"Here we are, do it!"

At this time, the mouse's voice interrupted the woman's reverie.

But they have already entered Park Road, a relatively remote section.

It's close to Tiantai forest park. Because there are some birds, stray cats and dogs in the park, it's not particularly strange to make some strange sounds in the animal's neighing.

"He's coming! shoot! Just drive towards the windshield The mouse glanced in the rearview mirror and said.

The woman nodded, took a deep breath again, rolled down the window and pointed the gun at Wang Yong.

"No, they have guns!" Wang Yong is struggling to catch up, suddenly saw in front of the car out of a head, and a gun.

With a bang, the bullet came out of the chamber and roared to the front windshield of Wang Yong.

Although the car is refitted, it is not equipped with bulletproof glass. If you are hit by a bullet, plus the speed, the entire windshield will break into debris.

At that time, the splashing residue can shoot Wang Yong into a beehive.

At the critical moment, when Wang Yong stepped on the brake, the steering wheel suddenly hit.

Just listen to the sound of the tires rubbing the ground, the sharp screams reverberate on the road, the tires are wearing away at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the blue smoke of rubbers burned by the friction rises.

This is a behavior of great tire loss, but it can also save lives.

The car Wang Yong was driving was like a running bison. It was suddenly broken off and stopped abruptly.

And the whole car also drifted into the park sidewalk with a very beautiful drift, wiping the fence of the park.

At this time, the bullet arrived late, hit the rearview mirror of the car and spattered a burst of sparks.

"Shit The mouse looked at the scene and couldn't help yelling.

Not only to vent the anger of the bullet, but also to cover up their shock.

He can also make the car drift, but that's at a slower speed, usually 70 to 80 miles. But just now that guy's speed was at least above 180!

At this speed, the car is seriously unstable, and even has the illusion of floating. Even a small turn can cause a rollover.

This guy can even drift at this speed!

Against the sky, against the sky!

What's more, this guy can accurately float his car into the park sidewalk.

The sidewalk in the park is very narrow, so you can imagine how difficult it is.

"Is this guy human?" The mouse recovered from the shock and could not help muttering.

"What?" Asked the woman.

"Nothing. Keep shooting while he's still standing!" Said the mouse.

But the woman was also shocked by the scene just now, and some of them gave the gun to the mouse with lingering fear.

"Come on! I can't hit it

"Look at your promise! Thanks to my brother's calling you sister Mary, let them know that they have to laugh Said the mouse contemptuously.

"Screw you, I'm not promising. It's enough to kill you. Believe it or not? You don't know where to be a duck now if you don't rely on me to be such a bone eater Said the woman, who called Mary.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter if you call me a dog. Anyway, you are the same thing. We all do bad things without conscience. Let's not talk about anyone. From the first day, there are not 100 girls who are destroyed in our hands, and there are 80 girls who are doomed to be punished. So make some money to enjoy happiness as soon as possible. If you save money, you will go to hell and regret that you haven't even enjoyed happiness! " The mouse said coldly.

All of a sudden, it's a shot.

However, while he was talking, he observed Wang Yong's position. After seeing clearly, Leng buting was a shot, which was extremely insidious.

Wang Yong is driving away from the sidewalk, but he hears a pop-up sound.

Don't think about it. Get under the steering wheel.

With a bang, the bullet penetrated the door glass and hit the instrument panel, which could not be turned off, but failed.

Seeing that a shot was missed, the mouse's heart was horizontal, and bang bang bang bang, he emptied all the bullets in the pistol. I don't want to hit people this time. I only want to hit the car.

Tires, bridge. It's a goal to stop Wang Yong from catching up.

Wang Yong is aware of the intention of the mouse and knows that the situation can not be allowed to continue, otherwise the car will be abandoned.

Determined to vigorously bang the accelerator, Wang Yong again recklessly drift up at high speed.

Just like the tail flick of a motorcycle, Wang Yong completed the stunt in a very short distance.

The car was perfectly close to the fence on both sides of the sidewalk. After staying for a few seconds, it suddenly ran out.

It's like a * that's shooting its tail straight at the mouse's car.

"Crouching trough, is this guy dying?" The mouse was flustered when he saw it. Throw the gun into the car, step on the gas and run forward.

It's just a step too late. Wang Yong's car hit the back of the mouse's car, almost making the mouse's car burn.

And this is not the end, Wang Yong hit the steering wheel, the car did not slow down to catch up from the side, and then there was a horizontal round of impact.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a loud noise on the silent Park Road. I didn't know that there was a car factory carrying out crash test.

Indeed, it's the impact test.

As an agent, Wang Yong is very familiar with this kind of street car fight. He knows where the vehicle impact is easier to produce braking effect, and where to impact the other side is the minimum loss.

At this time, Wang Yong's face was calm, as if he was doing something unrelated to himself.

However, the car under his control was like a mad cow, overturning everything he could see. They even use their horns to open the bullfighter's mouth and hang them high to show off their power to the world.

The mouse was so scared that he turned pale that he even yelled at Wang Yong.

"No! Are you going to die? "


A crash nearly tipped the mouse over.

"Lying trough!" The mouse screamed and managed to hold the steering wheel.

And Wang Yong's another impact followed.

At last, the mouse was about to cry.

"Brother, you don't want to kill us. We need to kill you. Please stop."

Under such a violent impact, the clock's heart, which needed more than three hours to wake up, suddenly gave a sound, but there was a sign of waking up.

"No, the little girl is going to wake up!" The woman looked at the heart of the clock and said in a panic.

"Damn it! The labor and capital also bump, bump dead ya When the mouse saw that the situation was critical, he would fight hard.

Didi, then the mouse's phone suddenly rang.

Mouse look at the number, slightly discolored, quickly connected.

"What's the matter? Not yet! " There was a cold voice on the other end of the phone.

"I've come across a hard idea. It's too hard!" Answered the mouse.

"Waste!" The man on the other end of the phone scolded.

These two words make the mouse dare to be angry.

"Bring him in and I'll take care of it."

A moment later, the voice on the other end of the phone spoke again, and then hung up.

The mouse took a look at the expressionless Wang Yong, gritted his teeth, drove the car to the highest speed, and rushed forward crazily.

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