!" Wang Yong spit out blood.

Saliva, like jujube seed, flew to Zhang Jie's face.

Zhang Jie flashed a little, but he didn't expect that his saliva would explode like he expected to dodge, and the blood splashed on his face, making him embarrassed.

Wang Yong let out a sneer.

But Zhang Jie's face didn't change at all. He reached out and took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood off his face slowly.

"Well, Zhang Jie. There's no need to talk to a dying man! It's Wu Meng. If you beat him, he will inevitably bear a grudge in his heart... "Kunde looks at Zhang Jie and says.

Zhang Jie laughed and said, "Wu Meng asked for it himself. He dares to shoot in front of the general. If he had not just made contributions, I would have abandoned him. It's all merciful. How dare he still hate me? "

Listen to Zhang Jie say so, Kun de can't help laughing: "good! That's what I like about you! Somebody, carry Wu Meng down to me. As for you two... "

Kunde rubbed his chin and looked at Wang Yong and Lin Qianyan. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Originally, Huaxia wanted him to torture Wang Yong to see if Wang Yong knew what happened in those years and whether he left any clues threatening the Zheng family.

But now it seems that Wang Yong is not only ignorant, I'm afraid he didn't even guess what caused the collapse of Longji team.

Otherwise, he would not deceive himself, and he would not be interested in Zhang Jie's appearance.

In that case, there seems to be no need to keep them.

Kunde is calculating how to solve Wang Yong's problem.

Wang Yong was one of Kunde's most trusted brothers, and Lin Qianyan almost killed Kunde. These two people are the number one enemies in Kunde's heart, and Kunde hates them to the bone.

You can't let these two people off lightly!

Kunde is like a poisonous snake. His eyes are cold and cunning. He always turns back and forth on Wang Yong and Lin Qianyan. He doesn't know what poison plan he is thinking about.

Lin Qianyan seemed to see Kunde's mind. She raised her head and said with a sneer: "Kunde, you'll shoot me down! Otherwise, my master will know about it sooner or later and come to take your dog's life! "

Hearing Lin Qianyan mention master, Kunde's eyes immediately flashed a touch of panic.

He has read the information provided by the US intelligence department and knows that master Lin Qianyan is a powerful person. Even the US side's evaluation of him is the danger level of five stars.

If master Lin Qianyan really killed him, Kunde might be killed.

Kunde was a little upset and couldn't think of a good idea to torture them.

At this time, Zhang Jie's mouth began to smile. He took two steps towards Kunde and whispered a few words in Kunde's ear through his riot shield.

But Kunde's eyes lit up immediately, his face filled with a smile, and he kept extending his thumb to Zhang Jie.

It seems that Zhang Jie made a good suggestion for Kunde.

Sure enough, then Kunde gave orders to the soldiers around him.

Bang, the living room suddenly rang out a continuous sound.

A moment later, the two soldiers came back, but they brought two shields. The two soldiers raised the shield to block Kunde's head. The place where Kunde is is surrounded by a transparent bulletproof house.

But even if the bullet turns, it can't hurt him.

Then two more soldiers carried a small table with a * and six bullets.

Wang Yong and Lin Qian look at each other, but they don't understand what Kunde is going to do.

Then look at Zhang Jie, who gives advice for Kunde. His face is full of pride.

He felt the * on the table and flicked away the wheel with a click. There was nothing in the black magazine, but there were no bullets at all.

I'm afraid the six bullets on the table were loaded into the gun.

"Russian roulette?" Wang Yong said in secret.

Russian Roulette is usually not full of bullets in the magazine, only half or more. Let the players turn the wheel, suddenly close it, and then pull the trigger to bet their luck.

This kind of game is dangerous and exciting, and many people die every year. Some underground forces often let people play this for fun.

I didn't expect that Zhang Jie gave Kunde such an idea.

But then Zhang Jie began to explain the rules, but Wang Yong was stunned. The rudiment of Zhang Jie's game is still Russian roulette, but it is more cruel than Russian roulette.

Because it is mixed with the test of human nature of life and death, good and evil!

"Listen to the rules, gentlemen. It's very simple. I have six bullets in my hand. I will give one of them a bullet and let him put it into a wheel hole. Then the man turns the wheel freely, closes the gun, and the next person pulls the trigger. Of course, aim at your head, or the game will be meaningless. When one person dies, the game stops, and the other person can survive. "

"Zhang Jie, if you want us to die, please don't play these dirty tricks!" Wang Yong's eyes were filled with anger and his voice was vicious.

Zhang Jie shook his finger and said, "old captain, you misunderstood me. How could I let you die? I'm looking for a way to live for you! I'll let you load the first bullet later, OK? Is it taking care of you? "

The first to load a bullet means to take the initiative. As long as Wang Yong loads the bullet and turns it to the position of *. The next Lin Qianyan picks up the gun and pulls the trigger, which is bound to trigger the bullet. At that time, Lin Qianyan died, but according to the rules, Wang Yong could live.

Zhang Jie seems to really take care of Wang Yong.

But Wang Yong was more angry and didn't show any appreciation.

Zhang Jie sighed. Suddenly, he touched two guns from the soldiers around him. The muzzle of the two guns pointed to Wang Yong and Lin Qian's eyes.

"You have no choice. One dead, one alive. If you don't play, you'll both die. Even I don't mind using a little bit of subterfuge to make that charming little beauty enjoy some special fun. "

"You dare!" Wang Yong trembled with anger.

Looking at Lin Qian's eyes, there was a flash of determination in Wang Yong's eyes. This time, he implicated Lin Qianyan. If Lin Qianyan was insulted before he died, it would be even more unforgivable.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yong suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Jie with bright eyes: "I play! But I'll give her the first place! "

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