Wang Yong was overjoyed. He immediately practiced more attentively. At the same time, he blocked the pores and locked the essence in his body to help expand the muscles.

It's like a big kettle with its air outlet blocked, boiling steam scurrying in the kettle, and there's no place to go out. Will be a little bit of the impact of the pot more and more big, as long as the amount of steam is enough, breaking the pot is not a problem.

What Wang Yong wants to avoid now is the danger of breaking through the pot body, carefully controlling the essence of Dantian to walk in the meridians.

Wang Yong only felt that his whole body was swollen like a tire man, like the cartoon image of Michelin tire. The whole person is in a sense of vanity, floating.

However, this is Wang Yong's illusion. In fact, Wang Yong's body has no obvious change except a little bigger.

After playing for a long time, the heat of Wang Yong's Dantian still did not decrease much, as if endless.

The snake gall of that boa constrictor is comparable to the legendary monster Neidan. After taking it, its power increases greatly. The difference is that what Wang Yong increases is not pure skill, but also his own training.


Wang yongmeng opened the pores and discharged the turbid gas that had been held in his body for a long time.

I saw a long breath in the night, such as white practice, the air of thorns hunting.

Wang Yong's breath lasted for half a minute. The length of Bai Qi was nearly two meters. It was as sharp as a knife. The nearby leaves were sprayed into pieces and fell to the ground.

The White Ape next to him stares at this, some of them don't understand. But also know that the fierce, just applaud.

Wang yongchong smiles and starts the drill again.

It's another cycle. The boiling heat in Wang Yong's body finally eases a little, and his bulging abdomen feels better.

However, it's just a little better, and it hasn't been completely relieved.

Wang Yong had to continue to practice.

In this way, Wang Yong practiced in the middle of the night until dawn. The early birds filled the forest, and the animals began to look for food.

Wang Yongcai slowly closed, and the feeling of swelling in his body basically disappeared.

What's more amazing is that with the nourishment of this essence, the viscera's injury is much better. No more pain, even more powerful heart pulse, a pulse can provide a very powerful force, the blood supply to all parts of the body.

This means that Wang Yong's physical strength will increase, and the battle will be more lasting.

Wang Yong initially estimated that the total amount of his dark strength is likely to double at least.

It used to be 10 shots, but now it's 20.

Wang Yong's dark quality is higher than others, and is the essence of concentration. Although it's only doubled, it's not easy. Twenty under the super dark strength, no one believes that this is a breakthrough dark strength, not a month novice can do.

This time, sun Bayi and Wang Yong are fighting against each other. Wang Yong is confident that he will be defeated within five times.

"Wuwu". At this time, he saw the White Ape galloping from the depths of the forest. It seemed that his skill had recovered. It was obvious that the rest of the night had digested the toxicity of the fruit.

Living in the forest for a long time, the White Ape must have a good gastrointestinal system. He is not afraid of poison.

So the most terrible thing about human beings is not how talented they are, but how adaptable they are.

If a person with low talent has strong adaptability, he will quickly evolve in a strange environment and adapt to the new environment. But they are much more powerful than those who can't adapt to the environment. It's just like those who have good shooting skills on the battlefield may not be able to annihilate more enemies and live for a long time. This is the reason why some veterans often have unexpected extraordinary performances.

Wang Yong's adaptability is far more than others, and the most important thing that Bing Wang's heart shaped him is adaptability.

White Ape holding a few fruit, seems to be durian and coconut.

Most of the fruits in the world are produced in the tropical rainforest. Durian, for example, grows on a tree 30 or 40 meters high in the rainforest and is difficult to pick.

Nanyang people think that durian is kind, because the fruit of durian will fall in the middle of the night, not hit people. Otherwise, such a large durian will fall from tens of meters high and will not die.

The White Ape put the fruit on the ground and motioned to Wang Yong to eat it.

Wang Yong broke off a coconut and shared it with the White Ape. Because of the smell of durian, Wang Yong didn't like it, so he gave it all to the White Ape.

After eating enough, Wang Yong looked at the little sunlight in the distance and finally identified the direction.

The rising sun shines from one side, very clear.

Find the direction. It's time for Wang Yong to go.

Look at the White Ape, Wang Yong is a little reluctant.

"Man, I'm going. I may never see you again. Take care of yourself. " Wang Yong did not care whether the White Ape could understand it or not, so he said to himself.

At first, White Ape just called. Later, he noticed the different tone of Wang Yong's voice, and suddenly became anxious.

He took Wang Yong's hand and motioned for him to stay.

But how can Wang Yong stay here? There are still many things Wang Yong needs to do outside.

I can only shake my head and explain that I can't stay.

Said for a long time, White Ape no longer asked Wang Yong to stay, but he grabbed Wang Yong's wrist, refused to let go. It seems that he has a kind of elder brother attachment to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong's help had a profound impact on his pure heart.

Wang Yong looked at the White Ape, a little embarrassed.

Want to say something, suddenly a flash of inspiration, he can't stay, but can take the White Ape to go!

The White Ape is very likely to be human, just can't speak. In understanding Wang Yong's meaning and communication, the problem is not very big. As long as Wang Yong is willing to teach, he will soon learn the spirit of White Ape.

By then, who can see that White Ape is different from ordinary people?

Thinking of this, Wang Yong asked the White Ape tentatively, "do you want to go out with me and see the outside world?"

As soon as the voice fell, White Ape nodded and seemed to understand Wang Yong's meaning.

"Good! Then I'll take you out! However, the outside world is different from that in the forest. You must not act recklessly. Do you agree with me? " Wang Yong asked again.

The White Ape nodded again.

When they reached an agreement, Wang Yong looked at the White Ape happily and said, "when you get to the outside world, you have to have your own name. You must not be called White Ape. You look like an ape and were born in the rainforest. Just call you Yuan Lin! "

White Ape smell speech, send out a happy howl, obviously like this name very much.

And the name of Yuan Lin made the White Ape's eyes more human. It was as if a simple name had awakened his long dormant human emotion.

"Yuan Lin, go! Let's go home! " Wang Yong, holding the soft sword of xinyuehu in his right hand and Yuan Lin in his left hand, walked towards the rising sun.

At this time, the atmosphere in the presidential palace in Myanmar was serious.

A room full of military generals and politicians gathered around the conference table to discuss a topic.

That's about general kunder being killed.

This incident can be said to have shaken the whole Myanmar high-level. At one time, all the high-level people in Myanmar feel that they will die in the next second.

Kunde's fortress like protection didn't stop the killers from entering, let alone their residence.

In this matter, these high-level officials soon reached an agreement, that is, we must strictly investigate the murderer, and resolutely do not let the murderer escape! Especially out of Burma!

Otherwise, Myanmar will become a big joke, comparable to the assassination of the president of the United States.

General Ji cleared his throat and said, "I'm very sorry about the assassination of general Kunde. I still have a deal with general Kunde that has not been completed. It can be said that the death of general Kunde will cause me the greatest loss. So I asked the presidential palace to issue an order to arrest the criminals all over the country. In addition, anyone who is related to this matter should be detained for trial until the matter is settled! No matter what the identity or background of that person is, we will never tolerate it! "

As he said this, general Ji looked at a guy with a national face.

That guy is the enemy of general Ji, and also the backer of Wu Deng. It's called Wu Tingyi.

Wu Tingyi looked at general Ji and asked, "general Ji, what do you mean by that?"

General Ji laughed contemptuously and said, "I understand very well. Through the surveillance video, we found that the assassin was not only like a Chinese, but also related to your subordinate Wu Deng. They have been to Wu Deng's gambling house, and there is a rumor that Wu Deng helped the female killer escape after the incident. "

Wu Tingyi snorted coldly and said, "it's not necessary for you to say whether Wu Deng is a suspect. The judicial department will naturally investigate and understand. On the contrary, you are in such a hurry to deal with Wu Teng on the pretext that you want to annex the Yangon casino, aren't you

"You don't want to be bloody!"

"Do you know if it's bloody or not?"

They are about to quarrel at the meeting.

At this time, the president who presided over the meeting quickly came out to settle the dispute: "you two, when is the time, and you are still thinking about this quarrel. The most urgent task is to catch the two killers. I immediately gave the order of Wanted throughout the territory, so that the police and customs around the country could pay attention to the investigation of the two killers. In addition, some people say that these two people are Chinese. Whether they are Chinese or not, we should take advantage of this opportunity to turn the Chinese government into an army and retaliate for their interference in China's internal affairs some time ago. It would be better if the Chinese government could be forced to make some concessions. "

This is the expected response. There was no objection from the others in the meeting room, and they all passed.

So Wang Yong and Lin Qianyan's wanted order went on, and soon came to the computers of police stations and customs. In addition, Burmese state television also began to broadcast relevant news, asking the public to pay attention to the two dangerous elements.

After dealing with the Kunde incident, the president sighed, looked at the rest of the audience with a worried look, and said, "you guys, I think you can guess what I'm going to say next. As soon as general Kunde died, the Guobang war broke down. According to the report, Peng Jiasheng's allied forces have fully recovered Guobang, and Kunde's army has also been completely destroyed. Peng Jiasheng, armed with Kunde's weapons, became more difficult to fight. Any of you generals here would like to go? "

When the president asked questions, everyone in the conference room was silent as if they had not heard him.

It seems that we have expected this situation for a long time. The president waved his hand impatiently: "since you don't want to share your worries for the country, we'll break up!"

So they got up and left the conference room one by one.

The president was left to the end, shaking his head and sighing.

He doesn't care whether he can win the Guobang war, he cares more about the peace in Myanmar. He once aspired to build a peaceful and peaceful Myanmar during his reign, but now it seems difficult to achieve.

"Mr. President." At this time, a voice sounded, but it was Wu Tingyi.

Instead of leaving, he stayed and seemed to have something to say to the President alone.

The president looked at Wu Tingyi and waited for him to speak.

With a smile, Wu Tingyi suddenly said something that shocked the president.

"Mr. President, since no one is willing to take over Guobang's mess, have you ever thought about making peace with Peng Jiasheng?"

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