"Yuan Lin, hurry up!" Wang Yong greets Yuan Lin, and they run towards the small village.

It's been a whole day since the morning. There was no real rest except eating. Wang Yong's physical strength is strong enough, but he is still exhausted.

At this time finally came out, saw the crowd, how can not let Wang Yong excited?

However, Yuan Lin was a little timid. He followed Wang Yong, and his face was not very excited.

This is also normal. After all, Yuan Lin has lived alone in the rainforest for such a long time. His temperament and living habits are no different from those of animals, and he is generally afraid of human beings.

Like a child, Wang Yong leads Yuan Lin into the village.

Judging from the direction, the edge of the rainforest should be in the center of Rangoon and Gobang.

The village is full of peace. Although it's only houses in the 1950s and 1960s, and even many bamboo houses, the people here are smiling and nodding to Wang Yong.

There was a child running by. He thought that Wang Yong was leading a big monkey and was curious to follow Wang Yong. He was afraid but he kept on chasing him.

After all, war is a distant thing for these villagers. Life is the most important thing.

"Where can I get a haircut?" Wang Yong's use of Burmese Language and gestures made it difficult for him to communicate with children clearly.

Led by a child, Wang Yong and Yuan Lin come to a small bamboo building at the head of the village.

There is a painted sign on the bamboo building, but it is a Burmese haircut.

An old man in the room was dozing off. It was obvious that business was not very good. The old man probably only takes it as a sideline, and he can't support himself in such a small village by hairdressing.

"I want a haircut, old man." Wang Yong went in and said politely in Burmese.

The old man opened his eyes in panic and thought that there were bad people coming. After finding out what Wang Yong came for, he quickly invited Wang Yong to sit down.

It hasn't been open for several days. This time, we finally have a guest. It's not easy to be a raw host?

However, Wang Yong waved his hand and explained that it was not his own reason, but the person around him.

Wang Yong pushed Yuan Lin, who was afraid of strangers, down on his chair and explained to the old man in Burmese and with gestures that he wanted to get rid of Yuan Lin's hair.

As for why Yuan Lin was like this, Wang Yong only said that he got a strange disease and did not take in salt for a long time.

The old man was suspicious and didn't seem to want to take over the business. He instinctively thinks that Yuan Lin is a monkey. How can humans serve monkeys?

But when Wang Yong took out the only forty dollars in his pocket and took out two for the old man, he finally changed his mind.

The forty dollars were a little crumpled in blisters, but they were still in good condition. The rest of the pockets were not so lucky. They were all broken into a pool of pulp.

After taking the money, the old man couldn't hide his excitement. Twenty dollars is a lot of money for him.

Pour a glass of water for Wang Yong and signal him to sit down for a rest and watch TV.

Then the old man began to cut Yuan Lin's hair.

The tool is still the old-fashioned manual push. Wang Yong suffered from it when he was a child. If he was not sharp enough, he would clip his hair and it would hurt.

Some of Yuan Lin's hair may have been damaged.

Turning on the TV conveniently, Wang Yong uses this voice to distract Yuan Lin's attention, so as not to hurt people instinctively after eating pain.

Sure enough, Yuan Lin's attention was quickly attracted, and his resistance to the push was not as great as before.

For Yuan Lin, although it's just a black and white TV, it has an indescribable charm. Because the people inside are talking and moving, and they form a world of their own.

Wang Yong was bored, drank water and looked up at TV.

The signal here can only receive one national station, and there is no other signal at all.

The TV programs at this time point, like Huaxia, are all kinds of news and boring.

Wang Yong doesn't look like yuan Lin. he hasn't seen him. He can listen with relish.

Before long, Wang Yong yawned and felt tired.

Just as he wanted to close his eyes and have a rest, a scene on TV surprised him.

The TV station is playing the wanted picture of Wang Yong and Lin Qianyan!

Wang Yong immediately stood up nervously and fiercely blocked the TV to prevent the hairdresser from seeing it.

The wanted news was broadcast three times before it passed. Wang Yong only knew a little about it. The main idea was to remind the surrounding residents to be careful of the two dangerous elements and report to the relevant units once found.

"No, I'm wanted all over the country so soon! In this way, he can't go back to Guobang, otherwise it will be difficult for Peng Jiasheng to do it. " Wang Yong thought of it anxiously.

Peng Jiasheng can't speak out on this matter. He'd better keep silent and draw a clear line.

Guobang's future can only be achieved through peace talks with the military government. It is impossible to rely on such repeated wars to ensure Guobang's autonomy. In that way, Guobang would only be devastated by continuous wars and the people would be in dire need.

Once Peng Jiasheng has something to do with Kunde's death, it will be different. Those high-level government troops in Myanmar will think that Peng Jiasheng has the ability to assassinate them, and will regard Peng Jiasheng as a threat and refuse to hold peace talks with him.

It's not like killing kunder on the battlefield.

What Ziyu Fengqing wants is Peng Jiasheng with chips, not Peng Jiasheng with a broken pot.

Therefore, Wang Yong can't go back to Guobang, causing Peng Jiasheng trouble. Lin Qianyan must have been sent away by Peng Jiasheng.

But if we don't go back to Guobang, where can we go?

Now that Wang Yong is wanted throughout Myanmar, Myanmar can't stay any longer. We must find a way to leave Myanmar and make a detour back to China.

Making up his mind, Wang Yong reached out and turned off the TV to avoid exposing his identity.

Yuan Lin was worried, but Yuan Lin, who had a keen sense of Wang Yong's dignified expression, no longer made a fuss. Instead, he sat quietly in a chair and asked the old man to cut his hair.

Yuan Lin's hair is very thick, which can be regarded as a considerable workload for the elderly.

In the past half a day, the old man has just finished pushing his upper body.

However, although it is only the upper body, it has surprised Wang Yong.

Yuan Lin, who had no white hair on his neck and head, finally showed his true colors. As Wang Yong expected, it's just the appearance of a standard southeast coastal Chinese!

It was just because he saw Yuan Lin's face that the old man gradually put down his heart and admitted that the customer was a man, not a monkey.

"Yuan Lin, look at yourself!" Wang Yong goes to Yuan Lin and points to the mirror in front of him.

Yuan Lin has been watching TV with his head twisted, so he didn't see the mirror. When he turned to see himself in the mirror, he was stunned and then grinned.

Laugh, but suddenly cry, cry and laugh, mood is very unstable.

Wang Yong knows that Yuan Lin's heart is complicated at this time, so let him vent.

Wang Yong was embarrassed to explain Yuan Lin's mood to the hairdresser and changed the topic.

"Old man, do you know how far it is from the sea?"

The hairdresser said a paragraph casually, which seemed to be a dialect slang here.

Wang Yong didn't quite understand, but he did understand a key word.

The Irrawaddy River.

The Irrawaddy River is the largest river in Myanmar. It runs through the central part of Myanmar, all of which are in Myanmar, with a total length of about 2170 km. It is the main artery of river transportation in Myanmar, with a significant position.

The Irrawaddy River flows southeast of Myanmar and into the Andaman Sea. After entering the Andaman Sea, it is equivalent to entering a free world. No matter which direction you go, you can leave Myanmar and get rid of the wanted.

Wang Yong thought quickly that he had planned to spend a night here, but now he can't stay. We have to smuggle out of Myanmar tonight.

There is only one way to leave the country, which is to enter the sea through the Irrawaddy River.

More than half an hour later, the old man finally got rid of Yuan Lin's white hair.

This time, Yuan Lin completely revealed his true body. Judging from his body and bone development, he should be a boy between adulthood and underage.

It's estimated to be about sixteen or seventeen years old.

It's just that life in the rainforest has made him much bigger and stronger. Although Yuan Lin hasn't practiced Kung Fu, he only relies on his brute force. He is far superior to the top of Ming Jin, and he is not afraid of the dark Jin.

"Old man, can you give him a dress?" Seeing that Yuan Lin was naked, Wang Yong told the old man.

The old man nodded, turned around, took out a set of old clothes from the house and put them on for yuan Lin.

Yuan Lin, who was dressed for the first time, was a bit uncomfortable, but he still had the most basic sense of shame and knew that he needed to cover his body. So I try to adapt.

After the instigation, Wang Yong immediately said thanks to the old man, asked him the direction of the Irrawaddy River, and led Yuan Lin to turn around and go.

The old man was surprised that Wang Yong was so worried, but he didn't say anything. After all, Wang Yong gave the money, other things are not his concern.

After drinking water, the old man turned on the TV and wanted to relax for a while.

But as soon as I turned on the TV, I saw that the news program was over. At the end of the program, there are two wanted photos, one of which is very similar to the guest who just left.

The old man was startled, and immediately became restless. He was thinking about whether to tell the village head about it.

At this time, Wang Yong was pulling Yuan Lin to run on the road. After running for a while, he saw a big river ahead, which was the Irrawaddy River.

There are some fishing boats on the river, and some motorized ships carrying goods.

Without saying a word, Wang Yong immediately waved to the ships carrying the goods and said his purpose in a concise and comprehensive way: "illegal immigration."

For example, these people who live on water all the year round are indispensable to this kind of business. If they don't do it, they will certainly know the relevant people.

Sure enough, the boatman who heard Wang Yong's intention looked at Wang Yong, first shook his head, and then said, "I don't do this kind of business, but I can introduce you the snake head at the entrance of the sea. Just give me an intermediary fee. "

Wang Yong took out the remaining twenty dollars and said, "twenty dollars, send us to the entrance to the sea. I'll pay the agency fee to snakehead, and you'll take care of snakehead at that time. That's the rule. "

The boatman was surprised to see Wang Yong. He didn't expect that Wang Yong was familiar with this, not like a stranger.

So he nodded and motioned to Wang Yong and Wang Yong to get on the boat. Then he started the boat and went to the estuary along the Irrawaddy River.

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